
作者&投稿:逯杨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A:Hey,Lee,it's nice to meet you here!
B:Hello,Jack,how are you?
A:Great,so you like running in the morning?
B:Yes,I like do some sport at usual.
A:So do I,and I am crazy about basketball amd tennis.
B:I love basketball and football.
A:Yeap,I am a big fan of Rockey,Yao is terrific and I think he is one of the best player in the game.
B:He is obviously a giant and he is my hero.
A:We have a lot in common!So do you play tennis?
B:Just a beginner.I'm not quit good at it.
A:It's a such great sport,and we regular go out to play everyweek,so you can go and play with us.
B:That sounds good,I'd like to.
A:Oh,that'll be good,and I need do more exercise on my serve.My net playing is OK.
B:Oh,mine is not as good as yours.
A:Nothing is impossible.I need to be going.
B:OK,it was great meeting you,have a nice day.
A:Don't forger our planning,see you then.

Zheng Yuxin and Eric met on their way back home in the afternoon and they greeted to each other. Zheng Yuxin saw a UFO sign on Eric's shirt and asked him, "What is that in english?"
Eric said, "It's a UFO."
Zheng Yuxin then asked, "What color is it and how to spell it?"
Eric replied, "It's silver, and it's spelled s-i-l-v-e-r."
Zheng Yuxin was grateful for Eric‘s explanation.话说那位自称人在美国的朋友,连home是地点副词,前面不能加to都不知道。。。岂不贻笑大方?此外,在这里UFO作为一个整体词,首音为j,辅音,那些前面加an的朋友也当注意哦。

A: I thought I was speaking English fairly well. Now I'm not so sure.
B: What did you say?
A: I said I thought I spoke pretty good English, but people keep asking me to repeat what I've said, so maybe I'm not doing so well after all.
B: There's nothing wrong with your English. It's just that no one can hear what you're saying.
A: Is that what's wrong? But I think it's impolite to talk loudly.
B: You don't have to shout, but you do have to make yourself heard. Maybe Americans talk louder than other people. If so, you'll just have to speak louder,too.

Fairly well
Is that what's wrong?
Make yourself heard

A:You knew that what recently Iraq had had?


C:What he inquired is he, is not you.

D:Me? He inquired that what matter I do have?

B:No, He inquired that Iraq had any question recently.

D:He inquires Iraq, is not inquire me, because my name is not Iraq.


A:Hello! long time no see! What's your plan for this weekend?
B:We haven't any classes this weekend.We are talking about going somewhere to have a picnic? What's your idea,Li Ming?
C:I advise going to xxx Hill,we can have a match of climbing the hill.
D:Great! By the way ,there is a river at then foot of the hill.After the match, we can have a goog rest by the river.
A:That's a good idea! We can cook by ourselves.
C: Yes, we will buy some vegetables and meat there.
B: We can also go fishing in the river, so needn't buy any meat.
D:Oh, how can you think of that! Then we'll bring the fishing poles with us.I enjoy finshing.
A: Do you think we can catch any fish for our picnic?
C:Certainly,Jim and i are good at fishing .
D:Good! We shall buy some drink too.
B:Yes, but we can drink water from the river.
C:no, it's very dirty.Maybe we can cook with it.
A:Why not burn the fish on fire?
D:Ya,if we cook fish on the fire, we don not need any water.
B:Yes,we'd better bring some water or drink with us.
A:It's decided.Shall we go thereon foot or by bike?
C:I think we can go on foot, because it is not far, just half an hour' walk.
B:Let's start at 8:00 a.m.
D:Yes, we will be there at 8:30.So we'll meet at the crossing.

A:Hello! long time no see! What's your plan for this weekend?
B:We haven't any classes this weekend.We are talking about going somewhere to have a picnic? What's your idea,Li Ming?

但写起来却不具体。上述两段描写,由于作者观察仔细,把捉蝴蝶,打篮球的动作、神态写得栩栩如生。 二、是要抓住最能突出人物特点的动作描写。 请看下列例段: 他50多岁了。戴着一副高度近视眼镜。他战战兢兢取下眼镜,用衣服的下摆随手擦了擦镜片。“嗯嗯……”他刚要讲话,忽然想起了什么,手忙脚乱地在盘子里...


可以话 就出去吃吃饭 逛逛街 找找感觉呗 要是人家有男朋友了 就不要拆散人家了吧 感觉来了 爱情自然有,,

与别人交谈,态度自然大方,有礼貌。 2、教材分析 《请你帮个忙》是人教版一年级下册教材第三组中的“口语交际”,本组的主题是“请你帮个忙”。课文通过三张图片让学生知道不同的环境要用不同的礼貌用语。可以先让学生认真看每一张图片,引导学生说出不同环境的情况,然后选择适当的礼貌用语。 3、学情分析 ...


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无锡市15661605017: 请各位帮忙写一个英语情景对话,难度不要太大的,时间在1 - 2分钟左右吧,要两个人的,谢谢各位,情景是老生... -
狐轰盖天: hi, i am new student here, can you tell me how to find the book in the library?Sure. you need to log in the PC, typing your use name and password here, then the book name in the serch energy,

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