
作者&投稿:詹隶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

题 号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
答 案 D D A B B C C B
题 号 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
答 案 D C A D B A D C
⒈藻类植物 苔藓植物 蕨类植物 种子植物
⒉ 门 、 纲 、 目 、 科 、 属 、 种 、 种
⒊ 小麦 禾本科
⒋ 叶绿素 异养 腐生 寄生
⒌ 细胞 蛋白质 核酸
⒍ 150 无脊椎 脊椎
⒎ 原生动物门 多细胞
⒏ 神经 神经网 全身收缩 伸展
⒐ 出芽 孢子 分裂 出芽
⒑ 寄生虫 寄主 宿主
题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
答案 × × × √ √ √ × × √ √
① 无 ② 有
③ 自由运动 ④ 一般不能自由运动
⑤ 异养 ⑥ 自养(绝大多数)
⑦ 灵敏 ⑧ 不灵敏
⑴ [1] 纤毛 ⑵ 表膜
⑶ [4] 口沟 , [9]食物泡 , [8] 胞肛 ,
⑷ [7] 细胞质 , ⑸ [3]伸缩泡 。
⑴ A.左←右
⑵ A. 食盐是有害刺激,草履虫发生了逃避反应
B. 冰块也是有害刺激,草履虫发生了逃避反应
C. 肉汁是有利刺激,草履虫趋向有利刺激
⑶ 结论:草履虫能够对外界不同的刺激做出不同的反应



prefer to=like better than
what about=how about
why not=why dont you
how do you like =what do you think
is among the longest rivers=is one of the longest rivers
too to=so that not
said nothing=didn't say anything
spend some time donging(on )sth=take some time to do sth
take care of=look after
can=be able to
at last=in the end=finally
is as big as=is the same size as
wanna=want to
gonna=going to

defeat the British打败英国
•    spread one’s wings扩展兴趣爱好
•    the scenic area风景区
•    be famous for以…闻名
•    a well-known place一个著名的地方
•    in art and culture在文化艺术方面
•    further their study学习深造
•    have some wonderful meals吃精美的菜肴
•    rest and relax休息放松
•    go sightseeing去观光
•    visit friends and relatives拜访亲戚朋友
•    go abroad出国
•    on holiday度假
•    pay a visit to拜访
•    used to过去常常
•    enjoy oneself/have a good time玩得愉快
•    one of the most beautiful cities最美丽的城市之一
•    visit parks and zoos游览公园和动物园
•    play lots of sports做多项运动
•    go swimming去游泳
•    go shopping去购物

•    a project on pollution关于污染的研究
•    be so interested in …对…如此感兴趣
•    on the end of …在…的末端
•    come from/ be from来自
•    thank sb. for…因…而感谢某人
•    be useful for对…有用
•     for example例如
•    do the job of 做…的工作
•    know a lot about 非常了解
•    join their roots together 将他们的根连接起来
•    cut down 砍倒
•    one another/each other 互相,彼此
•    communicate with…和…交流
•    be in great danger处于极大的危险中
•    give out 发出;放出:释放
•    stop doing sth. 停止做某事
•    stop sb./sth. from doing阻止…做某事
•    as quickly as尽
•    take part in参加
•    be on one’s way to 在路上
•    be in a traffic jam 交通拥堵(塞车)
•    in order of 以…的顺序
•    take care of 关照
•    in one’s opinion 以…的观点

1、突然死亡       die out suddenly
2、游乐园         an amusement park
3、美国           the United States of America
4、以…最著称       be best known as…
5、因…而有名       be famous for…
6、卡通人物       cartoon characters
7、例如           such as…
8、离开学校/毕业     leave school
9、同时           at the same time
10、最后           finally/at last/in the end
11、像小鸡那么大     as small as chickens
12、像十头大象那么大 as big as ten elephants
13、了解到,学习到   learn about
14、基于,以…为原型 be based on
15、白雪公主       Snow White
16、得到一份工作     get a job
17、一只真正的老鼠   a real mouse
18、成为明星       become a star
19、变得出名和富有   become rich and famous
20、像羊一样温顺     as gentle as sheep

prefer to=like better than
what about=how about
why not=why dont you
how do you like =what do you think
is among the longest rivers=is one of the longest rivers
too to=so that not
said nothing=didn't say anything
spend some time donging(on )sth=take some time to do sth
take care of=look after
can=be able to
at last=in the end=finally
is as big as=is the same size as
wanna=want to
gonna=going to

We don’t allow pets in this hotel.
We don’t let pets enter this hotel.

My uncle owns this hotel.
This hotel belongs to my uncle.

It is a pity that he didn’t appear at Jim’s birthday party.
It is a pity that he didn’t show up at Jim’s birthday party.

Can you tell me the location of the post office?
Can you tell me where the post office is?

Can you tell me the way to No. 1 Middle School?
How can I get to No. 1 Middle School?

The minutes seemed like hours.
The minutes seemed to be hours.

The teacher led his students to the lab to do an experiment.
The teacher took his students to the lab to do an experiment.

What’s wrong with the boy?
What’s the matter with the boy?

I have never seen such a foolish boy!
I have never seen such a silly boy!

At last, we reached the railway station.
Finally/In the end, we reached the railway station The

cables are connected to a power station.
The cables and a power station join together.

Can you buy me some tea?
Can you buy some tea for me?

