
作者&投稿:贠盆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语周报2015-2016高二新课标Book 8 Unit 2 参考答案及部分解析
11-15 AACBC 16-20BACBC
21-25 DBACC 26-30DDCAB
31-35 DACDB 36-40DGAEB
41-45 DCABA 46-50DCDBA
51-55 ABDCC 56-60ABDCB
61. to produce 62.that
63. whose 64.Another
65. Shortly 66.in
67. objection 68.having
69. shown 70.was used
71. ... ask about courses ... ask → asking
72. ... such course ... course前加a
73. ... will be teaching ... teaching → taught
74. ... which is the ... which→ who
75. ... high praised ... high→ highly
76. ... anyone interesting in ...
interesting → interested
77. ... a wide range of topic ... topic → topics
78. ... to be invited. 去掉to
79. ... look forward to see ... see→ seeing
80. If you needed ... needed→ need
One possible version:
Dear fellow students,
Beinga volunteer is very common among students today. It can do much good tosociety. Volunteers show love and care to people in need, giving them hope togo on. Then those getting helped will in turn learn to help others once they'reable to do so, and the world will become more and more harmonious.
Volunteersget something in return during the process too. They learn to value what theyhave at present, and get true happiness from helping others. Besides, they getimprovement in communication skills, which will get them better prepared fortheir future careers.
Sowe hope more students can join in and make a difference to the world and toourselves.
Student Union

A篇 (热点话题)
21. D。细节理解题。由第一段中的... tons of bats flying around streetlights at night in myneighborhood in upstate New York可知,作者小的时候,晚上能看到成群的蝙蝠,由此可知,那时纽约北部的蝙蝠数目极多。
22. B。词义猜测题。由第二段中的A disease called “white nosesyndrome” had killed 93 percentof New York State's bats (and about 6 million bats across the country)可知,一种称为“白鼻子综合征”的疾病杀死了纽约州93%的蝙蝠(全美约六百万只蝙蝠死亡)。由此推断,作者看到蝙蝠都消失了。
23. A。段落大意题。由第三段中的The library ... Next, I started a Facebook page ... Then I wrote aletter to the host of an environmental program ...以及第四段中的I managed to make a presentation ...
24. C。推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的The more I present, the more I notice that I am changing minds. Ihave watched people go from dismissing bats as “disgusting” to trulyunderstanding them and advocating their protection可知,作者的讲演慢慢地改变了人们的想法,人们不那么讨厌蝙蝠了,开始认识到蝙蝠的重要性,并且倡导大家保护蝙蝠。由此可推知,作者的讲演很有效。
B篇 (旅游)
25. C。细节理解题。 由Stingray City部分中的Take a picture of the action on your water camera as you feed thestingrays some squid. Don't be surprised to be surrounded by a dozen stingrays可知,作者建议读者用照相机捕捉他们喂黄貂鱼的镜头。
26. D。推理判断题。由最后一段中的this world-class research andeducational facility offers several kid-friendly activities ... interact withstarfish and other sea animals ...可知,Cayman Turtle Farm有世界一流的研究和教育设施,游客还可以与鱼一起畅游、在池子里看鲨鱼、与海星和其他海洋动物互动。
27. D。细节理解题。由Swim with Dolphins一节中的For mostvisitors there, the minimum age is 3可知,三岁以下的儿童不允许进入 Dolphin Discovery。
C篇 (现代技术)
28. C。细节理解题。由第二段中的the ice-cold weather they lived in, plenty of well-preservedspecimens have been discovered及frozen可知,猛犸象生活的地域气候寒冷,这使得它们的遗骸保存得比较完好。
