
作者&投稿:源歪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Hi, ***:
I am so sorry for not replying to your email on time, my dear friend. It was totally my fault. Please accept my apology. It's been really busy these days in the office. I was involved in an issue with my gear wheel product which took me several days to solve. Since only I and one of my co-worker know the processing technique, I had to dig out the specific cause of the problem. It turned to be a problem from the blank supplier, not us.

We processed 500 gear wheel products in January, but accident did happen during the period. The copper pipe of one sensor cracked on the surface. We only processed 1000 sensors of this type. We've reported this problem to the sensor supplier abroad.

Speaking of your last email, thank you very much for your good words on my wife. We both are very flattered to hear that. I appreciate your words with good intentions. There's no way I would blame you for that. Sorry for my late response and the misunderstanding it have caused.

Best wishes to your wife. I hope she will get well soon. Take good care of her.

Yours Truly,

我愿意付出一切,使我们和好如初,我愿意做任何事情来摆脱这种混乱.给我一次机会在我毁灭之前 《crashandburn》Oooh.哦~哦~I'msorrybabe.我很抱歉,宝贝儿HowcouldIbesuchanidiot?我现在怎么像一个大傻瓜?We'retalkingthroughthedoorpleaseopenit.我们隔着门讲话,请你打开它。I'mdownonmykneesandtheneighborscansee,ThatIregretsodesperately.我跪在地上,连邻居都会看到,我真是非常悔恨。Baby,ifyouplease,justhearmeout,IreallyhopetoGodIcanworkitout.宝贝儿,如果你愿意的话请听我把话说完。我真的希望这误会能赶快结束。I'msoakedtotheskin,justletmein.我现在浑身都湿透了,就让我进去吧。Youcan'tbelievewhatamessI'vebeen.你无法相信我现在多么邋遢。Iknowthatyou'rehurting,IknowIwaswrong.我知道你现在一定是被我伤害了,我知道我错了。Iknowthatforcertain,youknowwebelong.我现在无比的肯定,你知道咱们很合适。Pleaseletmeseeyou,pleaseopenup.请让我看看你,请你打开门。Ibegyourforgiveness,don'tletusfall.我乞求你的原谅,不要让我们的爱情落下帷幕。Givemeonemorechance,Beforewecrashandburn.再给我一次机会吧,在我们玉石俱焚之前。Givemeonemorechance,Beforethepointofnoreturn.再给我一次机会吧,在我们无法回头之前。I'dgiveeverythingtomakeitgoodagain,I'ddoanythingtogetoutofthistailspin.我愿意付出所有来使我们和好如初,我愿意做任何事情,使我们摆脱这种失控的局面。Givemeonemorechance,Before,beforewecrashandburn.再给我一次机会,在此以前,在我们玉石俱焚以前。Please.Please,baby,don'tleavemestandinghere,求你了,求你了,宝贝,请不要再让我站在这里了。Makeuprunningblackinastreamoftears.我画的妆被我如泉涌般的泪水冲刷。Ithinkwhatwehad,let'sgetitback,'Causelosingisyougonnadrivememad.我想着我们的曾经,让我们回到那时。因为失败的是你使我变得疯狂。Iknowthatyou'rehurting,IknowIwaswrong.我知道你现在一定是被我伤害了,我知道我错了。Iknowthatforcertain,youknowwebelong.我现在无比的肯定,你知道咱们很合适。Pleaseletmeseeyou,pleaseopenup.请让我看看你,请你打开门。Ibegyourforgiveness,don'tletusfall.我乞求你的原谅,不要让我们的爱情落下帷幕。Givemeonemorechance,Beforewecrashandburn.再给我一次机会吧,在我们玉石俱焚之前。Givemeonemorechance,Beforethepointofnoreturn.再给我一次机会吧,在我们无法回头之前。I'dgiveeverythingtomakeitgoodagain,I'ddoanythingtogetoutofthistailspin.我愿意付出所有来使我们和好如初。我愿意做任何事情,使我们摆脱这种失控的局面。Givemeonemorechance,Before,beforewecrashandburn.再给我一次机会,在此以前,在我们玉石俱焚以前。Please,baby,baby,letmecomeinside(comeinside).求你了,宝贝,宝贝,让我进来吧。Wecantalkitoutwhereit'swarmanddry(warmanddry.Ireallyneedtohaveyoulookintomyeyes(oohooh).我们可以在一个温暖干燥的地方把心里的话讲出来(我真的需要你凝视着我的眼睛)。IwantyoutobelievemewhenIapologize.我希望当我在道歉的时候,你会相信我。Givemeonemorechance,Beforewecrashandburn.再给我一次机会吧,在我们玉石俱焚之前。Givemeonemorechance,Beforethepointofnoreturn.再给我一次机会吧,在我们无法回头之前。I'dgiveeverythingtomakeitgoodagain,I'ddoanythingtogetoutofthistailspin.我愿意付出所有来使我们和好如初。我愿意做任何事情,使我们摆脱这种失控的局面。Givemeonemorechance,Before,beforewecrashandburn.再给我一次机会,在此以前,在我们玉石俱焚以前。Oooh,beforewecrashandburn.哦~在我们玉石俱焚之前。

Hi Buddy!
You look so busy recently. Mind yourself and get relaxed! Don not get pooped out!
Though it’s a bit late, I still wish a happy and joyous birthday for your father. Your wife is quite a beauty. Wish you all the happiness!
I’m so regretful for that you mentioned in your last email that she’s gonna see doctor. How is she now? I’m afraid you need to take good care of her, and I wish her an early recovery!
It was quite a special case that I had to work for a continuous 10 days, normally I work 6 days a week and rest on Sundays. It’s lucky of you to have a holiday for 30 days each year, I admire it a lot. In China, the longest holidays are the Spring Festival and the National Day, with 5 days each, plus a 2-day weekend to make it 7 days for the most.
By the way, please find attached herewith a photo of me and my wife taken last year before our marriage.
Finally, I wish you and your family happy, healthy and joyous every day!

