
作者&投稿:宥胆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



Dear guests, teachers, and students, hello to you all! I'm really honored to make a speech in this school's 100-year-anniversary.


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一,Anniversary Speech

Leaders, teachers, ladies and gentlemen, dear alumni and fellow students:

In the new century and the first autumn my school in October ushered in a grand celebration of the tenth anniversary of the school. First of all, please permit me on behalf of all previous alumni, to his alma mater's the fiftieth birthday of the Distinguished Teacher to visit all the guests, to the Student Alumni darling, my most heartfelt congratulations, blessings and best wishes!

the world changes have taken place, the time between the fifties. And all alumni at my alma mater, the eyes will always be the sacred halls of scientific knowledge and the spirit of making progress to their homes - she is as committed to the dissemination of culture, academic excellence Personality, the sublimation of the soul; she is as advocates strive, refuse mediocrity and inspire students to continue to explore the spirit of fear to go fight; she is as pure in the school, rigorous teaching style and truth-seeking style of study, to nurture and cultivate a thirst for knowledge from generation to generation, The students were eager to become! Alma mater, the higher the quality of education, excellent school level so that teachers and students proud, proud parents, the community admire! In any language to describe his alma mater, it will seem pale and poor, all I can say: his alma mater, is a fertile ground for intelligence, was a brilliant starry sky. Here the students recorded the process of learning, stretching a young juvenile expectations; here left a trek from the footsteps of those who shed the sweat knowledge; youth here at Flash, burst of inspiration here, one finally unwilling to mediocrity young at heart here Pentium, stirring. In short, we are sentimentally attached to you from the bottom of their hearts, and sincere congratulations to you - our mother.

There will be a speech on our school playground this Saturday afternoon, whose theme is “To civilize schoolyard is my responsibility”. All the teachers and students are required to attend. In the activity, the first two winners in each grade will give such valuable advice as fol...

There will be a speech on our school playground this Saturday afternoon, whose theme is “To civilize schoolyard is my responsibility”. All the teachers and students are required to attend. In the activity, the first two winners in each grade will give such valuable advice as fol...

尊敬的各位来宾、老师和同学们您们好!我非常荣幸能在本校的百年校庆上做这个演讲.Dear guests, teachers, and students, hello to you all! I'm really honored to make a speech in this school's 100-year-anniversary.对于“尊敬的”...可以就用dear....

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一,Anniversary Speech Leaders, teachers, ladies and gentlemen, dear alumni and fellow students:In the new century and the first autumn my school in October ushered in a grand celebration of the tenth anniversary of the school. First of all, please permit me on behalf of all ...

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喜迎校庆征文篇一: 我有一位母亲,像一轮温暖的太阳,慈祥、宽厚、博大。她总是无私地把知识的琼浆灌溉到我的心田,总是谆谆教诲着我的成长,总是在我失意时给予我一个大大地拥抱,总是在我焦渴时献上一捧甜美的甘泉。没错,这就是我的另一位母亲——附中。 每一天清晨,在朦胧的朝阳下,骑车滑过路边草叶上晶莹的...


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由凝藤黄: 开场白:尊敬的各位来宾、老师和同学们您们好!我非常荣幸能在本校的百年校庆上做这个演讲.Dear guests, teachers, and students, hello to you all! I'm really honored to make a speech in this school's 100-year-anniversary.对于“尊敬的”...可以就用dear.

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由凝藤黄:[答案] In the flow of time,I have been in the bearing my dream campus spent a few years time,here,I pursue the moving chapter in my life,compose oneself mature minor.In the suddenly look back,I was amazed to see that.Here has become another important ...

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由凝藤黄: To celebrate the 60th anniversary of People's Republic of China.(Title) In this unusual year, we take an unusual National Holiday.Since the Republic of China found,China hasgot many achievements in last 60 years.With our economy and science ...

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由凝藤黄: Possible version: Before graduation, we decide to give a gift to our school for its birthday. We had a heated discussion about what gift to give. We think we should do whatever we can to help our school. Some advise planting more trees on the ...

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由凝藤黄:[答案] Before graduation,we decide to give a gift to our school for its birthday.We had a heated discussion about what gift to give.We think we should do whatever we can to help our school.Some advise planting more trees on the coming Tree---Planting Day to ...

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由凝藤黄:[答案] Today is the one hundredth anniversary of our school. I do hope that our school grows stronger and strong . I will never forget the past happy days and the former teachers. Especially my maths teacher...

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由凝藤黄:[答案] 我们学校开了一次校庆,我很开心.因为我以合唱队员的身份参加了演出.在演出前,我很紧张.但是,上了台我就恢复了精神.我们唱歌.我们跳舞.让整个会场充满欢乐.我爱我的学校! Our school opened the first anniversary, I am very happy. Because I ...

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由凝藤黄:[答案] 在时光的流淌中,我已经在这个承载我的梦想的校园里度过的快两年的时间了,在这里,我追求着我生命中动人的章节,谱写出自己走向成熟的小调.而在蓦然回首中,我惊奇的发现.这里已经成了我生命中另一个重要的地方,许多种情感在心中荡漾...

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由凝藤黄:[答案] I get shcool at seven in the moringeveryday.At 8:30 I start my shool day.In the morning,there are fourclasses .I have four classes In theafternoon,too.My favorite subject isEnglish ,because my English teacheris so nice and humorous.I have a freeclass ...

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