
作者&投稿:张牧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

tom:hello,john,how are you?
john:not really,i've just gone through an earthquake two days ago.
tom:really?where were you when it happened?
john:i was at my aunt's home,i was so scared.it was on the tenth floor.
tom:what?so high?how did you escape?
john:i learned something about avoiding harm in an earthquake in my geography class.do you know anything about it?
tom:yes!you should hide under a desk or something like that,and you must not use the lift.if there is no time to run or hide under a desk you should hide in a corner.
john:well,there is something more important,and that helped me to escape the earthquake.
tom:what is it?
john:calmness.you will have to stay calm,don't panic.
tom:you are absoublutely right!how cleaver you are!
john:thanks!but i won't want to go through another disaster like this.i'm too young to die.
tom:haha,i think so too.

A lot of people ask me which book is my most favorite one, and I always proudly answer them >, which is all history about China.

This will be a long story for me to read this book. First time I touched this book is when I was 5 years old. My mother bought it to me as my 5-years-old gift. This is a really wonderful present to me,which is opening a history gate to me , a totally innocent boy. I almost forgot the dinner after I read the first page. From then on, I was the historist in my class and showed my knowledge from that book to my classmeates. When I became older and older, I knew more about it and feel more confident about my own China. I am proud that I am a Chinese and I will make more effort to build a more powerful country and let Chinese history more brilliant.

As me, this is the most important book in my life and now I still read it and recite some part of it. I think everyone should read it and get this wonderful experenice.

很多人问我是我最喜欢的是哪一本书,我总是骄傲地回答《五千年历史> >,中文全称为关于中国历史。


These days, many people around me are discussing something on reading. They ask the mostis that “Which book do you like the best?” Like most of girls , I like reading fictions very much, especially on love story, And I also love to read some great books such as " Wuthering Heights" , "Oliver Twist" , "Pride and Prejudice" and so on. But I find it a little boring to read this kind of book. Perhaps this is the cultural differences between China and the West caused by it. In a word, I prefer reading books written by Chinese writers . And my favorite book is named "The Best Thing I Did Is to Love You". It tells us a story between a hotel manager and a medical practitioner who both have been hurt by their lovers. Thought the plot is familiar to me ,it was the language of light and warmth of life details that moved me a lot. And it tells us a simple truth -------The brightest future will always be based on a forgetten past ,you can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.------Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for that gift.

这些天,我周围的许多人都在谈论对阅读的东西。他们要求的是,“你喜欢哪本书最好的吗?” 大多数女孩一样,我非常喜欢读小说,尤其是爱情故事,而且我也喜欢阅读,如“呼啸山庄”,“雾都孤儿”,“傲慢与偏见”等一些伟大的著作。但我觉得有点沉闷阅读此类书籍。也许这是与中国和西方的文化差异所造成的。 总之,我喜欢读中国作家写的书。而我最喜欢的书命名为“我做过最棒的事的就是爱你”。它告诉我们一间一间酒店经理和医生谁都有自己的爱人被伤害的故事。 思想的情节是熟悉的我来说,这是光明和生活细节,感动了很多温暖的语言。它告诉我们一个简单的道理-------光明灿烂的未来将永远是一个忘掉过去的基础上,你不能去,生活才会让你走你过去的失败和伤心.---- - 也许上帝要我们在遇到对的人之前先遇上这样当我们终于遇见那个合适的人心仪的人,我们就会知道如何成为该感谢的礼物

一: 男:Will you go out with me this Saturday?(这个星期六你想跟我出去吗?)

女:Sorry. I'm having a headache this weekend.(抱歉。这个周末我头疼。)

男:I think I could make you very happy.(我想我能让你非常快乐。)

女:Why? Are you leaving?(是吗?你是说你要离开?)

二: A burglar 入室盗窃者

A man went to the police office wishing to speak with the burglar who had broken into his house the night before.

"You will get your chance in court." said the Desk Sergeant.

"No, no, no." said the man. "I want to know how he got into the house without waking my wife. I've been trying to do that for years."

三:The Looney Bin (疯人院)

Late one night at the insane asylum (疯人院)one inmate shouted, "I am Napoleon!"
Another one said, "How do you know?"

The first inmate said, "God told me!"

