
作者&投稿:致芸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

( c )1. ----When can you watch TV? ----_____ Saturday nights.
A. At B. In C. On D. For
( d )2. ----Look! The sign says, “__________”. So you can’t draw here. ----Sorry, Miss White.
A. No talking B. No parking C. Not draw D. No drawing
( c )3. ----When can they finish the work, do you know? ----_______ next Friday.
A. By B. In C. On D. To
( b )4. ----Do you like Sichuan food? ----No. It’s too hot. I _______ it.
A. like B. can’t stand C. don’t mind D. don’t stand
( c )5. ----_________ wash the clothes now? ----No, you don’t. You can do it after supper.
A. Do I B. Why do I have to C. Do I have to D. Would I like to
( d )6. ----Why can’t we listen to music in class? ----Because that is ______.
A. an excuse B. a reason C. an idea D. a rule
( a )7. ----Can you come and play football with us?
----_______. I have a lot of homework to do today.
A. I’m afraid not B. Excuse me C. I’d like to D. I’m glad to
( d )8. ----How can she improve her English, sir?
----I think she has to practice _____ English every morning.
A. to read B. read C. reads D. reading
( d )9. ----What does your father think of Sports Show?
----He _______ it. He likes it kind of.
A. can’t stand B. doesn’t mind C. doesn’t like D. likes
( a )10. ----What does he has to go to the English corner for?
----_________ English.
A. To learn B. Learning C. Learn D. Learns
( b )11. ----What do you think of these shoes?
----I’m sorry to say they are too small. I want to buy another ______.
A. one B. pair C. piece D. box
( b )12. ----What did he say about the teacher’s question?
----He said he couldn’t answer that question. He had to _____ it.
A. think of B. think over C. think about D. go over
( d )13. ----Does she like English?
----Yes, very much. And she never stops ____ it.
A. to read B. reads C. read D. reading
( b )14. ----__________ sweater would you like, sir? ----Nine, please.
A. What kind of B. What size C. What color D. How much
( c )15. ----Excuse me. Where can I go out, please?
----There are two doors in the hall. ____ door is open. You can go out from there.
A. Every B. All C. Each D. No

1.David/ likes /playing/ basketball.
2.Lilly's father /works /in a shoe shop.
3.Smith/ is /a teacher.He /likes /his students/ very much.
4.The boy /over there/ is /my brother.
5.Tom /gave/ me /an interesting book.

February 28th,Saturday,go to RenMin Park,to visit the East Lake

...went to people's park on Sat, Feb 28 and visited the East Lake in the morning.

On 28th,Feb.Saturday,we are going to the People Park,and look around East Lake.

We will go to the Poeple Publick Park on Saterday on 28th Feb. and we will take a look-through the East Lake in the morning.

We will go to RenMin Park on Saturday,February 28th ,and visit the East Lake in the morning.

It's Saturday,february 28.We are going to the Renmin Park.In the morning we will go to the East Lake.

首先,睡觉这个连续的动作,是用Sleep的,但是去睡觉这个动作,最好用go to bed.几点的英文表示是what time=when。英语里面的what是什么,when是什么时候,how是怎样,how many是多少个(用语可数名词,比如苹果),how much是多少个(用于不可数名词,比如价格),who表示谁。这几个词是特殊疑问句的开...

1.纸上得来终须浅,绝知此事要躬行 2.海内存知己,天涯若比邻

わたし、あなたのこと、好きなんです。わたしのこと好きですか?watashi,anata no koto suki nandesu.watashi no koto suki desuka?口语。本人是日本人。要说的话,要日本人所说的「自然」吧。我说的口语是这个意思。别人写的也都没错。补充 我刚才没注意,你要写的。那么 私はあなたのこ...

the world outside比较偏强调outside,表示你对外面的好奇 而the outside world就比较偏world,表示你对世界的好奇,特别是外面的世界

你这函数是传值的,函数的各个参数,只能由外面传入,却传不出来 你可以使用引用或指针类型的参数,问题就解决了 另外,循环体里面应该有个getchar()的 程序修改如下:include <stdio.h> void Statistics(int &en,int &t,int &n,int &s,int &q){ char ch;while ((ch=getchar())!='\\n')...

孤村落日残霞,轻烟老树寒鸦,一点飞鸿影下。青山绿水,白草红叶黄花。【越调】天净沙*孤独 作者:那个臭小子 荒山野径孤翁,峭壁老树败亭,几声悠扬怨曲。烟稀屋破,茅屋破壁残羹。天净沙*秋思 作者:马致远 枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家。古道西风瘦马。夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。天净沙*秋思 作者:那个臭...

int gewei = 0,shiwei=0,baiwei=0,qianwei=0;int result = 0;\/\/计算各个位上的数值[因为在c语言中,整数整 \/\/数的结果依旧是整数。]gewei = n%10;shiwei = (n\/10)%10;baiwei = (n\/100)%10;qianwei= (n\/1000)%10;result = gewei+shiwei+baiwei+qianwei;if(result = 10){return...

c语言高手朋友们 进来帮个忙

m=0。c>d为假,n=0。然后0交0为0所以k为0 3、char *p[] 其实是一个二维数组 其中p[0]存储的是“Chinese”,p[1]=“France",p[2]=“America”,p[3]=“Russia”。s输出的是一个字符串,输出p[1]存储的内容:France,c输出的是一个字符,所以输出的是p[1][2]的那个字符:a。


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