
作者&投稿:抄管 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、Watching film is more interesting than reading book.
2、Lili is taller than her sister.
3、My cousin's grade is better than mine.
4、My sister is thinner than me.
5、Cindy is more shy than any other girl

1.Dose Tom run faster than you?No,he dosen`t.He runs an fast an me.
2.Take more exercise,you’ll be stonger soon.
3.I amgood at Science.But I don’t do well in Chinese
4.Do you fly the kite higher than Wangbin?No,i fly it lower than him.
5.I like swimming.All my frends swim slower than me.
6.My sister gets up earlier than me.
7.Do the girls sing better than boys?Yes,they do.
8.She doesn`t do well in PE.But i don`t jump higher than her.
9.Do you paly football better than your classmates?No,they do as good as me.
10.My mother is younger than my father.
11.Her sweater is as heavy as mine.
12.My dress is too short,I want to buy a longer one.
13.I`m as tall as Mike呃 13题这儿好像我觉得应该多个空 2个空没弄出来 汗 见谅了!

1.I have never thought of pocessing such happiness.
2.Anyway, this man is not reliable.
3.The small boat flew towards the sea and disappear beyond the horizon.
4.You'd better begin with the first question.
5.I never speak ill of him.

1.i never thought that i could have such happiness
2.all in all, this person is not reliable
3.the little boat drifted to the sea, disappearing from the view
4.you'd better start from the 1st question
5.i have never spoken bad things about him

1 I never thought i could be so happy.
2 Anyway, this man is untrustworthy.
3 The small boat drifted into the sea, disappearing from my view.
4 You'd better start from the first question.
5 I've never said anything bad about him.

1.I've never reckoned such happiness.
2.Anyway,he's not reliable.
3.The boat floats towards the sea,disappearing out
of vision.
4.You'd better begin from the first question.
5.I've never spoken ill of him.

我喜欢古典音乐。因为它给人一种安静,浪漫的情调。I like classical music. Because it gives a quiet, romantic mood. 我喜欢淡蓝色。是因为它是我的心境变得开朗。I like light blue. Because it is my heart become cheerful.江西有许多名胜古迹,有滕王阁,人民广场等等。Jiangxi has many ...

1.There is a lately- open big supermarket in my house neighborhood, it calls the Sunny Super market.2.There are four layers totally, there are many branches.3.There is a big cinema in this big supermarket, a fast food shop, one appliance machine store, many clothing stores ...

1.你现在最好开车回家。2.你最好早点去学校。3.我上个月飞往莫斯科了。4.她们将在电影院等我们。5.确切的时间是几点?1. You'd better drive home now.2. You'd better go to school early.3. I flew to Moscow last month.4. They will be waiting for us at the cinema.5. What's...

1.我昨天晚上直到那个电视剧完了才睡觉(not...until)Yesterday evening I didn't go to bed until the finished drama 2.他担心我会赶不上飞机(I'm afraid+从句)He is worried that I will miss the plane 3.你认为北京的天气怎么样?(what do you think of...?\/how do you like.....

1.Here are my neighbours whose home was destroyedby the earthquake.2.The terrible shaking of the building woke up all the people who were asleep.3.The next day people put up shelters in open air made with anything that they could find.4.Several days later most of the buildings...

把下列句子翻译成英语:1.我期盼着再次回到中国 2.我几乎没时间睡觉 3...
been siting by the desk reading.9.汤姆是他和他父亲的亲密朋友 Tom is both his and his father's close friend.10.那本书太贵了,穷孩子买不起 That book is too expensive, poor children can't afford it.自己翻译的,有什么问题请追问 、希望及时采纳—— ♥ 多谢 ⌒_⌒ ...

1)The power station they planed to built up will be located near the city.2)This is an interesting book which attract me deeply.3)I know a young man whose brother is working in a police station.4)I will never forget the day we graduated from secondary school.5)The ...

1、这起交通事故在很大程度上是由于粗心大意引起的。(to a…extent)To a large extent this (traffic) accident was due to carelessness.Traffic可以省略,一般人会理解accident 是指交通事故。2、无论你去哪儿、无论你做什么,我都会在这里等你。(wherever, whatever)Wherever you go, whatever ...

1, please speak slowly.2, don't kick football on the street.3, let us sing this English song together, good?4, please keep silent.5, must look after the good oneself.6, do not fear.7, please arrive school on time.8, we do not want time waste in playing the ...


乌兰察布盟13414778396: 英语翻译 请翻译下列句子.(1) 意将遂入以攻其后也.                                              ... -
寸斌康氏:[答案] (1)想钻洞进入来攻屠户的后部. (2)狼不敢前进,瞪着眼朝着屠户. (3)他回头看见野地里有一个打麦场,场主人把柴草堆在打麦场里,覆盖成小山似的.

乌兰察布盟13414778396: 英语翻译.请翻译下列句子.? -
寸斌康氏: 请翻译下列句子Please translate the following sentences

乌兰察布盟13414778396: 请翻译下列句子 -
寸斌康氏: 《史记-刺客列传》云: 严仲子具告曰:“臣之仇韩相侠累,侠累又韩君之季父也.宗族盛多,居处兵卫甚设,臣欲使人刺之,终莫能就.今足下幸而不弃,请益其车骑壮士,可为足下辅翼者.”聂政曰:“韩之与卫,相去中间不甚远,今杀人...

乌兰察布盟13414778396: 英语翻译(1/2)请翻译下列句子:1书籍是人类智慧的结晶2其实课外阅读既能扩展知识,又能休闲娱乐3中外历史上有很多有关读书的名人名句4坚持课外阅... -
寸斌康氏:[答案] 1、Books are the crystallization of human wisdom.2、In fact,the extra-curricular reading both to expand your knowledge,but also entertainment.3、The foreign and Chinese history on many famous celebrit...

乌兰察布盟13414778396: 请翻译以下英语句子. -
寸斌康氏: 你好,以下是我的翻译1. 坚持社会主义道路对中国而言至关重要2. 私有汽车仍然是美国当地的交通的主导形式.3. 在美国,一辆汽车的运营成本已经让很多人无法接受了——尤其是学生4. 一方面,汽车...

乌兰察布盟13414778396: 请把下列句子翻译成英文,多谢! -
寸斌康氏: 1: left, to go eat, hurry up, I'll wait for you! 2: a person living in the dormitory, but also fit? Feel lonely do? 3: Let's go, a person in a dormitory more bori...

乌兰察布盟13414778396: 请用英语翻译下列句子! -
寸斌康氏: 1.大象用他的鼻子来喝水 Elephants use his nose to drink (water) 2.熊猫生活在竹林里,并十分喜欢吃竹子 Pandas live in the bamboo grove, and like eating bamboo evry much. 3.长颈鹿有着很长的脖子 The giraffe has a very long neck 4.狮子,老虎都很凶猛 The lion and tiger are very fierce

乌兰察布盟13414778396: 请翻译以下的句子 -
寸斌康氏: 昨天 一个老太太向百货公司提出了一笔合法的索赔申请. claim against 向...索赔例claim against carrier: 向承运人索赔

乌兰察布盟13414778396: 请翻译下列语句: -
寸斌康氏: Programming a computer to make a preliminary order by the work of the people, the people should be able to understand the idea of their way to tell the computer, communication and comp...

乌兰察布盟13414778396: 翻译下列句子 -
寸斌康氏: 1.it is very cold in the winter of Beijing and it is often snowing2.it is very hot and wet in the summer of Shenzhen.3.it is always warm in the city of Kunming in China.4.it is very hot to...

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