求中文翻译成英文。谢谢帮忙,急. 筷子是中餐中最主要的进餐用具。握筷姿势应规范,在使用筷子的时

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1) the table feeding manners. The feeding principle: food required by the guest take; take the dishes, do not have too much; neighbor man for women. Toast should be based on age, job title, and the identity of the sequence, to give you a toast, the elderly. Matters needing attention: don't look right and left to take food, in a common dish, pick and choose; more than one table, taking food should pay attention to mutual comity, turn line, take right amount; reach the food, can help please fill, and even from the seat to avoid eating not; burp, eat noodles soup and not make a" grunt"; if sneezes, gurgling, cough, should say" sorry" like to apologize. Food feeding principle: dinner knife scraping plate make sound; dinner speak as little as possible, after a meal to eat dessert is chatting time; when the soup with a spoon, scoop from the inside out, don't make a sound; bread, first with a knife to cut in half, and then by hand into pieces to eat; eat Italy surface application of forks slowly noodles rolled up into the mouth, if not strip surface, directly with the fork spoon can; eat fruit do not take a whole fruit to bite, should use the fruit knife into several segments, then with a knife to remove the skin, nuclear, use a fork to eat. Matters needing attention: don't use their own tableware for others dish; don't put the food on the plate all cut and then the right hand fork to eat; bones or not to eat food, cannot throw on the ground or on the tablecloth, and should be placed in the plate angle.( 2) the table notes. Not in table makeup, use the napkin nose. Meal burping is taboo. When trying to get food, can ask others to pass, don't stand up. Each to the mouth of food too much, don 't talk in mastication. Meal can not eat like wolves and tigers. On their own reluctance to eat food also should be a point on the disk, to be polite. Should not eat halfway down. Really need to leave, to the left and right low voice greeting. Drinking toast, if not to drink, also should be the cup on the lips touch, as a mark of respect. When someone for you wine, if not, you can simply say" no, thank you!" Or to slightly cover glass, said the decline.( 3) the table talking etiquette. Chinese exquisite lively, like chat while eating. When talking to the attention points: the speech to be measured, etiquette, educated, knowledgeable. Avoid, avoid, avoid privacy shallow vulgarity, avoiding taboo, should not talk to each other is not interested in the topic, talk to was dedicated with words, euphemism, courteous to each other. Western dinner table with static, and around dinner guests, but should avoid talking and laughing loudly. Don't just talk about with a few acquaintances, as guests do not know, optional self introduction, the speech of others can not be a mouth in.In 5, left the table etiquetteIn at the end of the party, only by the owner of the end of the party; in the host and guest to leave the seat, the other guests to the banquet guests at the door; the owner should see off; the guest should express thanks to the master; if she says goodbye and just say hello to host or guest nodded to around. In the western at the end of the party, first leg of the folded napkin picked up, random, then put the napkin on the table to the left, and then got up and away from the seat. After dinner, to be male, the hostess absence, other guests can leave. Left, should help to lie between the elders or lady tractor seat, bid farewell to should express thanks to the master, more cautious, also can be by telephone or thank you cards.

Chopsticks are the main tableware when eat Chinese food, so it's is important to use them in a proper way, below points have to be taken into account when use:

  1. don't point the chopsticks at people around

  2. don't spin the chopsticks around the dish but not pick anything up

  3. don't stab the chopsticks into a bowl of rice, leaving them standing upward

  4. don't strike the bowl and pot with the chopsticks

  5. don't put the chopsticks onto the cup or plate but the chipstick rack in order not to knock it down

  6. don't stick into the food with chopsticks then fill in mouth or lick things onto the chopsticks, moreover, don't use them to push the bowl, dish and cup around.

  7. don't take the chopsticks as stage properties and wave around when you talk with someone


1. Don't use your chopsticks to point at somebody or wave them around to make indiscreet remarks and criticisms at meals.


My name is... I'm from... And I'm sixteen. I like listening to music,reading and playing sports. My dream is to become a doctor. And I hope I can syudy at this school. Thanks a lot.

这与最开始提到的增译法相反,就是要求你把不符合汉语,或者英语的表达的方式、思维的习惯或者语言的习惯的部分删去,以免使所翻译出的句子沉杂累赘。2、合并法 合并翻译法就是把多个短句子或者简单句合并到一起,形成一个复合句或者说复杂句,多出现在汉译英的题目里出现,比如最后会翻译成定语从句、...

Thank you for your letter!感谢你的来信!Produced by our company in line with the battery not the size you need.我公司所生产的电池(battery)没有符合你所需要的尺寸。The past few days, we have professional production factory looking battery, nor in line with the size you need.这...

SOMETHING FOR YOU TO PONDER The following is something to ponder if you don't know what to be thankful for.你应该考虑一些东西 如果你不知道该对什么存有感激之心,请考虑以下事情。If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep ...

much for your patronage(惠顾——推荐,个人觉得比支持更地道) and, we are looking forward to your next visit.Best wishes to you(礼节性结束语,体现人文关怀,个人认为要加)...说明:1.翻译未绝对按照中文原文,但,完整传达中文意思 2.带来不便,还可说bring you inconvenience ...供参 ...

