
作者&投稿:佟忽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Today, I want to introduce a Chinese basketball player -- Yi Jianlian. At the age of 15 he entered the CBA, 04 years with the Chinese national basketball team, 05 years to become the CBA 's youngest ever MVP, and in 07 years when he entered the United States of America NBA. In September of this year's championship, he made a very good performance, especially in the finals, by virtue of his final penalty led China to a victory over the Jordan, led the Chinese team win the championship. Finally, I want to say, maybe Yi Jianlian in NBA is very common for a player, but in China, especially the Chinese without Yao Ming, he has become a fully deserve leader. This is what I say all this, thank you.

There had been a pain in your heart, I know your feeling. But have you know, there is a person, who care you, who is willing to bring happyness and enjoyble to you,always, wholeheartedly. Even much better, than, what you imagined. Don't be remorsed, it means you are a goog girl thinking your mistakes (in fact there is no mistake), you misread the meaning of "bad girl",only. Remember me, you are a good girl.



I knew that you have been exposed the emotion wound. Understands your pain. But did you know. Except " His ". In this world also some people may bring happily to you joyful. Moreover may be better than 100 times him. Do not rebuke oneself. You can realize wrongly are a good girl. Was only you have misunderstood " Bad girl " Definition. You must believe itself?


Know that you suffered emotional trauma. Understand your pain. But you know do not know. In addition to "him." This world there are people you can bring happiness. And can be 100 times better than his .. Do not ERA . Can you aware of error is a good girl. You just misunderstood "bad girl". You have to believe in themselves good ?

How should(can) I treasure(save; make full use of) the amount of time that is left?或者 How do I cherish the rest of the time?希望能帮到你^^ ps:楼上翻译错位呢,语法也是...



In the development of the corporation strategy, cost control is holding an absolute key position. For a certain type of products, if the capability and quality is much close, thus the key factor determining the competetion for this product in the market is price. Likewise, the key...

1. 专业知识扎实,性格沉稳,具有较强的学习能力技术创新能力。1. A solid professional knowledge, character and steady, has a strong ability to learn the ability of technological innovation.2. 活泼开朗、兴趣广泛、乐观向上、适应力强、谦虚谨慎、自律、自信;2. Lively and cheerful, and ...


甘鲜明,甘出众。你嗰忧郁嘅眼神,稀嘘嘅须根,神乎其技嘅刀法,仲有嗰杯Dry Martine,都深深地迷住咗我。不过,虽然呢系甘样出色,但系行有行规,无论点你要找埋(付清)寻晚嘅过夜数噶,叫鸡唔使俾钱啊?我这个答案是尽量按照原电影来写的,这段对话也是一段经典的对白。

Along with the social development, our lifes are more and more good.With compare in the past, transportation sooner and soon, science and technology was more flourishing, the communication was more convenient, and the food was more flourishing.People are more healthy and the life span...

blow在这句里的意思是“挥霍、乱花”。直译:我们都拥有 有限的 以时间或金钱形式存在的资源,所以不要 在通往一个问题的一条途径上 把它们花光。意思是说,要解决的问题不止这一个,解决这个问题的途径不止这一条,不能“毕其功于一役”,把所有时间和金钱都在这一条途径上花光。意译:【我们...

请问这段话怎样翻译成中文? 谢绝机翻
crepe 可丽饼 布列塔尼是世界可丽饼名都。那里的可丽饼非常大,而且像煎熟的薄饼一样。(它们)是用小麦或者荞麦面粉做成,配以甜的或咸的馅料。纯手翻的。

望奎县17689606439: 求英语高手帮我翻译这段话,“它告诉我们在生活中应多动手多实践,这可以锻炼我们自己,提高我们的能力.注意语法,尽量简单的词汇!它告诉我们在生活... -
虫君潇莱:[答案] it tell us that we should do some practice with ourself more in our life,so that we can exercise ourself and improve our ability~

望奎县17689606439: 请问这段话怎么翻译啊?求求高人帮忙了!!! -
虫君潇莱: There had been a pain in your heart, I know your feeling. But have you know, there is a person, who care you, who is willing to bring happyness and enjoyble to you,always, wholeheartedly. Even much better, than, what you imagined. Don't be ...

望奎县17689606439: 求英文高手帮我翻译一下这段话.翻译成中文(在线等).谢谢!hey bebe`i am at school right now!Miss you sooooooooo much!love you as always! -
虫君潇莱:[答案] 嘿bebe `我在学校里,现在! 想念你sooooooooo得多! 爱你一如既往

望奎县17689606439: 求英语高手,帮忙用英语来翻译一下这段话,...
虫君潇莱: You have been aring being the matter that you likes, you the lives every day all very fascinating, you to my felling is thus true, you have your own explicit position, you will very simply say that you likes what, don't like what, I like thus of you, this is the ...

望奎县17689606439: 求个高手帮我用英语翻译一下这段话 -
虫君潇莱: If has the next gerneration, I am willing to make your tooth, because does not have my time, you knew hurts

望奎县17689606439: 求这段话的准确翻译! -
虫君潇莱: 什么时候爱上他的? 当我知道再也见不到他的时候.The moment I realized that I would no longer see him again, I wondered when did I fall in love with him? 很乐意能够帮到你,希望会对你...

望奎县17689606439: 请真正的英语高手帮我翻译一下这段话! -
虫君潇莱: 一些沉默 一场汹涌 一息悸动 一眼渴望 somewhat silenct / somewhy turbulent /somehow palpitant / someone was needed 一次多巴鞍的上升 一阵目眩的刺痛 a rising of dopamine /a burst of dizzy smart 一味隐藏的心 一如既往贪婪的旋律 a sense of...

望奎县17689606439: 求高人帮忙翻译这段话
虫君潇莱: 好容易啊!我先告诉你,这些都是我自己翻译的哦!不像那些人都是在网上在线翻译的!我可以给你他们翻译的网站你自己去看! http://fy.iciba.com/那些真的不好,我都读不下去啦!我的英语水平可是我们班数一数二的哦!希望能帮到你.\(^o^...

望奎县17689606439: 急求这段话翻译,高人帮忙,在线等经过八年的风雨艰辛,企业已经发
虫君潇莱: The enterprise has developed into a combination of the collection spinning and weaving creation, the reorganized process, the new product development and the invested firm since the last eight years. The owner's equity is over US$50,000,000. 不确定对不对,至少我试过了.

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