Years Rusuo, time flies帮我用英语翻译这段中文,谢谢

作者&投稿:超霄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Dear Lee Teacher:

Hello. Time flies. Riyuerusuo. Unconsciously I have the third-year. You have also spent two years with us time. You have devoted your youthful us. You're my Zaishengfumu ah.

The first time I wrote to the teacher. And for the first time was in English. Still a lot of difficulty. Hehe., But also worth it. Teacher. In the last year. I would be very hard. You will see is I am a full future. during class time. or dictation you have asked me to answer it more. I will try to correct answers. It is because you have added each time I call a confidence. Let me break out the fear of feeling.

Finally. I wish you good health. Happiness. I also wish to study progress.

我们为什么笑?多年来,科学家们也问自己这个问题。没有其他动物会又大笑又微笑 — 只有人类,如是,笑有助我们生存吗?答案似乎是,微笑和大笑能帮助我们放松,缓和紧张局势,防止由压力造成的疾病。笑确实是最好的良药!
但是,如果你不快乐,微笑也对你也没多用吧,对吗?事实并非如此。明显地,微笑能带来正面影响,不管你想不想笑。在加利福尼亚州的科学家让一组演员演绎五种不同的感受:快乐、悲伤、愤怒、惊讶和恐惧 - 只是他们的脸部表情。


Why do we laugh? For years scientists have asked themselves this question. No other animals laugh and smile--only human beings, so does laughter help us to survive  in any way? The answer seems to be that smiling and laughter help us to relax, reducing  tension  and preventing illnesses which are caused by stress. Laughter really is the best medicine!
But if you're unhappy, it can't do you any good to smile, can it? Not true. Apparently the  positive effects of smiling are just the same whether you feel like smiling or not. Scientists in California asked a group of  actors  to act five different feelings:  happiness, sadness, anger, surprise and fear--just using their faces.
Changes in their heart rate, blood pressure and temperature were written down. Most of the feelings they acted didn't cause changes, but when they smiled their heart rate and their blood pressure went down. This happened even though they were only acting! So even if we feel sad inside, smiling seems to make us feel better.
A sense of humor also helps to keep things in perspective. Interfering friends or a flat tyre won't seem quite so bad if you can see the funny side. So if you find yourself in a stressful situation, try to let yourself giggle. A psychologist writes:  "  If people try to show a positive reaction instead of a negative one, this will eventually become part of their personality. If you start to laugh, in time you will actually become happier."

英文:Years Rusuo, time flies
例句:Years Rusuo, time flies, six primary school life, a brief span.


额。有 Years Rusuo这种用法吗?
这里是“光阴荏苒,岁月如梭”。 Time flies. 就够了吧。 Years Rusuo. 这个Rusuo 一看就是中文拼音。


兴仁县15772181865: year's time 和 year's time 有什么区别 -
营若迪索: 语法的问题,是单数时候就用year's,s 在' 的前面:one year's time,一年的时间.当你说很多年的时候,复数years,因为语法上不想让你写成years's,所以就写成years' time:4 years' time,4年的时间.举例:Apostrophes are used in time expressions...

兴仁县15772181865: 高中英语题,如图第20题,为什么选A?时间作主语不是应该谓语动词用单数吗? -
营若迪索: 正确答案 选A.主语是years,复数名词.谓语动词用复数.本题考点:结合语境考查时态.排除:所给选项没有单数谓语形式,可以排除单复数谓语的考查.句子结构特点:无灵主语句——事物做主语.句子意思:最近几年见证了中国江苏与英国之间大范围内更紧密的的交流与合作.

兴仁县15772181865: 汉译英 时光如梭 -
营若迪索: How time flies!

兴仁县15772181865: 20 years' time是什么意思?跟20 - year - time有什么区别
营若迪索: 20 years' time【20年】 跟20-year-time【20年】 两种表达意思一样 "20-year" 整体用作定语, 就是一名词 就像"10 years old" 和 "10- year- old" 是一个意思一样 Can you imagine what life will be like in _______time? A 20 years' B 20 year 's C 20-years' D 20 year 这道题就没放20- year的选项 因为是和选项A. 20 years' 是一个意思

兴仁县15772181865: 英语时间是the year加数字还是years加数字 -
营若迪索: 1. 表示几年,数字+years,例如:5 years2. 表示哪一年,直接说数字,例如: in 2014 在2014年

兴仁县15772181865: in twenty years' time 为什么years后加' -
营若迪索: 因为这是名词所有格.什么是名词所有格,就是名词的东西,就叫名词所有格.简称:谁的.这里,是说twenty year的(20年的)时间,所以要加撇s.但为什么在后面加,因为year是c.n.(countable noun)可数名词,twenty 使 year已经复数,+了s.这时,英语就不把它继续加撇s变成:twenty years's了.而是改为直接在s后加撇.很多次也有同样用法,如教师节:Teachers' Day.(教师节是很多个老师的节日,不只是单单一个老师,所以要复数 teachers,再加撇)

兴仁县15772181865: years old 和year - old的区别和用法 -
营若迪索: 区别如下: 一、发音不一样 1、years old 英['jɜːz əʊld];美['jɜːz oʊld] 2、year-old 英['jɜːr'əʊld];美['jɜːr'əʊld] 二、词类活用不一样 1、year-old是“xx岁的”的意思,是形容词,一般用作定语,修饰名词,也可以用作名词. 2、...

兴仁县15772181865: years后面接is还是are -
营若迪索: 如果years 作主语,后面应该是 is ,请看下面的例子: Ten years is a long time . 十年是很长的一段时间.

兴仁县15772181865: 请问year's time 和 year's time 有什么区别?这一类词怎么区分?打错了,是 years' time 和 year's time -
营若迪索:[答案] 语法的问题,是单数时候就用year's,s 在' 的前面:one year's time,一年的时间. 当你说很多年的时候,复数years,因为语法上不想让你写成years's,所以就写成years' time:4 years' time,4年的时间. 举例: Apostrophes are used in time expressions ...

兴仁县15772181865: in 20 years time是什么意思 -
营若迪索: 你输入的拼写有点错误.正确的表达是 in 20 years' time, 其中的 years' 是名词复数的所有格形式,该短语的意思是“20年以后”,用于将来时态,也可以说成 in 20 years, 此时 years 没有所有格,后面也不用 time. 语法中经常把 in 20 years 和 ...


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