29. A。细节理解题。由第三段中的to seek out the DNA from a flash-frozen specimen of the mammal可知,科学家去西伯利亚是要找到合适的猛犸象DNA。
30. B。段落大意题。由第四段中的join the mammoth's DNA with an empty egg,Then, by using an electric current, After a few days可知,本段介绍了科学家克隆猛犸象将会实施的步骤。
31. D。细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的but they are hoping they will be able to study it and answer theage-old question of how they became extinct可知,如果克隆成功,科学家可以通过研究猛犸象宝宝来探究猛犸象灭绝背后的原因。
D篇 (社会)
32. A。细节理解题。由第二段中的Petrarch studied law, as his father had wished和After his father's death in 1326, Petrarch left law to focus on theclassics可知,彼特拉克是在父亲的要求下才学法律的。
33. C。推理判断题。由第三段中的he began to respect that time greatly and fight against thelimitations of his own time和he lived “among varied and confusing storms,”可知,彼特拉克生活的时代充满各种限制,而且时局动荡多变。
34. D。细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的His vernacular poems achieved greater fame, however, and would laterbe used to help create the modern Italian language以及最后一段中的His vernacular writing was given everlasting fame ... as thefoundation for the modern Italian language可知,彼特拉克写的白话诗为现代意大利语奠定了基础。
35. B。推理判断题。最后一段主要介绍了彼特拉克作为学者、诗人和人文主义者所做出的重要贡献,由此可推断,作者是以赞扬的口吻写的。
36. D。由第三段中的Here are some benefits以及第四段的描述可知,青少年做兼职工作既有利也有弊,故D项“几乎每个青少年都可以从工作中受益”符合此处语境。
37. G。由该空前的Here are some benefits和该空后的Furthermore,earning money will enable him ... money management可知,设空处描述的是青少年做兼职工作的益处,G项符合此处语境。
38. A。由上文中的But there are risks you must assess以及该段中的associated with lower grades,find it difficult to keep up extracurricular activities和be involved in such risky activities as using illegal drugs oralcohol可知,本段主要讲述青少年做兼职工作的弊端。
39. E。由该空前的parents should offer indirect guidance以及该空后的Visit the job site and meet the boss可知,E项“如果你的孩子在做兼职工作,你需要看看它的进展情况”符合此处语境。
40. B。由该空后的Jobs that relate to his career interests... considered可知,父母需要帮孩子找更好的、适合他的工作。

41. D。由上文中的like no other place in the world可知,南极洲不像地球上的其他任何地方,它非常“独特(unique)”。
42. C。由下文中的The temperature is sometimes -125°F (-87°C)可知,南极洲是世界上“最冷的(coldest)”地方。
43. A。由该空前的the coldest months可知,八、九月份是一年中最冷的季节,因为那时没有“太阳(sun)”。
44. B。由上文中的very strong winds可知,南极地区有强风,风“刮(blows)”的速度有时能达到每小时200英里。
45. A。由下文中的There are no trees, no rivers ... Only penguins and other sea birdslive there可知,南极洲非常“空旷(empty)”。
46. D。由常识可知,冰川缓慢地“移动(moves)”。
47. C。大多数植物和陆地动物不能在冰上“生存(live)”。
48. D。由下文中的every country owns Antarctica可知,南极洲不“属于(belong to)”任何一个国家。
49. B。“事实上(In fact)”,所有的国家都拥有南极洲的主权。
50. A。由上文中的where scientists do experiments可知,很多科学实验都在科考站里进行。所以,“科学家(scientists)”是唯一生活在南极洲的人。
51. A。由下文中的It is like life on a space station以及本段的描述可知,南极洲的生活非常“艰难(hard)”。
52. B。由上文中的The sun shines for six months可知,太阳照射六个月,然后就是半年的漫漫长“夜(night)”。
53. D。从该空后的they are not busy可知,他们吃的很多是“因为(because)”无事可做。
54. C。由上文中的emergency可知,在遇到紧急情况时,很难得到“援助(help)”。
55. C。由下文中的cancer可知,这位美国博士意识到自己“病了(sick)”。
56. A。在冬季,飞机难以在南极洲“降落(land)”。
57. B。由文中的描述可知,她无法乘飞机离开,只好继续“待(stay)”在那儿。
58. D。由上文中的cancer和medicine可知,飞机把药品空投给她,她只好一个人“照顾(took care of)”自己。
59. C。由本空后的the United States可知,几个月后,她才“返回(returned)”美国,得到了专门的治疗。
60. B。与本空后的live构成对比,人们乐意“游览(visit)”这片特殊的地方,但是没有人愿意住在这里。
