
作者&投稿:俟新 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Last weekend we went to shanghai with my classmates for holiday.We took a bus to Shanghai.The weather in Shanghai was sunny.In the morning,we went to The Bund.Some students played beach volleyball,some students played in the sea,Others lay on th beach.After that we went to a restaurant for lunch.In the afternoon,we went to a shop and bought some souvenirs.In the evening,we took the bus back.All of us were feel very tired but happy.

My travel
I'm a thirteen-year boy in primary school.My dream was to travel many countries in the world.In my eyes,world was beatiful and amazing,and I wanted to go many places everywhere on the earth no matter how far it was.Now I should study hard to earn enough money to realize my dream.


I went to Dalian last summer vacation.


Dalian is a beautiful city. Dalian is very close to Beijing. I spent 50 minutes on the plane.


Dalian is near the sea. I smell the saltiness in the air. The road is clean. There are many trees and flowers near the road. There are many seaside squares and Japanese buildings here.


There are some fountains on one of the seaside squares. Some people fly kites and take a walk in the Binhai square.


We went to see the beach and the sea. The sea is blue. There are many swimmers in the sea.


I lay on the beach and looked at the sky. Dalian is a very livable place.


I had a good time.


一次愉快的旅行(A pleasant trip)
Last Saturday,our teather took us to the City Park. At 9:00 ,we arrived at the of my classmates went boating on the lake and others flew kites on the grass. The we had a picnic near the lake at noon. I took many photos. Before we left the park,our thather asked us to chean the park. We all enjoyed ourselves very much.

I very happy thing is with class a dozen students to travel, the location is I want jion "fairy tale" - zhuhai shunan bamboo-sea.
We'll visit is fairy lake. To fairy lake and suddenly felt relaxed and happy. Across the lake stone "fairy" once greeted her head, DaiYuGuan, lie in a large stone, like in the appreciation of the lake scenery, as if they were sleeping, really elusive. Fairy lake lake and limpid, it seems the sky blue sky blue, comparable deep blue sea, it seems, comparable ocean blue to pure, on both sides of a piece of bamboo and ran a root, each pose its beautiful posture, see you dazzling. Seen from a distance, like a green sea. The fairy lake tour fantastic choice.

我这个男子汉牵着妈妈的手慢慢地走着,其实我也有点怕。最后我们坐着世界第一的索道下山,结束了最后一天的行程。晚上,我都累趴了,早早地睡了。这次快乐的暑假旅行,在我的甜蜜梦乡中结束了。【第3篇】一次开心的旅行 5月29日,我有幸成为"小小旅行家"第一期雪野采风的一员,伴着和熙的`阳光,...

愉快的旅游作文300字 篇1 “五一”节到了,爸爸带我去青龙山游玩,我高兴地一蹦三尺高。下午,我迫不及待地催着爸爸出发了。一会儿,我们就来到了青龙山脚下,沿着宽阔的阶梯,我们一步一步地向上爬,刚到半山腰,我已经累得气喘吁吁,满头大汗了。只得在亭子边休息,一边喝水,一边吃零食,接着...

我多么希望时间倒流,回到7月16日,因为那天我参加了《天中晚报》举办的夏令营活动,到北京进行了一次愉快的旅行。 那天下起了蒙蒙细雨,妈妈早早地带我来到高铁站。在老师的带领下,我们坐上高铁,仅仅用了4个小时就来到了北京。我们首先来到天安门广场,天安门上红旗飘扬,城墙写着十八个大字“中华人民共和国万岁,世界人...

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一次愉快的旅行 作文
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愉快的旅游作文 一次愉快的旅行作文600字
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如下:I went to Dalian last summer vacation.去年暑假我去了大连玩。Dalian is a beautiful city. Dalian is very close to Beijing. I spent 50 minutes on the plane.大连是一座美丽的城市,大连离北京很近。我在飞机上花了50分钟。Dalian is near the sea. I smell the saltiness in the ...

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宿柳健脾:[答案] I very happy thing is with class a dozen students to travel, the location is I want jion "fairy tale" - zhuhai shunan bamboo-sea. We'll visit is fairy lake. To fairy lake and suddenly felt relaxed and...

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宿柳健脾: very happy thing is with class a dozen students to travel, the location is I want jion "fairy tale" - zhuhai shunan bamboo-sea. We'll visit is fairy lake. To fairy lake and suddenly felt relaxed and happy. Across the lake stone "fairy" once greeted her ...

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宿柳健脾: England is the best place I've ever been. Everything is so beautiful. I spent about one and a half days on the plane. When I arrived at Heathrow Airport in London, it was evening and the great trip was starting. There were many places I visited in ...

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宿柳健脾:[答案] our trip to HangZhou I travelled to HangZhou with my parents last week. We visited many interesting places in HangZhou. The ... 我们看到许多可爱的鸭子湖上游泳. 我们还看到湖上太阳的倒影. 它是如此美丽,我们都忘了离开. 多么快乐的旅行!

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