
作者&投稿:奚委 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
汤圆介绍 英文注释!!急求!~

The Lantern or Yuan Xiao Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals. It is popularly referred to as Chinese Valentine's Day and takes place on the first full moon of the Lunar New Year. It also marks the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations.

The Chinese first celebrated the Lantern Festival during the Han Dynasty ( 206BC-221AD).

Lanterns became a part of the celebrations and now, home and public areas are filled with lanterns in traditional designs such as the typical red, spherical design as well as designs based on butterflies, dragons, birds and other animals. These create bright and colourful displays during the evening and night.

Food to Celebrate Lantern Festival

Tang Yuan and Yuan Xiao are a traditional food for the Lantern Festival. They are glutinous rice balls made of glutinous rice flour rolled round with varieties of sweet fillings such as black sesame paste, peanut paste, red bean paste or lotus paste to name a few. These sweet dumplings are often cooked in a red bean dessert or slab sugar with a piece of ginger to make a soup.

These round shaped Tang Yuan or sometimes called Yuan Xiao (sweet dumplings) symbolise family unity, completeness and happiness to mark the end of the Chinese New Year festivities.

Another food-related custom common both past and present is the eating of "tang yuan", or "yuan xiao" as it is called in the North. " Yuan xiao", sweet tasting glutinous rice-flour balls with many types of filling served in a soup are symbolic of the first full moon of the year and family reunion because of their perfectly round shape. The fillings may include pastes of black bean, Hawthorne , date, dark and white sesame. In Southern China , pork, chicken and vegetable fillings are popular. Although there are regional differences in taste, there is only one way to cook dumplings, which is to heat them just long enough so that the outer skin has a delicate and slippery consistency.
In Northen China, custom requires that "yuan xiao" be made on the seventh day of the New Year and sold on the eighth. Once can buy these treats in restaurants throughout the Lantern Festival until the 18 th of the first month. After that date, the dumplings are no longer available.

Other versions of "yuan xiao" include Mongolian butter dumplings, which are mildly sweet with a creamy aftertaste. In Tianjin the fillings are made with a mixture of honey and white grapes. Shanghai dumplings excel in both salty and sweet categories, and Zhejiang is noted for its crabmeat dumplings.

Yuanxiao is sticky, sweet and round in shape, symbolizing family unity, completeness and happiness. You can find Yuanxiao in oriental food stores. If you enjoy cooking, here is a recipe of Yuanxiao for you.
  Till today, the lantern festival is still held each year around the country. Lanterns of various shapes and sizes are hung in the streets, attracting countless visitors. "Guessing lantern riddles"is an essential part of the Festival. People will eat yuanxiao, or rice dumplings, on this day, so it is also called the "Yuanxiao Festival."Yuanxiao also has another name, tangyuan. Tangyuan can be boiled, fried or steamed. It tastes sweet and delicious. 直到今天,元宵节还每年举办一次全国各地。不同的形状和大小的灯笼悬挂在街上,吸引无数的游客。“猜灯谜”是一个重要的部分的节日。人们会吃元宵,或吃粽子,在这一天,因此它也被称为“元宵的节日。“元宵也有另一个名字,汤圆。汤圆可以煮、煎或蒸。

The fillings inside the dumplings or yuanxiao are either sweet or salty. Sweet fillings are made of sugar, walnuts, sesame, osmanthus flowers, rose petals, sweetened tangerine peel, bean paste, or jujube paste. A single ingredient or any combination can be used as the filling. The salty variety is filled with minced meat, vegetables or a mixture.

Tangyuan traditionally are eaten during the Lantern Festival.

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南县18751023419: 汤圆的英文简介10字以下急求! -
毋发桂附: Yuanxiao is sticky, sweet and round in shape, symbolizing family unity, completeness and happiness. You can find Yuanxiao in oriental food stores. If you enjoy cooking, here is a recipe of Yuanxiao for you. 元宵口感粘糯,口味香甜,外观浑圆,...

南县18751023419: 汤圆英语简绍 -
毋发桂附: 词目:汤圆 拼音:tāng yuán 英文:glue pudding &sweet dumplings 基本解释 [boiled rice dumpling;stuffed dumpling made partly or wholly of glutinous rice flour served in soup] 糯米粉等做的球形食品,一般有馅儿,煮熟带汤吃

南县18751023419: 求一篇关于宁波汤圆特点的英语小短文 -
毋发桂附: 楼主,您好!Ningbo dumpling with refined white flour as skin Glutinous Rice with lard, sugar, black sesame powder filling, dumpling skin is thin and slippery, white as suet, shiny shiny, smooth and delicious.翻译:宁波汤圆以精白水磨糯米粉为皮,用猪油、白糖、黑芝麻粉为馅,汤圆皮薄而滑,白如羊脂,油光发亮,滑润味美.请采纳,谢谢~

南县18751023419: 急求:关于汤圆的英文资料 -
毋发桂附: The Festival of Lanterns is one of the Chinese traditional festivals. It can be traced back to the Western Han Dynasty, as early as over 2000 years ago. Lantern appreciation began in the rein of Emperor Ming of Eastern Han Dynasty. More contents ...

南县18751023419: 汤圆介绍 英文注释!!急求! -
毋发桂附: The Lantern Festival (or Yuanxiao Festival in Chinese) is an important traditional Chinese festival, which is on the 15th of the first lunar month, marking the end of celebrations of the New Year. Besides entertainment and beautiful lanterns, another ...

南县18751023419: 汤圆的资料有什么? -
毋发桂附: 汤圆的英文:glue pudding[编辑本段]食品简介 汤圆是我国的代表小吃之一,历史十分悠久.据传,汤圆起源于宋朝.当时各地兴起吃一种新奇食品,即用各种果饵做馅,外面用糯米粉搓成球,煮熟后,吃...

南县18751023419: 汤圆的介绍都要用英文来说 -
毋发桂附: festival of lanterns originned from Han Dynasty, the folk spreads because the week, Chen evenly has been suddenly removeing the Lu Shi influence, but the day just for first lunar month 15, the Chinese written language emperor for commemorated ...

南县18751023419: 汤圆的英文是什么啊?
毋发桂附: Tangyuan 是汉语拼音的读法

南县18751023419: 汤圆英语怎么说
毋发桂附: 1. glue pudding 或者 sweet soup balls (外国人管包子\\饺子\\汤圆都叫dumpling,泛指带馅的食物.) 名词1. glue pudding; Tang-yuan2. sweet dumplings 在英国人们是这么称呼汤圆的3. rice ball(美国的称呼)

南县18751023419: 汤圆用英语怎么说?
毋发桂附: 汤圆 tang yuan 【饮食词汇】 glue pudding 汤圆 sweet soup balls汤圆 【春节词汇 】 汤圆 Tang-yuan; dumplings made of sweet rice, rolled into balls and stuffed with either sweet

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