Just then, a voice from another room shouted, "I did not!"




(1)Looney (俚语)疯子


(3)insane asylum (疯人院)

四:Mother Was too Busy 妈妈太忙

Mother Was too Busy
Teacher: Mike, you're always asking your father to do your homework instead, and again this time.....
Mike: Pardon, sir, this time at first I would not let him do it, but mother was too busy.


五:When Do People Talk Least? 人们什么时候说话最少?

When Do People Talk Least?
Student A: When do people talk least?
Student B: In February.
Student A: Why?
Student B: Because February is the shortest month of a year.


兄弟够不够啊!~不够说一声啊!~Fang: (出场) My name is Fang Fang. I am a student of Sanya No.1 Middle School.
Granny: 芳芳,芳芳。
Fang: Oh, my granny is calling me. Do you know my granny? Everyone in our neighborhood calls her "Modern Granny". She is learning English. She wants to learn English well. She wants to show foreigners the beautiful scenery of our city and tell them the interesting stories about the Li people.
Granny: (奶奶上。练读旅游英语300句 ) How do you do(好赌有赌) ? How do you do(好赌有赌)? Nice to meet you(奶死吐米油). Me, too. I can't speak Chinese(爱砍他死屁踩你死). Can(砍) you(油)speak English(英国历史)? Yes, a little(啊里头). What can I do for you(我砍爱读佛油)? 这不,中国 加入了WTO,2008年又要举办奥运会,人人都在学英语,我也要学English….. 芳芳,芳芳!
Fang: 来了,奶奶。
Granny: 我的乖孙女, 你再听奶奶读一遍,看看还有什么地方读得不好。(读旅游 英语300句)How do you do (好赌有赌)? How do you do(好赌有赌)? Nice to meet you(奶死吐米油). Me,too. I can't speak Chinese.(爱砍他死屁踩你死). Can you speak English(砍油死屁英国历史)? Yes(爷死), a little(啊里头).What can I do for you(我砍爱读佛油)? (她边读边摇头晃脑,很自豪的样子)
Fang: 奶奶,什么“好赌有赌”,是“How do you do? ”。不是“英国历史”,是"English"。 是" Chinese",不是“踩你死”。跟我读。How do you do?(奶奶跟读) 不行,How do you do?(奶奶跟读) 好,再读 一 遍,(奶奶读)好,很 好.I can't speak Chinese. Can you speak English?(奶奶跟读)再来,I can't speak Chinese.(奶奶跟读) 好的,再来。(奶奶读)Can you speak English?(奶奶跟读) 好,再练一下。
Granny: (练读两遍)好了,好了,不错了。(突然看见外宾路过)太好了! 来了个老外!(站起,上前)Hello, (学外国人动作,伸开双手 ) How do you do? What can I do for you?
Foreigner: How do you do? I want to go to the bank. Where is the nearest one?
Granny : (急忙翻书)芳芳,他说的话在第几页?
Fang: 这本书上没有这句话。他想去银行。Bank----银行。(奶奶练习 bank )(芳芳对外宾) Hello, welcome to Sanya. You are going to the bank, aren't you? Go along this street, when you reach the traffic lights, turn left. There is a bank about one hundred metres ahead, on the left, just opposite the bus station.
Foreigner: Thank you very much. Your English is very good.
Fang: Thank you.
Granny: Hello, I 带 you go.
Fang: Excuse me, shall my granny take you there?
Foreigner: (对奶奶) Thank you. It's very kind of you.
Granny: (摇摇头) No thank you. No thank you. (外宾显出不大理解的样子) How do you do?
Foreigner: How do you do?
Granny: Nice to meet you.
Foreigner: Me too.
Granny: 你们瞧,我会跟老外对话了。(看书 ) I can't speak Chinese. Can you speak English?
Foreigner: (疑惑不解) Why, yes, of course.
Granny: No. No. 错了,you错了,看,在这呢。(指书上) “Yes, a little. What can I do for you?”(外宾明白了怎么回事,笑)
Foreigner: It's funny.
(来到银行) (解放路,汽车站对面)
Granny: Bank. Bank 到了。
Teller: Good morning. Welcome to our bank. Can I help you?
Foreigner: Good morning. Can I change foreign money in your bank?
Teller: Yes, you can. But what money would you like to change, please?
Foreigner: Some U S D notes.
Teller: How much, please?
Foreigner: Two hundred dollars in all.
Teller: Please show me your passport and fill out this exchange memo in duplicate.
Foreigner: (填好 换水单) There, I've got them finished. And here is my passport.
Granny: (指护照问) What's this?
Foreigner: My passport.
Granny: 买怕死婆(My passport). 买怕死婆 (My passport).
Teller: Yes, everything is all right. Well, by the way, how would you like the money, Mr Smith?
Foreigner: I don't mind. Any kinds of denominations are OK.
Teller: Here you are, Mr. Smith. Your money comes to RMB¥1,654.
Foreigner: Thank you very much.
Teller: My pleasure.
Foreigner:Your service is good and your English is excellent.

