帮我翻译一段介绍lady gaga的短文

作者&投稿:长孙詹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Lady Gaga几首歌曲的歌词及翻译~


Want your bad romance

Want your bad romance

I want your ugly
I want your disease
I want your everything
As long as it’s free
I want your love
I want your love

I want your drummer
The touch of your healing
I want you leather dirty kiss in the scene
And I want your love
You know that I want you
I want your love
I want your love

You know that I want you
And you know that I need you
I want it bad
Bad and bad
I want your loving
And I want your revenge
You and me put on a bad romance
I want your loving
All your love is revenge
You and me put on a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

Want your bad romance

Want your bad romance

I want your horror
I want your design
‘Cause you’re a criminal
As long as your mine
I want your love
I want your love

I want your psycho
You’re burning this stick
Want you in my room
When your baby is sick
I want your love
I want your love
I want your love

You know that I want you
And you know that I need you
I want it bad
Bad and bad

I want your loving
And I want your revenge
You and me put on a bad romance
I want your loving
All your love is revenge
You and me put on a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

Want your bad romance

Want your bad romance

Work-work fashion baby
Work it
Work the bitch crazy
Work-work fashion baby
Work it
Work the bitch crazy
Work-work fashion baby
Work it
Work the bitch crazy
Work-work fashion baby
Work it
Work the bitch crazy

I want your love
And I want your revenge
I want your love
I don’t wanna be friends

Said I want your love
And I want your revenge
I want your love
I don’t wanna be friends

Caught in a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

I want your loving
And I want your revenge
You and me put on a bad romance
I want your loving
All your love is revenge
You and me put on a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

Want your bad romance


I saw a shadow, and I knew that it wasn’t mine
You and her, I know that you are intertwined
Even though, her clothes were on and everything
Your eyes were somewhere else and you were both to blame

Don’t say a word
I’m sure that it won’t be enough
To erase what I know just happens now what dreams are made of
This is my house and I won’t allow that disrespect
Baby don’t look at me like that
Don’t belong to you, runaway

Cuz baby now that you got caught what am I suposed to say
____ it’s so wrong what you did but I still feel this way
I can’t believe it, oh forget it, what I saw today
And if you’re wondering if I’m staying answer is no way
No Way (_________)
No Way (I can’t believe it babe)
No Way (No Way)

Something I saw, something I know did not belong to me
But then I thought there’s no way you would do that to me
Remember last week, when you went aside to use your phone
I felt a chill but told myself that it was from the cold
And I just woke up, but I wish that it was a nightmare
Cos when I have those, it isn’t real like this one is
This is my heart, and I won’t allow that disrespect
Baby don’t look at me like that


____ (damn tag)
You can take the tender laugh (_______ left?)
Don’t barf from last night
I made you your favourite goodbye



Lady Gaga, is an American singer and songwriter. Born and raised in New York City on March 28, 1986.
She primarily studied at the Convent of the Sacred Heart and briefly attended New York University's Tisch School of the Arts before withdrawing to focus on her musical career. She began performing in the rock music scene of Manhattan's Lower East Side, and by the end of 2007, was signed with Streamline Records. Her most songs topped the charts of most major markets and generated more international chart-topping singles that include "Poker face", "Bad Romance" and "The Edge of Glory".
Lady Gaga's supporters, known as "little monsters" now seem to be growing worldwide.

Lady Gaga, a world of American female singer. Born in 1986 in the United States of Manhattan. Her parents were the merchant of Italy, life is very rich. In school, can even and Paris Hilton such a table to do. When she was a child she demonstrated high music talent, at the New York University after dropping out of school, she started her singing career. She have been very much, because she always wears strange clothes in public, or even to take her as a negative example. However, she did what others do not, she lifted the tide of modern dress. She is very friendly to the fans, the fans will sing in her line, she will give fans made apple pie. Although she received the influence of public opinion, but she still worked hard to produce songs. She is not beautiful, she is not good, but I love her, because she is lady gaga.

是现在全球最红的明星之一,拥有无数永远是媒体关注的焦点.她就是LADYComing from United States, She is already one of the most popular pop

Lady gaga, a effect on world of American female singer. The United States was born in 1986 in Manhattan. Her parents are Italian businessman, life is very rich. Go to school, can even and Paris Hilton has such a prestigious women do sit at the same table. When she was young, she showed high music talent, at the New York university school, she began singing career. She was taken to resent, because she always wore strange clothes appear in public, even with her when negative example. But, she made others dare not do, is she lifted the modern dress tide. She is very friendly to fans, when fans in her slip to sell will line up, she will give the fans hair apple pie. Although she was the influence of public opinion, but she still trying to make songs. She was not beautiful

Lady gaga, a effect on world of American female singer. The United States was born in 1986 in Manhattan. Her parents are Italian businessman, life is very rich. Go to school, can even and Paris Hilton has such a prestigious women do sit at the same table. When she was young, she showed high music talent, at the New York university school, she began singing career. She was taken to resent, because she always wore strange clothes appear in public, even with her when negative example. But, she made others dare not do, is she lifted the modern dress tide. She is very friendly to fans, when fans in her slip to sell will line up, she will give the fans hair apple pie. Although she was the influence of public opinion, but she still trying to make songs. She was not beautiful, her body is not good, but I love her, because she is lady gaga.

