
作者&投稿:姚吉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Novels "Red" has been published about the history of 200 years, why, in this ever-changing 200 years of fiction can still enduring? The reason lies in the novel not only very successful in shaping the company's claim that highly era black color, but also has the distinct personality of artistic images, but also through leading character experience, and demonstrated French restoration dynasty period vast era painting scroll, then touched many acute social problems. Even leading character in the novel experience and reflects the experience of young petty bourgeoisie universal destiny. Even behave themselves in the USA, supercilious, enthusiasm, determination, but selfish, skeptical. In monks power elite, powerful family system stern feudal society, and discriminated against by birth civilians. Such oppression of the status of his growing discontent with the reality : the impact of Enlightenment thought and caught up in his anti-character. He decided to rely on individual talents like Napoleon, a meritorious, fine. But in restoration period, Napoleon-style rank of the Road has been closed by the elite class. On this rock beneath evergreen trees to grow along. In order to get even with her all the knowledge that worthless, yet the Latin of the "New Testament" back in verse. Recite his amazing ability to let him into the home of the mayor of Victoria Aguilar Ye Fall, when a family of teachers. In that period, he and Germany.
Switzerland ambiguous relationship that Mrs. occurred, mostly in resistance and retaliation for his abuse of elite class. However, growing, were blinded by the upper class in society corrupts even the soul, he contributed to the upward desire and ambitions. Even in the dark terror seminary, witnessed manipulate strategically, reveals the ugly inside, so he offered a double-dealing tactics, such behaviour has been the duplicity of the table and patrons stare. Seminary life even further distorted in the character, and strengthen his climbing ambitions and hypocrisy style. In the company to log when the Private Secretary's marquis after exposing civilians, although not the class ideology, but by the marquis trusted, Miss conquest Mateer, even in the "civilian class treason heart" has disappeared. He became a faithful restoration dynasty pawns. As a step towards him in the company for the "bright", as a result of firing Germany and Switzerland that Mrs. complete ruin their future, their present a head. As a fine critical realism novels, the "Red" and not starting from the concept will even reach into a leading character in the pursuit of personal symbols. Instead, the author has given his deep sympathy to the people through the dedicated pursuit of lust and the pursuit of less than critical to the suffering of that era specific social realities, and this is the "force" has spread charm forever good reason.

1楼网址上的英文简介文理不通,是机器翻译的啊。晕。【内容介绍】 The Red and the Black has been hailed as the first great ‘realist’novel of the nineteenth century, offering a lively and detailed picture of social and political life in the provinces and in Paris towards the end of the 1820s, the close of the stifling reactionary period of the Bourbon Restoration. Stendhal himseff claimed that no one before him had ventured to portray with such verisimilitude the ‘moral and morose" France of 1830. However, ‘moral and morose’ his novel is definitely not. Ironic, fast-moving, entertaining and incisive in its social criticism, it is a novel of ambition and passion, of indignation and tenderness, of polemic and poetry, which speaks to us today, as clearly as it did to the author’s contemporaries, of the heights, depths and idiocies of which our human nature is capable or culpable. 这个应该没问题,就是太简略了点,看看是否合用吧