61. toproduce。考查不定式作状语的用法。克隆其它羊的目的是制造含凝血蛋白的奶,故填to produce。
62. that。考查连接词。设空处引导同位语从句,解释说明hope的内容,且从句结构和意义均完整,故填that。
63. whose。考查关系词。设空处引导限制性定语从句修饰humans,且在从句中作定语,故填whose。
64. Another。考查限定词。设空处限定application,且上一段讲了克隆动物的一个应用,本段讲到的是克隆的另一个应用,故填Another。
65. Shortly。考查副词。设空处作状语修饰after,故填Shortly。
66. in。考查固定结构。in favour of意为“赞成,支持”。
67. objection。考查名词。设空处作宾语,表示“反对”,故填objection。
68. having。考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。设空处作介词in的宾语,且people与have之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故填having。
69. shown。考查过去分词作状语的用法。as shown by ...意为“正如……所展示的”。
70. wasused。考查一般过去时的被动语态。DNA与use之间是被动关系,且use所表示的动作发生在过去,应用一般过去时,故填was used。

A篇 (社会)
1. A。细节理解题。 由第一段中的“the father ofmodern industrial design”和one of themost influential designers of all time以及He revolutionized the industry可知,雷蒙德·洛威完全改变了设计行业。
2. D。推理判断题。由第二段中的MAYA principle — Most Advanced YetAcceptable和His idea was thatpeople will not accept solutions to design problems if the solutions are toodifferent from current designs可知,洛威的设计都基于一个原则:最先进的但仍可接受的。
3. C。细节理解题。由第四段中的The Gestetner copying machine wasthe beginning of many designs which used streamlining可知,洛威受委托为一位企业家Sigmund Gestetner重新设计复印机,他首次采用“流线、简单化”的设计理念。
4. D。细节理解题。 由倒数第二段中的Loewy's logodesign aimed at “visual retention.” He wanted to make sure that anyone who saw the logo, even for ashort while, would never forget it可知,洛威的商标设计寻求一种强烈的视觉震撼力,令人即便是短短一瞥,也能留下深刻的印象。
5. B。推理判断题。由最后一段中的“the average person, leading a normal life ... is bound to be indaily contact with some of the things, services or structures” designed by his firm可知,一个普通人每日都会接触雷蒙德·洛威公司的设计作品,由此可推知,雷蒙德·洛威公司的设计作品非常著名,而且极富影响力。
B篇 (语言学习)
6. D。细节理解题。由第一段中的The problem with English spelling is that the letters do notcorrespond to speech sounds可知,英语拼写的困难在于字母与发音不一致。
7. A。细节理解题。由第二段中的Getting good grades in exams ... is extremely important if they arelooking to go on to college or university可知,学生如果要进入大学必须取得好成绩。
8. B。词义猜测题。由划线词后的completing the application correctly和make a good impression以及It wasreported ... simply because of bad spelling可推知,要在求职时留下好印象必须要有一份体面的、像样的简历。由此可知,decent意为“体面的”。
9. C。推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的there have been concerns in recent years和other studies have shown that in some cases it is a cause forconcern可知,技术的使用可能会导致人们拼写能力下降,这已经引起了人们的关注和担心。
10. A。标题归纳题。由第一段中的being able to spell properly is a fundamental skill和第二段中的Good spelling skillsare an important part of being able to read and write以及第三段中的Learning to spell is important可知,本文主要讨论了学习拼写的重要性,故A项标题最贴切。

高二外研英语周报2015~2016 Book 7 Module 1 参考答案及部分解析
11-15 CBAAB 16-20CBACA
21-25 CBACB 26-30CABAD
31-35 DBCAB 36-40 ECABG
41-45 CCBDC 46-50 ADDAC 51-55 BCCAB 56-60 BDCCB
61. known 62. professional
63. heaviest 64.Having played
65. in 66. where
67. to help 68. retired
69. officially 70.a
71. ... crazy for pizzas ... for → about
72. ... because me. because后加of
73. ... table next to me ... me → us / ours
74. ... was really funnily. funnily → funny
75. ... stop to laughing. 去掉to
76. ... some customer ...