Teller: I am very happy to hear you say so. Goodbye. And enjoy your stay in Sanya.
Foreigner: Goodbye.
Granny: Goodbye(骨德拜).
F: I want to go to some scenic spots.
G: 什么“搏”?
F: Scenic spots.(拿出词典指奶奶看 ) scenic spots.
G: 哦,是风景点。(想 了想)我带你go Luhuitou .
F: Luhuitou?
G: Yes. (指着300句鹿雕像的封面) Luhuitou。
F: Oh, it's a deer.
G: 对,对 Yes, yes, deer(爹),deer(爹)。(亮相)deer(爹)回头.
F: 爹回头?
F: Oh, a deer.
G: 我们到了。
Lg: Hello, welcome to Luhuitou Park.
F: Hello.
G: 姑娘,你给咱老外朋友讲一讲鹿回头的故事,好不好?
Lg: 好的。(对外宾)Have you ever heard the story of "luhuitou"?
F: A story? No.
Lg: This story is about a young man and a deer long long ago.
F: A young man and a deer.(指塑像) Do you mean the man and the deer here?
Lg: Yes. He was a hunter .
F: A hunter?
Lg: Yes. One day, the young man went hunting and found the deer.
F: Oh, I see.
Lg: When the deer saw him, it ran away. The young man ran after the deer until they reached the edge of the cliff. Suddenly, the deer turned its head and became a girl.
F: The deer turned into a girl? Really?
Lg: Yes.
F: (指塑像) I think this must be the girl.
Lg: Right. Do you know about the Li People?
F: Li People? Yes.
Lg: Later, the young man and the fairy girl fell in love with each other and they got married. They were the ancestors of the Li People.
F: This is really a beautiful story. And that is why Sanya is also called the "Deer City", isn't it?
Lg: Yes, you are right.
F: Thank you for your wonderful story. Are there any other scenic spots in Sanya?
Lg: Yes, there are many others. I suggest you go to Dadonghai, Yalong Bay and Tianyahaijiao.
F: Tianyahaijiao? What does it mean?
Lb: Welcome to Tianyahaijiao.
F: What does it mean by "Tianyahaijiao"?
Lb: It means "the end of the earth.
G: (对Lg)Sea 是什么?
Lg: 是大海。(奶奶练读)
F: Tianyahaijiao is one of the famous scenic spots in China, isn't it?
G:(对观众) 我知道,China 是中国。
Lb: Yes . A lot of people from home and abroad have visited "Tianyahaijiao" and they say "Tianyahaijiao" has impressed them..
F: Yes. It's a nice place.
Lb: There are poems and songs written about "Tianyahaijiao".(播放歌曲) Listen, this is one of the songs. Its name is "Please come to "Tianyahaijiao".
F: It sounds sweet. I enjoy it.
G: 孩子们,我今天学了一些English, 你们听一听,帮一帮奶奶好不好?“银行”是"bank", "怕死婆" 是什么来了?
Lg: Passport 是护照。
G: 哦," 怕死婆" 就是“护照”。还有“爹”是“鹿”,“sea”是“大海”。我听你们说那个“beautiful(比特夫)是什么?
Lg: 不是比特夫,是beautiful。
G: 哦,是beautiful.(练习)
F: Ladies and gentlemen, Sanya City is a beautiful city. I am glad to see everyone speak English here in Sanya. This granny is also learning English. It is very convenient for us to come for holidays and do business in Sanya. When I go back to the States, I will tell my friends to come to Sanya.
All: Please come to Sanya. Welcome to Sanya

一: 男:Will you go out with me this Saturday?(这个星期六你想跟我出去吗?)

