
作者&投稿:鞠邵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A: must pay attention to health food types, know these, will have to our bodies.
B: then you introduce me some reference!
A: good. At first, doctors are suggested for years, people eat more fish than because they contain more beef and pork, healthy fats and less unhealthy fat
B: I like fish, meat is to worry about it. So, fruit, my favorite aspect is the fruit.
A: according to the survey, the three apples, bananas orange fruits are important to the health of people, the subsidies every day to eat something.
B: that's ok, these 3 kinds of fruit, I must buy some.
A: also, I want to buy some vegetables than some green food.
B: ok, thank you for giving me so much about health food.
A: you are welcome. It should be.

犹太人,同性恋和(你填空) 。正如讨厌,虽然是耻辱
法阿拉伯人不到人,说: “学者杰克湾沙欣,其前
阿拉伯电视。 “他们不仅是殴打和辱骂的基础上不断”
沙欣说从他的家在南卡罗来纳州, “宗教[伊斯兰教]是
扔在太多。 “
画像的阿拉伯人。并在电视上? “ Zilch , nunca ,滩,零, ”他说。 “你
像其他人。 “

1 当她的几名同事已经丢了饭碗时,她仍设法保住了自己的职位。(hold onto)
She managed to hold onto her position with a few colleagues of hers having lost their jobs.
2 我妹妹易患感冒。(be prone to)
My sister is prone to the cold
3 他已在历史上赢得了一席之地。 (earn)
He has earned himself a place in history.
4 假设你父亲现在看到了你, 你该怎么说?(suppose)
Suppose your father had seen you now , what would you say?
5 两年前,鲍勃对他餐馆经理的工作感到厌倦;幸好他获得了一份州立大学的奖学金。(feel bored with)
Two years ago Bob felt bored with his work as a restaurant manager. Luckily he had access to a scholarship in a state university.
6 为了确保他参加会议,我提前给他打了电话。(ensure, call sb. up)
I called him up in order to ensure that he attended the meeting.
7 没有地球独特的环境,地球上将没有生命。(without, unique)]
There would be no life of any form without the unique environment of the Earth.
8 他们要求我到下周五之前将我借得书还回图书馆。(request, return)
They request that I should return to the library by / before next Friday the books that I have borrowed
9 因为外面的噪音,南希很难集中极力在实验上。(have difficulty in, concentrate)
Because of the noise outside, Nancy had much difficulty concentrating on the experiment she was doing.
10 我们希望被邀请出席开幕式。(look forward, invite)
We look forward to being invited to attend the opening ceremony.

1. When her colleagues have lost their jobs, she still held onto her position.
2. My sister is prone to catch a cold.
3. He has earned himself a place in history.
4. Suppose your father has seen you now,what would you say?
5. Two years ago,Bob felt bored with being a restaurant manager; fortunately he won a scholarship from State University.
6. In order to ensure his presentaion at the meeting, I called him up in advance.
7. Without the unique environment on earth,there would be no life here.
8. They requested I return the borrowed books to the library before Friday.
9. Because of noises outside Nancy has difficulty in concentrating on the experiment.
10. We look forward to being invited to the opening ceremony.

1,When several of her colleagues have lost your job, she still managed to keep his job
2.My sister easy to catch a cold
3.He has won a place in history
4.If you see your father is now, how do you say that
5.Two years ago, Bob to his job as a restaurant manager felt tired; Luckily he won a scholarship to the state university
6.In order to ensure that he attend the conference, I call him ahead
7.The earth had no unique environment would be no life on earth
8.They asked me to next Friday before I get library book back
9.Because of the noise outside, Nancy is hard to focus in on to experiment
10.We hope to be invited to attend the opening ceremony

when several of his colleges lost their jobs, she managed to hold onto her post.
my sister is prone to catch cold.
he earned his position in history.
what would you say suppose your father see you now.

10. Nothing is difficult in the world if you put your heart into it .世上无难事,只怕有心人。

早起早睡让人健康、聪明、身体好。(美国总统本杰明 弗兰克林)2.The eariy bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃 3.Time and tide wait for no man. 岁月不饶人 4.Time past cannot be called back agian. 光阴一去不复返 5.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 工作,不玩...

10. Because it's interesting.

10句汉译英 请高人帮个忙 拜谢
1, I am sorry I am late, as I said in the meeting are not off.2, in music at the meeting, over and over whenever a wonderful singer, a nice song, the audience will cheer loudly expressed his appreciation.3, she was wearing fashionable, always wear fashionable clothes, but...

1.我家有一张好大的床 There is a big bed in my house.2.我家有一部很好的电脑 There is a nice computer in my house.3.我家有一个很大的阳台 There is a big bancony in my house.4.我家有一副很大的古画 There is a big old picture in my house.5.我家有一间明亮的客厅 There ...

1 though no design of my own 尽管非我所设想(把这句话的语境设定在谈论过去)2 in addition to affirming personal values...除了坚持个人价值之外 3 ...everyone else was ready to call it a day 其他所有人都准备盛赞这一天(a day可以有很多种理解的,要看具体情况了)4 just a quick ...

英译中:1 It's time to get up.现在是该起床的时候。2 It'simportant for us to learn English well.我们把英语学习得很好是重要的。3 Botj my father and I like shopping on-line.我的父亲BOTJ和我喜欢在线购物(网上购物)。4 Would you like something to drink?你想喝点什么么?5 ...

2 我妹妹易患感冒。(be prone to)My sister is prone to the cold 3 他已在历史上赢得了一席之地。 (earn)He has earned himself a place in history.4 假设你父亲现在看到了你, 你该怎么说?(suppose)Suppose your father had seen you now , what would you say?5 两年前,鲍勃对他...

1.After having an overall consideration, we have to cancel the planned travel.2.The problem discussed now is very important.3.Harvard University, established in 1613, is one of the most famous universities in USA.4.I locked myself in the study for three hours in order to avoid...

1. I am a student, he's not.2. He can't sing nor dance.3. He doesn't play football, but I do.4. I like apples, he likes too.5. He's sleeping, but I'm not.6. Where's your book, on bed or on desk?7. You are Chinese or Korean?8. You want beef or lamb...

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戢蚂肠胃: 1, We set out much eralier than usual so as to reach school to listen to the report on ... 9, It is said that he seldom gets angry. 10, Today people dispose of old newspapers by ...

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