
作者&投稿:都炊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


以 R 代之




Programmable Controller (PLC) is a computer technology, automatic control technology, communication network technology to new integrated control devices. Its superior performance, has been widely used in industrial control the various fields. PLC control has become an area of the trend, with the level of China's science and technology development, and improving PLC technology in China will be more comprehensive promotion and application. For a long time, production machinery automation technology mainly by the "relay logic circuit called RLC (Relay Logic Circuit) to complete. practical application, level of skills and PLC circuit own characteristics, RLC circuit makes it difficult to overcome some shortcomings. RLC replace the use of PLC, will be able to overcome the above drawbacks. Along with the development of electric technologies, PLC technology to become engaged in the electrical technicians one of the essential skills. Germany's Siemens (Siemens ) Company production is the production of high and low voltage electrical internationally renowned enterprises, PLC is the company's leading products. S7 PLC with their compact structure, high reliability, all functions, communications functions etc., in the field of automatic control and holds an important position. S7 PLC including three series : Micro PLC (S7-200), and small-scale performances of the PLC (S7-300), high-performance requirements of the PLC (S7-400). S7-200 Series PLC is the super-small PLC that it applies to all industries, all kinds of occasions, the automatic detection, monitoring. S7-200 PLC whether it functions in single operation or connected network can realize the complex control functions. PLC has four different basic models with eight C PU, for users to choose. This design is used to achieve the S7-200 central air-conditioning control system design. The main design using a PID control system to achieve refrigeration, heating, humidification; through the converter input signal to control air supply. Keywords : PID; converter;


首先,睡觉这个连续的动作,是用Sleep的,但是去睡觉这个动作,最好用go to bed.
几点的英文表示是what time=when。
英语里面的what是什么,when是什么时候,how是怎样,how many是多少个(用语可数名词,比如苹果),how much是多少个(用于不可数名词,比如价格),who表示谁。
When do you go to bed at night?
What time do you go to bed at night?


或者说,这个句子的陈述句是:you go to bed at ** o'clock.
那么我们开头用了了When/What time+ do以后,就直接接陈述句。但是因为是疑问句,所以at ** o'clock就不要了。

多少个=how many/how much
多少时间=how long/how much time

What time do you sleep at night?


what time do you go to bad at night?
what time do you sleep at night ?

问多少时间,如果具体到几点:what time;如果是大概的时间:when

你这是翻译的什么句子。。。。中文是中文的说法 英文有英文的法则 不能一一对应的

= 你晚上几点睡觉?
应该问疑问代词 When
When do you sleep every night?
1.不可数名词 How much
How much water is there in the bowl?
2.可数名词 how many
How many apples doyou have?

一般都是 how long 或者 how much time

How long (How much time)does it take you to go to school?

What time do you go to bed at night?
"what time"是询问时间的意思,你那个“DO you"是病句,一般用于“你要什么什么么?或你想····么?”

when do you get to sleep at night?

1、应该选A吧.bring…to 是带来……的意思。这句话应该翻译为:数字技术给我们人类带来了巨大的好处,不仅表现在科学领域方面,还深深影响着我们的日常生活。B是一种完成时表被动,C错得离谱,D的用法多用于表示属性。2、选B。这句话翻译为:我经常做运动来保持身体健康。regular exercise 在这里是...

英语高手们 帮个忙 把下列句子改成同意句 六年级的英语题
how much are the aloves?which one do you prefer?what can i do for you?

首先,睡觉这个连续的动作,是用Sleep的,但是去睡觉这个动作,最好用go to bed.几点的英文表示是what time=when。英语里面的what是什么,when是什么时候,how是怎样,how many是多少个(用语可数名词,比如苹果),how much是多少个(用于不可数名词,比如价格),who表示谁。这几个词是特殊疑问句的开...

What is a true friendship (什么是真正的友谊)In the dictionary, friendship is defined as the state of being friends. What are friends? What makes a good friend? To me a friend is someone who cherishes the special moments and memories of life with another person. A friend is a...

你这函数是传值的,函数的各个参数,只能由外面传入,却传不出来 你可以使用引用或指针类型的参数,问题就解决了 另外,循环体里面应该有个getchar()的 程序修改如下:include <stdio.h> void Statistics(int &en,int &t,int &n,int &s,int &q){ char ch;while ((ch=getchar())!='\\n')...

回答:have seen saw

急救!希望广大鱼友高手们来帮个忙 5 真心请教各位鱼友,我现在是阿诺比120*50*50鱼缸,养的是金龙和3条虎鱼等,由于购买时鱼缸啥过滤都没,空荡荡的,完全只能自己折腾高过滤系统,虽然我知道这类鱼缸很适合做草陆缸,反... 真心请教各位鱼友,我现在是阿诺比120*50*50鱼缸,养的是金龙和3条虎鱼等,由于购买时...

1.have sb do sth"让sb做sth"而have sb doing sth强调动作持续的状态 故A 2.从句意上可知是"拒绝",故可排除ACD,用turn sb\/sth down 另外A项look down 是不及物短语,不能直接跟宾语 3.本来是固定搭配decorate sth with sth 但此处是"用..颜色",故用in 4.except是"除..外(没有)",从...

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Third, apple was jobs go to pick up.有了第一个苹果,才有了牛顿,才有了乔布斯,也才有了我们。The first apple before, the Newton, just had jobs, also just had us.有了第二个苹果,才有了牛顿三大定律,才有了万有引力,也才有了微积分。With the second apple before, the Newton ...

这几个对联太有水准了,我都不敢写横批了,还是献丑吧!福伴美味 香酥嫩脆鲜全聚 德寿康宁福满弘 风彩不老 老韵老风老商号,老客老顾 全心全意全聚德,全年全新 德使才新 聚德而全,老店千年春不老 招才以广,新姿一派景常新

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北关区19179418880: 翻译句子~~~英语高手帮个忙~~~
杭苗丝乐: By chance, there was a gathering beyond the hill, a hunter riding his bike with 4 wolf cubs on the back was already on his way, he would pursue what he had started to the end at any cost. 4 wolf cubs were taken for four wolfhound cubs and were sold ...

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杭苗丝乐: 1.I'm doing my homework2.I'm cleaning my room3.I'm babaysitting my sister4.I'm reading the books5.I'm going shopping6.I'm going boating7.I'm going hiking 8.I'm going fishing9.I'm going swimming10.I'm visiting my grangparents11.I'm going to the ...

北关区19179418880: 请英语高手们帮个忙翻译一下,...
杭苗丝乐: 当我通过摄像头看到你,我对你的思念就会减轻. When I see you through webcam my missing goes less .throught 打错了 谢谢采纳.

北关区19179418880: 英文高手来帮个忙
杭苗丝乐: Beauty and handsome boy 波哟踢 俺的 汗的桑 薄衣 Present all friends 普日森特 哦而 服愿死 ================希望可以帮助你,满意的话,希望采纳,谢谢!

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