女:Sorry. I'm having a headache this weekend.(抱歉。这个周末我头疼。)

男:I think I could make you very happy.(我想我能让你非常快乐。)

女:Why? Are you leaving?(是吗?你是说你要离开?)

二: A burglar 入室盗窃者

A man went to the police office wishing to speak with the burglar who had broken into his house the night before.

"You will get your chance in court." said the Desk Sergeant.

"No, no, no." said the man. "I want to know how he got into the house without waking my wife. I've been trying to do that for years."

三:The Looney Bin (疯人院)

Late one night at the insane asylum (疯人院)one inmate shouted, "I am Napoleon!"
Another one said, "How do you know?"

The first inmate said, "God told me!"

Just then, a voice from another room shouted, "I did not!"




(1)Looney (俚语)疯子


(3)insane asylum (疯人院)

四:Mother Was too Busy 妈妈太忙

Mother Was too Busy
Teacher: Mike, you're always asking your father to do your homework instead, and again this time.....
Mike: Pardon, sir, this time at first I would not let him do it, but mother was too busy.


五:When Do People Talk Least? 人们什么时候说话最少?

When Do People Talk Least?
Student A: When do people talk least?
Student B: In February.
Student A: Why?
Student B: Because February is the shortest month of a year.




一: 男:Will you go out with me this Saturday?(这个星期六你想跟我出去吗?)

女:Sorry. I'm having a headache this weekend.(抱歉。这个周末我头疼。)

男:I think I could make you very happy.(我想我能让你非常快乐。)

女:Why? Are you leaving?(是吗?你是说你要离开?)

二: A burglar 入室盗窃者

A man went to the police office wishing to speak with the burglar who had broken into his house the night before.

"You will get your chance in court." said the Desk Sergeant.

"No, no, no." said the man. "I want to know how he got into the house without waking my wife. I've been trying to do that for years."

三:The Looney Bin (疯人院)

Late one night at the insane asylum (疯人院)one inmate shouted, "I am Napoleon!"
Another one said, "How do you know?"

The first inmate said, "God told me!"

Just then, a voice from another room shouted, "I did not!"




(1)Looney (俚语)疯子


(3)insane asylum (疯人院)

四:Mother Was too Busy 妈妈太忙

Mother Was too Busy
Teacher: Mike, you're always asking your father to do your homework instead, and again this time.....
Mike: Pardon, sir, this time at first I would not let him do it, but mother was too busy.


五:When Do People Talk Least? 人们什么时候说话最少?

When Do People Talk Least?
Student A: When do people talk least?
Student B: In February.
Student A: Why?
Student B: Because February is the shortest month of a year.


A:yo, whats up man?
B:oh,dame it.it"s shit!
C:are you kidding me?
D:no ,i will boatshit!

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甲;What are you doing 乙:I'm watching TV 乙:How about you?甲;I'm reading a book 乙:DO you want to play basketball?甲:Sure,The book is boring,when do you want go?乙;Let's go at arount five o'clock 丙:Excuse me,can you tell me what's she doing?丁:She is ...

有四个人在他的家庭里用英语语there be句型
There are 4 members in his family.

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10,zhao wl:if mistakes are growing as costs,then correct is mature process.Only people who made mistakes,to know how to avoid any later,even so,also may never lose the chance to correct the wrong not,is like a thorn in my heart,an ever to hurt.,5,求一篇四个人的英语对话,...

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we four 我们四个 we 我们 four 四个 we 和four 是同位语,连在一起做主语。也可也以用we four guys一样。

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帛聂宜宇: 一: 男:Will you go out with me this Saturday?(这个星期六你想跟我出去吗?) 女:Sorry. I'm having a headache this weekend.(抱歉.这个周末我头疼.)男:I think I could make you very happy.(我想我能让你非常快乐.)女:Why? ...

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帛聂宜宇: 1:A hello,what's your name B my name is*** C that is a good name D and what's your name A A my name is ****2:A how about go for a trip?B that is a good idea C but what kind of the hotel shall we live in D anyone is OK

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