
作者&投稿:衡虞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



5, crushing side wall construction
Extruded concrete side wall is created in Baxiaita dam upstream slope of concrete face rockfill dam construction in new ways. This technique can be easily and timely delivery of its upstream slope protection, and can significantly improve quality of bedding material compaction characteristics of a CFRD Construction of a new technology. Currently there are Shi Yuzuo CFRD abroad to promote this new technology. Nations Gongboxia rockfill dam projects carried out targeting sidewall extrusion technology research, and the first two to be in the long, banana port, Shuibuya applications such as power stations. I Bureau of the successful and 苏丹麦洛维 Bakun project is also ready to use.
Wall construction method is filling in each layer of cushion material before the side wall with a screw extruder to make a similar semi-permeable concrete trapezoidal small wall, then in its inside by the filling of dam design material, with vibration milled flat rolling, repeat after passing the above work.
5.1 Extrusion Machinery
Sidewall Extruder Corporation by the Bureau of Shaanxi Engineering design and manufacture, is drawing along the road machine highway made of the principle, which contains four parts: power system (diesel engine as the power systems approach drives forward extrusion , steering system (forward extrusion process, the control walking direction), concrete compression position (unloaded into the hopper of concrete, after squeezing through the propeller mixing concrete to the template storage within the system by installing the full vibration of mechanical vibration to to ensure that the density and placement of concrete mass), wall machine template (according to the design of the wall extrusion production fixed template size).
5.2 Design of extrusion wall section
Essential for the trapezoidal cross-section side walls, upper and lower connection means can be considered as hinged. This wall can adapt to cushion Settlement Area, the lower cavity and thus difficult to form a negative impact on the panel. Upstream slope slope slope ratio adjustment in accordance with, due to the large top width will reduce the wall's ability to adapt to deformation, so the top width should be limited to less than 12 cm. By 40 cm high walls, and the thickness of bedding material after rolling line, the upstream slope of the upstream slope under the CFRD determine the inner slope of 8:1 ratio is designed to facilitate the rolling cushion material, the bottom thickness of about 70 cm, volume per meter square 0.18m3.
5.3 Concrete Mix
Concrete wall should have a low strength, low elastic modulus, semi-permeable characteristics, in order to meet up with the bedding material filling the requirements of synchronous, concrete also has a high early strength. As the extrusion ratio on the concrete more sensitive to road speed and the wet concrete, dry concrete road was slow, so squeezed by a concrete wall with dry concrete mix design, slump to 0, usually of cement amount of 70 ~ 85 kg / m3, water consumption of 100 kg / m3 or so, water-cement ratio 1.31 to 1.45, accelerating agent right amount. 28d compressive strength of concrete about 5Mpa about concrete permeability coefficient of 10-2 ~ 10-3 cm / s, require low elastic modulus. Mixing with mixing plant, concrete pouring tanker transport to the scene.

The land for generations of the Chinese nation to live on,facing the sea in the south and east, has a 18000 -km long coastline,.Such geographical environment gave birth to the motherland glorious ancient marine culture. The marine culture is advocating strength and freedom, having a strong individual consciousness,competition and create awareness and having more open, outgoing, adventurous, pioneering and enterprising spirit than inland culture , which are more adapted to the twenty-first Century's high-speed development characteristics. Yantai,used to be called Zhifu ,has a long history, is one of the birthplace the Chinese ancient culture. As a coastal city, it is the starting point of the Silk Road, is an important northern port city. It is not difficult to see the importance of marine culture to Yantai through the brilliant marine culture in history.Building maritime Yantai, developing the economy of Yantai have also become the yantai residents' goal. Yangma Island is located in the Yellow Sea,30 kilometers away from the Yantai , having a total area of about 10 square kilometers.with the Yantai Yangma Island overall development plan to establish a formal signing on September 23, 2011, to establish a thematic coastal square located in Yangma Island to carry forward the ancient marine culture and the pioneering and enterprising spirit has become a spiritual need.

The Chinese nation is live earth generation, southeast coastal sides, with 18000 km of coastline, such geographical environment gave birth to the motherland long ancient Marine culture. Marine culture is advocating strength, free culture, has the strong individual consciousness, has the strong competition and create a consciousness, richer than inland culture open, outgoing, adventure, the development, the original and progressive spirit quality, more adapted to the 21 st century high-speed development characteristics of The Times. Yantai called ZhiFu has a long history, is the ancient Chinese early cradles of culture, as the coastal cities, it is the starting point of the silk road, one of the north is an important port city, through the yantai ancient period brilliant Marine culture it is easy to see the importance of Marine culture of yantai, creating the sea of yantai, economic development has become yantai blue man's goal. Yantai yangma, is located in the yellow sea, the total area is about 10 square kilometers, is apart from the yantai city 30 kilometers, with the 2011 on September 23 yantai yangma overall development plan of the formal contract, establish a is located in the above to carry forward the yangma ancient Marine culture as the theme, to carry forward the ancient Marine culture pioneering and enterprising spirit of the thematic coastal square become a spiritual needs.

The Chinese nation for generations living upon the land southeast of Linhai, both sides, has a 18000 km long coastline, such geographical environment gave birth to the motherland glorious ancient marine culture. The marine culture is advocating force, free culture, has a strong individual consciousness, strong competition and create awareness than inland culture, more open, outgoing, adventurous, pioneering and enterprising spirit, the original quality, more to meet the twenty-first Century era of rapid development characteristics. Yantai in Zhifu has a long history, is the Chinese ancient culture birthplace, as a coastal city, it is the starting point of the Silk Road, is an important northern port city of Yantai, through ancient times brilliant marine culture marine culture is not difficult to see that the importance to Yantai, build maritime Yantai, development of economy of Yantai has also become the blue the goal. Yantai Yangma Island, located in the Yellow Sea, a total area of about 10 square kilometers,30 kilometers away from the Yantai area, with the September 23, 2011Yantai Yangma Island overall development plan to establish a formal signing, located in Yangma Island above to carry forward the ancient marine culture as the theme of ancient marine culture, carry forward the pioneering and enterprising spirit of the theme of the Marina Square become a spiritual need.

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