customer → customers
77. ... the fact which ... which → that
78. ... an owner of ... an → the
79. ... tell them to stop. tell → told
80. ... Linda and I was ... was → were
One possible version:
Dear Mr. Smith,
I'm writing to tell you about a change inthe time of our oral lesson. A basketball match between our class and Class Twowill be held at 3 p.m. on Thursday, so our oral English class has to be put offuntil Friday afternoon. Is three o'clock OK for you? I'm sorry for theinconvenience we have caused to you. Besides, you are welcome to come and watchthe match on the playground if you are free. We'd all be very glad to see youthere.
Looking forward to your reply.

英语周报2015-2016高二新课标Book 8 Unit 1 参考答案及部分解析
11-15 CAABC 16-20CBACB
21-25 CDDBB 26-30DCBAD
31-35 CDBCC 36-40 GACDE
41-45 DBBDC 46-50 CABAC
51-55 DCCDB 56-60 ACCBB
61. distinction 62.to visit
63. in 64.an
65. European 66.separated
67. travelling 68.which
69. where 70.it
71. ... we go to ... go → went
72. ... do something differently.
differently → different
73. ... a week by sea. sea前加the
74. ... because of we're ... 去掉of
75. ... on the world ... on → in
76. ... surfing lesson ... lesson → lessons
77. ... no difficulty understand ...
understand→ understanding
78. ... is fit than me ... fit → fitter
79. ... easy to staying ... staying → stay
80. ... who are better ... are → is
One possible version:
Dear Susan,
I'mglad that you're coming to Hangzhou for a cultural exchange program during thesummer holiday. I'd like to offer you some information about the city.
Locatedin the southeast of China, Hangzhou is known as “the Paradise on Earth”.Because of its mild climate and beautiful scenery, it is one of the mostpopular tourist destinations in China. The most famous scenic spots are theWest Lake and the Lingyin Temple. Local foods such as “Dongpo Meat” and “WestLake Beef Soup” are well worth tasting. By the way, you can buy some silk andtea souvenirs as gifts for your friends when you go back.
Ihope you'll have a good time in Hangzhou.

A篇 (社会)
21. C。细节理解题。由倒数第四段的their efforts to protect their rain forests, their independence, andtheir culture和倒数第三段的the Kuna Indianshave fought to keep their traditional way of life可知,库纳印第安人一直致力于保护他们的传统文化。
22. D。细节理解题。由倒数第二段的It is an important part of Kuna culture for a visitor to receive aninvitation and pay a fee to the sahila before entering his village可知,作者拜访sahila是为了得到进村许可。
23. D。主旨大意题。作者在驶向圣布拉斯群岛的路途中偶遇了三个库纳印第安渔夫,从而进一步介绍了生活在该群岛上的库纳印第安人。
B篇 (兴趣与爱好)
24. B。细节理解题。由第一段的As my interest in music grew, I decided to find a private instructor可知,在师从Dr. T之前,作者就已经对音乐产生了浓厚的兴趣。
25. B。词义猜测题。由第二段的these were basic concepts I had long ago mastered和Dr. T criticized many aspects of ...可知,Dr. T批评并纠正了作者以前学过的关于如何拉中提琴的知识,这让她意识到以前学的完全是错误的。
