
作者&投稿:班发 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

This means that is to say before the meal or meal process, will be missing the length of chopsticks on the table. This is an inauspicious big, usually we call it three are long and two are short." Its meaning is to represent "the death." Because the Chinese people that died after the past is to put into the coffin, in the future of man and equipment into account, has not covered the coffin cover, is an integral part of the coffin before and after two short of wood, at the bottom on both sides of a total of three-wood, 5 wood coffin caused by the combination of precisely三长两短So it was very unlucky thing.
2, fairy guidance:
This approach can also be very acceptable, this method is the use of chopsticks with thumb and middle finger, ring finger, little finger go of the pinch chopsticks, and the index finger extended. This is in the eyes of Beijing, "scolded the street." Because the meal index finger extended, the total constantly refers to other people, Beijingers generally refers to the other index finger extended, mostly with accusations mean. Therefore, when eating with chopsticks fingers people, it is tantamount to criticizing others, this is the same with the curse is not permitted. Such a situation is also meant, it is a meal and conversation with others that people with chopsticks

forever 永远

9、定海神针: Decides the sea god needle
在用餐时用一只筷子去插盘子里的菜品,这也是不行的,这是被认为对同桌用餐人 员的一种羞辱。在吃饭时作出这种举动,无异于在欧洲当众对人伸出中指的意思是一样的,这也是不行的。
When dining inserts in the tray with chopsticks the vegetable, thisalso is not good, this is was considered to shares a table dinespersonnel's one kind of shame. When eating meal makes this kind ofaction, not is at variance with in Europe stretches out the middlefinger in the presence of the everyone to the person the meaning issame, this also is not good.
Burns incense in the presence of the everyone
When often is stems from the good intention faction people fills abowl with rice, in order to facilitate convenient chopsticks insertsin the food gives opposite party. Is met the person to regard asgreatly disrespects, when Beijing's tradition is burns incense for thedeceased person only then does this, if a chopsticks insertion foodin, not different is regarded with to burns incense to the deceasedperson is same, therefore, inserts the chopsticks in the bowl isaccepted in no way.

9, decides the sea god needle:
When dining inserts in the tray with chopsticks the vegetable, thisalso is not good, this is was considered to shares a table dinespersonnel's one kind of shame. When eating meal makes this kind ofaction, not is at variance with in Europe stretches out the middlefinger in the presence of the everyone to the person the meaning issame, this also is not good.
10. Burns incense in the presence of the everyone:
When often is stems from the good intention faction people fills abowl with rice, in order to facilitate convenient chopsticks insertsin the food gives opposite party. Is met the person to regard asgreatly disrespects, when Beijing's tradition is burns incense for thedeceased person only then does this, if a chopsticks insertion foodin, not different is regarded with to burns incense to the deceasedperson is same, therefore, inserts the chopsticks in the bowl isaccepted in no way.

What's up? Why are you so slow? Are you very busy?"你怎么啦" 还可以有别的说法:What's up with you?What's wrong with you? (有贬义的态度)What's the matter with you? (有贬义的态度)Is everything all right with you?What's the matter?What's wrong?

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问题一:聊天时 “你忙吧 不打扰你了”用英语 怎么翻译 西元之神 的回答最正确, 语意基本正确, 没有语法错误.take your time 感觉是好像你给人家一件事, 让人家慢慢来的意思.在聊天中这样的话一般不字对字的直译, 表达出意思就可以了. 一般可以这样说:I know you are busy, I'll let ...

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翻译成英文的大哥帮个忙 下面就是要翻译的内容 谢谢啊
Summary: Hong Chang tanyard is good at the biochemical treatment of wastewater ,the existing process can make CODcr maintain about 300 mg\/L but ammonia nitrogen be discontinued. The company has put added the Germany denitrification stains, System debug and optimize the existing sewage...

大家伙 帮个忙把 许玲玲 这个名翻译成英文好吗 谢了 正儿八经的英文

英文:Sorry,your telephone charge is overdue,please renew it,thank you!6、被叫停机:中文:对不起!您拨打的电话已停机。英文:Sorry!The number you dialed is out of service.有以下几种情况会提示“用户正忙”:1、用户在对方的黑名单里,对方设置的打电话返回提示“用户正忙请稍后再拨“;2...

He is a manager of a big company now,and he is very busy everyday.He will go to France next month.

I haven't finished and went to sleep.

幽幽奶茶香,闲看众人忙这句话怎么翻译成英文啊 Drenching yourself in the aroma of milk tea and watching the busy people.

阿拉善盟15973956607: 帮忙翻译成英文,再解释一下其意,谢谢
粱饲多索: Don't know love plays, one to and deep, born person can die, die can be born. Born not and death, death and not the firstborn, are not love to also.

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粱饲多索: 大恩大德无以为报 Great kindness no thought report

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粱饲多索: 新东方claire老师在讲900句时提到这个说法. 我会报答你的:I will repay you. 另外还有I owe you 我欠你个人请.I'm indebted to you.感激你的大恩大德. 原句大致可以翻译为:Thank you very much. I am indebted to your benefaction(是恩情的具体而定,可以换成help,support等) and I really hope that one day I can repay you.

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粱饲多索: help 英 [help] 美 [help] v. 帮助;有助于 过去式: helped 过去分词: helped 词汇搭配 help a cold 治好感冒 help digestion 促进消化 help oneself 自取,自用 help sb's house cleaning 帮助某人搞卫生 词语用法 v. (动词) help用作动词的基本意...

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粱饲多索: I have.....应该是这个吧~~1.我有一些激动人心的消息要告诉你.2.但是骑车去那需要一些时间.3.海伦,你的任务是查公交车的价格.4.我想去预定房间.5.王老师告诉我们不要向家长要钱.6.为什麽我们不能表演秀去赚钱呢?7.康康帮我们定火车票.

阿拉善盟15973956607: 帮忙翻译成英文
粱饲多索: without even noticing , we find Kurt Cobain has been away for more than ten years. ten years , though it is not a long time compared with one's entire life, is long enough for someone to be forgotten by many.

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粱饲多索: 岂能尽如人意,但求无亏于良心

阿拉善盟15973956607: 帮忙翻译成英文
粱饲多索: Some people when the exam results not satisfied, depressed mood, to oneself lose confidence, no longer efforts. Some people when the test failed, encourage yourself, let oneself regain confidence, make clear and analyze reasons, no longer ...

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