求高手把下面段话翻译成英文 谢谢!!

作者&投稿:沙狡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

According to the logistics, warehousing costs iceberg said theory can be divided into the dominant costs and the hidden costs two kinds big. The whole supply chain in enterprise warehouse plays a very important role, if not reasonable use warehouse, guarantee the right goods storage and inventory control and ex-stock deliveries, will result in the increase of warehouse two cost, service performance is hard to get guarantee, which affects the competitiveness of the enterprises. This article through to guangzhou protect spike trade limited company warehouse SWOT qualitative analysis, determine the enterprise warehouse general development strategy, and further extended to the tactical level, based on the existing storage capacity, warehouse storage capacity, considering the warehouse management, a systematic arrangement design (SLP) method of quantitative analysis and optimization series, in order to satisfy the company listed on the stock market and diversified development requirements and to enhance corporate profits and competitiveness.

The quality of feedback alone

I. This lens May 21, 2009 incoming 86PCS, the camera returns to fill in the incoming test 38PCS bad 42PCS found, and its bad for 90.48%, as follows:
1, IR converted camera internal The filter can switch activities, bad for 11PCS, accounting for 26.19 percent ratio of non-performing. Picture is as follows
2, IR conversion bad: IR motor conversion are sound, the lens is no reaction (no filter switch), bad for 12PCS, accounting for 28.57 percent ratio of non-performing

3, IR-free functions: the test motor and filter non-response without sound, and bad for 7PCS, accounting for 16.67 percent ratio of non-performing

4, IR conversion instability: IR conversion test the first time OK, second time the following adverse conversion, a total of 8PCS, specific undesirable phenomena is as follows:
(1), IR has the sound of the electrical conversion, the lens is no reaction (no filter switch) 5PCS.
(2), IR non-functional, electrical and non-response without noise filter, 3PCS.

Second, in view of the above undesirable phenomenon in April 18, 2009 has issued a report on the bad contact and photographs, this is not to improve the incoming batch, the same undesirable phenomena still exists.

Third, the incoming batch of full-86PCS return them to the supplier, at the same time, please contact the supplier of procurement-speed analysis of the reasons for the hope to solve the problem as soon as possible!

interest is the best teacher for human beings. The interest is just like the key to knowledge, once in hand,it can produce the motivation to endless study. According to my experience, I want to set forth the measures of improving the students' English-studying interest on the following terms:
first, to creat a relax and harmony relationship between the students and teachers.
second, to inspire the students' English-interest by various kinds of teaching methods
third, to adopt antertainmental teaching method makes the students like learning English through the entertainment.
next, to introduce the students' interest by audio-visual education programme
last, to inspire their interest by experiencing the chance of success Interest is the best teacher. The students got interested in like a knowledge base to open the key; Can produce endless learning. I combined with many years of experience, the following several opposite this paper describes how to improve the primary school students interested in English; Create a harmonious relationship between teachers and students; In class, through a variety of teaching means stimulates the student to study the interest in English; Entertainment teaching, let the children in a happy burning hair's interest in learning English; To electronic teaching to induce students' interest in English study; Mention east experience the chance of success to generate interest in studying.

Interest is the best teacher. The students got interested in like a knowledge base to open the key; Can produce endless learning. I combined with many years of experience, the following several opposite this paper describes how to improve the primary school students interested in English; Create a harmonious relationship between teachers and students; In class, through a variety of teaching means stimulates the student to study the interest in English; Entertainment teaching, let the children in a happy burning hair's interest in learning English; To electronic teaching to induce students' interest in English study; Mention east experience the chance of success to generate interest in studying.

interest is the best teacher for human beings. The interest is just like the key to knowledge, once in hand,it can produce the motivation to endless study. According to my experience, I want to set forth the measures of improving the students' English-studying interest on the following terms:
first, to creat a relax and harmony relationship between the students and teachers.
second, to inspire the students' English-interest by various kinds of teaching methods
third, to adopt antertainmental teaching method makes the students like learning English through the entertainment.
next, to introduce the students' interest by audio-visual education programme
last, to inspire their interest by experiencing the chance of success

Interest is the best teacher.
Students with interest as a key opening knowledge;
Can generate endless motivation.
I combined with many years of practice experience, opposite the following explains how to improve pupils ' interest in learning English;
Create a relaxed and harmonious relationship between teachers and students;
In class, arousing students ' interest in learning English through a variety of teaching methods;
Teaching of entertainment, make the children happy blaze's interest in learning English;
Electricity teaching to induce the students interest in learning English;
Tidong experience successful opportunity to stir up enthusiasm for learning.