把中文翻译成英文 首页 在问 全部问题 娱乐休闲 游戏 旅游 教育培训 金融财经 医疗健康 科技 家电数码 政策法规 文化历史 时尚美容 情感心理 汽车 生活 职业 母婴 三农 互联网 生产制造 其他 日报 日报精选 日报广场 用户 认证用户 视频作者 日报作者 知道团队 认证...

1.It's very hard for him to learn English.2.He has got many friends here.3.--What do you usually have for your dinner?--Bread and Vegetable.4.Does Tony like eating chips?Yes,he likes it very much.1.Where does your father have lunch?2.Does Sally like fruit?3.What do...

Hello,everyone!My name is Zhoujingpin.My English name is Kate.Someone call me Apple.I have been through ten Children's Days.My subjects are all very good,so I can win the first prize every year.I like jogging,and I take part in the school sports meeting evry year.I love ...

In daily life, we more or less would be to read some English articles, or books, sometimes as a test, sometimes in order to get information, sometimes just for fun to relax, in order to better achieve their goals, we can the use of a number of reading skills, reading ...

桑日县13417513904: 急!帮我把一句中文译成英语将'谁都无法阻挡你我的爱'译成英文谢谢 -
主鲍卡悦:[答案] No one can stop our love. Our love is unstoppable. No one can resist our love.

桑日县13417513904: 请帮忙将下面的汉语翻译成英语,很急.谢谢上周我们露营了,玩的很开心,现在我想跟大家分享,我们一直在玩游戏,唱歌.跳舞,在明亮的星光下,我们弹... -
主鲍卡悦:[答案] Last week,we had fun in going camping.And now I just want to share with you. we have been playing games,singing and dancing.In the bright starlight,we have played guitar together.That's really nice to go camping with my friends.

桑日县13417513904: 哪位高人帮忙把中文故事翻译成英文,急等用.谢谢.小壁虎借尾巴 小壁虎在墙角捉蚊子,一条蛇咬住了它的尾巴.小壁虎一挣,挣断尾巴逃走了. 没有尾巴多难... -
主鲍卡悦:[答案] A Gecko wants to borrow a tail.one day a little gecko goes out to catch mosquitoes.He likes catching mosquitoes.But something bad happens.A bad snake catches him and bit his tail ,the small ge...

桑日县13417513904: 谁能帮我把下面的中文翻译成英文,很急.谢谢...
主鲍卡悦: Although I'm very far away from you,I miss you so much that no one is like me.

桑日县13417513904: 急!中译英!!!(帮忙把下面的翻译成英文!谢谢) -
主鲍卡悦: 1.乐观,活泼,坦率,自尊心强,思想开朗,适应力强. Optimistic, active, frank, strong self-dignity, open mind, strong adaptability. 2.有很好的判断能力,有处理紧急事物的才能. With good discretion and the talent to deal with emergency.3.富崇...

桑日县13417513904: 请帮忙把这短中文译成英文!谢谢了!急!今天当葡萄花儿还在开,我会尝尝你的草莓,喝你的美酒,百万个明天是会过去的,但今天的美我永远不会忘记 -
主鲍卡悦:[答案] Today when the grape flowers are blooming, I come to taste your strawberry and drink your wine.Millions of tomorrow will pass by but the beauty of today will always be in my memory.

桑日县13417513904: 请求帮忙把中文地址转成英文,急!中国福建省漳州市东山县西埔镇新城路中信新城二期9号楼B单元204帮帮忙翻译成英文.谢谢.邮编363400 -
主鲍卡悦:[答案] Room 204,Unit B,Building 9,Plan Ⅱ of Zhongxin New City,Xincheng Road,Xipu Town,Dongshan County,Zhangzhou City,Fujian province,China

桑日县13417513904: 麻烦帮忙把下面的汉语翻译成英语,谢谢....
主鲍卡悦: I am glad to meet you , my dear students. From now on , i am your new teacher.It is nice for to live and study with all of you .And i hope in the future we will make our effort to get a progress in our study.If i did something wrong or unsuitable,the adivice ...

桑日县13417513904: 急!帮忙把两句中文翻译成英文.悬赏100分
主鲍卡悦: 我很喜欢英语,这本词典正是我所需要的,它将帮助我提高英语水平,真的很谢谢你 I like English very much, this dictionary is just what I need, it will help to improve my English level, thank you very much盼望下个月能在中国见到你,到时候一定要在我家住几天,我带你好好欣赏一下中国的风光 Hope to see you next month in China, some day you'll live in my home, I take you to enjoy the scenery of China 求采纳谢谢

桑日县13417513904: 求高手帮忙将中文翻译成英文,...
主鲍卡悦: 身体素质好(Physical good)2004年NBA选秀状元(2004 NBA draft pick) NBA第一中锋(NBA No. 1 center)2009-2010最佳防守球员 (2009-2010 Defensive Player)奥兰多魔术队(Orlando Magic) 2008年全明星扣篮王 (2008 All-Star...

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