
作者&投稿:禄面 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I love Nanjing my hometown - - Nanjing, is a beautiful enchanting place, she has the glorious history, accumulates with the deep culture, from the antique Confucian temple, to timely exhortations to virtue and purity Qixia Temple, from grave solemn and respectful Zhongshan Cemetery, to as beautiful as a painting Xuanwu lake, from has been through repeatedly vicissitudes' ancient city wall, palatial reads the river building to the imposing manner, everywhere has left behind writer's trail, with beautiful poem. Now, ancient Nanjing is glowing the modernized breath, a modernization's construction rises straight from the ground, in modern civilization's consciousness Nanjing person's heart is taking root to germinate, the Nanjing people by the Hiner hundred Sichuan's great minds, are greeting from friend in all directions. As the host, my warmly welcome friends to Nanjing, I by filled with will hug you zealously!

At that time, your face showed only the spirit of never give up and the look which only belongs to Ronaldo. During that time,you were so popular and you have attracted a vast number of young people including me.

The picture at left corner dark, deep purple, a steep unripe bad feeling. Arc is purple and white staggered walls with irregular shape. A proximal to distal with purple gray curve, attention will be directed to the center of the screen of the dilapidated walls and shake and crumble shelf. This section of wall is suffused with green, purple and blue. Brown brick surface is irregular lines. The shelf under spread all across in confusion to scattered with wood, metal sticks and other debris. The upper part of the ceiling plaster off screen, wall mottled, part of the ceiling is exposed reinforcement. Above the stage wire and wood skeleton exposed; the curtain is broken, irregular shape, revealing a more complex waste facilities. The picture on the right side of the irregular brick walls and scattered a brickbat broken tiles, a dark purple, black. The bottom of the screen in a row broken seat, suffused with blue and purple lines, clutter. The lower right corner of the screen the twisted steel fell a portion of the seat; falling roof broken tiles will also be part of the seat.A picture, can only main body, but in any case not subject. This picture is not main body. More confusing what is with the body, and a blank background. The foreground shallow view deep. The entire picture pattern is not clear, no sense of hierarchy. Multiple irregular lines, bring negative feelings, as if they are linked to risk. It is difficult to imagine how the peace of mind to sit here and appreciate what. Full screen rundown and twisted metal wreckage and too cold blue, purple, disturbing, nervous, sad, and even fear. Steel bar, wire, wood, tiles, curtain, texture mixed up. Because of the selected angle problem, the screen space is cramped, depressed. Look after a heavy heart,.

The upper left corner is a dark, dark purple, It Dousheng unknown feeling. Irregular arc the below Zibai staggered wall shape. One from near to far a mixture of purple and gray arc to guide the line of sight to the dilapidated walls of the middle of the screen and on the crumbling shelf. This wall is glowing green, purple and blue. The brown brick appear before the irregular lines. Shelves up and down the ramp in disorder scattered strips of wood, metal sticks and other debris. Screen the upper ceiling plaster off the walls mottled part of the ceiling also exposed reinforced. Stage above the wire and wooden skeleton exposed; curtain damaged, irregular shape, exposing the inside more messy waste facilities. Irregular brick wall of the right of the screen and the broken bricks and rubble scattered on the ground reveals a dark purple, black. Bottom of the screen rows of broken seats, glowing blue and purple lines clutter. The bottom right of the screen the distorted reinforced Zadao part of the seat; falling roof crushed brick part of the seat will also be buried.
A screen, only the subject, but in any case can not main. This picture just does not have a subject. Tell what is to accompany the body, background and blank. Deep views of the prospects for light color. The entire screen mode is unclear, there is no layering. Many irregular lines, brings negative feelings seem to have smashed into the danger at any time. Really hard to imagine how the confidence to sit here and appreciate what. Dilapidated and twisted metal wreckage and flooding the screen too cold blue, purple tones, disturbing, tension, sadness, even fear. Steel, wire, wood, brick, curtain, texture clutter unclear. Due to the selected angle, the screen space seem cramped, depressing. Look after a heavy heart, unhappy.

The upper left corner of the screen a dim, dense purple, the birth of a steep feeling. Arc violet white metope below crisscross of irregular shape. A by nearly to the far interspersed with purple gray curve, the line of sight the guide to the middle of the picture and dilapidated metope of ramshackle shelf. This period of metope the green, purple and blue. The brown brick MianCheng irregular line. Up and down the scattered guangqishuba inclined to batten, metal sticks and other sundry. Picture the condole top of the wall skin, metope mottled, part of the ceiling still peeped out reinforced. Above the stage of wire and wood skeleton dew out; Curtain damaged, an irregular shape, show more mixed and disorderly the discarded facilities inside. Picture on the right side of the irregular brick walls and scattered the rubble ? broken tiles

obey the shadow of tolerance. Is a mother's love make daughters learned the unfair fate of front and crying with a loud voice, let the other people heard her inner voice, defending dignity, value. Finally my confidence back strong and own happiness.你可以去下载一个翻译的东西 ...

我的 英语好的同学能帮我翻译一下这个《进击的巨人》的介绍吗WWW(上课要用  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 鹤岗爆火背后的原因是什么?成败的龙923 2013-11-13 · TA获得超过193个赞 知道答主 回答量:135 采纳率:100% 帮助的人:33.1万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 It is like this...


I'm sorry to bother you again. It's about what I'd mentioned last week that the schedule in the invitation letter was changed. I wonder if you've already printed the updated schedule on your company letterhead paper.

