
作者&投稿:止径 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

As a staunch advocate of healthier living, I find many students in my class developed bad eating habits which I'd like to address by providing some useful advices.
Many students often skip their breakfast and believe it is fine to compensate by having more lunch which is actually not the case. Eating three meal with appropriate amount and on time is crucial for healthy living. Also a lot of my peers like eating snacks and fast food owing to their good taste which, as most adults are aware of, is complete wrong. According to World Health Organization, a balanced diet should include at least moderate serves of fruit and vegetables.
Last but not least, many students rarely participate any sports or physical activities based on the excuse that they can concentrate on their study. But the truth is exercise regularly, which means at least three or four times a week, can improve one's efficiency of learning enormously. Just like the older generation believed "A healthy body is the foundation for everything!"

Compared with some western countries, China is indeed performing worse than them in evaluating a student's ability.

个人觉得应该用Comparing ,主语China 与compare 是应该主动的关系吧

Those who have a good memory may get a satisfying mark.


Those who have good memories may get satisfying marks.

Second最好改成Secondly 用副词做状语更好一点

Also, the college entrance exam may initimate the students into cramming.


Also, the college entrance exam may initimates the students into cramming.

或者Also, the college entrance exams may initimate the students into cramming.

there is more or less fortune, or more exactly, inaccuracy in one exam.


The people who are admitted to colleges were regarded as the "fortune-favored" children.

这句话的时态有问题,are 和were用在一个句子中是不是矛盾了,我看你整篇文章都是现在时,


The people who are admitted to colleges are regarded as the "fortune-favored" children



2,Also, the college entrance exam may initimate the students into cramming.


3,there is more or less fortune, or more exactly, inaccuracy in one exam. 这句的意思是:多多少少,在考试中都会存在运气,或者更准确地说,不准确。

My winter holiday
My winter holiday was very happy and unforgettable.I skated and made a snowman with my father and my friends.I often stayed at home and did my housework.Sometimes I helped my mother doing housework and watched TV.I hope that everybody will be happy in the new year .

My winter holiday was very happy and unforgettable.I skated and made a snowman with my father and my friends.I often stayed at home and did my school work.Sometimes I helped my mother do housework or watched TV.I hope everybody had a happy new year.

I am loooking forward the winter holiday. I will make a snowman with my friend and skate on snow if we get enough snow. I will take some time stay at home to do my homework and wathc TV. I am also going to help my mom to do some housework in the holiday. I hope everybody have a great holiday.

Dear new international students,I am the librarian of our university. I would like to present you with some information about the library as the best service of our library.Firstly, the library opens at 8:30 a.m. and closes at 9:30 p.m. everday. To make sure that you ...

soon as) I get home,I sniff sweet smelling.Oh my mother (has prepared the supper).Then we have supper.It tastes so delicious.Sometimes,my father (break a jest) and make us laugh.At night,my mother (helps) me do my homework. I love my family.括号是我修改添加的地方。

My Good Friend 【修改】I have a good friend[.She is]→named Sun Ruiyao[.]→, [She删is] a pretty girl. She lives in BeiJing [now删].[I’m very miss her.] → I miss her very much.【】点评:这里把前几句连在一起,是为了让句子更紧凑。英语忌啰嗦。用的she太多。I think...

帮我修改一下感激不尽英语作文When Li Hua decided to sign up for...
还有一个地方 his glasses broken 这个地方一般说 His glasses were broken因为应该用被动语态,眼镜不会自己破掉,是被破掉就像是我们不会说:the car crashed 都是说 the car was crashed 因为车不会自己碰撞,只会被动的碰撞 我也只是学生,个人意见,不一定对,2,帮我修改一下感激不尽英语作文 When ...

to study English.By the way,we miss the time that we spent together.eventually,I hope you can go there on time.Best wishes to you!我觉得你写作文时,应该要注意句首,语言名词的第一个字母要大写。还要注意时态。下面的图片是我改的部分,如果有什么问题,可以随时联系我。希望你成功。

sports. So I thank the teachers for the change of the sport item. My friends and I often help with each other , and the teachers are kind to us. I really enjoy the school life and I love my school!给你改了很多呵 ...

trees,instead of it we should plant a lot of trees.What's more, we should use less plastic things.Let's become green consumers to make our world more beautiful,shall we?重新给你整理了一下结构,补充了些材料,换了一些表达方式,并将语病修改了。希望作为参考,自己再修改一下。

帮我修改英语作文 (高二)
Due to the constant destoryment of environment by hunman beings. Balance system of the earth facing collapse .此句其实不能分为两句,因为due to是一个介词短语,所以前半句不能单独成句。balance是动词,形容词应该是balanced;整句谓语is不能丢 改后:Due to the constant destoryment of ...


My favorite hobby is listening to music. ( what i loved most is music.)There are plenty of music files in my computer. I stored them in different folders and personalised the folders with different names. For example, Jazz, LadyGAGA, Symphony, and so on.Music plays a positive...

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金芬东药:[答案] My winter holiday My winter holiday was very happy and unforgettable.I skated and made a snowman with my father and my friends.I often stayed at home and did my housework.Sometimes I helpe...

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金芬东药: my weekend This weekend I will go swimming with my friends . I will clean my room. I will go shopping.I will go to visit my grandparents,and finally I will finish my homework.

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金芬东药: Next Saturday, we're going to go picnic on the West Mountain. We plan to ride bycicles to there, and we will gather at the school gate at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday. Michael prepares to take his camera, and I'm going to wear sunglasses and take some ...

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