
作者&投稿:绽池 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Automatic control room ( Computer control room)

The inspection room of paper's defect

1,The administration department 2,
Executive Vice President Office
Deputy general office production4,purchase department ;5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13Line pipe warehouse chairman office cashier Office Accounting Office Project Office of the chief financial officer of record room department of quality inspection department tube driver 14,15,16,17
General cost accounting and conference rooms and Development Department

董事长室Chairman of the board room
总经理室General manager office
市场营销部Marketing Department
生产管理部、Production management department
财务管理部、Financial management department
行政人事部、Administrative personnel department
储藏室Stock room
会议室Meeting room
、活动室Activity room
质检室、Quality inspection room

1 the chairman room
2 general manager room
3 market Marketing Department
4 production management department
5 financial management department
6 administrative personnel
7 storeroom
8 meeting room
9 the activity room
10 restaurant
11 the kitchen
12 XiShuJian
13 quality inspection room
14 Number one dormitory

General Manager
Marketing Dpt
Production Management Dpt
Financial Affairs Dpt
Administration & H.R. Dpt
Meeting Room
Quality Inspection Room
Dormitory #1

可能暗示您结婚时将会有如此美好的场景。二十七 吕纯阳点石化金 欲入公门得贵扶,金银浪积遇荣图。他年许有成功日,不用劳神往别都。意思是仕途上将有好事发生,也不用费劲心思去别的地方寻求发展之路。两签的总体意思就是仕途婚姻都很看好的意思。本人能力有限,有不对之处望请高人指出。

Dear I am really sorry for that issue. I just confirmed with our representative in the plant. He informed that the inventory of white-base adhesive was running out at the time, so they decide to use yellow-base adhesive instead. We apology that we didn't realize the issue in...

Please help me to open access to the network folders.

I‘m very sorry for the delayed reply, but I fell ill several days ago. I'm pleased to learn that your firend agrees on it and I'm wondering whether or not you're scheduled to get back to China on July 28th. As for the date of the interview, I'd like to consult ...



我的 李朝威的<柳毅传>请翻译高手帮我翻译成现代文! 怎么都没有说完呢\/?... 怎么都没有说完呢\/? 展开  我来答 3个回答 #热议# 你觉得同居会更容易让感情变淡吗? 玛雅2006 2006-02-08 · TA获得超过3075个赞 知道小有建树答主 回答量:716 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:427万 我也去答题访...


你好,翻译为:“According to general headquarter, to document room, new regulation is: The document room can only store the project or the mission being closed down but the document not exceeding 1 year files; And then have been closed down exceeding 1 year asking a foster son to...

请各位高手帮我汉译英 急```
I've got a high school certification. Now I'm studying English. Due to my poor English, I hope to be admitted to your school before 2009, but I still have some other questions.For example: What kind of visa will I get if being admitted into your school? F1 or F2?Do ...

梁子湖区19393838258: 英语翻译麻烦帮我准确的翻译出以下的"科室标牌"的英文名称:1 处长室2 规划建设管理科3 政工科(组织人事部)4 排水行业文明办5 文印室6 阅档室7 排... -
呼肯美满:[答案] Division Chief office 处长室 President office 会长室 Secretary-General office 秘书长室

梁子湖区19393838258: 求英文高手来翻译下这些科室牌的英文翻译 -
呼肯美满: 我来回答:Department of preventive health careDepartment of Health EducationLogistics SecurityThe cards early pregnancy clinic42 days post-natal health check clinicAntenatal clinicsChild health clinic accessWaiting child protection...

梁子湖区19393838258: 急求各科室牌英文翻译,翻译要统一标准 -
呼肯美满: 各科室牌英文翻译: 1、财务部:Finance Department. 2、助理办公室:Assistant Office. 3、董事长办公室:Chairman'sOffice. 4、成本部:Cost Department. 5、董事会办公室:Board Office. 6、工程部:Engineering Department. 7、...

梁子湖区19393838258: 求助一些科室的英文翻译:1.征管和科技发展科;2.税源管理一科;3.税政法规科4.老干部活动室 -
呼肯美满: 1. The collection and management and the development of science and technology; 2. The tax sources management subject; 3. Tax laws and regulations division 4. Retired veteran cadres activity room 5. Accounting income planning division; ...

梁子湖区19393838258: 请帮我翻译以下科室牌英文名 -
呼肯美满: security office,security section, reservoir area Administration Section,flood protection information center,General Engineer office,Counseling Room

梁子湖区19393838258: 拜托 各位大哥大姐 ,麻烦给我翻译一下医院科室这几个英文
呼肯美满: 照光室 Shine on light room照片一室 Photograph one room照片二室 Photograph two rooms暗室 Dark room取报告处 Take the report place照片登记处 Photograph registry清宫室 Pure temple room洗手更衣室 Wash hands a locker room重症病房 Advanced case sickroom医护办公室 Cure to protect office雾化室 Fog turns room留察室 Stay the observation room五官科 Facial features section

梁子湖区19393838258: 医院科室牌的中英文翻译 高分求助^ - ^ -
呼肯美满: 输液观察室 transfusion Observation Room 急诊抢救室 Emergency Room 肠道门诊 intestine clinic 计划生育科 Birth Control Dept B超·心电图室 B-Ultrasound·ECG room 化验室 laboratory 院长办公室 President's Office 副院长办公室 Vice ...

梁子湖区19393838258: 帮我翻译科室牌英文 -
呼肯美满: 总经理室 General Manage 副总经理室 Assistant General Manager 财务室 Financial Department 书记室 Party Secretary 工会 Worker's Union 主任办公室 Director 总务室 Administration 会议室 Meeting Room

梁子湖区19393838258: 请帮忙翻译以下科室英文,请注意大小写. -
呼肯美满: Employment Center Vocational skills Identification Center Branch personnel exchanges Insurance Section Skills Identification Division

梁子湖区19393838258: 麻烦各位高手帮忙翻译 -
呼肯美满: 1、总经办 General Manager Office 2、开发部 Development Department (Dep.) 3、行政人事部 Administration (Admin.) and HR Dep.4、预决算部 Budget and Account Settlement Dep. 5、财务部 Finance Dep.6、会客室 Conference Room (Conf. Rm.) (Reception Room, Parlor)

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