
作者&投稿:堵垄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The power industry is the basic industry of national economic development,as well as an important public good.It relates directly to the speed of national economic development and the level of living of the people.电力产品是一种特殊的,没有形式的产品。它的主要附加产品是服务。The product of the power industry is a special kind of product with no definite shape.Its main marginal product is service.长期以来,电力行业一直实行的是垄断经营管理模式。近几年,我国电力体制改革逐步深入,电网市场化运营机制基本建立并快速发展。The power industry has been run based on monopolised management for a lonf time.In recent years,our country has gone deeper into the reform of the power industry and the marketing of power grid has been established and developed upon.市场需求的介入、竞争机制的引入,都使得电力市场营销环境变得更加复杂,供电公司面临多方面竞争。The intervention of market demand and the introduction of competitive mechanism have made the market of power supply more complicated,making the power supply companies face competition from various aspects.电力营销工作的好坏,都将直接关系到供电公司的经济效益以及社会效益。The condition of sales power supply directly affects the economic benefits of power supply companies and the welfare of the society.因此,实施行之有效的营销策略,对于供电公司打开电力市场营销的新局面,赢得未来的电力市场,都具有极其重要的现实意义。Therefore,implementing efficient marketing strategies has very important and realistic significance for power supply companies in order for them to expand the power supply market and win over future market shares.


The Chifeng Electric power company marketing environment analyzed to build in 1972, was shouldering the Chifeng area more than 90,000 square kilometers with Liaoning Province Jianping County some areas power supply duty. In recent years, the national support electric power enterprise gives priority to development, the investment large amount of money carries on the electrical network to transform. The Chifeng municipal government also positively improves the investment environment, increases the investment efforts by any means possible. The Chifeng economy growth with stability, the new city's construction has caused the electric quantity demand big markup. The whole city each enterprise full scale development, the industrial development is especially rapid, the lives of the people further improve, quality of life obvious promotion. in 2008, the Chifeng Electric power company's quantity of electricity sold is 502035.57Wkwh. But as a result of factor influences and so on world financial crisis, the quantity of electricity sold speed-up starts from June, 2008 to appear slides. Along with the technical development, the Chifeng Electric power company's service method increases, the service level enhances greatly. in the present Chifeng Electric power company marketing work exists the question is: Lacks the perfect marketing strategy, the marketing idea waits for strengthening, the marketing method falls behind solely, the staff comprehensive level is somewhat low; At present the electricity price had still not been able to implement the city and countryside electricity price to be unified, the society public reaction is big; The electrical network construction and the transformation demand are urgent, request high, the difficulty is big; Steals the electricity phenomenon to be serious, the electrical bill recycling still has the big risk; Although the marketing service level promotes unceasingly, but many aspects must strengthen; Certain marketing service mode is obsolete, the informationization, the network degree wait for strengthening. three, Chifeng Electric power company marketing strategy's formulation in the electric power market reform's new time, the Chifeng Electric power company should closely grasp Chifeng to expand the infrastructural facilities the proper time, further increases the market development dynamics. Grasps the key industry and uses electricity the wealthy and powerful family to use electricity the condition positive action, provides the high-quality service in advance on own initiative for the customer. the specific measures are: Speeds up the electrical network construction and the transformation step, implements the old city low pressure to use electricity the transformation, the science plans the new city electrical network, promotes the countryside electrical network riding quality; Consummates produces the MIS system construction, guarantees the electrical network safely, high quality, the highly effective movement. Causes the city and countryside electricity price to be unified as soon as possible, increases the recycling electrical bill dynamics and instead steals the electrician to make dynamics. Forestalls to hold the new city energy supply share. According to the new city's construction scale and the development speed, increase the new sales network reasonably. Using the Chifeng municipal government the value which develops to the electric power enterprise, unites the news media widespread propaganda enterprise culture, the promotion society appraisal and the social influence. Strengthens the system construction, the optimized service flow, strives for perfection in the marketing service; Raises the accident reaction rate and failure processing ability, maximum limit safeguards the customer to use electricity normally; The perfect marketing center construction, uses the marketing technical support system fully, provides many kinds of ways to use electricity the service; Promotion electrical energy measurement accuracy; Strengthens the interior to inspect raises the marketing working efficiency and the quality comprehensively.

Hello, is that Mr.Hans?
This is XXX
Did you have fun last night? Did you sleep well?
The opening ceremony is to be held at 9 o'clock this morning.
I will pick you up. Where do you think is the best place for me to wait for you?
开幕式opening ceremony
作品展览works exibition
国际漫画大师论坛international cartoon master forumn
动漫产业经贸洽谈会Comic and Animation industry Economic and trade conference
签约仪式Signing ceremony
参观数字内容产业园visit digital content industrial parks
市委和市政府答谢晚宴 the Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Municipal Government Return banquet


Hello, may I speak to Hans? (如果是,他会说‘this is he. speaking.'或只说'speaking' )

This is xxx. I'll be your guide during your stay here. (好像应介绍一下你是干吗的,再寒暄)
Did you have a good time last night? Did you have a good night of sleep?