Novels "Red" has been published about the history of 200 years, why, in this ever-changing 200 years of fiction can still enduring? The reason lies in the novel not only very successful in shaping the company's claim that highly era black color, but also has the distinct personality of artistic images, but also through leading character experience, and demonstrated French restoration dynasty period vast era painting scroll, then touched many acute social problems. Even leading character in the novel experience and reflects the experience of young petty bourgeoisie universal destiny. Even behave themselves in the USA, supercilious, enthusiasm, determination, but selfish, skeptical. In monks power elite, powerful family system stern feudal society, and discriminated against by birth civilians. Such oppression of the status of his growing discontent with the reality : the impact of Enlightenment thought and caught up in his anti-character. He decided to rely on individual talents like Napoleon, a meritorious, fine. But in restoration period, Napoleon-style rank of the Road has been closed by the elite class. On this rock beneath evergreen trees to grow along. In order to get even with her all the knowledge that worthless, yet the Latin of the "New Testament" back in verse. Recite his amazing ability to let him into the home of the mayor of Victoria Aguilar Ye Fall, when a family of teachers. In that period, he and Germany.
Switzerland ambiguous relationship that Mrs. occurred, mostly in resistance and retaliation for his abuse of elite class. However, growing, were blinded by the upper class in society corrupts even the soul, he contributed to the upward desire and ambitions. Even in the dark terror seminary, witnessed manipulate strategically, reveals the ugly inside, so he offered a double-dealing tactics, such behaviour has been the duplicity of the table and patrons stare. Seminary life even further distorted in the character, and strengthen his climbing ambitions and hypocrisy style. In the company to log when the Private Secretary's marquis after exposing civilians, although not the class ideology, but by the marquis trusted, Miss conquest Mateer, even in the "civilian class treason heart" has disappeared. He became a faithful restoration dynasty pawns. As a step towards him in the company for the "bright", as a result of firing Germany and Switzerland that Mrs. complete ruin their future, their present a head. As a fine critical realism novels, the "Red" and not starting from the concept will even reach into a leading character in the pursuit of personal symbols. Instead, the author has given his deep sympathy to the people through the dedicated pursuit of lust and the pursuit of less than critical to the suffering of that era specific social realities, and this is the "force" has spread charm forever good reason.
小说《红与黑》出版至今已有200年左右的历史了,为什么在这风云变幻的200年中小说仍可以经久不衰?原因在于小说不仅十分成功地塑造了于连·索黑尔这个极富时代色彩,又具有鲜明个性的艺术形象,而且通过主人公的经历,展示了法国复辟王朝时期广阔的时代画卷,触及到当时许多尖锐的社会问题。小说主人公于连的经历和遭遇反应了当时广大小资产阶级青年的普遍命运。于连生性聪颖、高傲、热情、坚毅,但又自私、多疑。在僧侣贵族当政、门阀制度森严的封建社会,因出生平民而备受歧视。这种受压迫的地位使他滋长了对现实的不满情绪:启蒙思想和拿破仑的影响,培养了他的反搞性格。他立志要像拿破仑那样靠个人才智建立功勋,飞黄腾达。但是在复辟时期,拿破仑式的晋身之道已被贵族阶层堵死了。 就在这样的岩石底下,一株小树弯弯曲曲地生长。于连为了博取大家用赏识,明知毫无价值,却还把拉丁文的《新约全书》背得滚瓜烂熟。他那惊人的背诵能力让他跨进了维立叶尔市长家,当起家庭教师来。在那段时期,他与德.瑞那夫人发生了暧昧关系,大部分是为了反抗和报复贵族阶级对他的凌辱。但是,纸醉金迷、利欲熏心的上流社会也腐蚀了于连的灵魂,助长了他向上爬的欲望和野心。 于连进入阴森恐怖的神学院后,亲眼目睹了勾心斗角、尔虞我诈的丑恶内幕,于是他便耍起了两面派手法,这种表里不一的行为居然得到院长的表睐和宠幸。神学院的生活进一步扭曲了于连的性格,强化了他向上爬的野心和虚伪的作风。于连给木尔侯爵当私人秘书后虽然还不时流露出平民阶级的思想意识,但在受到侯爵重用,征服玛特尔小姐后,于连的“平民阶级叛逆心”已消失。他成了复辟王朝的忠实走卒。正当于连一步步走向他所向往的“光明”时,因枪击德·瑞那夫人而彻底断送了自己的前程,把自己送上了断头台。 作为一部优秀的批判现实主义小说,《红与黑》并没有从概念出发,将主人公于连图解成一个追求功利的符号。相反,作者却给予了他深切的同情,通过人对欲念的执着追求与追求不到的痛苦来批判那个时代特定的社会现实,这也是《红与黑》流传至今魅力长存的原因。

The Red and the Black (1830) is a novel by Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle). It is the story of a young man抯 ambition to become prominent and successful in aristocratic society. Its setting is eastern France, in 1830.

Julien Sorel is the nineteen-year-old son of a woodcutter in the provincial town of Verrières. Julian and his father cannot get along with each other. Julien is sensitive and scholarly, and is unsuited to the trade of his father.

Julien has romantic dreams of achieving power and glory, and of overcoming his low social status as the son of a tradesman. He dreams of being like Napoleon, but sees that military ability is not presently the best way to have a successful career. Thus, he decides to prepare for a career in the church rather than in the army. He studies theology with Father Chélan, the eighty-year-old priest of the local parish.