Old friend, it seems that you were especially busy recently. Please pay attention to rest, Do not be so tired! ! ! I wish your father a happy birthday, blessing a little late. And your wife is pretty, bless you! ! Your last message said she was going to the hospital, and I am very sorry to hear this news, her body is okay now? Please take good care of her. Hoping her early recovery!

10 consecutive days of classes is a special situation。I go to work is generally six days a week and Sunday rest day. Very envious of you have a month of vacation time annually 。Our longest holiday is the Spring Festival and National Day, about five days each, Plus a weekend, to reach 7 days at most.
Sent you a photo of my wife and I,It was a photo shoot before we got married last year。
Bless you and your family happiness and good health! ! ! !

Old friend, it seems you recently especially busy you pay attention to rest, not tired! ! !
I wish your father a happy birthday, blessing a little late. And your wife is pretty, bless you! ! Your last message said she was going to the hospital, and I am very sorry to hear this news, her body is not okay to take good care of her, hoping her early recovery! ! ! !
Has been continuously on the last 10 days classes are special circumstances, I work six days a week, Sunday day of rest. Very envious of you have a month of vacation time annually, our longest holiday is the Spring Festival and National Day, each about five days plus a weekend, up lobbied for seven days a week.
Incidentally distributed a photo of you and me and my wife, that photos taken before we got married last year.
Last bless you and your family, happiness and good health! ! ! !

Old friend, you recently very busy, pay attention to rest, do not tired!!!
Happy birthday to you happy father, although the blessings of late. Your wife is very beautiful, bless you!! Your last email that she should go to the hospital, I ''m sorry to hear that, she's not good recently, take good care of her, hope she early rehabilitation!!!!
The last time lasted 10 days on the class is a special case of the general, I work 6 days a week, Sunday rest day. You every year have a month's vacation time is very envious of, our longest holiday is the Spring Festival and national day, every 5 days, plus the last weekend, most can gather together enough 7 days a week.
I send you my and my wife's photo, it is our last year before the wedding photos.
Finally, wish you and your family a happy, healthy body!!!!

Old friends, it seems that you recently special busy ah, pay attention to rest, don't tired!!!!!!
I wish your father happy birthday, although blessing late some. And your wife is beautiful, bless you!!!!! Your last email said she want to go to the hospital, heard the news I feel very sorry, she recently body not good, take care of her, hope she early rehabilitation!!!!!!!!!! The last time have been continuous on the 10 days class is special circumstances, I go to work every week is usually 6 days, a day off on Sunday. Very envy you every year, a month of vacation time, we the longest holiday is the Spring Festival and National Day, each about five days, plus a weekend, most can gather together enough 7 days a week's time. The way to you I and my wife's photo, that is our last year before marriage as pictures. The last wish you and your family, happiness, good health!!

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北海市18841713220: 求英语高手,翻译成中文 -
辉脉祺尔: 1.i have tryed all these ways to adjust myself,to relase pressure.2.music is a inconceivabal lauguage ,it can also express different emotion.3.these friends from daily life and lnternt, they all take part of my time at parttime and workdays .4.press ,can ...

北海市18841713220: 求英语高手翻译 -
辉脉祺尔: 1.Usually, men go shopping with direct motive.They go away as soon as they finish buying what they want. While women do not. Women spend much time shopping. They like goods in discount a...

北海市18841713220: 求英语高手翻译 -
辉脉祺尔: 原句语法不完善:试着补充1、what i expect is to get out of school. 我所期望的是设法走出学校.2、what can I expect to get out of school. 离开学校,我能期望得到什么?3、what should i expect to get out of school. 离开学校,我该期望什么?

北海市18841713220: 求高手英语翻译 -
辉脉祺尔: 零售商们站在火线的最前沿,并且首当其冲将承受这次降低成本所带来的冲击.be in the immediate line of意思是“站在…的最前沿”.

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辉脉祺尔: 我有一个梦想,想成为篮球高手!进入NBA是我一个伟大遥远的梦!我爱你,篮球.等着我宝贝,来吧,我是天才!美女,崇拜我吧!I have a dream to become a basketball player! The NBA is me a great distant dream! I love you, basketball. Wait for me baby, come on, I be a genius! Beauty, worship me!

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辉脉祺尔: 1. No matter where you are, I will find you. 2. I dare to go there, but he daren't. (dare 敢 可作情态动词也可用作实意动词)

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辉脉祺尔: 【翻译】 Hi XXX,My favorite song is Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson, I love all his songs. I have mentioned that I watch NBA on occasionally. So I don't know too much about Oklahoma Thunders, but I think every player is great! Maybe I have ...

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北海市18841713220: 求英语高手翻译几个句子 -
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