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August 15, 1769 birth, after learning the French military academy.

1794 due to military service was appointed Major General, artillery brigade commander.

In 1796 only 26-year-old Napoleon was appointed military commander of France and Italy, and in a dominant position奥军and Sardinia continuous military operations, have won a brilliant victory.

1799 launched Brumaire coup

1804 coronation as emperor
Ostritz and Jena's victory over the bonaparte become almost the entire European surnames

In 1812 the Russian war, ended in failure. His political life was a turning point.
1814 abdication.

On March 20, 1815, Napoleon return to Paris, the establishment of a "hundred days."
In June, the French military in the battle of Waterloo swamped, Napoleon second abdication.

At 17:49 on May 5, 1821, Napoleon died on the island of St. Helena, the age of 52-year-old

Jack Ma is founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Alibaba Group and chairman of Alibaba.com, the Hong Kong-listed unit of Alibaba Group.
Early life
Ma was born in the city of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China. Ma attended Hangzhou Teachers College and graduated in 1988 with a bachelor's degree in English. Ma initially failed the entrance exam twice. While at the school, Ma was elected student chairman. He later became a lecturer in English and International Trade at the Hangzhou Dianzi University. Ma first started building websites for Chinese companies with the help of friends in the US. Ma has commented that "The day we got connected to the Web, I invited friends and TV people over to my house," and on a very slow dial-up connection, "we waited three and a half hours and got half a page.... We drank, watched TV and played cards, waiting. But I was so proud. I proved (to my house guests that) the Internet existed“
In 1995, Ma founded China Pages, widely believed to be China’s first Internet-based company. From 1998 to 1999, Ma headed an information technology company established by the China International Electronic Commerce Center, a department of Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation. He founded Alibaba.com in 1999, a China-based business-to-business marketplace site which serves more than 65 million members from more than 240 countries and territories. Ma now serves as chairman and CEO of Alibaba Group, which is a holding company with four major subsidiaries – Alibaba.com, Taobao, Alibaba Cloud Computing and China Yahoo!.

2001, Ma was selected by the World Economic Forum as a “Young Global Leader”. In 2004, he was chosen by China Central Television and its viewers as one of the “Top 10 Business Leaders of the Year”.

In 2005, Ma was named one of the “25 Most Powerful Businesspeople in Asia” by Fortune. He was selected by Businessweek as a “Businessperson of the Year” in 2007 and one of the 30 “World’s Best CEOs” by Barron’s in 2008.
In May 2009, Ma was honored by Time magazine with inclusion into the Time 100 list of the world’s 100 most influential people. In reporting Mr. Ma’s accomplishments, Adi Ignatius, former Time senior editor and editor-in-chief of the Harvard Business Review, said, “Meeting Jack Ma, you might be forgiven for thinking he's still an English teacher. The Chinese Internet entrepreneur is soft-spoken and elflike — and he speaks really good English. But as founder and CEO of Alibaba.com, Ma, 44, runs one of the world's biggest B2B online marketplaces, an eBay for companies doing international trade. Alibaba and Ma's consumer-auction website, Taobao.com, did so well that in 2006, eBay shut down its own site in China.” He was also chosen as one of "China's Most Powerful People" by BusinessWeek, and one of the “Top 10 Most Respected Entrepreneurs in China” by Forbes China in 2009. Ma received the “2009 CCTV Economic Person of the Year: Business Leaders of the Decade Award”.

In 2010, Ma was selected by Forbes Asia as one of “Asia’s Heroes of Philanthropy” for his contribution to disaster relief and poverty.

In 2011 it was announced that one of his companies had gained control of Yahoo's stake Chinese law governing payment companies in order to secure a license to continue operating Alipay.