Julien takes on a superficial appearance of piety, and wears the black cassock of a priest. He is hired as a tutor for the children of Monsieur de Rênal, who is mayor of Verrières.

Julien falls in love with the mayor抯 wife, Madame de Rênal. She is ten years older than Julien, but she has never really loved her husband, who married her when she was sixteen. She is very religious and devout, but she falls passionately in love with Julien.

Julien is very aware of the social class difference between himself and Madame de Rênal. When he falls in love with her, it is the first time that he has ever fallen in love, but he tries to play the part of a man who is accustomed to brilliant success with women. He is awkward and clumsy, and is unsophisticated, but is eager to learn the elegant manners of aristocratic society.

Because he is acutely aware of the social class difference between himself and Madame de Rênal, he initially questions her sincerity. Thus, his love for her becomes a form of ambition to try to overcome his own feelings of inferiority. His goal is to have power and control over a noble and beautiful woman. At the same time, his unstable sense of pride and self-esteem makes him very sensitive to any perceived slight or humiliation by Monsieur de Rênal or by other members of aristocratic society.

The King makes an official visit to Verrières, and the town engages in a celebration. Madame de Rênal wants to see Julien wear something other than his usual black cassock, and she arranges for him to wear a military uniform in the procession and to ride a horse in the honor guard. After the procession, Julien gallops back to Monsieur de Rênal抯 house, so that he can change back into his black cassock and then appear with the bishop and clergy when the King visits the church.

Julien's sudden change of appearance, alternating between the uniform of the army and the church, between the red and the black, is symbolic of the conflict in his personality between truthfulness and pretense, between sincerity and hypocrisy.

Monsieur de Rênal learns of the affair between his wife and Julien from an anonymous letter which has been sent to the Renal house. The letter has been secretly written by Monsieur Valenod, the sub-prefect of Verrières, who dislikes Julien. Monsieur Valenod is a rival of Monsieur de Rênal for public esteem and prestige, and wants to become the mayor of the town.

Father Chélan hears of the relationship between Julien and Madame de Rênal, and arranges for Julien to leave town and to become a student in the seminary at Besançon. Monsieur Rênal also wants to send Julian to the seminary in order to avoid a public scandal over Julien抯 relationship with Madame de Rênal, and in order to prevent Julien from becoming a tutor at Monsieur Valenod抯 house.

Madame de Rênal feels guilty about her relationship with Julien, and becomes increasingly remorseful and penitent.

Julien meets his friend Fouqué before traveling to the seminary. Fouqué is a timber merchant and offers to make Julien a partner in his business but Julien does not accept the offer.

Julien becomes a student in the seminary at Besançon, and gradually realizes that he is unaware of the internal politics of the religious community. He discovers that the seminary is a place of deception and hypocrisy, but he becomes a friend of Father Pirard, the fair-minded and unselfish director of the seminary. Father Pirard is rather stern and severe, but differs from the other clergy in that he is scrupulous and truthful.

Father Pirard loses his position as director, because he has supported the Marquis de la Mole in a lawsuit against the Abbé de Frilair, a clever and ambitious man who has a powerful position in the church hierarchy. Father Pirard finds a position for Julien as a secretary for the Marquis de la Mole.

At the house of the Marquis de la Mole in Paris, Julien is able to acquire sophistication and to learn the manners of aristocratic society. He gradually gains the confidence of the Marquis, and is entrusted with managing the Marquis's estates in Brittany and Normandy. However, Julien secretly falls in love with the Marquis抯 daughter, Mathilde.

Mathilde is proud and arrogant, beautiful and intelligent. She is bored with the rigid conventionality of society, and feels that she can relieve her boredom by having an affair with Julien. She dreams of romantic passion and of a heroic, unconquerable love which can surmount all obstacles.

Mathilde feels that she can show boldness and greatness of heart by daring to fall in love with a man who is far below her in social position. But, after she has spent two nights with Julien, she decides that it is beneath her dignity to be in love with a man who is a secretary. Julien is wounded by her rejection of him.

The Marquis sends Julien on a mission to Strasbourg. On his mission, Julien meets a Russian nobleman named Prince Korasov whom he had previously met in London. Julien tells his friend Korasov about his dejection over being rejected by Mathilde, and Korasov advises him on how to win her love again.

