求英语翻译~~因为是跟笔友写的,希望能翻译的正确~~~虽然无悬赏- -

作者&投稿:糜静 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

同时,我们也有2个在这里长住的18岁中国男孩,会一直住到明年7月。他们正在学习他们“A”级别课程。他们很好而且彬彬有礼,他们的英文名字是布鲁斯(Bruce)和彼得(Peter)。他们常常让我们尝试一些非常奇怪的食物,像用鱼翅做的月饼,我们甚至还吃了蛇肉 哈哈哈哈!
几周前,我们也收到了一封来自凯西(Cathy)(老师)和张女士的电子邮件。凯西说你们在英国过得非常愉快 ;-))
乔治(George)现在非常乖. 我们这里进入秋天后,它开始能尿得更多一点了,而且乔治非常讨厌我们在下雨天带它散步!!
我们现在有了5只新宠物!5只刚出生的非洲大陆蜗牛 !不过绝对不是用来吃的!!!哈哈!
我孙女莉莉( Lilly )还是个婴儿,她也很乖。她现在已经长出许多牙齿了!
丽莎阿姨和查理叔叔 亲吻你们



我在香港玩得很开心 虽然我不得不实说 我更喜欢上海 。 然而 这仍是一个很值得参观的地方 我很幸运在这开始为期六个月的英语课程 一些其他的学生正在学习法语 我也想去学。你想学什么语言呢?
在这有很多值得看和做的。 昨晚我去了中国音乐会 大部分我的盆友喜欢很潮的音乐 他们可以跟着跳舞。我更喜欢安静传统的音乐。所以音乐会适合我 你喜欢什么样的音乐呢
在音乐会开始以前 我们去吃了意大利食物 你喜欢么。这儿有很多不同的食物 我都不知道吃什么好了 你更喜欢什么食物呢 我的寄宿家庭下周将带我去印度电影节 我不确定期待什么 因为我之前从没看过 你呢 一些人说很无聊 但是另一部分人说很有趣 你更喜欢什么样的电影呢


I didn't see my email, our school requires us to unite with the Gmail mailbox, so they ( school ) can be more conveniently send some things about the school to let us know. Today I open the mailbox when there are 100 mail, you sent me the ( mail ) on the last page, September you sent.
You know in China have academic proficiency test? It is the high school student must participate in the examination, only through this examination can participate in college entrance examination. Academic proficiency test have nine subjects: Chinese, mathematics, English, biology, chemistry, physics, history, politics, geography. The examination questions are very simple, almost everyone can pass the exam. In June I had to participate in this examination.
Then you will be graduating from high school in? This is really a good thing ah! But there are also a lot of pressure, I hope you can go to a good university

I haven't checked the inbox of this email account for a long time now, because my school makes us all use Gmail accounts so they can send out update about the school more conveniently. When I logged in today there were 100 new messages waiting for me, and the email you sent me in September was on the last page.

Did you know that we have academic proficiency exams in China? Every grade 11 student must take the test, and only through this test will you be able to take part in the college entrance exams in Grade 12. The exam tests us in nine subjects: Chinese, Math, English, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History, Politics and Geography. The questions are fairly easy, almost anyone can pass this test. I will be writing this test in June.

So,you should be graduated this year, right? What a nice thing! But there must be a lot of pressure, I really hope you can go to a good college.

最后留个名,像Sincerely, XXX或者 Best Wishes XXX什么的
开头最好再加一个Dear XXX

I didn't login the E-mail number for a long time .My school ask all of the students to use G-mail .In this way ,they can send the mails to us quickly .so I found your mail just now . Do you know there is a School Work Proficiency Test in China ?Grade 11'students must take part in this test .Only pass this test ,can you take part in the entrance examination.This test has 9 projects .They are Chinese,math ,English biology ,chemistry ,physics ,history ,politics and geography .The questions are easy ,about everyone can pass this test .I will join in this test in June . So you will finish the high school this year ,will not you ?That's a great thing for you !But it you have too much pressure ,don't you ? At last ,I hope you can study in a good college . 楼主你检查一下吧,肯定有错,毕竟我才初二,还有就是我问一下你的笔友在哪儿找的?

Translation content:
I didn't see for a long time I the mailbox, our school requires us with gmail unified mailbox, so they (school) could more easily send some about the school things that we know. Today I open the mail inside have 100 email, you give I hair of the (email) in the last page, and September from you.

You know in China there are academic level exam? That is the senior high school students must take the examination, only through this test can attend the university entrance exam. Academic level exam has nine subjects: Chinese, maths, English, biology, chemistry, physics, history, politics and geography. The questions of the exam is very simple, almost everyone can pass the exam. In June I will take the exam.

So this year you will to graduate from high school? This is really a good thing!!!!! But there are also a lot of pressure, I hope you can get into a good university


It has been a long time since i checked this email box last time. We were all required by school to use gmail box so that we can update information sent by school conviniently. I found one hundred unread emails in inbox today and yours was at the last page, which received in September last year.
Do you know the school proficiency test in China? This is a mandatory test for grade two senior high school student and only by passing through it can a student take the entrance examination. There are totally nine courses need to be tested: Chinese, Mathematics, English, Biology, Chemistry, Physics,History, Politics and Geography. Hardly can anyone fail it cause the questions are easy. I will take the test in June.
So you will be graduated from senior high school this year, right? This is so great while at the same time you are going to be under much bigger pressure. Wish you can enter an excellent university!

