
作者&投稿:涂怖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I think it's very strange/weird that he doesn't seem to remember his own birthday.

*** 猫迷英语专家团提供【Real。American。English。】

Although they said that they were not come to celebrate my birthday but only want to eat the dishes cooked by my mother, I know that they are my best friends.

I had ever asked my mother times that what date was her birthday,but she never told me.

I asked my mum a lot of times for the date of her birthday but she did not tell me

i asked my mom many times that when is her birthday but she wouldn't tell me

I asked my mother time and again about her birthday, but she didn't tell me.

i have asked my mun for many time,when is her birthday, but she still never told me.

发音:英 [aɪ];美 [aɪ]翻译:pron. (代词)我(人称代词,表示第一人称单数主格形式)短语搭配 i quit 我退出;我辞职;我放弃 i am fine 我没事;我很好 so do i 我也一样;我也是 双语例句 I don't like bananas.我不喜欢香蕉。I didn't hurt you, did I?我没有伤害...

我 英文怎么写
我的英文翻译是I,I作为人称代词使用表示第一人称单数主格形式,也可以作为名词是英语字母中的第九个字母。I 英 [aɪ],美 [aɪ] 。pron.我;个人;利己主义者。n.碘元素;英语字母表中第九个字母;罗马数字1。双语例句:I‘m a teacher.我是一名教师。

Thank you, got it. Where are you from, from which fleet.We can't understand your words.

1.This made him a hero overnight.2.She was elected the chairperson of the Students' Body recently 3.That child was named "jichu", because he was born at the beginning of this century.4.some people call Suzhou a Eastern Venice.5.I found him quite humorous.6.This dictionary ...

I like to laugh. I believe that as long as laugh, no big deal.My study is not very good. But I believe that as long as effort will be successful.So I never discouraged. I'll use smile to solve everything.In the next three years. I'll more efforts to do well as the...

“这是我” 用英语怎么说?
“这就是我”的英语是:This is me 双语例句:1.This is me. I'm a student, I'm eight.这是我,我是一个小学生,我今年八岁了。2.And this is me, this is my avatar.这是我,这是我的虚拟化身。3.This is me, Now do you know Me?这就是我,现在你认识我了吗?4.This is ...

请用英语帮我翻译一下这句话,谢谢 我很抱歉这样做我的妈妈生病了,他很...
Thank you, I'm sorry for doing like this. My mother is sick and weak in the hospital now.

hello,everyone.my name is ---.i am twelve years old,a student in shuang jiang middle school.i am an out-going girl.spring is my favourite season,because of it's beauty.flying kites in spring is funny,i like doing it . hoping to become friends with all of you,thank you....

Years Rusuo, time flies帮我用英语翻译这段中文,谢谢
英文:Years Rusuo, time flies 翻译:岁月如梭,光阴似箭 例句:Years Rusuo, time flies, six primary school life, a brief span.岁月如梭,光阴似箭,六年小学生活,弹指一挥间。

恩你确定否。。。真的很多电影都出现么,那就让俺幻想您看的什么电影了。。。train在俚语中是仑 jian的意思。I feel fuked by train很少会有人这样讲吧,怪怪的。。。但似乎就只能这样解释。。。

月湖区15366408343: 帮我翻译下这句英文
偶通醋氯: 我曾多么荒谬地以为我是对的,以至于蒙蔽了双眼,失去了你的心.

月湖区15366408343: 帮我翻译下这句英文是什么意思 -
偶通醋氯: 我来吧 There isn't anything noble about being superior to another person. The nobility is being superior to the person you once were.翻译:2113比别人优越一点是没什么值得炫5261耀的,真正的高尚是比过去4102的你优秀.翻译的比较变1653通,没有版直接按单词的意思来,但是语意肯权定没错的.

月湖区15366408343: 急求急求,谁能帮我用英语翻译一下这句:“战争期间,我受了很多苦,我用日记记下自己的经历,以便老了... -
偶通醋氯: During the war,I have suffered a lot.I set down my experience so I can remember it when I am old.

月湖区15366408343: 谁能帮我把这句话翻译成英语,日语,韩语等版本越多越好!“为了曾经许下的誓言,再累也值得!” -
偶通醋氯: 英语:For the oath that was once made, more tired and more worthy too!日语:かつて承诺した誓言のために,さらに疲れ意义があります!西班牙语:Para prometer una vez el compromiso, cansado también valió otra vez!法语:Afin de ...

月湖区15366408343: 请帮我翻译下这句话,用英语 -
偶通醋氯: 有时候放手也是一种解脱,也是一种拥有 Sometimes letting go of it is also kind of disengagement as well as possession Somtimes, Releasing is possession as well as a kind absoution / exoneration /freedom At times, Relinquishing is also a kind of freedom , a possession as well

月湖区15366408343: 帮我用英语翻译一下这句话
偶通醋氯: The love for you is always quiet . 给你的爱一直很安静.

月湖区15366408343: 英语翻译请帮我翻译一下这句话“经历了那么多,我只想拥有浅浅的爱,淡淡的幸福!和你在一起无论去那,做什么都好! -
偶通醋氯:[答案] Experienced so much, I just want to have a shallow love, a touch of happiness! Whether you go with it, do what all good 不知道对不对,我直接网上翻译的..呵呵

月湖区15366408343: 帮我用英文翻译下面这句话
偶通醋氯: Will thank you, I diligently….Felt relieved that I will look after me the small kitty….I like you

月湖区15366408343: 帮我用英文翻译一下这句话?
偶通醋氯: hello .my name is xx,i'm so happy today to be here and make speech to all of you,my topic is...

月湖区15366408343: 帮我翻译下这句英文好吗? -
偶通醋氯: 这句话的语法结构不对,如果使用过去时的话,应该使用checked.而hoping后应加for...

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