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-Prendre la fonction de l'assistant dans un atelier de peindre.-Obtenir le permis de conduire.Intérêt presonnel:(个人兴趣)La conception\/ La musique\/ La photographie\/ La film\/ Le voyage.Auto-présentation:(自我介绍)Je suis ouvert(e) et bien eclairé(e)(性格开朗),sincère(...

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《hello song》歌词英文翻译是什么?
《hello song》歌曲介绍。《hello song》是一首简单的英文儿歌,曲调欢快,歌词简单,很适合低年龄段的儿童传唱,歌词主要描写了苹果的外貌特征,非常适合6岁以下的儿童学习。学习这首英文歌,主要是让儿童能用英语从颜色、味道、形状等角度描绘物体;通过《hello song》这首英文儿歌,让孩子喜欢英语儿歌,...

Mi piace molto l'Italia,e un paese molto romantica.A scuola le materie che studio sono l'italiano,il giapponese,l'inglese e la matematica.Adesso sono al terzo liceo,e sono molto occupata.La nostra scuola è molto grande,e siamo tutte ragazze.A ogni weekend vado a nuotare,...

内蒙古自治区14716755273: 求英文翻译Lady gaga的个人简介. -
谏皇布洛: Lady GaGa at 4-year-old age by their ears learned piano; 13-year-old piano wrote the first Lyric Opera; 14-year-old her night in New York's famous nightclubs such as Bitter End, daytime in biaoge is in the Sacred Heart School of Covent (located on ...

内蒙古自治区14716755273: lady gaga 英文介绍 -
谏皇布洛: Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta (born March 28, 1986), better known by her stage name Lady Gaga, is an American pop singer. She began performing in the rock music scene of New York City's Lower East Side in 2003 and enrolled at New ...

内蒙古自治区14716755273: lady gaga的英文介绍 -
谏皇布洛: 二楼的翻译真是太不负责了.翻译如下 Lady GaGa Lady GaGa原名:Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta (蒂芬妮·乔安妮·安吉莉娜·杰尔马诺塔) Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta (born March 28, 1986), better known by her stage ...

内蒙古自治区14716755273: 谁能用英语简单介绍一下lady gaga??? -
谏皇布洛: Lady Gaga is the most famous female singer in the world right now,her oriiginal name isJoanne Stefani Germanotta.She was born on the 28th of March,1986.Although she born in New York of America but both of her parents are Italians.Lady Gaga ...

内蒙古自治区14716755273: 用英文介绍lady gaga,最好把她获得的一些奖项写出来,要有翻译,跪求!!! -
谏皇布洛: Lady Gaga Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta (born March 28, 1986), better known by her stage name Lady Gaga, is an American pop singer-songwriter. She began performing in the rock music scene of New York City's Lower East Side in ...

内蒙古自治区14716755273: 谁帮我介绍下Lady GaGa?
谏皇布洛: Lady Gaga 原名:Joanne Stefani Germanotta 中文译名:嘎嘎夫人、女神卡卡、蕾迪卡卡、夫人加加 生日:1986年3月28日 星座:白羊座 身高:162CM 家乡:美国纽约的扬克斯(Yonkers) 音乐影响:David Bowie、Queen、Madonna、...

内蒙古自治区14716755273: lady gaga 英语介绍
谏皇布洛:中文: 她4岁就能靠双耳聆听,学会了弹奏钢琴;13岁写下第一首抒情创作歌曲;14岁在公开场合拿起麦克风演唱;17岁被纽约大学音乐系提前录取,这种特殊名额全世界只有20个;20岁,她开始给布兰妮、菲姬、小野猫、阿肯等知名歌手作...

内蒙古自治区14716755273: lady gaga 英文简介 -
谏皇布洛: Lady Gaga is an American recording artist. She began performing in the rock music scene of New York City's Lower East Side. She soon signed with Streamline Records, an imprint of Interscope Records, upon its establishment in 2007. During ...

内蒙古自治区14716755273: 求Lady Gaga的英文简介!
谏皇布洛: Lady GaGa1986 was born in New York, Yonkers, parents were Italian. Child enrolled in a Catholic named the Sacred Heart school, fashion ladies Paris Hilton (Paris Hilton) and Caroline Kennedy are her alumni. In 2006, Gaga in from New York ...

内蒙古自治区14716755273: 急急!谁能用英语介绍下lady gaga要150个单词左右,我会选正确答案,谢谢! -
谏皇布洛: Style and image Gaga wearing a plastic bubble dress while performing a concert on The Fame Ball Tour.Gaga has stated that she is "very into fashion" and that it is "everything" to her.Her love of fashion came from her mother, who was "...

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