26. D。推理判断题。由第三段的Every day, I would practice for at least 45 minutes ... It requireda lot of concentration and will power可知,为了成为学校合奏组的首席中提琴手,作者以坚强的意志刻苦练习。
27. C。推理判断题。由最后一段的By the end of my audition, Mrs. V said that I had a good chance ofbecoming the principal violist可知,试听过程中作者给Mrs.V留下了好印象。
C篇 (社会)
28. B。推理判断题。由第三段的This isn't the first time the Japanese have taken trash outside thestadium可知,本段故事是为了说明日本球迷有清理赛场的习惯。
29. A。细节理解题。由第四段的It's due to one simple thing: They don't throw their rubbish on thefloor可知,日本大城市的洁净已经成为了常规的习惯。
30. D。细节理解题。由最后一段的They have been doing it theirwhole lives and are used to taking their garbage with them可知,日本人习惯于随身带走自己的垃圾。
31. C。推理判断题。由第一段描述日本球迷lose graciously和第三段的 theJapanese fans gave the world a lesson in politeness and respect可知,作者对日本球迷的环保习惯表示尊敬。
D篇 (旅游)
32. D。细节理解题。根据第二段的named after James Smithson和he left his entire fortune to the United States to build aninstitution “for the increase ofknowledge.”可知,史密森尼博物院建立的资金来自于JamesSmithson去世后留下的钱。
33. B。细节理解题。根据文中的Langseth's final wish was to have his entire beard preserved, hisfamily decided it wouldn't be right to bury him clean-shaven可知,虽然Langseth希望把自己的胡子都保留下来,但他的家人还是希望他能留点胡子下葬。
34. C。细节理解题。根据文中的largest, first, longest等词的描述可知,该博物馆的这几件藏品都堪称世界之最。
35. C。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的Smithsonian museums are open every day of the year except December25可知,该博物馆圣诞节闭馆。
36. G。G项中的I am nowhere near assuccessful as ...与段首的I don't think I haveever before been compared with ...相呼应。
37. A。由Don't just read easy books和Those difficult texts can really stretch your mind的对比可知,A项中的things that challengeyour thought指Those difficult texts。
38. C。由小标题Play-acting以及列举成功人士小时候常常自由玩耍可知,他们任由想象力自由驰骋。
39. D。由小标题Experimenting以及列举成功人士喜欢做的实验litthings on fire, blew things up, caught and studied bugs ...可知,D项中的building, creating,viewing, and observing都是实验中的操作过程。
40. E。由小标题Creating vs. consuming以及列举成功人士用大量的时间创造发明可知,看电影、听音乐都是被动地消耗时间。
41. D。由下文的Today was the day to sign up forafter-school activities可知,作者的丈夫给女儿“报名(signedup)”参加女童子军。sign sb. up for ...给某人报名参加……。
42. B。作者听到丈夫说给女儿报名参加女童子军很吃惊,她希望是一句玩笑话,但由下文的Today wasthe day to sign up ...可知,作者的丈夫是“认真的(serious)”。
43. B。由下文作者的女儿回答I want to be a Girl Scout可知,女童子军活动是女儿自己“选的(chose)”。
44. D。由下文的I told you this morning to ...可知,作者让丈夫负责女儿一天。put sb. in charge (of ...)让某人负责(照顾)……。
45. C。由下文的don't you want to ... basketball和threatening to sign her up for basketball可知,作者希望给女儿报名参加“篮球(basketball)”活动。
46. C。47. A。由上文的She needs someexercise to move around constantly可知,刚上幼儿园的女儿“精力旺盛(active)”,需要一些活动让她不断地走动,“否则(or)”她会陷入麻烦。
48. B。作者想让女儿去“打(play)”篮球。
49. A。由上文的You are tall, which means you will be so good可知,作者试图说服女儿打篮球,因为她觉得这会很“有趣(fun)”。
50. C。由下文的letting Mia be a Girl Scout可知,作者说服未果,不得已只能“同意(agree)”女儿参加女童子军。
51. D。由下文的the call telling me that she couldn't bear it in the group和But this call ... came可知,虽然作者勉强同意女儿参加女童子军,但她是想“等待(waited for)”女儿无法忍受女童子军活动的电话。
