
作者&投稿:麻辉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

As we know , the world is going to combine and cooperate in terms of our life,like Global economic integration ,etc.Globalisation is Inevitable.So as a student,we should realize the importance of the language which is the tool to communicate.
We alwalys say that ,we do study only for our parents or teachers.I disagree with it ,especially English.Because we should be responsible for ourselves,and no one can take our privilege away.So wo should win achievement only for us.
Interest is the best teacher,If you want to get the achievement,you should let English to be one part of your life,your soul,to be your like.Then you can acquire what you want.Don't consider English as a useless tool,maybe oneday it can help you out.
Test to students,just like the sky to the ground ,will never disappear.What we can do is to face it instead of avoiding it.English is also a subject of study ,so we shouldn't ignore it ,but take care of it.


As we know , the world is going to combine and cooperate in terms of our life,like Global economic integration ,etc.Globalisation is Inevitable.So as a student,we should realize the importance of the language which is the tool to communicate.
We alwalys say that ,we do study only for our parents or teachers.I disagree with it ,especially English.Because we should be responsible for ourselves,and no one can take our privilege away.So wo should win achievement only for us.
Interest is the best teacher,If you want to get the achievement,you should let English to be one part of your life,your soul,to be your like.Then you can acquire what you want.Don't consider English as a useless tool,maybe oneday it can help you out.
Test to students,just like the sky to the ground ,will never disappear.What we can do is to face it instead of avoiding it.English is also a subject of study ,so we shouldn't ignore it ,but take care of it.

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1. 英语学习强度太大,会带来较大学习压力,影响其他主科的学习效果。2. 中小学英语教学存在质量问题,生僻词汇和难以理解的原汁原味文章较多,效果不佳。3. 过于强调英语主科地位而忽视母语(汉语)学习,这也是值得考虑的问题。综上,英语作为一门重要语言,保留一定主科地位仍有必要。但主科要适当调整强度,...




1、积累更多的词汇,为了积累词汇,初中生应该掌握大约1700个英语单词。 一方面你可以记住你将要学习的单词和短语;另一方面,你可以把你遇到的新单词记录在一本单词簿中,每天反复记忆和默写不熟悉的单词。2、更多的理解语法,单靠背单词很难在中考中取得好成绩,语法学习也很重要。3、练习听、说、读、...

1. 多听多说:初中生学习英语的重点是口语,因此多听多说是非常重要的。可以通过听英语歌曲、看英语电影、跟着英语老师练习口语等方式来提高口语水平。2. 多读多写:阅读英语文章和写英语作文可以帮助初中生提高英语阅读和写作能力。可以选择适合自己水平的英语文章和写作题目,每天坚持一定的阅读和写作量...

students,just like the sky to the ground ,will never disappear.What we can do is to face it instead of avoiding it.English is also a subject of study ,so we shouldn't ignore it ,but take care of it.临时写的,可能语义不会很通畅,单词也可能出错,亲再检查一下哦。望采纳~...

辩论 中学生为什么不要学英语

商州区18585921111: 《中学生如何看待英语》这篇英语作文怎样写?写个范文给参考一下呗 -
歧版班赛: As we know , the world is going to combine and cooperate in terms of our life,like Global economic integration ,etc.Globalisation is Inevitable.So as a student,we should realize the importance of the language which is the tool to communicate.We ...

商州区18585921111: 作为中学生你怎样看待阅读,请写一篇作文,谈谈阅读的重要性和看法英语作文 -
歧版班赛:[答案] First of all, without reading you can't even speak logically. It is also ridiculous that you don't read but learning english. Just for speaking? In my opinion sooner or later you have to read and try to comprehend. There are variety of benefit for reading. If you ...

商州区18585921111: 这篇英语作文怎么写? -
歧版班赛: If an English student delegation to visit you next month.The school to recieve personnel selection, all participants must use English speech.Please to students under the name of wang to write an article in English speech. Contents include: (1) to ...

商州区18585921111: 英语作文八年级,中学生应该怎样看待人生,150词左右 -
歧版班赛: two are bathroom and kitchen. There are a bed, a sofa, a desk and some chairs in this 25 square-metres small fiat, and the rent is 500 yuan per month. Maybe this fiat is not as good as your wish, but I'll try my best to meet your needs. If it is not ...

商州区18585921111: 谁会写《HOw to improve our English》这篇作文? -
歧版班赛: Nowadays,,most students are bad in English.So they don't think English is very easy to learn.But I don't think so. Here are some advice that I think is good for us to learn English well.First,we should learn it with a light heart,believe that you can do it ...

商州区18585921111: 英语作文 中学生应该如何看待和追求时尚 -
歧版班赛: Nowadays, many students in middle school ask their parents to buy them famous brand clothes, modern cellphones and fashionable MP4 players, etc. They ask for these things in order to follow the fashion.Most teachers and parents think it's not ...

商州区18585921111: 求关于阅读的英语作文,80词左右,要求:关于你喜欢阅读吗,喜欢读什么样的书,作为中学生你是如何看待阅读的呢? -
歧版班赛: How to Do Reading In my opinion, when it comes to reading English articles, I think it's necessary to look through all paragraphs, so that we can get the main ideas of the article. If you don't have enough time to go through it, then just get the main ...

商州区18585921111: 中学生如何正确对待他人的建议为话题,英语作文,80词 -
歧版班赛: Every one of us may be criticized by others in our life. For example, workers who fail to accomplish their tasks may be criticized by their employer; students who have poor performance in exams may be criticized by their teachers and parents. ...

商州区18585921111: 能不能把您写的这篇——《如何学好英语》的英语作文翻译成中文?(有急用) -
歧版班赛:[答案] 英文:How to study English well is a very complicated question, especially for students. In china, as students we have not enough opportunities to communicate with native speaker. Usually we study Eng...

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