
作者&投稿:尹洁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




I grew up

Has gradually forget the hours that I had, happened to look back, suddenly found that" I" is so ... ...

Vague impression into the kindergarten, the day before, I was my parents from Grandma 's back, to me things feel good stranger. Here each one with people my age and I don't know, I just know I will and they grow together.

The school, I cry and I must a neighbor's child with the seat, but she can't, the teacher is helpless, only obey my will. H I, is a bossy girl.

Time passed quickly, I have been is a grade six big girl. I like a person sitting quietly on the seat, see composition. No matter how loud side, I still just sit on his throne alone enjoy writing charm. In the class, I would like to talk with people, occasionally class and friends said a few words, on the back seat. Because, I found that talking with others, rather than read a book be happy. That time I think is my best friend, my each friend arrived at the mount can be followed it to the passions of the time, the article. To understand what is a friend, but simply that, as long as willing to play with themselves is one of his good friend, never thought I should cherish it. Six grade I, is a love and don't know how to read a book to cherish the friendship of girl.

In middle school, I don't like a person sitting quietly on his throne and read a book. Love with old friends, new friends, I thought it was interesting. But at the same time, I also began to change. From that don't like walking into a class like chatting, joking, all the girls, I started to become very active, not to eat that I think friend precious composition book; even think the book is so boring, and the primary school I, why so love it, feel it too big. Also do not know what factors make me change, somewhat unsuspectingly. I now, very happy, I know how to cherish the friendship between friends that be not easily won, to understand the book and not the value of a friend.

Only friends are forever

My mother has a pair of keen eyes which can speak. With her eyes,she observed my mood,gave me courage and made me strong. Therefore,I could face difficulties.

When I was a baby learning to walk,my mother always lent me a hand and encouraged me to get up while I fell down. As I finally threw myself into her arms,her eyes smiled with praise. Later as I grew up,I met with more difficulties. But whenever I was frustrated,my mother's eyes always gave me hope and encouragement. Once I failed in exams,my mother encouraged me to find out the reasons. Instead of blaming me she pushed me to do better. At last I overcame the difficulty. Now I have grown up and become more independent,but whenever I come across setbacks,my mother's eyes are always with me encouraging me wherever I go.



XuSong, English name of Vae, 1986 birth, he is the most recent discussions of network of independent musicians. Sing for the almighty, he refused any record company, has independent completed two album "customize", "for the creation of fog, production and distribution, whether popularity or sales made an unprecedented success. Listen to the music XuSong, always can let a person experience to unprecedented music inspiration. What style of tie-in and free style, nor write a way of singing pose, letting a person feel a kind of have no copies of the gasVae is more than just a unique singer, songwriter and producer, music is the Internet music period. Generally think of Vae already inheritance "sweet", "east east toward" 3g network star grassroots star popularity, and upgrade the music network to a new level, to a certain extent changed to "network songs equals the mouse loves the rice that common song" impression. Super network popularity, taste enough + achievement in the network era of Vae prosperity. As the network of music, fade in January 2009, Vae swagger published independent entity album custom, scored the whole creation and production, highly praised. Meanwhile, on the topic and controversial Vae but never stopped. In four years time appeared network, with the gray head, shrewd ", "if", "why not" and "rose", "the funeral of the wind", "if you rain qingming, extra explanation", "bad boy of the unique style of original works from the audience, has won each big web site selection of the best male singer and songwriter best. Not only master Vae lyrics, composer, arranger, all works recording and later compositions by their hand also arranged, music is the comprehensive ability and Vae high music quality. Yet no sign record companies, rarely in front of a camera, a very low exposure of Vae - literally baidu search, but found that he had a massive fan and high popularity. 06-09, the lyrics, composer, arranger, singing, recording by mixing one complete works of Vae is introduced in the BBS fans, they expected into each big portals and many of the original station. This music industrialization and commercialization in record of today's a small miracle -- no company force holds, zero, but truly capture the investment, the editor of the editors radio. In music, which XuSong also longer writing, student in the bud, the children's literature ", "the young art of published works more than 20 large and small. When he had high wrote an article "the scar of composition, dimples when" was just went to find interest, personal homepage." But let him that is, this essay assignments by province was later entrance examination simulation language as the reading comprehension. Now he's views and reproduced sina blog are very high. Besides writing, XuSong computer also play very well. In 2001, a high for "fly" cup national web design contest anhui first. In 2008, with excellent personal comprehensive quality, and won the top students in anhui province Vae youth. 2009 as independent album published since the definition, and scored, excellent reputation sung in mainland, music, became independent after many 80 musicians to emulate.Added problem in 2005-2006In 2005, just over a year of university study music started making Vae software, self-study arranger, recording professional knowledge. 2 years independent wrote, produced, more than 60 network original works. 2006 "rose", "the funeral of shallow sing", "moths, panic, download songs trigger to audition million. Since then, the popularity of Vae become musicians, initiates the media attention. Especially with the style of nocturne "jay" roses resembles a funeral attention." In December 2006, as the Internet stir representative, lenovo group invited by lenovo mobile network entertainment powder fashionable originality competition, and creative theme music. In 2005 the Chinese entertainment network obtained the best male singers, 2006 best lyricist award. Tom nets.

XuSong, English name of Vae, 1986 birth, he is the most recent discussions of network of independent musicians. Sing for the almighty, he refused any record company, has independent completed two album "customize", "for the creation of fog, production and distribution, whether popul...

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