
作者&投稿:之纯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

说真的,还有什么是Kim Kardashian 没有做过的呢?事实上,为了她最近投资的Belle Noel公司的春天/夏日系列, Miss Kim 带着她对珠宝的爱和激情进入了她另一层面的第二条珠宝系列的路线-我陷入了爱。
Belle Noel 的春天系列都是形状设计大胆,形状复杂,女性气质的首饰。这个系列中的六边形、蜂窝和蝴蝶等作品都新颖的糅合了金属和造型的柔软以及坚硬的感觉。她混合使用金属、树脂、皮革和石头的材料,创造了一个系列。我渴望拥有这个系列!
“能够拥有自己的珠宝系列是我长久以来的一个梦想。所以这对我来说是一个神奇的机会经历--坐下来并且设计反映我个人风格的作品。而且一个系列也是很丰富的并且能够提供给其他人一点东西。你们这些家伙也知道,我爱表现自己特色的珠宝首饰。所以我想创作一些真正与众不同,表现个性东西,但最重要的是,我希望你们每个人都能买得起这些东西!”-Kim Kardashian的“ 你们都买得起”这里有售!价格范围从25美元到200美元(这是迄今为止我仅见的)。她的系列适合你的全部衣物,而且配合你的包包会显得很优雅!你可以在精品店和商场中购买,但如果你迫不及待想立即拥有,你可以按以下方式购买!



Melrose Avenue was slightly more crowded than usual on Saturday afternoon as a steady stream of budding fashionist as patiently lined the street to meet and greet Nicole Richie who was debuting her jewelry collection, House of Harlow, at the Kitson boutique.
Richie, ever the embodiment of a bohemian scene queen in a breezy cream-colored maxi dress custom-designed by a friend, sauntered in the store hand-in-hand with her younger sister Sofia, draped in bangles, necklaces and rings of her own design. The collection, which was crafted by Mouawad, boasts eye-popping dazzlers in bold starburst and geometric designs in gold, palladium, rose gold and leather materials and resonates a distinctive vintage-meets-modern aesthetic.
李奇曾经穿着她朋友设计的、展示波希米亚女王形象的米黄色长裙,与她的妹妹索非亚一起,戴着手镯、项链和她自己设计的戒指,手拉手漫步于时尚店之间。这次展览的饰品,均为Mouawad制作的,那些由金子、钯金、玫瑰金、 皮料等设计而成的各类图案以及符合现代审美观念的仿古珍品,光彩夺目、惊爆眼球,令人目不暇接。
“Nicole has fantastic taste and really brought beautiful designs to the table. I’ve worked with Heidi Klum and Andrea Lieberman among others on high-end, red carpet jewelry collaborations, but this is really the first fashion-forward [costume jewelry] collection Mouawad has done,” Pascal Mouawad said. “We wanted the price points to be very affordable since Nicole’s fans are young and trendy. It was a lot of fun working with such a smart and stylish star…this is only the beginning!”
妮可具有梦幻般的审美情趣,她把精美的设计真正地带到了观众的面前。我曾在高端的红地毯首饰协会与海蒂克鲁姆、安德烈利伯曼以及其他人一起合作过,但这是第一场真正的时尚前卫[服装饰品]的展出。“Mouawad做到了”,帕斯卡尔评论说。“我们希望,价位非常适中、实惠,因为尼科尔的粉丝们多是追求时髦新潮的年轻人。能与这样一个聪明、时尚的明星一起工作真是充满乐趣... ...这仅仅是个开始!”
Hairstylist Andy LeCompte was on hand to perfectly position Richie’s metallic gold-plated headpiece before she took to her fans, many of whom were decked out in House of Harlow designs. “I love Nicole’s headpieces. I actually sell them in my salon and put them on other clients all of the time and they freak out. Her pieces are so on trend and as a long as you part the hair in the middle and keep it romantic and Grecian with some loose waves, a lot of people can actually wear them,” the stylist explained.