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求高手翻译用学术语言把下面一段话翻译成英文,翻译的好可以加分_百度知 ...

According to the logistics, warehousing costs iceberg said theory can be divided into the dominant costs and the hidden costs two kinds big. The whole supply chain in enterprise warehouse plays a very important role, if not reasonable use warehouse, guarantee the right goods storage ...

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连平县18775587317: 英文帮助翻译词句.请英文高手帮忙把下面的话翻译成英文:1、哦!非常感谢!2、这么晚打扰您真不好意思.3、为什么呢?4、祝您天天开心、工作愉快!晚... -
王庙善宁:[答案] 1,Oh!Thank you very much! 2,so late I am sorry to disturb you. 3,Why? 4,every day I wish you a happy,happy!Good night!

连平县18775587317: 哪位高手能把下面那段话翻译成英文?拜托啦!先谢谢!
王庙善宁: Only I myself could taste the pains and hardship behind the happiness. I won't make trouble with you with purpose, lose temper, or requst you without reason. I only expect that your heart will be filled with smile when you walk on campus. I hope we will ...

连平县18775587317: 麻烦帮忙将下面这段话翻译成英文,谢谢 -
王庙善宁: I am very interested in this item though I am aware that I am not the only one want it. Such that please inform me of how much you expect or others' offer when you are going to sell it. We can negotiate the price.Besides, I had been planning to buy ...

连平县18775587317: 请高手帮忙把下面的一段话翻译成英文,谢谢!我们财务今天出去银行付这个订单的款,预计这两天你就可以收到这笔钱.我们国庆放假9月30日到10月5日,... -
王庙善宁:[答案] Today our financial department is going to the bank to pay money of this order.We except that you will receive the money these two days.We will be off on September 30th to October 5th during the National Day.Therefore I hope you could arrange the ...

连平县18775587317: 高手帮忙把下面的话翻译成英文.谢谢,在线等1、有些事,有些人,是不是如果你真的想忘记,就一定会忘记. - 2、再见,也许永远不见. - 3、我内心固执地... -
王庙善宁:[答案] 1,some things,some people,is not if you really want to forget,we will certainly forget.-2,good-bye,perhaps never to see.-3 stubborn pursuit of my heart,only I see,but I hope I am not wrong.-4,I often ...

连平县18775587317: 请中英翻译高手帮我一下,将下面的文字翻译成英文,谢谢了. -
王庙善宁: I am a kelly, very happy meet with you at the bead sea on July 14!The following is the offer that our company reads the 咭 machine series product, pleasing the reference!Among them:QC - D01;QC - D02;QC - D07;The QC - D16 this several style, you...

连平县18775587317: 求高人将下面的句子翻译成英文 谢谢~你们给我汇钱的那个银行要求我退汇,因为他们说什么资料填写错误,不能证明我的身份,希望我把钱退给他们 他们核... -
王庙善宁:[答案] The bank you used to send me money asked me to return the money. They said due to an erro in the infomation filled in, they could not rectify my ID and wishes me to return the money to them, and after they have reconfirmed everything they will sent it ...

连平县18775587317: 麻烦各位朋友帮我翻译下下面那段话,译成英文,十分感谢! -
王庙善宁: At that moment, we hugged tightly, we fell in love, without too many words;At that moment, your hug was so warm and also warmed my heart;the first...

连平县18775587317: 请高手把下面一段话翻译成英文 不要软件翻译 谢谢 -
王庙善宁: Mr/Mrs buyer, you are very unreasonable, you complaint you never received the item. When the item is sent by EMS, you still complaint that the shirt's colour, pardon me Mr/Mrs buyer, why do you buy this item since you dislike it? Why not choose ...

连平县18775587317: 求大神帮我把下面一段话翻译成英文,谢谢啦~^ ^
王庙善宁: We all have had the courage and the curiosity to this world,When I was young, I always liked to run in front of the adults,Worry about missing a little bit of fresh scenery.I hope you can keep and have the curiosity and courage when you grow up.See the difference between the world and the world we imagine如果满意的话,请采纳,,

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