
作者&投稿:尹泳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
一班学生比二班少 (英语翻译此句)~

Class one has fewer students than Class two.

The number of students in Class one is smaller than that of Class two.

In my classes

1.Thanks to the teacher
2.For you have the misunderstanding to talk to students
3.Opinion for students
4.do some meaningful things for class

1.Thanks to the teacher
2.For you have the misunderstanding to talk to students
3.Opinion for students
4.do some meaningful things for class

1 We express our appreciateness to our teacher. 2 You should have a talk with the students who have mistakens about you. 3 You should take your classmates’suggestions. 4 You should do more things interested for our class.各人意见,仅供参考!

用英文翻译下面四段话(知识在初中范围内,单词和句子不要太复杂) 1...
1)Tom got up very early, after breakfast stood by the roadside waiting for the bus transfers. After a while, the bus is coming, Tom and the students happy to travel together.2)Next to Mary is reading in the library, there are two children in the loud noise, so Mary so t...

4, he go to Beijing tomorrow, where he has to take a week.5, we are now sure that we are planning to do will soon be a reality 6, Wang is responsible for this class are four years.7, my mother likes to listen to music, watching TV.8, he will own actions and be ...

If you have praised dawn, please embrace the darkness as well.

The students, together with the teachers of the school, made one-hour exercise after watching the opening ceremony for physical exercise, for example, running, doing exercises, playing basketball.Practice is beneficial for building up our bodies.Sports make our brains rest and make our ...

用英文翻译一下下面的任何几句 好的追加分数
4. The basic way that people see the world and see the relationship between people and the world is the world outlook.5. The basic way and basic principle that people understand the world and reform the world is methodology.6. There is no such a methodology without world ...

I am becoming the death,the destoryer of the world,One day I will die,and you,will take the crown.Hiding myself by reflect the world honestly,is the only way to be eternal.It's a part of the plan.

great respect and care.2. Superficially she showed her concern for everyone, but back at home she wrote them some letters with untruthful information.3. She did not believe what she did was wrong , on the contrary, she thought she was to monitor and protect the whole town....

第四句:我通常坐公交车去。第五句:我们可以步行去车站。第六句:哪层楼?第七句:5楼,5A房间。第八句:(遇到)红灯停下。第九句:不算太远。短文:The traffic light are the same in every country.每个国家的交通信号灯都是一样的。. There are always three lights : red,yellow and ...


1 you need to rest hall on the second floor? (the second floor have KTV, compote, massage, pack break) 2 please put this sportswear. 3 do you want to go where? 4 don't mention it.

石阡县15199615622: 用英文翻译下面四个句子:1向老师表示感谢2跟对你有误解的同学谈谈3征求同学意见4再为班级做件有意义的事. -
幸贾迪立: 1向老师表示感谢 to show my gratitude to teachers 2跟对你有误解的同学谈谈 to have a chat with your classmates that mistaken understand you 3征求同学意见 to ask for suggestions for your classmates 4再为班级做件有意义的事. furthermore, to do things that meaningfull for our class

石阡县15199615622: 英语翻译两个句子: 我们必须按时完成作业. 我们遇见老师要向老师 -
幸贾迪立: 1 We must finish our homework on time. 2 We need to say hello to our teachers when we meet them.

石阡县15199615622: 英语翻译1.我们全家人对去上海旅行感到非常兴奋.2.如果你对造出完整的句子有困难,可以向老师请教.3.我还是不敢用英语在课堂上发言.4.他决定高兴地与朋... -
幸贾迪立:[答案] My family are very excited about the trip to Shanghai If it is difficult for you to make complete sentences , You can ask the teacher for advice. I still dare not to speak English in class/l'm stil afraid to speak English in class He decided to talk with friends ...

石阡县15199615622: 关于英语翻译句子.
幸贾迪立: 1.You shoud pay more attention to your pronunciation! 2.I feel a little thirsty,let's sit down and take some drinks. 3.Most of the students of our school comes from village. 4.The father ask his child's performance to the teacher. 是父亲问孩子的表现而不是问老师的表现,注意!

石阡县15199615622: 英语句子翻译 1.老师向她细心讲解问题的方式鼓励了她更努力地学习(way) -
幸贾迪立: 1 英语句子翻译 1.老师向她细心讲解问题的方式鼓励了她更努力地学习(way):The teacher has carefully/patiently explained to her the way of how to solve the problems and encouraged her to learn/study harder. 2.他在上海的所见所闻给他留下了深刻的印象(impression) What he saw and heard/learned from Shanghai gave him a deep impression.很希望会对你有帮助.

石阡县15199615622: 谁能帮我下面的句子翻译成英语 1.收到书和钱能重返校园,非常感谢.2.在老师的帮助下学习成绩取得了很大进步.3.老师表扬了你:家长鼓励你.4.你下决心更加努力学习,取得更大进步. -
幸贾迪立: 1.Once you receive your book and money, you can go back to school, thank you very much. 2. With the help of a teacher, the grades improved a lot. 3. The teacher complimented you, your parents encouraged you. 4. You decided to work harder in school inorder to have even more improvements. 望采纳~ 100%原创~ 无网络翻译~~ =]

石阡县15199615622: 英语 请翻译下列句子 1. Simon 总是用手撑着头.2.这是与人沟通时的好方法.3.他遇到问题时,总是毫不犹豫的问老师.4.听到这个消息,他们感到很失望.5.他... -
幸贾迪立:[答案] 1. Simon 总是用手撑着头 -> Simon is always holding his head in his hands. 2. 这是与人沟通时的好方法 -> This a good way to communiate with other people. 3. 他遇到问题时,总是毫不犹豫的问老师 -> When he met problems, he didn't hesitate to ask ...

石阡县15199615622: 用英语翻译下列句子、、 -
幸贾迪立: 1. How does Wei Ming prepare himself for his exams? 2. He prepares himself for the exams by making flashcards, vocabulary list, and by asking his teachers for help. 3. Have you ever practiced English with English-speaking foreigner? 4. Reading ...

石阡县15199615622: 用英语翻译下列句子:1.记忆力对于生活来说是必不可少的.2.记忆力与我的感觉有关.3.老师刚才给我们讲了
幸贾迪立: 1.Memory is essential for life. 2.Memory and I feel about. 3.The teacher was telling us about a memory jokes 4.I'd like to know how to improve our memory. LZ最后句的汉字错了哦 是记忆力不是记忆里 望采纳 谢谢

石阡县15199615622: 用英语翻译一下下列句子
幸贾迪立: Today is a special day - teachers. I will represent all the students to teachers on a few words of heart. "If the teacher to flowers, then you must be the most beautiful; if the teacher to candles, that you must be one of the brightest. You always give us the...

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