
作者&投稿:粱邹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语Hello everybody I am a primary school six years, seven to the big group that I in my favorite subject is sports, I run very fast and I do not like to have to learn English, but I like the back of some extra-curricular poetry of my favorite games is "Paladin" This is what I
俄语Привет всем я начальную школу шесть лет, семья в большой группе, что я в моей любимой теме спорта, я бежать очень быстро, и я не хотел иметь, чтобы узнать Английский, но я хотел вернуться некоторые внешкольной поэзии из моих любимых игр является "Паладин" Это то, что я
希伯来语שלום לכולם אני בבית ספר יסודי שש שנים, שבע לקבוצה גדולה, כי אני בתוך הנושא האהוב עלי הוא ספורט, אני רץ מהר מאוד ואני לא רוצה ללמוד אנגלית, אבל אני אוהב את החלק האחורי של שירה כמה תוספת-לימוד של המשחקים האהובים עלי הוא "פלדין" זה מה שאני

Dear sir or Madam,
We are very pleased to acknowledge your expectations on our products. Therefore, we are writing this letter in hope of making a business relation. Our company, which locates at Shen Zhin, China, has been in the industry of leather sheo making for a long time. Our products are high quality and fairly priced, and we accept large quantity commissions. We believe our products will satisfy your company's expectations. We are more than happy to negotiate about a price and a due date.
For more information or if you have questions, please let us know.
Thank you very much, and we are looking forward to your reply.


我们都忘记了, we both forget,
以后的岁月还有那么漫长, so long the furture will be,
漫长到我可以重新喜欢上一个人,so long that i can fall in love with another,
就像当初喜欢你一样. just like i loved you
可是, But,
真的可以像喜欢你一样地去喜欢他么? is it can be true for me to love him as i did with you?
我不相信呢! i don't believe.
那些记忆深处的痕迹, those scars in the deep memory,
只有你一个人可以用双脚踩出来.can only you walk it throgh with feet,
那些漫长的黑夜, those endless dark nights,
只有你一个人的笑容可以把它照亮.can only your smile make them bright,
那些寒冷的风雪,those cold winds and snows,
只有你的大衣可以让我安然地躲藏, can only your coat take cover me peacefully,
象一只松鼠一样, like a squirrel
完全不知道树洞外的风雪.never know winds and snows outside the hole .
那些软弱的时刻,those feeble moments
只有你的拥抱可以给我力量, can only your embrace give strenthth,
在你的手臂里, in your arms,
所有那些看上去无法抵抗的重创,those overpower-like plasters,
都会慢慢平复. will calm down slowly.
那些伤感的岁月, those sad times,
只有你可以给我. can only you send them to me
那些繁盛的香樟, those prosperous fragrant camphors,
只有你可以陪我一起仰望.can only you look up with me.
这些也只有你能给予... these can only you give me,
为什么, why,
我在梦的最后, at the end of my dream,
会一个人留下来, i left on my own
站在空无一人的大地上, standing on the longly mother land,
难过的哭泣? crying sadly,
我知道你消失了. i know you've gone
可是如果有一天, but if one day
我只是说如果. i just say if
如果有一天, one day,
我伤心难过的时候, when i grieved,
你会回来看我么? will you come back to comfort me?


We are all forgotten,
In the years to come, there were still long,
I long to be a re-like,
The same as the original like you.
Really like the same way like you like him?
I do not believe it!
Those traces of the depths of memory,
Only you can be a double-stepped out.
Those long night,
Only you can be a person's smile lit it.
Those cold wind and snow,
Only you can make me the coat to hide Enron,
Like a squirrel,
Completely ignorant of tree holes, the wind and snow.
Those weak moment,
Only you can give me the strength to embrace,
In your arm,
All those who seem unable to resist the injuries,
Will be somewhat slowly.
Those sad times,
Only you can give me.
Those busy Cinnamomum camphora,
You can only look up together with me.
These are only you can give ...
I dream of the final,
Will be left to one person,
Stand empty land,
Sad cry?
I know that you lost.
But if one day,
I just said that if.
If one day,
I am sad sad time,
You will come back to see me?

we must try our best to finish it.their . At the same time I am willing to try things. No matter what ,I just want to try . If I do not try, I will not know I can. I will never regret because I have try my best 每句话都是自己翻译的,希望对你有帮助 ...

