
作者&投稿:主父全 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

( A)1.We won’t give up___we should fail 10 times.
A.even if B. since C. whether D.until
( B)2.You should try to get a night’s sleep___much work you have to do.
A.howerer B.no matter C.although D.whatever
( B)3.The letter was so___that I could hardly understand it.
A.confused B.confusing C.confusedly D.confusion
( A)4.I___sight of a train,but soon it was___sight.
A.caught;out of B.caught;in C.lost;out of D.lost;in
( C)5.The__of the accident always makes me feel sad.
A.view B. look C.sight D.scenery
( C)6.Tom and his father___America last week,and arrived there this Sunday morning.
A.set for B.set off C.set off for D.set off to
B)8.----Where do you live?—I live___18 Queen street.
A.in B.at C.onD.by
(B ) 9.The short girl___a brown jacket is my classmates.
A.on , B.in C. with D. by
( A)10.---I’m going to New York for holiday this week
----I___you a pleasant journey.
A.wish B. hope C. expect D. want
( B)11.__I met him,he was working as a secretary in a big company.
A.Since the first time. B.The first time C.The first time which D.For the first time
( A)12.Twenty of the students will have sports, the rest__studying there.
A.are B.is C.were D.was
( D)13.Some of the wheat is fromCanada, What about______?
A.another B. the other C.others D.the rest
( B)14.We will work out the problem___difficult it is.
A.whatever B.however C.whichever D.no matter
( B)15.The weather in Beijin is colder than__in Nanjin.
A.one B.that C.which D.what
A)16.—Where is the dictionary?
---It’s on the top of shelf,out of____.
A.reach B.sight C.touch D.place
( D)17.__your step,,or you might fall into water
A..Care B.notice C.See D.Wacth
C)18.In no way can you work out the problem;I’like to give you____.Would you__?
A.some advice;receive it B.some advices;accept them
C.a piece of advice;take it D.an advice;accept that
D)19.I don’t think___possible that we can master a foreign language without much work.
A.this B.that C.its D.it
( D)20.He often ____ to his parents when he was young.
A.laids B.lays C.lying D.lied
B)21.He has been ill for several days,and has__in bed for five days.
A.lied B.lain C.liad D.lying
( B)22.The cake smells___and____sells___.
A.good.good B.good.well C.well.well D.well.good
( A)23.Look at cloud,it’s_____to rain this afternoon.
A.likely B.possibly C.could D.hopefully.
B)24.They all_______that matter.
A.avoided to talk about B.avoid talking about C.avoid talk about D.avoid talking
(B )25__the sun,the earth is very small.
A.Comparing with B.Compared with C.To compare with D.Compare to
D)26.I can speak both English and Japanese,now I am learning ___language ,French.
A.the third B.the three C. a third D.a three
( B)27.The chair is soft to __
A.sit B.sit on C.be sat D.be sat on
( D)28.The meeting ____tomorrow is important.
A.hold B.holding C.to hold D. to be held
( D)29.Once___,the book is likely to be popular.
A.print B printing C.to print D.printed

T是 Ture 的缩写,表示正确的意思, F 是 False 的缩写,表示错误的意思。
一、true 的解析:
例证:The news is true.
二、false 的解析:
释义:false 是一个英语单词,形容词、副词,作形容词时意思是“错误的;虚伪的;伪造的”,做副词时意思是“欺诈地”。
例证:Predictions of an early improvement in the housing market proved false.

true 的近义词:
释义:正确的,对的 ;正当的;合适的,得体的;符合的;遵照某一政治(或意识形态)的正统观念的;改正;纠正 校正,校准;矫正;惩治;消除。
例证:Please check that these details are correct.
例证:You were quite right to criticize him.

Lucy had nothing for breakfast this morning ,( )? No,she got up too late .
A.had she B had not she C.did she D.did not she
译:Lucy 早上没吃早餐,是吗?
析:考反意疑问句。前句谓语had nothing 为否定句,疑问尾句用肯定,排除BD。
扩展: 谓语动词have,其否定句和疑问句式在英国英语中根据词义,分两种情况:
1.作“有”解时,可通过将have 后加not构成否定句,将have直接提前构成疑问句,如:
肯定句: He has a book. 他有一本书。
否定句:He hasn't a book.
疑问句:Has he a book?
2. 作其它实义动词解释时,则需要助动词do(does, did)的帮助才能构成否定句和疑问句,如:
He has breakfast at home. 他在家吃早餐。 这句中has=eats
否定句:He doesn't have breakfast at home.
疑问句:Does he have breakfast at home?
1. 后面的回答没有必要。因为它对选项没有限制作用。
2. BD选项有明显错误,因为否定疑问尾句应为hadn't she, didn't she (也可能是楼主误打)
3. 这里的had的词义模棱两可。它可以作“有”解释:她早上没有任何可用作早餐的东西,是吗? 如果这样理解,按英国英语,选项A也是正确的。