My phone was dead when the fire broke out.
My phone didn’t work when the fire broke out.

wonder=want to konw

what about=how about


prefer to=like better than what about=how about why not=why dont you how do you like =what do you think is among the longest rivers=is one of the longest rivers too to=so that not said nothing=didn't say anything spend some time donging(on )sth=take some time to do st...

a的书写:a占中格,先写左半圆,再写竖右弯。b的书写:占中上格,先写一竖,再写下面的半圆。c的书写:占中格,从上至下。d的书写:占中上格,第一笔左半圆,第二笔竖。e的书写:占中格,先在中格的中间写横,然后连着写上半圆,一笔写成。f的书写:占中上格,第一笔左弯竖,第二笔横 g的...


牛津英语里的 b for bag是什么意思
b for bag的意思:“b”表示“bag”。for 英 [fɔː(r) , fə(r)] 美 [fɔːr , fər]prep.(表示对象、用途等)给,对,供;以帮助;为了;关于。conj.因为;由于。She appears nightly on the television news, speaking for the State Department....

速求 牛津高中英语模块一Unit 1 Reading B部分的翻译

牛津英语什么1a 2b 7a8b的是什么意思?这是什么教材?几年级对应几级...
1a是一年级上册 2b是二年级下册 7a是初一上册 8b是初二下册

共20册,放弃以字母划分,分别以A,B.B.C.,Cham,Creel , Dvandra, Follow, Hat, Interval, Look, Moul, Ow, Poise, Quemadero, Rob, Ser, Soot,Su, Thru, Unemancipated和wave作开首字。采用英语国际音标。词典出版后,至1997年,先后共出版了3小册的《词典增编》(Oxford English Dictionary...


回答:B的发音除了book \/b\/,还有不发音的时候如climb \/klaim\/爬的 意思,这里的 B不 发音。 C的发音,C只有在与a、o、u构成音节时,才发[k]音。有时候发\/S\/的音,如biscuit里的C就是这样的,还有有 一 中可能就 是 C不 发音。

.1. <!--[endif]-->A: Hello\\Hi, … B: Hello\\Hi, … 你好,…<!--[if !supportLists]-->2. <!--[endif]-->A: What’s your name? B: I’m …\/My name is… 你叫什么名字? 我是…<!--[if !supportLists]-->3. <!--[endif]-->Good morning. 早上好。

台前县19674844786: 初一英语牛津B的改写句子,或同意句 -
戢佳依芬: prefer to=like better than what about=how about why not=why dont you how do you like =what do you think is among the longest rivers=is one of the longest rivers too to=so that not said nothing=didn't say anything spend some time donging(on )sth=...

台前县19674844786: 牛津初中英语7B的一些英语题.一.句型转换.1.The car is his.(改为同义句)=The car - ___ - ____ - _____2.There isn`t anything in my pocket.(改为同义句)... -
戢佳依芬:[答案] belongs to him is nothing

台前县19674844786: 初一英语U11 B部分的文章仿写 -
戢佳依芬: Today I walk on the road and ask someone aboutfashion.All of the answer are fun.Here are their likes and dislikes: A policeman likes the belt.A worker doesn't like the the sunglasses."Oh!It is for women!"A student likes the belt so cool!" I ask ...

台前县19674844786: 初一英语改同义句 -
戢佳依芬: 1,To reply to others is polite. 2.Don't believe in strangers easily. 3.It took me two months to learn to use the computer.

台前县19674844786: 求初一英语改写句子答案! -
戢佳依芬: Is National Day on October 1? ; Is National Day on October 1 or May 1? 国庆节是十月一号Will Peter go to the cinema this evening? ; Will Peter go to the cinema or Century Par...

台前县19674844786: 初一英语同义句转换
戢佳依芬: “同义句转换”是根据基本句,在改写句的若干空格中填写适当的词,使两句意思相同或相近,以此考查答题者灵活运用英语的不同表达形式的能力和逻辑思维能力. 这个题型的特点是每个小题给出两个句子,第一句为原句,第二句是改写句....

台前县19674844786: 初一牛津英语题目
戢佳依芬: 1.feel interesting of 2.It's necessary finish 3.don't have to 4.Don't give 5.ought not to谢谢采纳!!!

台前县19674844786: 初一英语.改同义句
戢佳依芬: The number 17 bus takes him to a hotel . He takes a bus of 17 to a hotel . He goes to the hotel by number 17 bus. 顺便把我设为最佳答案!!

台前县19674844786: 问一些初一牛津英语的题目安要求完成下列个题1.My father has a sister and two brothers.(改为一般疑问句).2.That is a sheep on the thll.(改为复数句)3.... -
戢佳依芬:[答案] 1.My father has a sister and two brothers.(改为一般疑问句). Does your father has a sister and two brothers? 2.That is a ... Tom is so old that he can take care of himself. 根据汉语提示,部全句子.每空一词. 11.他已经不是过去的他了. He is not what he ...

台前县19674844786: 七年级上学期牛津深圳chater3同义词,改同义句,《堂堂清》上的. -
戢佳依芬: 1. stare at 改成 gaze at 2. The accident happened on a rainy day.= The accident occurred on a rainy day.= The accident took place on a rainy day.3. The boy reported a theft to the police.= The boy made a report about a theft to the police.4. I argued ...

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