
作者&投稿:申备 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

When we have dinner,let the elderly take a seat first.
When we toast to the elderly, we should first toast.

Thanks for your gifts, and also your trust and your words. At last wish you and your family all the best.

1、Out in the open rather than hidden under the counter where people would have to ask for them and maybe be embarrassed.
2、For example, the promotion of drug addiction which we'll get into later.
3、He went on to say that they were not primarily people in public office, but people of prominence who were primarily known in their private occupations or private positions.
4、There has been much written, and much said, by some people who have looked at all the changes that have occurred in American society in the past 20 years or so, and who have looked retrospectively to earlier history of the United States, and indeed, of the world, and come to the conclusion that there is a conspiracy of sorts which influences, indeed controls. major historical events, not only in the United States, but also around the world.
5、This is a transcript of a loose, conversational monologue that makes for better listening than reading.


1 在比较开放的空间要比在暗中操作要好些-这样人们就会有可能直接说出自己的真实所想,即使出现尴尬也不会太在意。
2 比如吸毒成瘾的问题,迟些我们将有所涉及。
3 他继续说道那些人在办公室里他们并不是重要人物,但在他们私人职位或私人位置上,他们绝对是无可争议的首要人物。
4 有很多书面写出来的,还有是说出来的,有些人只看到美国建国200年左右的历史;还有些人只看到美国和世界的早期历史,就得出这样一个结论:绝对存在一个阴谋,其实质上不仅影响美国也在影响着全世界,不仅控制着美国也在控制着全世界。
5 由于这是一个比较松散的、谈话式的独白,这样就使它具有读不如听的效果。个人意见,仅供参考!

这些句子不简单了= = 花了我许多的脑细胞~

① 呆在视野的地方,而不是柜台后面,在柜台后面的话人们就不得不出声呼唤,而这是一件非常令人尴尬的事情。
② 比如说,我们待会儿将要提到的毒瘾(人数?)提升。
③ 他接着说道,那些人并不是政府公职的高官,而是一些在自己本职工作上广为人知的卓越之人。
④ 那些认真观察美国过去20年左右所发生的事情的人,以及回顾美国甚至世界早期历史的人早已长篇累牍的说过、写过这样的结论:有各种各样的阴谋在影响甚至控制主流历史,不仅仅是美国,全世界都受到影响。
⑤ 这是一个相比于看更适于听的一个结构松散、口语化的独白文稿。


2 例如,促进药物成瘾而我们会进入之后。

1. I miss you so much already and I haven't even left yet! 尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想!2. Sometimes,happiness is not the more the better,but to just right。3. Brief is life, but love is long. 生命虽短,爱却绵长。4. I don’t want to be the first one。I ...


1.我能吃个冰淇淋吗?Can i have an ice-cream?2.不,你得吃饭了。No, you have to have dinner now.3.你想要看动画片吗?Do you want to watch cartoon?4.当然。Sure.5.你的眼睛在哪里? (是眼镜吧)Where are your glasses?6.在沙发上。They are on the sofa.7.上星期天你干什么去...

How far you can throw a shot 别爬那根绳子,它太细了 Don’t clamp up to the line, it’s too thin.明天我们去潜水,好么?Let us go to diving tomorrow, all right?我们什么时候去玩儿滑板?When are we going to play slide?

2、For example, the promotion of drug addiction which we'll get into later.比方说,我们即将要涉及的吸毒问题。3、He went on to say that they were not primarily people in public office, but people of prominence who were primarily known in their private occupations or private ...

the monkeys next time 27.幼小的熊猫 a young panda 28.六点吃晚饭 have dinner at six 29.去农场的路上 on the way to the farm 30.说错了 say something wrong 31.下一年 next year 32.英语说得快 speak English fastly 33.一半鸡蛋 a half of an egg 自己翻译的···打了半天字 ...

1,我的朋友是一名公交车司机 My friend is a texi driver.2,那是什么?那是我的新车。What is that? That is my new car.3,露丝不是你的老师 Lucy is not your teacher.4,谁是你的朋友 Who is your friend?5,瓶子不是空的 The bottle is not empty.6,课程是在星期一 The class ...