选C nothing是否定意义的 所以后面要用肯定的 had这里是have作为“有”时的过去式 没有可以提前的动词 所以用了 助动词do 过去式did
另外告诉你件事 我是铁杆的柯迷 超爱的感觉 小哀 呵呵 O(∩_∩)O哈哈~

前面是实义动词had nothing 过去的否定。所以用助动词did



一、选择题(40分) 1.下列有关文学常识的表述,不正确的一项是 A.被称作“前四史”的史书是:《史记》、《汉书》、《三国志》和《后汉书》。 B.元曲四大家是:关汉卿、白朴、马致远和郑光祖。 C.被鲁迅称为“晚清四大谴责小说”的是:《官场现形记》、《儒林外史》、《老残游记》和《孽海花》。 D.莎士比亚...

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一起学习 一起分享 祝考试顺利,金榜题名 高考语文选择题的解答一般有如下4 种方法: 1.语感法。语感指人对语言文字的灵敏感觉,语感敏锐的考生可在瞬间做出判断,快速答题选择,甚至可推测对方想说而没有说出来的话。这一解题方法适应范围很广,除判断病句外,还可以用于语气、语调、语势、语序、停顿、节奏、韵律、句...

__she realized it was too late to go home a.no sonner it grew dark than b.hardly did it grow dark that c.scarcely had it grown dark than d.it was not until dark that 我知道正确答案是d,但是麻烦告诉下其他选项错在哪里,并且正确的形式是什么?答:D是这句话的强调状语句式:She...

Ⅶ 四年级成语选择题,歇后语 1.见仁见(智)(利)害攸关2.百川归(海)(地)广人系稀1到2:两字组成一个国家名:海地3.杜鹏程(鹏程万里)丁慧中(秀外慧中)3:人名取自什么成语? Ⅷ 三四年级成语竞赛抢答题 成语知识竞赛抢答题 一、将下列成语补充完整 (南)征(北)战 (里)应(外)合 (左)顾(右)盼空(前)...

1 Could you iron the trousers___up behind the door?A) hung B) hanged C) hanging D) to hang 选择A,裤子是被悬挂的,B表示上吊的意思。2 I have someone ___an article for our wall newspaper.A) write B) to write C) written D) writing 选择A,have sb ...

英语选择题:---How often do you go to the library?---___.A. In two days B. Every few days C. Each third day D. Every a few days.答: B. Every few days 每几天 译:你多久去一次图书馆?隔几天就去一次。析:每N天一次:every N days 。N为序数词,如every five...

Answer:选A.首先排除C,D.因为C.D表述的是一个意思互为排除项.B选项的内容只是表明"看法",显然无法表述"rule"规定的内容,故直接选A.二.虽然that引导的从句类型跟此题选什么无半毛钱关系,但我还是要说两句,不说我憋的慌!That引导的绝对不是同位语从句,而是宾语从句 看了楼上几个的回复,认为that...

1.They talked for about of things and persons___they remembered in the factory.A.which B.that C.who D.whom--我选了A,答案选B that和which的用法区别 一,先行词是物时,下列情况下,用that不用which;1.先行词既有人,又有物时;2.先行词是anything,nothing,everything,a...

1 C 他很困,因为他做了三个小时的运动。(根据第二空名词前应用相当于形容词或形容词性物主代词或名词所有格)2 C leave sth at \/in on +地点,’把某物落在某地‘3 B 这是一个包含两个定语从句的复合句。第一空的引导词作visit 的宾语,排除A与D,因为where 是疑问副词不能作宾语,...

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丑清二乙: 1.选A,"the sentence reads smoothly "作found的宾语从句,read在这里是系动词,不能用被动.2.选B,这是一个主语从句,不是强调句.it作形式主语,“that they can pass the written exam thi...

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丑清二乙: 1.A as 有和 when 一样的意思 解释为 当我们看见油画的时候,我们更加喜欢了. 如果选比较级的话应该是 the er,the er才表示越来越(eg:the more ,the better,越多越好).句子中前面的better并...

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丑清二乙: C 这个题是非谓语动词的考点,a 肯定不对,你的ed分词表被动,肯定要用主动形式.那么BCD都是主动,他们的区别在于和主句谓语动词的动作发生顺序问题可能都觉得B 正确,因为从小我们就知道ING做伴随状语,这...

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丑清二乙: 题意: 每一个努力做功课的学生都读过这本书再根据 so have I 的have 助动词 就可以判断 用has...

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丑清二乙: 应该选C must后跟动词原型这是三个并列的动作要保持前后一致

得荣县18345367047: 英语选择题 -
丑清二乙: 选D 因为sing是动词 所以用副词well修饰as ..as固定搭配 汤姆唱得和他哥哥一样好.如果帮到了你,望采纳!谢谢!!

得荣县18345367047: 英语的选择题 -
丑清二乙: A see sb do/doing sth,改为被动时为sb be seen to do/doing sthD have sth done,如ha...

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