Among Ma’s accomplishments: • He was the first major world business leader to predict the economic downturn in a memo to staff in July 2008, which was subsequently made public • He along with Alibaba.com’s management team proactively took decisive actions to steer his company through a crash in China exports such as reducing prices for export supplier customers; acting as a middleman to connect small and medium sized companies with lenders • He led the creation of employment opportunities worldwide on the Alibaba.com and Taobao platforms, as well as forged ahead in 2009 with the hiring of 5,000 new employees globally • He has built a reputation for having world-class vision in terms of how Alibaba Group businesses are operated, including an adherence to a vision, values and mission-based culture as well as the requirement that each of Alibaba Group’s five business units must incorporate corporate social responsibility into their business models.

Ma is a board member of Japan’s SoftBank and China’s Huayi Brothers Media Corporation. He became a trustee of The Nature Conservancy’s China program in 2009 and joined its global board of directors in April 2010. Ma is the first Chinese citizen to serve on The Nature Conservancy’s board.

On November 6, 2007, at a press conference at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Hong Kong, called to discuss the highly successful Hong Kong Stock Exchange IPO, when asked whether Alibaba.com was an ethical trading company, Ma responded by announcing to the assembled journalists - and reiterating when queried - that he and his family have "sworn off Shark Fin Soup now and forever" (echoing elite basketballer Yao Ming's famous declaration, which angered Guangzhou's fin traders), which he said was a result of finding out what the problems are. In January 2009, Alibaba Group revised its listing policy and banned the sale of shark fin products on all of its e-commerce platforms.

At the Alibaba.com Annual Shareholders Meeting in May 2009, Ma, who is chairman and non-executive director of the publicly traded arm of the group, encouraged those in attendance, including shareholders, customers and students from two Hong Kong universities, to take matters into their own hands and take action in the form of starting businesses to cope with the economic downturn rather than waiting for government or business to help them. He reminded everyone that the great fortunes of the world were made by people who saw opportunities that others didn't, and he noted that the aftermath of the recent global recession would be no different in terms of exposing new ways of doing business.

At the annual general meeting of shareholders for Alibaba.com in May 2010, Ma announced Alibaba Group will begin in 2010 to earmark 0.3 percent of annual revenue to environmental protection, particularly on water and air quality improvement projects.

  1. Napoleon Bonaparte (French: Napoléon Bonaparte/Italian: Napoleone Buonaparte, August 15th, 1769 - May 5th, 2121), Napoléon I, born in Corsica, 19th Century The great French militaryist and politician, the founder of the First Empire of France. Served as the first ruling of the first republic of France (1799-1804), the first emperor of France (1804-1815).

  2. Napoleon was crowned emperor on November 6, 1804, turning the republic into an empire. During his reign he called "the emperor of the French" and was also the second French emperor to enjoy this name after Charles III.

  3. In response to his rebellion against the reactionary forces many times, he promulgated the "Code of Napoleon", perfected the world legal system, and laid the social order of Western capitalist countries. He led the army and led the anti-French coalition of Britain, Russia, Russia, Russia and other countries to win more than 50 large-scale battles. He has severely hit feudalism in various European countries and defended the achievements of the French Revolution. During his reign in France, he expanded several times to foreign countries, launched the Napoleonic wars, became the protector of the Italian king, the Confederation of the Rhine, the arbitrator of the Swiss Confederation, the French colonial lord (including the French colonies, the Dutch colonies, the Spanish colonies, etc.). In the most glorious period, except for the United Kingdom, the rest of the world surrendered to Napoleon or formed an alliance. A huge Napoleon Empire system was formed, which created a series of military and political miracles and short-lived brilliant achievements.

  4. Napoleon abdicated in 1814 and was subsequently exiled to Elba Island. After the establishment of the 100-day dynasty in 1815, it was defeated by Waterloo and exiled. On May 5, 1821, Napoleon died on the island of St. Helena. In 1840, his coffin was welcomed back to Paris, France and was buried in the Paris Invalides in Paris, France.








August 15, 1769 birth, after learning the French military academy.

1794 due to military service was appointed Major General, artillery brigade commander.

