
作者&投稿:郭侄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

“把……翻译成”的英文短语为:translate from...into...
translate后接介词into表示“把…翻译成…”“把…转化为…”;后接介词短语from...into...表示“(把…)从…翻译成为…”; 后接介词to表示“调某人到…”如:
translate as把…解释为…
translate from Chinese into English从汉语译成英语
translate from French into Spanish从法文译成西班牙文
translate into action变成行动,落实在行动上
translate sb to调某人到…

读音:英 [trænsˈleɪt] 美 [trænsˈlet,]
释义:vt.& vi.翻译;转化;解释;
The girls waited for Mr Esch to translate.
How do we translate this into metrics of progress?
It's hard to translate the animal's behavior.
translate、interpret 【词义:翻译】
1、translate v. 翻译
〔例证〕Are you going to translate the novel?
2、interpret v. 口译
〔例证〕I tried to interpret what she said into English.

1. learning interest in sports / PE learning interest
2. Learning Attitude of Physical Education (P.E.) /PE learning attitude
3. PE participation motivation
4. Independent learning capability /self-learning ability
5. cooperative learning ability
6. interpersonal skills

Old books and magazines collection!
Newspapers collection!
pick up plastic bottles!
Turn off the water tap after washing hands!
Write on both sides without wasting paper!

1.collect used books and magazines
2.collect newspapers
3.pick up the plastic bottles
4.close the taps after washing hands
5.write on both sides of the paper

gather old books (and magazines)
gather (old) newspapers
pick up(gather) plastic bottles
Turn off the tap after washing
Save to(Don't waste) write on both sides of papaer!

手扶眉骨-羞愧 Walking brow - to shame 紧抿嘴唇-窘迫 The popular lips - distress 挠头-不知所措 Scratching - helpless 双手反复摩擦-焦虑 Rubbing hands - anxiety 把玩领带或饰物-心神不宁 Play tie or decorations - uneasy 眼神不集中、左顾右盼-害怕 Look not focus, glance left and ...

..(本题存疑)18、开办俱乐部 intend\/run a club 19、给……一些信息 give information to...20、被要求做…… be required to do...21、向……大声的读出 speak to sb. in a loud voice 22、做研究 do a research 23、提出 put forward 24、以……为基础 be based on......

帮忙翻译一下几个短语 中译英~~!!
1. A penny 2. A penny 3. 6 pence 4. 3 pounds 75 pence 5. 1 U.S. dollar 25 cents 6. Four five-dollar bill 7. 3000 U.S. dollars in cash 8. Two thousand dollars in checks 9. 500 U.S. dollars in coins 10. A coin one point 11. A fifth of the coin 12. A ...

反驳 v.retort 18.略带几分讽刺的态度 in a tone somewhat sarcasm 19.继承(继承文化那个继承)inherite 20.保守的(用于形容思想)conservativve 21.一成不变(形容人不会更新,接受新事物)stick-in-the-mud 22.与时俱进 keep abreast of the time 23.与世界同步 keep in pace with the world ...

对。。。感兴趣 :be\/feel interested in (doing) something。准备做某事:be ready to do something\/ be ready for something 住在那里:live there。注意,there 和 here前面不加介词at 等 动身去某地: leave for someplace 环游: travel around 希望有助于你 ...

我把自己会的写给你 吃苦药 Drugs to endure hardship 遵循某人的建议 Follow the recommendation of a person 在...的结束at the end of 轮流做某事turn to do sth 你们真是太好了 you are so nice!代替,而不是instead of 关心,照顾 take care 在回家的路上on way 与...相聚together with...

不惹事,don't ask for troubles 或 stay out of troubles 不怕事,don't be afraid of troubles 不说硬话,do not say harsh words 不做软事 do not be weak-kneed(软事是理解为软弱,没骨气,委曲求全)

绝对最正确的翻译,如下!希望对你最有帮助 1.树枝从树上掉了下来。(倒装句)There is a branch falling from the tree.2.他整夜躺在床上睡不着,思考着在书中读到的内容。(分词短语作状语)He could not sleep all night in bed, thinking forward to read the contents of the book.3....

as free as a bird 自由自在 as quiet as a mouse 非常宁静 eat like a horse 吃的很多 live a dog's life 过着牛马不如的生活 work like a tiger 生龙活虎地干活 as weak as a cat 身体非常虚弱 参考资料:http:\/\/zhidao.baidu.com\/question\/105666581.html?si=8 ...