▲with 可以表示原因或理由,意思是“因为,由于”,多用于某些搭配中。如:He is tired with work. 他工作做累了。At the news we all jumped with joy. 听到这消息我们都高兴得跳了起来。▲当 with 表原因时,with 的后面不能接句子(事实上,不管 with 用于哪个意思,它后面均不能接句子)。

I care you,I am afraid to lose you或者I care you,so I am afraid to lose you只有中文才能在句子里同时出现“因为”和“所以”。翻译英文的时候不要受中文意思的影响,使句子里同时出现BECAUSE和SO。类似的情况还有“虽然”和“但是”,例句是THOUGH(ALTHOUGH)XXX,XXX或者XXX,BUT XXX。至于...

The product will be produced as soon as possible. But due to time constraints the first sample can not be sent to you and as this is our first time working together, instead I will send you photographs (by email) of the sample for your approval and confirmation. I hope ...

因为兴趣是最好的老师,所以无论学习什么都必须先培养兴趣。Since interest is the best motivator, we should foster interest in a subject before learning it.采取了一丁点儿意译,觉得这样好点 ~ ♥ 自己认真翻译的,应该比较地道,敬请采纳、...

有这样两个句子。⑴The engine did not stop because the fuel was finished.⑵John did not attend the meeting because he was ill. 请问否定词not究竟否定句子的哪个部分?怎样翻译这两个句子?翻译这一类型的句子需注意什么问题?because 是从属连词(subordinating conjunction),其意为:“因为……...

这三种形式为:1、Parce que ……, …… ;翻译为:因为……,所以……2、Comme …… ,……;翻译为:因为……,所以……3、……,car……;翻译为:之所以……,是因为……除此还有à cause de和grâce à都是表示因为的意思。但前者表示的结果为中性或不好的一方面。而后者则表示好...

我喜欢春天,因为春天是一个花开的季节的英文:I like spring, because spring is a season of flowers spring 读法 英 [sprɪŋ] 美 [sprɪŋ]1、n(名词). 春天;春季;弹簧;弹力;跳;泉水;源头 2、v(动词). 跳;弹;快速站起;释放;涌出;生长;出现;耸立 短...

为什么我会选择这个题目,是因为这个问题经常的英语翻译是:Why I will choose this topic because it is a problem often

...用so,because, because of。三个句型翻译英语
综述如下:用so造句:He was ill, so he wasn't here today 用because of造句因为because of后面接名词或名词性词组 所以:He wasn't here today because of his illness;用because造句:because后面接句子 所以:Because he was ill, he wasn't here today.词语使用变化:because conj.(连词)1...

“因为……所以…… ”的英语翻译
英语中因为所以不连用 有了因为就不能加所以 因为:because ,in the reason of(以什么样的理由),because of所以:so,therefore(因此),as a result(作为什么的结果)1、即使是中文,因为所以也不是一定要出现,更不需要同时出现。我爱你,因为你是我儿子。你是我儿子,所以我爱你。可见,...

翠云区18219812171: 英语短文翻译、算是笔友写的、帮我翻译的贴切生活一点、谢谢、帮我一下、 -
钦楠迪索: -这是一封诈骗信,先是像交朋友一样,聊这个聊那个,然后接着她会说,她父亲或者某个亲属给她留了遗产,但是这个遗产得有个国外的朋友帮忙转移,她本国内由于XXX原因不能提现.于是,你要做XXX事情,汇一笔小钱过去干嘛干嘛.然后把这大笔美金转到你户头上,然后再转给她,事成之后,给你百分之十五的佣金.

翠云区18219812171: 六上英语作文"写给笔友的一封信"要翻译 -
钦楠迪索: 亲爱的托尼你陪伴我三年的笔友.我很高兴有您的公司在三年内.你的关心,我体验到一种温暖的感觉.你的笔友,我感到非常自豪.在这三年里,我的一些快乐的事情与大家分享,是我的荣幸.谢谢你陪我的时间在过去三年.我希望我们永远是朋友.亲爱的托尼,这是你笔友陪伴我3年.我很高兴,在这三年随行.在你的照顾下,我体会到温暖的感觉.我有你这样的笔友感到骄傲.在这三年中,可以和你的股份挖掘一些快乐的问题是我的荣幸.谢谢你三年的时间陪我通过.我希望我们可以永远的朋友.

翠云区18219812171: 一封给笔友的信 英语怎么写 -
钦楠迪索: a letter to pen pal.希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 有不会的欢迎再继续问我(*^__^*)

翠云区18219812171: 求翻译成英语:用英语写信给笔友不仅很有趣,而且可以提高你的英语写作水平 -
钦楠迪索: Write a letter to your pen pal in English is not only interesting, but also improve your English writing skills. 满意请采纳

翠云区18219812171: 求英文翻译,我第一次给外国笔友回信,无奈英文太差,希望大家可以帮帮我,谢谢 -
钦楠迪索: 楼主您好,下面是我的翻译:(纯手打人工翻译,非软件翻译,放心地用吧) I've hesitated for a long time before writing to you because I'm not good at English. I spent most of my time painting and I decided to spend the next few months in the ...

翠云区18219812171: 英语翻译:信是你的笔友寄来的吗?Is the letter ( ) ? -
钦楠迪索: sent from pen pal sent与be动词构成被动语态

翠云区18219812171: 求一篇用英语给笔友写的信 -
钦楠迪索: 介绍寒假生活的Dear Tom, I am gald to tell you my winter vaction plan in the winter vacation. First, I will prepar to see some interesting books to enrich my live. Second, I will help my parents to do the homeworks, such as: washing dishes, mopping ...

翠云区18219812171: 你最好试着用英语给你的笔友写信英文怎么说 -
钦楠迪索: You better try to write to your penpal in english.

翠云区18219812171: 英语翻译.写给外国笔友的,书信,急 -
钦楠迪索: The new high felt excited and nervous (illustrate why nervous exciting). Because English achievement is not good enough, prepare to study hard and hope for support. Invitations are convenient to China

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