In 1796 only 26-year-old Napoleon was appointed military commander of France and Italy, and in a dominant position奥军and Sardinia continuous military operations, have won a brilliant victory.

1799 launched Brumaire coup

1804 coronation as emperor
Ostritz and Jena's victory over the bonaparte become almost the entire European surnames

In 1812 the Russian war, ended in failure. His political life was a turning point.
1814 abdication.

On March 20, 1815, Napoleon return to Paris, the establishment of a "hundred days."
In June, the French military in the battle of Waterloo swamped, Napoleon second abdication.

At 17:49 on May 5, 1821, Napoleon died on the island of St. Helena, the age of 52-year-old

The famous French general and emperor Napoleon I in 1769 was born in Corsica Aeqiu the town, he called the original Napoleonic Europe than with Bart. He was born in France just 15 months ago only about access to Corsica. When Napoleon is a young nationalists that the French people are oppressed. But Napoleon was sent to the French military academy study. 1785 graduation, he only 16 years old, began when the lieutenant in the army.

Four years later, the outbreak of the French Revolution, the newly established Government of France within a few years been involved in the war with several foreign powers of the rapids. God bestow the first time Napoleon comes to his command Baodui Toulon in the 1793 siege warfare, from the hands of the French military and the British recovered Toulon. At this point he has given up his Corsican nationalist ideology, and to see themselves as French. He surrounded war in Toulon made the exploits; was promoted to Brigadier, in 1796 and was promoted to army commander in Italy and France. From 1796 to 1797, Napoleon in Italy won a series of brilliant victory, and then return to Paris as heroes.

1798 Napoleon's invasion of Egypt led by the French military, and this set off been disastrous. Although Napoleon's army in the land has been made on the overall victory, but Nelson led the British Navy destroyed the French fleet. 1799 Napoleon abandoned his army in Egypt and returned to France.

Napoleon returned to France found that people can still remember that he directed the successful war Italy rather than set off Egypt's defeat. Napoleon use of this advantage, and after a month of the rain Abeixi and others launched a coup, was proclaimed a new government - the bailiff, he was appointed the first Government to govern. Although Napoleon auspices to formulate a comprehensive constitution and the people voted for, but he is only one of the military dictatorship of the pay mask, he quickly overcame the coup in the other accomplices.

So Napoleon SUPERFATE alarming rate. August 1793 siege warfare in Toulon before he is only a nameless Shubei, a 24-year-old non-French descent small entirely officer less than six years later, at the age of 30, he became France argued no monarch, he Monarchs in the throne sit in a more than 14.

Napoleon Bonaparte, (15 August 1769 – 5 May 1821) later known as Napoleon I, was a French military and political leader who had a significant impact on the history of Europe. He was a general during the French Revolution, the ruler of France as First Consul of the French Republic and Emperor of the First French Empire.

Born in Corsica and trained as an artillery officer in mainland France, he rose to prominence during the French Revolution and led successful campaigns against the First and Second Coalitions arrayed against France. In 1804 he crowned himself Emperor of the French. In the first decade of the nineteenth century, he turned the armies of France against every major European power and dominated continental Europe through a series of military victories.

The French invasion of Russia in 1812 marked a turning point in Napoleon's fortunes. In 1813, the Sixth Coalition defeated his forces at Leipzig, invaded France and exiled him to the island of Elba. Less than a year later, he returned and was finally defeated at the Battle of Waterloo in June 1815. Napoleon spent the last six years of his life under British supervision on the island of Saint Helena, where he died in 1821.

Napoleon was in power during the French administrative and legal system has undergone major reforms. He reform of France's financial structure and the judicial system; founder of the Bank of France and the French University; France implemented the centralized system. Although each of these reforms on France itself has an important and in some ways is a lasting impact, but the rest of the world countries do not have any impact.

