
作者&投稿:苏董 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I think that fashion is an attitude toward life, an understanding of life. A fashionable woman is an independent woman who is full of love, pursuing quality living and has a unique view on asthetic beauty.



城里没有人替Cordelia说话,只有老臣The Earl of Kent体会三女儿真诚的话语,可是李尔王却听不进去。Cordelia被赶出去后,来提亲的法国国王相信三女儿的高贵变带他离开了。

Cordelia走后,李尔王各跟大女儿、二女儿住一个月,但是她们开始嫌他碍手碍脚,不准父王伺仆太多,最后李尔王愤而出走。后来透过他忠心的老臣The Earl of Kent帮忙,终於跟三女儿见面了,他在得到了Cordelia的原谅后,发疯破碎的心也得到了原谅。怎之三个女儿间发生了战争,虽然大女儿、二女儿死了,但是惨败被俘的三女儿也死了,最后李尔王就心痛而死了。


he loved her father better than the father of all, and exemplified the love of father, King Lear was listening very happy to give them the one-third of the land with the property. Three is a loyal daughter Cordelia often pay action will not lie, she said, only said I love you, ungrateful as they were driven
回答者: 344626372 - 助理 二级 2-10 00:39
The king of Lear have 3 daughters,he don’t want to conduct and would like to pass on his kingdom to someone, whose is love him at best.
The older daughters said,she loves fathers but she don’t know how to vindicate with some words.she loves him more than her eyes,freedom and life.
The second daughters said,she loves father more than her everything and explain to loves。The king of lear was listening very happy and pass the one-third of the land with the property.
The young daughter is loyal and always pay action to cover every words.she don’t know how to make the story and only said”I love you”,but she was driven by the king of unenlightened.

回答者: 反正不爱吃馒头 - 门吏 三级 2-10 09:48
King Lear has three daughters. At the age of eighty, the old king decided to leave politics, so he gathered all three of his daughters so he can give his kingdom to them.
The two elder princesses are doing nothing but to flutter the old king with empty words, so that they may gain a larger share of the kingdom. The third daughter, Cordelia, still loving and loyal to the king, spoke the truth of her feelings, but is banished by the old king in anger.
No one stood up for Cordelia, not even her fiancé, all but the Earl of Kent has understood her honesty, but the king will not listen, and Kent was banished as well. Hastily, the kingdom was divided among the two elder daughters.
After Cordelia had left, the king would spend one month with each daughter at a time. Yet neither Goneril nor Regan truly love the king, detesting his habits, King Lear was shooed away by his own daughters. Eventually, through sickness and madness, the elder daughters and their affiliates have all but died; the king was met by his loyal

00001google翻译 Euphemism is the use of human language in the process of a universal phenomenon, when people talk about unpleasant things, in order to avoid embarrassing the atmosphere, use the more polite argument, it is a figure of speech, but also a cultural phenomenon.
Different languages in the euphemism in the function and purpose of communication have a common basis, however, reflects the cultural background is not the same, or even very much difference. In a cross-cultural communication do not know if these cultural differences, it will have a communication barrier, and even mistakes. Only by understanding euphemism reflected in the different cultural backgrounds, in order to reduce communication barriers to successful cross-cultural communication.
Euphemism as a figure of speech in English, the language can not be ignored in Communication plays a role. As society constantly improve the level of civilization, on the one hand, more and more people pay attention to their Yantanjuzhi, but on the other hand, the young generation in order to publicity personality, like to call a spade a spade, regardless of feelings of others, thus leading to many unnecessary conflicts and The dispute. This study has the need for euphemism.
In a sense, the accuracy of the proper use of euphemism, not only embodies a person's level of education and literacy, but also to make the occasion even more exchanges between the smooth harmony.
Based on the English and Chinese euphemism comparative analysis in the hope of the younger generation and help English learners.
0002godict翻译 The euphemism is that human language uses one kind of a universal phenomenon in process, while people talks about no happy thing, in order to avoid the awkward atmosphere, be put into use comparatively the courtesy statement, it is one kind of rhetoric lattice , also is one kind of culture phenomenon.
Euphemism in being unlike language has a common ground on the communicative function and purpose, but, reflected the culture taking place background is not but identical , even quite different. If not knowing about these culture differences , only not being capable to do the creation social intercourse obstacle, slip up even in striding over culture in social intercourse. Only when knowing the different culture that institute refraction puts up in the euphemism background, ability cuts down obstacle in social intercourse, social intercourse being in progress smoothly successfully striding over culture. The euphemism is English middle one kind of rhetoric means , is getting the assignable effect in language social intercourse. With ceaseless civilized degree of society rise , one aspect, the more and more many people pays attention to self manner of speech and behaviour, but on the other hand, a young generation speaks bluntly for making individuality known to public , liking it , give no consideration to others feel, arouse a lot of unnecessary conflict and dispute thereby. This has had the necessity studying an euphemism's right away.
Significance goes ahead kind from some , accurate proper applying is an euphemism, not only one people's has been embodied by level of education and accomplishment, and the association being able to use rooms among people becomes especially smooth harmoniously. Comparative analysis the main body of a book is passed to Englisg-Chinese euphemism, hope can help to some extent to a young generation and the English learner.

Euphemism is the use of human language in the process of a universal phenomenon, when people talk about unpleasant things, in order to avoid embarrassing the atmosphere, use the more polite argument, it is a figure of speech, but also a cultural phenomenon.
Different languages in the euphemism in the function and purpose of communication have a common basis, however, reflects the cultural background is not the same, or even very much difference. In a cross-cultural communication do not know if these cultural differences, it will have a communication barrier, and even mistakes. Only by understanding euphemism reflected in the different cultural backgrounds, in order to reduce communication barriers to successful cross-cultural communication.
Euphemism as a figure of speech in English, the language can not be ignored in Communication plays a role. As society constantly improve the level of civilization, on the one hand, more and more people pay attention to their Yantanjuzhi, but on the other hand, the young generation in order to publicity personality, like to call a spade a spade, regardless of feelings of others, thus leading to many unnecessary conflicts and The dispute. This study has the need for euphemism.
In a sense, the accuracy of the proper use of euphemism, not only embodies a person's level of education and literacy, but also to make the occasion even more exchanges between the smooth harmony.
Based on the English and Chinese euphemism comparative analysis in the hope of the younger generation and help English learners

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廖怪巴曲: Believe Brother Qing,and you will live an immortal life.

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廖怪巴曲: First of all, please allow me, on behalf XXX to y...

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廖怪巴曲: 1.People who aren't afraid of failure are better than those don't fail.2.If you want to fly higher that you should forget the horizon.第一句含义较好,但第二句较顺口,随便选吧.

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廖怪巴曲: i hope you can become a nice person, with knowledge, a kind heart , strength and hope. Be easygoing when you are among people, and keep calm when you are alone. No matter what happens, never give up and continue to live calmly and admirably .

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廖怪巴曲: I had sent out two pairs of cfm sample to you for your confirmation last week.Pls sign on the shoes and send one of them to us for our record.Thank you.

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廖怪巴曲: See attached sample file reports, etc., when you come next week, can only give you to see a part of the material Most of the material is at the end of this month to receive, but also the National Day soon came, one week of vacation time; Therefore, ...

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