
作者&投稿:双叶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Respect for the visa officer:
I'm the visa applicant Liu Xunfei's mother**,I was born in July,15,1964. Although my educational background is not high , from I've participated in the job till I started my own business , I'm deeply know that knowledge can change our lives even fates ,so we concentrate on bring up our children and hope she can become a knowledgeable person with excellent comprehensive quality. In her junior, I put her into the Dalian Maple Leaf International School,which specially bring up students who want to go abroad. Now, she's already adapted to the educational style of foreign high school, which the same to the east countries. After get her permission, I decided sent her to Australia to continue her education and choose a suitable major in the university on the basis of her skilled English. It's also very important to adapt to the increasingly competitive national job market and think about her own future carefully. Considering my child is too yong to adapt the life in Australia, I'm thinking about to take care of her a period of time and help her adapt to the new environment as soon as possible.
hereby declare :
I toally agree and support my daughter ** study in Australia and I'd like to go to Australia to take care of her study and life as her guardian at he same time.We'll promise her tuition fee 、 living expenses and other fees.
Attached:my ID card copies and house photo copies.


本文在论述企业危机管理理论的基础上,首先研究了“三聚氰胺”事件对伊利乳品企业造成的影响及危机过后伊利企业的恢复状况,Based on the discourse of companies' crisis management theory, this article firslty has a good study on what effect on Yili Dairy Product Corporation had been caused by the Melamine Incident and how well it recovered after the crisis.
And then, by analyzing the crisis management strategy and operation method of Yili in the incident, the article finaly offers several revelatory suggestions on the healthy development of our food enterprises from the aspects of crisis warning, communication, the public interest and the like.

最佳答案哦Along with the export-oriented economy in our country and the implementation of the policy of economic globalization and regional economic integration, the quickening of the process of international container transportation in the development of our country present a strong momentum, this will drive the every Chinese port container throughput of fast growth. 2004-2010, our country container port throughput of 062 million teu increase to 145 million teu, growth rate of nearly 134%. In order to meet the increasing needs of container transportation, adapt to the container ship large, large scale trend, alleviate growing for throughput brought about by the huge pressure, a lot of port cities are beginning to establish and expand the container terminal. But the container terminal cost is high, project investment risk is big, members of the container terminal work ability put forward more and more high demand. And improve the working ability of container terminal is not just by adding the dock in new equipment to achieve, but by the container terminal of the current work deep understanding and to reach the mining dive

Along with the export-oriented economy in our country and the implementation of the policy of economic globalization and regional economic integration, the quickening of the process of international container transportation in the development of our country present a strong momentum, this will drive the every Chinese port container throughput of fast growth. 2004-2010, our country container port throughput of 062 million teu increase to 145 million teu, growth rate of nearly 134%.
In order to meet the increasing needs of container transportation, adapt to the container ship large, large scale trend, alleviate growing for throughput brought about by the huge pressure, a lot of port cities are beginning to establish and expand the container terminal. But the container terminal cost is high, project investment risk is big, members of the container terminal work ability put forward more and more high ?

随着信息技术的飞速发展,信息技术的使用给企业带来了翻天覆地的变化,通过信息技术平台的搭建,实现企业业务的流程整合和优化,增强企业的业务创新能力,提高企业的整体生产效率和竞争力,已成为企业发展的趋势。而软件项目又是企业信息化产业发展的核心,在企业信息化的过程中发挥着举足轻重的作用。With the ...

have made great contributions to the escort. But Chinese pesticide machinery, spraying technology level is relatively backward, pesticide use. At present, the spraying machinery, improved to update the spraying technology, improve the major pest control ability and level, in order to adapt...

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Dog urine Shi Zheng is in dog's urine road inorganic salt or the organic salts crystallizes congeals is the stone, the product stone or the abundant crystallization stimulates the urine road mucous membrane to cause one kind of urinary organ disease which the hemorrhage, the inflammat...

From oil shale, were paraffin contaminated soil have been contaminated by petroleum ether was vacuum pump oil contaminated soil and the soil had been selected to meet the requirements of high-yield screening biosurfactant of bacteria. And extraction. Through a series of physiological and ...

The orbital transportation construction opportunity's determination uses conventional the cost benefit analysis, adopts in the influencing factor the urban population scale and the economic level (each person of average income) two important targets carries on the quantification computation. The ...

Analysis of international crisis management in the mass media in shaping the country's image functions and Implications for China Abstract: Entering the new century, a variety of international crises and the high incidence countries in the world are facing a serious threat, with the ...

After three years of the recovery, sichuan earthquake poor village housing reconstruction, industrial recovery and infrastructure repair work has been completed. Farmer's production and life basic restoration, the cultural life of the needs of production and life with changing the way of ...

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