As for Richie, the young mom, reality star and designer took a breather to reflect on her latest achievement. “I designed every single piece personally and I think it all turned out great. This is really very exciting since I based my line off a lot of my own old 1960s and 1970s jewelry pieces I’ve collected over the years,” she explained. “My mom is seriously my biggest fan. She’ll try to leave the house wearing one of my headpieces, and I’m like dragging her back inside so she won’t embarrass herself! There’s an age limit with those things, you know?”

对于李奇,年轻的妈妈、成名明星和设计师对她最新取得的成就惊诧不已。"我亲自设计每一个细微之处并使之达到完美。这真是太令人兴奋了,因为我参考了我多年来收藏的上世纪 60 年代和 70 年代的老式饰品。"她解释说。"我妈妈是我最忠实的粉丝,她总是试图戴一件我设计的头饰出门,而我却总是把她拉回家里以避免让她难看,你知道,那些饰品是有年龄限制的"。


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苌贞板蓝: 1.Study and study Would it not be better studied and put to a new study of demarcation, as different as tourism and travel. When people travel flows, indifferent to travel. Education at all today - is the study, not reading. To school life, like fighting a ...

兴城市19531765489: 求英语翻译. 请帮我翻译一篇文章,英译汉 谢谢!Many years ago, in a small town, there lived a doctor .He was good and kind .At any time of day and night ,he ... -
苌贞板蓝:[答案] 许多年前,在一个小镇上,住着一位医生.他很善良.不管什么时候,他总是准备好去帮助生病的人.镇上的人都很喜欢他,人们不舒服时候总是去找他.但许多年过去了,医生老了.他开始失去他的记忆,这使得他有时做愚蠢的事情.人们注意到这一点,...

兴城市19531765489: 在线等翻译,急求,专业点的,谢谢啦,英译汉The value concept contemplates a monetary sum associated with a transaction. However, sale of the property ... -
苌贞板蓝:[答案] 价值观念与交易的金额有关.然而,如果该项资产是在市场价值定义规定的条件下进行估价,并于当日出售,那对通过估价来决定出售哪项资产的方式来说,资产的交易价值并不是一个必要条件. 感觉有点拗口,呵呵.

兴城市19531765489: 求英文高手帮我翻译下文章啊~~~英译汉!~~~感激不尽!!! -
苌贞板蓝: 迪斯尼乐园和迪士尼世界最高度参观娱乐场所在世界.这样的知名度和受众,行动的迪士尼公司远远超出边界的主题公园.不仅是迪士尼多维娱乐集团,但其资料给它突出没有其他娱乐经理.任何在迪士尼有可能流到其他地方.那是,标准,...

兴城市19531765489: 跪求高人帮忙翻译英文文章
苌贞板蓝: What can limit people are only people themselves. Perhaps we are stuck in a condition which seems to have no way out, and perhaps we are limited to facing a difficult choice .At this moment we must understand that this kind of circumstances ...

兴城市19531765489: 跪求这篇英文的译文,急急急~!!!! -
苌贞板蓝: 爱you.you永远将是时间是的我的everything.we vecoginienot long.perhaps自然arrangement.may是命运对coincidence.but是不会有长的way.i是非常清楚您的mind是非常清楚,并且我将等待您发现真正地属于their respective.the另外一半他们的time...

兴城市19531765489: 急求翻译,急求,在线等,不要百度翻译的哈,要自己翻译的,十分感谢,跪求英语高手1、Just as a factory requires a complete set of machinery to proceed ... -
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兴城市19531765489: 急啊!有谁帮我赶快翻译一下这篇英语文章?
苌贞板蓝: 在一些科幻小说电影中, pelple 未来有他们自己的机械手.这些机械手仅仅像人类.他们帮忙用家事而且做那大部分 unplessant 工作. 一些科学家相信那里意志未来是如此的机械手.Howener,他们同意它可能拿数百年.科学家现在正在尝试...

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