
作者&投稿:定红 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In a city unique in the construction of a forest park, so that the lives of people in a tense body and mind relax. Lin Park classical gardens in succession based on the tradition of excellence, and strive to achieve the nationalization of the garden art forms and modern recreation of a unified life. Lin Park to create a harmony between man and nature of the "urban forest" atmosphere, the characteristics of both urban gardens as well as the characteristics of the mountains to avoid the noisy city, but also absorb the advantages of the mountains, the best of both worlds. Lin's design of the park to highlight the "people-oriented" and "harmonious society" of the two major themes of the expression of "people-oriented" core ideology, give full consideration to Lin Park as the masses of the people of Qingdao important characteristics of places, prominent people of the elements of this culture, landscapes embody landscape features.

Speaking of Thailand, people tend to think of tall coconut trees, beautiful beaches, and a tourist resort. But in fact, Thailand is not only a tourist paradise, it is also unique in the real estate development.
Recently, Thai style is very popular,in terms of landscape design or interior decoration.It reflects a blending of casual and natural style, and accompanied with strong Oriental flavor. Recently, the author of this passage specifically examines a number of real estate in Bangkok, Thailand,to see the homes in the Thai style by meself. What is impressive is that both the urban greening, or the real estate property management services, are worthy of our city and the developers to learn in many aspects.
The Bangkok property inspection trip left me a a lot to think, Bangkok's comprehensive level of real estate developments is beyond our imagination.
We often compare "examining" with "learning" . This time I feel it's real for another time. Both are developing countries , many deeds by them are really worth of our learning and emulating .

as the tendency of the economic globalization and frequency of international business activities day by day,the necessity of understanding the multi-culture and the importanty of cross-cultural negotiating ability is appearing day after day.the cultural elements in the negotiation have drawn more and more attention from people.no doubt, in the cross-cultural negotiation, besides the basic negotiating skill, understanding the cultural elements of different places, recognizing the cultural differences, you should adopt corresponding stratedgy and adjust your own negotiating style continuely, which will play an important role in your successful business negotiating.
九牛二虎之力,英语专业八级 不知满意否。

Along with economical globalization tendency, international commercial activity day by day frequent, more and more demonstrates to the multicultural understanding necessity and the Trans-Culture negotiations ability importance.In the commercial negotiations cultural element has aroused people more and more many interests.Does not need doubt, in Trans-Culture commercial negotiations, except basic negotiations skill, understanding different area cultural element, outside understanding cultural difference, but also must adopt the corresponding strategy and the continual readjustment negotiations style, like this will negotiate to the successful commerce the very important function.

With the trend of economic globalization, international business activities become increasingly frequent, more and more shows the need for multicultural understanding and cross-cultural importance of bargaining power. Business negotiations and cultural factors attracted more and more and more attention. There is no doubt that in cross-cultural business negotiations, in addition to the basic negotiation skills, understanding of cultural factors in different regions, recognize cultural differences but also to adopt the corresponding strategies and constantly adjust their negotiating style, this will be the success of business negotiations play a crucial role.


With the trend of economic globalization, international business activities, more and more frequent shows the necessity and multicultural understanding the importance of cross-cultural negotiation skills. Business negotiation of cultural factors caused the people more and more attention. Undoubtedly, in the intercultural business negotiation, in addition to the basic negotiation skills, understanding the cultural factors in different areas, cultural differences, but also take the corresponding strategies and constantly adjust their negotiations to succeed, this style of the commercial negotiations will be vital.

With the trend of economic globalization, international business activities become increasingly frequent, more and more shows the need for multicultural understanding and cross-cultural importance of bargaining power. Business negotiations and cultural factors attracted more and more and more attention. There is no doubt that in cross-cultural business negotiations, in addition to the basic negotiation skills, understanding of cultural factors in different regions, recognize cultural differences but also to adopt the corresponding strategies and constantly adjust their negotiating style, this will be the success of business negotiations play a crucial role.

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祖重清宣: Proof My company hired XXX (English name: XXX, ID number: XXX) as a translator, Ms. post yuan monthly salary, room and board-wide by the company. Hereby certify that.

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承德县19150712925: 请帮帮忙,帮我翻译成英文,谢谢 -
祖重清宣: I am a student of class two,grade three.I like english,dancing and singing English songs,i can also speak english stories.I like write best,because it means holy and pure...

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