52. C。由下文的What came about were little notes ...可知,作者等待的电话“从未(never)”到来。
53. C。由上文的Mommy, please和下文的In the nextyear Mia's troop leader ...可知,女儿“央求(begged)”作者第二年还让她参加女童子军。
54. D。“女儿求作者第二年还让她参加女童子军”和“作者一心想让女儿打篮球”之间是转折关系,故选Instead。
55. B。56. A。由下文女儿第二年还是参加了女童子军可知,作者突然间发现女儿对女童子军活动最“感兴趣(interested in)”,于是想给她多一点时间再“试一试(try)”(这个活动)。
57. C。由下文描述女童子军举办的活动以及参加女童子军的女孩们骄傲的神情可知,女童子军组织的活动“令人惊奇(amazing)”。
58. C。女童子军举办的艺术活动是给当地的孤儿院“筹集(raise)”善款。
59. B。妈妈们被邀请与女儿们一起“参加(join)”茶话会活动。
60. B。由女儿连续两年参加女童子军活动以及作者见识到女童子军出色的表现可知,作者意识到这些参加女童子军的女孩们不仅自豪而且“开心(happy)”。
61. distinction。考查名词。设空处作宾语,表示“盛名,殊荣”,故填distinction。
62. tovisit。考查不定式作定语的用法。the besttime to do sth.意为“做某事的最佳时机”。
63. in。考查固定短语。in advance意为“提前”。
64. an。考查不定冠词。have an idea about ... 意为“知道,了解”。
65. European。考查形容词作定语的用法。设空处作定语修饰city,表示“欧洲的”,故填European。
66. separated。考查一般过去时。由in the past可知,separate所表示的动作发生在过去,应用一般过去时,故填separated。
67. travelling。考查动词-ing形式作状语的用法。when与设空处构成“连词+分词”结构,因you与travel之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故填travelling。
68. which。考查关系词。设空处引导非限制性定语从句,补充说明routes,且在从句中作主语,故填which。
69. where。考查连接词。设空处引导宾语从句,且由so后面的分句可知,设空处表地点,故填where。
70. it。考查it的用法。设空处作形式主语,真正的主语是toknow ... the German capital,故填it。

1-5 DACBD 6-10 CCBBC
A篇 (自然)
1. D。细节理解题。由第三段的the toad was declared extinct almost as soon as it was discovered可知,1970年,Tandayapa Andean蟾蜍被认定是这类物种中的唯一一只。
2. A。推理判断题。由第一段的researchers recently came upon ...和第五段Ryan Lynch说的At first sightI couldn't identify the species — it wasn't even on my radar可知,Ryan Lynch完全是偶然发现TandayapaAndean蟾蜍的。
3. C。细节理解题。由倒数第三段描述Tandayapa Andean蟾蜍外观特征可知,该蟾蜍在成长过程中经历了身体颜色的变化。
4. B。推理判断题。由倒数第二段的they still worry about thespecies' survival. Humans have been clearing much of the forest where the toadslive可知,虽然已经消失的TandayapaAndean蟾蜍被再次发现,但它们仍然面临失去生存环境的危险。
5. D。标题归纳题。文章首段即本文的主旨段。1970年发现的Tandayapa Andean蟾蜍被认定是已消失的物种,但四十多年之后大量Tandayapa Andean蟾蜍又重新被发现。故D项作标题最符合本文大意。
B篇 (历史)
本文是记叙文。文章介绍了美国历史上一位重要的黑人女作家Zora Neale Hurston以及她的成就。
6. C。细节理解题。由第二段的growing up in a community totallyseparate from the larger white society allowed her freedom and independence notavailable to everyone in the south可知,Hurston生活的城镇位于美国南部,远离白人社区,这里的人们可以享受很多的自由。
7. C。推理判断题。由第三段可知,生活在美国南部的Hurston到了美国北部后接触到了黑人文化运动Harlem Renaissance,在那里她发展了自己的写作技巧并出版了多部小说和诗集,故她在移居美国北部后对文学产生了兴趣。
8. B。推理判断题。由倒数第二段的Her
interesting representation of the southerndialect caused her Harlem Renaissance contemporaries to look down upon the work可知,在她的时代,Hurston的作品由于带有浓重的南方方言因此不受普通观众的欢迎。
9. B。推理判断题。由倒数第二段的Hurston ... believing that the accuracy of her representationwould finally win ...和最后一段的Historyhas shown that Hurston was right可知,坚信自己写作手法的ZoraNeale Hurston最终受到了人们极大的赞扬,她的故事展示了有志者事竟成的道理。
10. C。主旨大意题。本文主要是介绍美国历史上一位重要的黑人女作家Zora Neale Hurston。

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