This text analyzes the problems with corporate recruitment through the lens of Meilife Life Insurance Company Limited. Building on the basis of a relatively comprehensive summary and using Metlife as an example, the analysis of the various adverse effects that each industry creates. ...

哪位英语高人士,能帮我翻译这段话用英语,谢谢了,很急! 太谢谢了 回头...
I hope they are a: respect life, fairness, honesty and trustworthiness, independent, brave and friendly people. I will do, I am confident that these are infected, instead of being taught myself to sit, first, secondly, to let them from daily life experience and understanding of ...



I knew that you have been exposed the emotion wound. Understands your pain. But did you know. Except " His ". In this world also some people may bring happily to you joyful. Moreover may be better than 100 times him. Do not rebuke oneself. You can realize wrongly are a ...


E: 没,他们没邀请我,不过我听说Stiffler他妈有在,有人看见她和Finch在洗鸳鸯浴。S: 真的假的?干!我一直想搞定那个风流婆娘,被Finch这个混蛋走运了!E: 他们在一起写一本密宗,听说快出版了。S: 什么密宗?E: 就是教你怎么延长做爱的时间和提高做爱质量,买了这本书你就能变成做爱达人。S:...



长春市19138381861: 求高人将中文译成英文求高人帮忙译下以下句子:在热得发疯的夏夜/我们光着身体坐在地板上/用勺子吃着冰冻西瓜/把瓜皮盖在你头上/笑称彼此是伊甸园的夏... -
寇禄木糖:[答案] In the hot summer night/our crazy naked sitting on the floor with a fork to eat the frozen/the watermelon watermelon/cover your head/smile says is the garden of Eden to each other and Adam/in the sea eve I use for you playing guitar "love" / we back to ...

长春市19138381861: 哪位高人可以帮我把这段话翻译成英文 -
寇禄木糖: there're three members in my family, my dad, my mum and I. my dad is a businessman and my mum a nurse. Located in the south of Liaoning, my hometown Yingkou is a coastal city with beautiful scenery, comfortable climate and tidy environment....

长春市19138381861: 哪位大神大仙 帮忙翻译一下这段话,要人工翻译.很急 译成英文 . -
寇禄木糖: About the growing costs of material, our company is still communicating. We hope the supplier can maintain the original price and labor costs. Our company is also coordinating. As a result, we can not agree with the requirements of reduced price ...

长春市19138381861: 求大神帮我把这段话翻译成英文!!!十分急!!! -
寇禄木糖: No matter in which era, young people's hearts are always full of dreams and hopes. Nearly nothing is impossible , because the dream of yesterday could be the hope of today ,and could also come true tomorrow. Dream is, far or close, large or small,...

长春市19138381861: 悬赏100分!!!哪位英语高手帮忙把下面的话翻译成英语!急!!!谢谢啦!大哥大姐的恩情小弟没齿难忘! -
寇禄木糖: I graduated from technical secondary school when I was 20 years old.I once worked as packager and stock...

长春市19138381861: 求高人帮我把一句话翻译成英语.
寇禄木糖: I will always be your savior.柯南的名言.

长春市19138381861: 急需找人帮我把这段话翻译成英文
寇禄木糖: Much time, the head quarter thinks of those songs which accompany us growth, will think of to hear those orotund for the first time of fine, will think of at that time devoutly will each an implied meanings of song all recite from memory.These voices drip...

长春市19138381861: 请教中文译成英语…高手帮忙…把这句话译成英语:“我想唱歌给你听”………谢谢先啦… -
寇禄木糖:[答案] I wanna sing to you (比较口语化) I'd like to sing a song to you.

长春市19138381861: 在线等,很急.请高手帮我把这段译成英文,谢谢! -
寇禄木糖: "In my university life, the most impressive of the teaching experience is in a summer vacation. I spent a month's time for the students lessons and l...

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