The opening ceremony will start at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. I will come to pick you up at eight thirty (8:30 之类,要给个时间。)Where would you like to meet up? May I wait for you in your hotel lobby?

开幕式、opening ceremony
作品展览、exhibition of work by participants
国际漫画大师论坛、international forum of comic master
动漫产业经贸洽谈会、comic industry trade show
签约仪式、signing ceremony
参观数字内容产业园、touring digital content industry park
市委和市政府答谢晚宴 appreciation dinner by the municipal government and the municipal party committee


Hello.Is that Hans speaking?

This is xxx

Did you have fun last night? Did you sleep well?

The opening ceremony starts at 9 o'clock this morning.Where should I wait and pick you?

开幕式:opening ceremony

作品展览:works exhibition

国际漫画大师论坛:international Manga/cosmic master forum

动漫产业经贸洽谈会:Manga/comics industry negotiation conference

签约仪式:signing contract ritual

参观数字内容产业园:visit digital industrial park

市委和市政府答谢晚宴: dinner party of acknowledgment for municipal party committee and municipal government


How are you, is this Hans?
I am so-and-so and some.
Did you have a good time yesterday evening?Sleep joss-stick?
This morning 9:00 hold opening ceremony.I will come over to pick you up.Don't know you think is where I wait you more appropriate?

Opening ceremony开幕式
Work exhibition作品展览
International cartoon master's forum国际漫画大师论坛
Move the cartoon industry economic trade talks a meeting动漫产业经贸洽谈会
Make a contract a rites签约仪式
Visit a numerical contents industry park参观数字内容产业园
City and city hall express appreciation a dinner市委和市政府答谢晚宴

Hello, is that Hans speaking?
This is XXX
Did you have fun last night? Did you sleep well?
The opening ceremony is to be held at 9 o'clock this morning.
I will pick you up. Where do you think is the best place for me to wait for you?
开幕式opening ceremony
作品展览works exibition
国际漫画大师论坛international cartoon master forumn
动漫产业经贸洽谈会Comic and Animation industry Economic and trade conference
签约仪式Signing ceremony
参观数字内容产业园visit digital content industrial parks
市委和市政府答谢晚宴 the Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Municipal Government Return banquet


hello, is Hans there?
I am XXX
Yesterday night did you enjoyed ? and how was your sleep?
The opening ceremony will held at 9am . I will come and fetch you.
Which place did you think I should wait you on.

推荐于2017-12-16 12:40:35 最佳答案 three o'clock 本回答由网友推荐 举报| 答案纠错 | 评论 68 26 liuchen5133 采纳率:36% 擅长: 洛阳市 购物 教育\/科学 英语翻译 护肤 其他回答 three o'clock. mooncak3 | 发布于2010-09-02 举报| 评论 43 18 上午3:00 AM下午3:00 PM ﹏梁眳萱...

你显示的时间没有 am. 或 pm., 可以理解为这是24小时的时间。因此这是早上10点零9分,惯常的表达是 nine minutes past ten in the morning; 也可以简单的 ten o nine morning.一定要提示 morning, 不然会误解为晚上10 点。

Opening hours 9:00-21:00 Tower Building, Tokyo Tower is also under the various facilities available to tour the first floor is to provide the diet, rest room, also has a beautiful aquarium; The second floor is that there are several shops in the shopping malls; on the third ...

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Hello, is that Mr.Hans?This is XXX Did you have fun last night? Did you sleep well?The opening ceremony is to be held at 9 o'clock this morning.I will pick you up. Where do you think is the best place for me to wait for you?名词翻译:开幕式opening ceremony 作品展览...

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荆索易可: Today's my birthday.My GF phoned me in the morning and told me she'd love to celebrate my birthday at my home with a big surprise.After hearing this news,I work extremely hard.I work for three customers. Wher I back to my company it was ...

台安县15650405801: 英语翻译在线等,高分悬赏200分 帮我把下面的文字翻译成英文,高分悬赏,急用,在线等,翻译的好我会再加 -
荆索易可: The public service advertizing design is one kind of special artistic form. It shoulders is being clear about the social benefit culture information propaganda the responsibility, its expression immediate influence society public's value idea and ...

台安县15650405801: 高分求英文翻译,在线等 -
荆索易可: 手工翻译,有问题,请留言~!Dear ...,Howa are you?Thank you sincerely for your concern and help to *** Company. Please receive our most kind-hearted wishes and respect when the new year is coming. We hope you will have a smoothy work, ...

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荆索易可: 前面两个一看就是机器翻译,我来替你挽回你的感情.楼主用了很多歌词哦1.舍不得 can not sacrifice2.不舍得 not willing to give3.突然累了 I feel tired all of a sudden 4.爱

台安县15650405801: 300分悬奖帮我翻译一段英语.
荆索易可: My princess, haven't you ever thonght that maybe I love you? I really wanna tell you myself, my love. But I'm so afraid to get hurt and get refused. Besides, I'm in fear of losing you forever. I'm sorry, but I love you so much. 真感人,我若听到这段话,一定会心甘情愿的和他在一起.

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