When Julien returns to Paris, he does what Korasov has advised. He begins to court a virtuous widow named Madame de Fervaques. He writes letters to her, and neglects Mathilde.

Mathilde realizes how much Julien抯 love means to her, and again falls in love with him. She finally submits to him, declaring that she is his servant, and that he is her master. Julien has triumphed, but he continues to treat her coldly in order to maintain his power over her.

Mathilde becomes pregnant, and when she reveals to her father that she intends to marry Julien, the Marquis becomes very angry. The Marquis had intended that his daughter would marry a nobleman. However, the Marquis finally decides that he will remedy the situation by making Julien wealthy and respectable.

The Marquis gives Julien a commission in the army. Julien becomes a Lieutenant of Hussars, with the title of Monsieur le Chevalier Julien Sorel de La Vernaye. But the Marquis receives a letter from Madame de Rênal, revealing her previous adulterous relationship with Julien. In her letter, Madame de Rênal accuses Julien of having seduced her in order to make a career for himself and in order to win a higher position in society.

The Marquis promptly forbids any marriage between Mathilde and Julien. Julien抯 ambitions for wealth and power are destroyed, and in anger he returns to Verrieres, where he shoots Madame de Rênal, while she is praying in church.

Julien is arrested, and taken to prison. He thinks that he has killed Madame de Rênal, and admits that he is guilty. But she has not been killed. One of the bullets that he fired went through her hat, and the other hit her in the shoulder. She slowly recovers from her wound. Her love for Julien is reawakened.

Mathilde is still passionately in love with Julien. Mathilde comes to Verrières, and tries to bribe the Abbé de Frilair, who has power over the members of the jury. But Julien is put on trial for attempted murder, and is found guilty, receiving a sentence of death.

Julien and Madame de Rênal have fallen in love again. He has lost his passion for Mathilde, although Mathilde worships him.

As the novel ends, Julien faces his death. He is guillotined, and after his execution, Mathilde takes his severed head, and buries it in a cave. Mathilde has decorated the cave with marble, so that it becomes for her a shrine which represents her love for him.

Three days later, Madame de Rênal dies, while embracing her children.

The Red and the Black is the story of a young man抯 ambition to achieve wealth and power. While the novel is very melodramatic, it provides an interesting critique of nineteenth-century French society. It also represents an important development in the history of modern fiction, in that it is an intensely psychological novel.

Stendhal gives extraordinary attention to the conflicting motivations of his characters. He describes their faults and virtues with a tone of sympathetic but penetrating irony.

Julien Sorel is an opportunist, who thinks that he has a duty to achieve power and glory. Julien thinks of himself as an extraordinary man, like Napoleon, and believes that he is beyond any ordinary limitation. He adopts a philosophy that 'the end justifies the means.' He believes that the extraordinary man, who has a brave and noble heart, has the right to take any action to reach his goal.

Julien says, in the penultimate chapter of the novel, that there is no such thing as 忧atural law.?He believes that an action becomes unlawful only when there is a particular law forbidding it, and that the only thing that is natural is the struggle for power and survival.

Julien resents his low social position, and the condescension with which he is treated by the aristocracy. He is angered by their sense of superiority. He feels humiliated whenever he has to confront his own lack of wealth and sophistication. At the same time, he wants to live like the aristocrats whom he disdains. He is fascinated by the life of the wealthy and powerful.

Julien expects the worst from people, and suspects others of having their own self-interest as their only motive for helping him.At the same time, he seeks to use people for his own personal reasons, to help him gain a sense of power. This reflects the ambivalence in his character.

When Julien falls in love with Madame de Rênal, his love becomes a form of ambition to have power and control over an aristocratic and beautiful woman. When he falls in love with Mathilde de la Mole, his love again becomes a form of amibition to have power and control.

He decides that the difference between the love of Madame de Rênal and the love of Mathilde de la Mole is that the former tries to find reasons for doing what her heart demands, while the latter lets her heart be moved only after being given good reasons that it should be moved. This duality in the temperament of Julien抯 lovers reflects the duality in his own character.

Julien unsuccessfully struggles between emotion and reason, between spontaneity and calculation, between truthfulness and pretense, between sincere devotion and religious hypocrisy. He is divided between the red and the black. The duality of the red and the black represents the conflict in his character between sincerity and hypocrisy, idealism and cyncism, humility and pride, love and ambition.This conflict in his character brings about his downfall.


