
作者&投稿:诸葛枫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I do not have the money, is I do not have the money, does not have the money equally with most people, but I have a warm family, a complete family, but also has healthy me, although I am very thin. Small time I have the ideal, is studies well, hoped really now has achieved, but by passed through late, my 23 years old, but I have completed an ideal, that was I has grown up, must thank all people in here me, cares about and has helped human, good said these many, tomorrow must go to work!

直译:如果 他自杀成功的总效用 比 他从现在起的余生的总效用 更高,那么自杀正是那个“理智”的选择。


the changes between current period and last period (scores)
the differentials of scores between current period and national modules.

光从句子看就是national modules。还有得分,一般用scores,但也可以用marks,取决于你那得分是指什么东西的得分

Changes in this period compared with the previous period ( score )?
This period a national module score difference?

第一句:I have enough patience every little bit armed themselves, so that my heart become challengers. I believe that the future must be what is there worth me to wait.第二句:Nothing can call I give up, unless it is my own weakness, and it was my own deserved it.我从老师...

Gun movement beyond the equipment connected with the cross-step study of the importance Abstract: Javelin as a track and field events, is a more complex multi-axis of rotation project, full name should be: javelin throw. The campaign has a long history. Javelin technology development...

1.Whatever the weather is, you can see him playing football.2.Don't praise him, or he will be proud.3.We used to watch movies on weekends.4.He can figure out this problem in many ways.5.We usually do homework for two hours on Friday afternoon.6.There are few people on...

"Tom plays football everyday, so he hates raining."" 8.在他的帮助下,我的英语进步很大。""My English has made a big progress with his help.""9.你觉得明天有可能结束这工作吗?""Do you think it is possible to finish the work by tomorrow?"" 10.昨天当我到电影院时,电影已经...

The visitor noticed the beautifully hand crafted keystone, doorway and arch in the middle of the room.参观者可以在屋子的中央看到漂亮地似手工精致的拱心石,门廊及拱门 It was brought from a different location and installed in this relatively new structure.它是从其他的地方运到这来的并被...

Others may think it will help them with stress in their lives possibly due to pressure from parents or teachers. 另一些人则认为那也许会帮助他们缓解生活中可能来自于父母或者老师的压力。Some may just want to experiment.What they do not realize is how easy it is to become addicted ...

首先教育得从小孩抓起,在两岁起,可以找一些符合小孩兴趣的或者色彩鲜艳的,小孩愿意玩耍的辅助性英文玩具,多放一些比较简单的英文歌,让小孩从小能够接触到最基础的知识。第二:多读多记 从幼儿园开始到小学,正是孩子大脑开始对所有新鲜事物有进一步认知的时候,这个时候的小孩乐此不疲的学习新东西,...

下面的中文部分翻译成英文:My long-time career goal is to be a中国心理学在教育领域应用方面的专家。So, after graduation, I will come back to China and find a job in a Chinese中国的教育机构,从事教育心理学方向的研究工作。and I think it is not difficult to me: 在可以预见的未来...

向英语达人求助【公司名称 :中文名 ---译英文】【200分追】
做人名时意为:热爱和平的,热于助人的 做公司名字时 意为:和气的,友好的 ,热情的 来源于:希伯来 象征:和平 则: 羽岸文化传播有限公司 的英文 为:Yonina Cultural Communication Co. Ltd 或 Youan读作:佑安 解析:Youan与 羽岸 谐音 做人名时意为:平和的,外向的,善于与人沟通的 ...

英语达人请进,帮忙分析这句英文的结构 语法 句式,谢谢
宾语从句:it might have been prevented had he received the dental care he needed (用了虚拟语气,对过去的假设)状语从句:had he received the dental care he needed (省略了if ,把助动词had提前)定语从句:he needed (省略了关系词that或者which)整句话的意思是:大家说如果他接受所需的...

鲅鱼圈区17679034539: 请英语达人帮我翻译两句话 -
佼策银翘: 1.梦想,总会对坚持说我愿意 Dreams will always say yes to perseverance.2.今天的挥汗如雨是为了明天的挥金如土 Today's hard working is for tomorrow's good wealth.

鲅鱼圈区17679034539: 求英文达人帮我翻译两句话
佼策银翘: 1 primeval forest 60 meters tall pines, towering trees can be, Many a dry, tree, is called "strange" small lushan. Exotics, have wild tigers throughout. 2.. Big pine . Matsui's spiritual, like dragon dance branches. To hold you to the media, tree, ...

鲅鱼圈区17679034539: 求英语达人翻译两句话
佼策银翘: The frequent natural disasters. the sun is shining the time was very long. his heart a little nervous.

鲅鱼圈区17679034539: 英语翻译谁能帮我翻译这两句话:1.喜欢我不代表爱我,爱我不代表会娶我,娶我不代表会照顾我一生·2.我愿你能延寿十年·为此我愿意折寿十年英文翻译... -
佼策银翘:[答案] 1.喜欢我不代表爱我,爱我不代表会娶我, 娶我不代表会照顾我一生. Liking me does not mean loving me,loving me does not mean that you will get married to me;getting married to me does not mean that you will look after me all your life. 动名词短语做...

鲅鱼圈区17679034539: 求助英文达人!!!!帮我翻译两句话,小弟膜拜!!! -
佼策银翘: the changes between current period and last period (scores) the differentials of scores between current period and national modules.你那全国模块是什么东西?因为中文意思的不同理解会对翻译成英文后的用词有很大影响的.光从句子看就是national modules.还有得分,一般用scores,但也可以用marks,取决于你那得分是指什么东西的得分

鲅鱼圈区17679034539: 求英语达人援助!把以下这两句话翻译成英文,最好能文学一点.谢谢! -
佼策银翘: I have enough patience every little bit armed themselves, so that my heart become challengers. I believe that the future must be what is there worth me to wait. Nothing can call I give up, unless it is my own weakness, and it was my own deserved it.

鲅鱼圈区17679034539: 请英语达人翻译两句话,有关翻山越岭的,其中有些不是太明白的地方A few years later, tea was brought overland from China to Russia. The long difficult ... -
佼策银翘:[答案] 翻的基本正确,帮你试着调整一下 几年后,茶叶被横穿大陆从中国带到了俄罗斯.这一艰苦的的旅程需要翻过高山,跨过沙漠. 供参考make the journey是主动语态the journey be made是被动语态,中间插入了情态词have to “不得不,需要”

鲅鱼圈区17679034539: 英语达人帮忙翻译两段话成英文~ -
佼策银翘: I am engaged in designing now, but my dream is to be a photogragher which is my initial dream of art. Although I I am engaged in designing now, I never give up my dream. Maybe one day, I will find a point of balance between them and realize my dream, which means I am not defeated by the fact.

鲅鱼圈区17679034539: 找个英语水平高的人帮我翻译两句话, -
佼策银翘: 1Do you want me to practice every day without you? 2Facts prove that if you're not bored, you would never think of me

鲅鱼圈区17679034539: 英语达人帮我翻译两句话?(达人请进) -
佼策银翘: 那句英文没有前后文的理解所以可能翻的会稍微有些差异: 听我的声音呼唤着你,将你从黑暗中带出. 若是听到魔鬼罪恶地呼喊,一定要对他置之不理. 下面是你的中文: Everything I have written, sends out my thoughts to you. Although you're ...

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