1. The boat has to sail on the water.1.船要在水中航行 2. Due to the hollow boat, they can float.2.因为所有的船中间都是空的,所以他们可以浮在水面上 3. Little boat can help us to sail from one side to another.3.小船能帮助我们从岸的一边到达另一边 4. Some boats are ...

急求几句简单英文翻译!!!立刻 跪谢
1. strong ability of logic and data analysis.2. familiar with computer Office software.3. strong writing and summarizing skills.4. the competence and organization skills excellent.5. proficiency in configuration, such as AUTOCAD software.6. the simple English translation.

我觉得这句子这样改比较好,All of the hotels had no available rooms 5.如果他做到了,他就是一个好老板.He will be a good boss if he makes it.6.你的经验比较缺乏,你怎么看?How do you see \/think of your inexperience?是的,我与贵公司是有差距,但是我相信,在不长的时间里,我会...

翼城县17510378405: 英文高手帮帮忙,翻译几个简单的句子,谢谢.1.the human spirit is strong .It seems to run forever on nothing but a faint hope.2.Wgen they covered with wooden... -
殳威畅美:[答案] 1 人类的精神是强大的,哪怕只有一点希望似乎就能永远流传下去. 2 当他们用木板封住他那7平方英尺的小室的窗户,又关掉灯时,他不知道自己是否会挺过这一关.

翼城县17510378405: 求高手翻译几个简单的英文句子
殳威畅美: 1 what are you going to do with these apparatuses? 2 she spend half of her money on clothes 3 he is considering changing jobs 4 i would like to have a look at your new car 5 your answer should have been better 6 to get rid of cold,i have tried a ...

翼城县17510378405: 拜托英语高手帮我翻译几个很简单的英语句子!
殳威畅美: 1. The day before yesterday, our school held its 28th Games, we are very happy frame of mind. 2. Race has just begun, we Yu Zhiqiang of the ban on access to the men's 100M of the first, and we are proud of. 3. Unfortunately, the third day because of...

翼城县17510378405: 几句简单的中文翻译成英文请英语高手指教 -
殳威畅美: Thanks for your gifts, and also your trust and your words. At last wish you and your family all the best.

翼城县17510378405: 急!求高手翻译几句英文!有赏!将以下几句话翻译一下!谢谢!1 为了理想努力就一定会成功2 学会在平凡的生活中挑战并享受3 美好的梦境令人向往4 不... -
殳威畅美:[答案] 1.Make great efforts to be sure to succeed right away for the ideal2.Learn to challenge and enjoy in ordinary life3.Fine dreamworld is alluring4.Not being controlled and seduced by desire5.Ought to be...

翼城县17510378405: 英语高手帮我!翻译几句简单的句子
殳威畅美: 1.For Chinese, Spring Festival is the most important festival on the first day of lunar calendar.2.On the New Year's eve, the family often get together to have dinner. People usually set firecrackers to welcome the arrival of the New Year! 3.Visit friends...

翼城县17510378405: 英语高手进来翻译一下几个简单语句
殳威畅美: 1. Can you hear my voice? 2. Please answer me! 3. I must beat you all to pieces

翼城县17510378405: 英语高手进,翻译两句简单的话.翻译:1.这真让人感动. 2.我被你感动了,因为你曾说过的这句话.谢谢谢谢. -
殳威畅美:[答案] 1.it's quite touching~ 2.i'm moved by the remark you've ever said~ 不谢不谢~

翼城县17510378405: 求高手帮忙翻译几句英文,拜托了,非常紧急!! -
殳威畅美: 1.I would like to participate in all kinds of competitions both on campus and off campus since I was very young,such as competitions of dancing ,singing and elocnting.2.I am proud of every result.3.The opportunities for coming into contact with stage are all valuable possessions of mine.【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为您解答!

翼城县17510378405: 求教几句翻译(汉译英) -
殳威畅美: 1.你的高贵让我望尘莫及.You let me catch up with the noble. 2.我不能阻止它,我唯一能做的是防止它继续恶化.I can not stop it, the only thing I can do is prevent it from getting worse. 3.未做好准备,别轻举妄动.Not yet ready, do not act rashly.

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