红与黑读后感 范文一: 读《红与黑》是一段太过漫长的过程,因为时间已给了作家和作品最无私而又公正的评判,我的阅读态度自不能像对畅销书那样肆无忌惮,又不能像对言情小说那样不置可否。我是在用心灵去与那个时代交谈,重点也放在历史以外的探究和思考。 引领我啃完着本书的是其本身的巨大魅力。作者从一纸简单的...


红与黑》这部小说给人们展现就是这样的一部现实主义之下,对于一种思想的解放的追求,他是心理分析小说的开端,对于人物的心理描写的精致,透过一个爱情故事讲述着一种不羁的精神,对于自由的向往和追求。而对于这部书的评价,从其当时传达的思想与现代思想的接轨点进行评价较为合适。1、 批判封建爱情,勇敢...




品味完一本名著后,大家心中一定有不少感悟,为此需要认真地写一写读后感了。那么我们如何去写读后感呢?以下是我为大家收集的《红与黑》读后感范文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 《红与黑》读后感范文1 在断断续续历经两周的阅读时间里,我好不容易读完了它——《红与黑》。 其实这本书,在早年间就读过几次,但由于各...


读《红与黑》是一段太过漫长的过程,因为时间已给了作家和作品最无私而又公正的评判,这本书表现得不仅仅是于连的一生坎坷,更告诉我要想在社会上立足是非常困难的,所以我们要——好好学习天天向上。 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 为...

常宁市13621782165: 用英语简概红与黑的内容 -
张堵佳元:[答案] 如果简单讲就是:It chronicles the attempts of a provincial young man to rise socially beyond his modest upbringing through a combination of talent, hard work, deception, and hypocrisy—yet who ultimately allows his passions to betray him. 但是两本书的...

常宁市13621782165: 求<红与黑>的英文简介,急!!! -
张堵佳元: Novels "Red" has been published about the history of 200 years, why, in this ever-changing 200 years of fiction can still enduring? The reason lies in the novel not only very successful in shaping the company's claim that highly era black color, but ...

常宁市13621782165: 红与黑英文版介绍 -
张堵佳元: Stendhal's The Red and the Black The Red and the Black (1830) is a novel by Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle). It is the story of a young man抯 ambition to become prominent and successful in aristocratic society. Its setting is eastern France, in 1830. ...

常宁市13621782165: 《红与黑》英文简介 -
张堵佳元: 1楼网址上的英文简介文理不通,是机器翻译的啊.晕. 【内容介绍】 The Red and the Black has been hailed as the first great 'realist'novel of the nineteenth century, offering a lively and detailed picture of social and political life in the ...

常宁市13621782165: 图书介绍 英语作文!急! -
张堵佳元: 红与黑 The 'Red' was written by the famous French writter Stendhal. It hasbeen published for over 200 years . The 'Red' has been hailedas the first great 'realist'novel of the nineteenth century, offering a lively and detailed picture of social ...

常宁市13621782165: 《红与黑》作者简介用英文介绍 -
张堵佳元: 红与黑 的做着是法国的司汤达 用英语貌似不会

常宁市13621782165: 急求!!!红与黑作者简介、概述及感受英文共300字. -
张堵佳元: 作者:司达汤(1783~1842),原名亨利.贝尔.《红与黑》的创作取材于当时的一则社会新闻…(我很懒,都是我的错,还是你自己去看吧文化快餐无味啊,也不知道年份对不对好像是)

常宁市13621782165: 《红与黑》每章简介 -
张堵佳元: 《红与黑》是19世纪法国乃至欧洲文学的一座丰碑.小说围绕主人公于连的个人奋斗及两次爱情经历的描写,揭示了复辟王朝时期的波澜的阶级大博斗,反映了政治黑暗、教会腐败,贵族反动和资产阶级利欲熏心的广阔生活画面.于连的两次爱...

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张堵佳元: 读《红与黑》是一段太过漫长的过程,因为时间已给了作家和作品最无私而又公正的评判,我的阅读态度自不能像对畅销书那样肆无忌惮,又不能像对言情小说那样不置可否.我是在用心灵去与那个时代交谈,重点也放在历史以外的探究和思考...

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张堵佳元: I would like to travel to other countries with my family.You know, you can share the happiness you experience with your family by this way.And as a junior high school st...

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