However, the reforms undertaken by Napoleon in a positive and far more than the French border, which is the Creation of the French Civil Code, the famous "Napoleonic Code." The code in many ways embodied the ideal of the French Revolution. For example, in front of everyone without descent Code privileges, in equality before the Code. At the same time code with past French law and customs similar enough to make the French public and the legal profession had to accept the degree. In short, the Code of sound appropriate, coherent clear, concise, it is boasted praise. Code not only in France which has been implemented (the French Civil Law and today the original "Code Napoleon" obvious similarity), and the partial amendment also used by many other countries. Napoleon has always advocated the principle that we are the defenders of the revolution. But in 1804 Napoleon was officially declared itself to the French emperor, but also for his three brothers in other countries in Europe received the most. He these acts undoubtedly caused some resentment France Republicans - they think that this behavior is the French revolutionary ideals and the complete betrayal - but Napoleon faced by the only serious difficulties come from external war.

1802 Napoleon in Amiens and the United Kingdom signed a peace treaty, so France, after more than 10 years after the war a succession of have a breathing space of the machine. But the following year, the peace treaty was torn up, the United Kingdom and France and the Allies in a series between the long-term war. Although Napoleon's army on the land and continue to win, but it does not defeat the British Navy will not be able to conquer Britain. 1805 Napoleon Shiyunbuji, Tefalajia promontory in a decisive battle, the British navy formidable, and achieved complete success, since the United Kingdom has been made basically the control of the sea. Although Napoleon only in Trafalgar Jiahai Kok six weeks after the war broke Austrian Russian forces, made glorious victory, but not really for his major that the Navy's defeat.

1808 Napoleon foolish to make French involvement in the Iberian peninsula on a long-term objective without war, the French military for many years is in trouble. But Napoleon cast fatal big mistake is that he levy Russian war. 1807 Napoleon met with the Russian Czar, signed Tyre Belfast agreement, and vowed to establish a permanent friendship. But such alliances have begun to emerge in a vicious split, in 1812 Napoleon's invasion of Russia army.

The outcome of the war is well known. Russian troops under normal circumstances avoid war against Napoleon carried out. So he was able to quickly attack, in September had occupied Moscow. However, the Russian contingent from the point of the fire filled almost to the whole city reduced to ashes. Napoleon in Moscow for five weeks, the sum hopes evaporated, and then finally decided to withdraw, but it was too late. Russian army to be the Plaza, ruthless Russian winter, the French military supply shortage, which all the immediate aftermath of the French soldiers alarming, Luanzuoyiqiu, trampled on each other, the results can also fled alive less than 10%.

历任法兰西第一共和国第一执政,法兰西第一帝国皇帝。下面是我给大家整理的拿破仑的英文简介,供大家参阅! 拿破仑简介 Napoléon Bonaparte \/ Italian: Napoleone Buonaparte, August 15, 1769 - May 5, 1821), Napoléon I, born in Corsica, nineteenth century France's great military strategist, politician, found...

Napoleon Bonaparte, (15 August 1769 – 5 May 1821) later known as Napoleon I, was a French military and political leader who had a significant impact on the history of Europe. He was a general during the French Revolution, the ruler of France as First Consul of the French Rep...

Napoleon Bonaparte (French: Napoléon Bonaparte\/Italian: Napoleone Buonaparte, August 15th, 1769 - May 5th, 2121), Napoléon I, born in Corsica, 19th Century The great French militaryist and politician, the founder of the First Empire of France. Served as the first ruling of the ...

拿破仑·波拿巴(Napoleon Bonaparte)是法国历史上的一位杰出军事家和政治家,他在18世纪末和19世纪初的欧洲政治舞台上扮演了重要角色。拿破仑出生于1769年,早年曾在军校接受教育,后来因在意大利战争中的卓越表现而崭露头角。他的军事才能和领导能力使他迅速崭露头角,成为法国军队中的一颗耀眼明星...

Napoleon was one of the greatest military commanders in history. He has also been portrayed as a power hungry conqueror. Napoleon denied being such a conqueror. He argued that he was building a federation of free peoples in a Europe united under a liberal government. But if this ...