求几句中文短语准确 地道的英文翻译
1.长途汽车Greyhound 这是美国一个长途汽车的名字,后来通用了 2.to be exact或者exactly speaking 3.wait and see 口语中的短语,如 Let's wait and see!4.A leopard doesn't change its spots. 参看《小笨霖英语笔记》,是作者留学整理出来的生活口语。当然,在英语中“江山易改,本性难移...

南沙群岛19125607749: 英语翻译下面几个短语,翻译成英文,1:那听起来很有趣2:我想买一件红色的夹克衫3:跟你4:我能帮助你吗(用两种翻译)5:这些鞋子多少钱(用两种... -
巨阅生白:[答案] that sounds interestingi want to buy a red jacket是给你吧 here you areCan I help you? / what can I do for you?how much are the shoes? what's the price of the shoes?how much is the yellow watch? what...

南沙群岛19125607749: 把几个短语翻译成英文! -
巨阅生白: 1收集旧书刊 Old books and magazines collection! 2收集报纸 Newspapers collection!3捡起塑料瓶子 pick up plastic bottles! 4洗手后关水龙头 Turn off the water tap after washing hands!5纸张两面写不要浪费. Write on both sides without wasting paper!

南沙群岛19125607749: 几个短语翻译成英语! -
巨阅生白: 六一儿童节 Children's Day 跳皮筋 skip rubber band;作为一项活动来介绍,名词 rubber bands skipping堆雪人 make a snowman或make snowmen 心烦 upset

南沙群岛19125607749: 英语翻译请把以下几个短语翻译成英语."试衣间""收银台""温馨提示:钱票请当面点清" -
巨阅生白:[答案] "试衣间" Fitting Room或Dressing Room "收银台" Cashier's Counter或Checkout Counter "温馨提示:钱票请当面点清" Friendly Reminder: Please check your change before leaving( the checkout area可省略).

南沙群岛19125607749: 请帮忙把几个短语翻译成英文 -
巨阅生白: To chat whatever you want to chat. 聊你想聊的To discuss whatever you like to discuss. 讨论你想讨论的

南沙群岛19125607749: 将这几个短语从汉语翻译成英语!
巨阅生白: 1.Want to let me drink milk(想让我喝牛奶) 2.of course/only natural/certainly(当然) 3.look after my health/care a lot about my health(在意我的健康) 4.keep fit/keep health/stay healthy(保持健康)

南沙群岛19125607749: 把下列的短语翻译成英文. 1. 四个季节 - _________________3. 放飞风筝 - _________________5. 做运动 - ________________ - 2. 赏花 - _________... -
巨阅生白:[答案] 1. four seasons 2. look at the flowers 3. fly a kite 4. in the sky 5. play sports 6. green leaves 答案不唯一

南沙群岛19125607749: 一.将下列短语翻译成英文1.十二个鸡蛋__________________2.三碗米饭__________________3.五千克牛肉__________________4.两篮土豆___________... -
巨阅生白:[答案] 1 twelve eggs 2 three bowls of rice 3 five kilos of beef 4 two baskets of patatoes 5 many stories 6 an orange 7 eight glasses of milk 8 six knives 9 four bags of salt 10 an hour

南沙群岛19125607749: 英语翻译(1/2)请把下列几个短语翻译成英文:性格活泼,心地善良,乐于助人,待人诚实,彼此信任,与他人分享快乐和痛苦,爱好唱歌,跳舞,擅长体... -
巨阅生白:[答案] Outgoing, kind-hearted, helpful, honest, trustworthy, shares happiness and sorrow with others, loves to sing and dance, good at sports, study hard...**猫迷英语专家团提供【Real.American.English.】...

南沙群岛19125607749: 把下列短语翻译成英语1如此好的一个主意2从事3敢干4能干5和朋友闲逛6继续奋斗7成功达到顶点8考虑到9担心 -
巨阅生白:[答案] so good idea

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