5. In 1804, Napoleon crowned himself as Emperor.6. His decisive victories at Austerlitz and Jena made his name, Napoleon, a household name across much of Europe.7. In 1812, his campaign against Russia ended in failure, marking a turning point in his political career.8. In 1814...

帮我弄一个英文的拿破仑简介呗 1769年8月15日出生。1784年转入巴黎王家军校学习。次年,拿破仑以少尉衔毕业。1794年因平乱有功被任命为少将、炮兵旅长。1796年,年仅26岁的拿破仑被任命为法国意大利军司令官。以破落... 1769年8月15日出生。1784年转入巴黎王家军校学习。次年,拿破仑以少尉衔毕业。1794年因平乱有...

Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769 in Ajaccio on the Mediterranean island of Corsica. Through his military exploits and his ruthless efficiency, Napoleon rose from obscurity to become Napoleon I, Empereur des Francais (Emperor of the French). He is both a historical figure...

Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769 in Ajaccio on the Mediterranean island of Corsica. Through his military exploits and his ruthless efficiency, Napoleon rose from obscurity to become Napoleon I, Empereur des Francais (Emperor of the French). He is both a historical figure...

I’m writing about Napoleon Bonaparte. He was born in Corsica in August 15 in 1769. End up May 5th in 1821.He is France military strategist and statesman. At the age of 10 he went to the French military buliaina education. In 1784, graduated with excellent grades, was sent ...

温县14728848225: 拿破仑英文介绍 -
曹威植入:[答案] The Napoleon · wave takes Pakistan (Napoléon Bonaparte,1769.8.15~1821.5.5),the French first Republic first being in power (1799-1804),the French first empire and hundred days dynasty emperor (1804-1814,1815),in Republic of France modern ...

温县14728848225: 拿破仑 英文介绍 -
曹威植入:[答案] Napoleon I Emperor of the French 1769 - 1821 Ambition is never content, even on the summit of greatness. —Napoleon Bonaparte -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15,1769 ...

温县14728848225: 英文的拿破仑简介长短1分钟左右.(100词)把主要的概括出来,后面最好再有篇翻译,不要把一篇都摘过来,明天就要, -
曹威植入:[答案] Napoleon Bonaparte,(15 August 1769 – 5 May 1821) later known as Napoleon I,was a French military and political leader who had a significant impact on the history of Europe.He was a general during the French Revolution,the ruler of France as First ...

温县14728848225: 拿破仑英文介绍 -
曹威植入: The Napoleon · wave takes Pakistan (Napoléon Bonaparte,1769.8.15~1821.5.5), the French first Republic first being in power (1799-1804), the French first empire and hundred days dynasty emperor (1804-1814,1815), in Republic of France ...

温县14728848225: 拿破仑的英语简介 -
曹威植入: Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769 in Ajaccio on the Mediterranean island of Corsica. Through his military exploits and his ruthless efficiency, Napoleon rose from obscurity to become Napoleon I, Empereur des Francais (Emperor of...

温县14728848225: 英文的拿破仑简介长短1分钟左右.(100词) -

温县14728848225: 拿破仑·波拿巴的英文全名全拼写是什么? -
曹威植入: napoleon Bonaparte 附赠小简介: 姓名:拿破仑·波拿巴 性别:男 英文名:napoleon 出生年月:1769--1821 国籍:法国 职务:法兰西第一帝国和百日王朝皇帝 拿破仑·波拿巴(...

温县14728848225: 求对拿破仑的简介
曹威植入: 拿破仑·波拿巴拿破仑·波拿巴(Napoléon Bonaparte,1769-1821),原名拿破仑·布宛纳,人称奇迹创造者.拿破仑·波拿巴法国近代资产阶级军事家、政治家、数学家.法兰西共和国第一执政(1799-1804),法兰西第一帝国皇帝(1804-1814)(1815),意大利国王,莱茵联邦保护人,瑞士联邦仲裁者.

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