早上好,同学们,good morning,everyone 今天是星期五,today is friday 轮到我做报告。it's my duty today 我要说的是我的兴趣爱好,my topic is my hobbies 我喜欢画画,i like drawing 在小时候我就经常去上美术班,i often go to art classes 对我来说,画画已经成为我生活中的一部分了。

你好:Machines are made in that factory by them.This song is liked by every body.The stamps aren't shown to me by him.Rice aren't grown in the west of Japan by people.Tom is often helped by him when he is in trouble.Are many buildings built by the workers?Are glasses ...

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帮助的英语:help 一、读音:英 [help]美 [help]二、意思是:v.帮助;有助于;促进;擅自拿取;(不)能防止或避免某事物 n.帮助;援助;帮手;佣人;仆人 int.救命!三、词汇搭配:help a cold 治好感冒;help digestion 促进消化 help oneself 自取,自用;help sb's house cleaning 帮助某人...

同学帮助我的一件事作文 当我们帮助别人时,别人的心里会感到温暖,而别人帮助我们时,我们的心中也同样会感到安慰。我曾经就遇到过一次被别人帮助过的事情。那是一个星期三的早晨,来到学校,我打开书包,突然发现我没有带文具盒,心里一下子慌了起来:没有笔、没有学习文具,让我怎么学习,怎么写字...

麻烦英语高手帮我翻译成英文, 各位老师各位同学大家好。我是…班的...
result is good or not, I want to thank everybody.Of course.I hope everybody can cast me a ticket.and i will give my contribution to help us in the future study life.Thank you very much.希望我的答案能帮到你,我相信你这样说的话,大家肯定会选择你的,相信自己是最好的。

金平苗族瑶族傣族自治县19751594746: 英语翻译请英语好的朋友帮我把下面这些话翻译成英文:1.我回到广州了.你回到美国了吗?旅行愉快(有趣)吗?你去了哪些地方玩(旅行)呢?我去了A,... -
戈奇依美:[答案] 1.I'm back in GuanZhou.Are you back in US yet?Is the trip fun?Where did you go?I went to A,B,and C,they are all really pretty.Please come to China again when there's a chance.GuanZhou is an old city,w...

金平苗族瑶族傣族自治县19751594746: 哪位英语好的帮我把下面短文翻译成英文翻译成英文,谢谢了!
戈奇依美: This is my sonwman, its head is a small ball, eyes are made of biscuits , body is a big ball, arm is made of bough, mouth is five buttons, clothes is my father's old waistcoat, shawl is my old one, it has no cat. Do you like my sonw man?

金平苗族瑶族傣族自治县19751594746: 英语翻译请英语好的朋友帮我把下面这个句子翻译成英文,我为一个如此大的公司在英语翻译上如此马虎感到遗憾. -
戈奇依美:[答案] I feel so sorry that such a big company has been so careless with the English translation .

金平苗族瑶族傣族自治县19751594746: 哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下下面的短文? -
戈奇依美: 每天坚持一点点 今天是完美的一天,因为你有了一点小变化和提高.对你而言,无论在干什么,都要找到办法来提高一点点.不需要有什么巨大的变化,只要一个小的,有几件事你现在所要做的. 如果你每天联系一个顾客,下个月你会交谈30人.如果你学习只是一个新单词的每一天,在明年你的词汇量就会增加300多万字. 小的改进可以增加起来,随着时间的推移,一个大的成功.看看你的周围.你认为这项工作的每一天.想想你如何能做的只是一个更好一些. 数字温度计、家用温度计、电子温度计…��点速度比别人所采取的每一步.但是在一次长跑,组成了一个小的差异大.

金平苗族瑶族傣族自治县19751594746: 哪位高手帮我把下面的短文译成英语?多谢! -
戈奇依美: When I was a kid, I was shy. I was afraid of chatting with others, therefore I always play lonely. In order to help me to develope my confidence, my mum send me...

金平苗族瑶族傣族自治县19751594746: 英语翻译请英语好的朋友帮我把下面的中文翻译成英文吧..宇宙中如此渺小的我因为遇见你而变的强大但发现到头来我什么也做不了 办不到 -
戈奇依美:[答案] I am so tiny in huge universe But I become strong since I met you But at last I found I can do nothing about it

金平苗族瑶族傣族自治县19751594746: 哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下下面的短文?
戈奇依美: 原始的时钟: 从前,埃及人在石碗的底部开了一个小洞,碗里面注满了水.在碗的里面被标上了用来看时间的印记.当碗里的水从小洞里面流出时,他们可以通过观察碗里剩余的水的高度而知道时间. 沙子有时候会代替水,就形成了一个沙漏.沙子从顶部玻璃泡通过一个很小的通道流向底部玻璃泡.当沙子从顶部玻璃泡流完时,人们会把沙漏倒过来,沙子就可以再次流动.沙漏晚些时候被应用在教堂中,测量讲道所用的时间长短.小的沙漏可以在现在被买到,用作小型煮蛋计时器. 有什么不懂的可以问我~望采纳哦~绝对人工翻译哦~

金平苗族瑶族傣族自治县19751594746: 哪位英语高手帮我翻译下面的文章?
戈奇依美: Linda went to the park 11 o'clock in the morning by bike. She saw others swimming at ten past eleven, and stopped her bike next to the tree. A men ride her bike at a quarter past eleven. And when 11:25, Linda came to the tree and found her bike missing. She called the police for help.

金平苗族瑶族傣族自治县19751594746: 英语翻译请英语高手帮我翻译下面的短文:我的房间很温馨,很漂亮,更干净.粉红色的公主床上放着我的书包和毛绒玩具,蓝色书柜里装满了书,数不胜数 .... -
戈奇依美:[答案] My room is very warm,very beautiful,the more clean.Pink princess bed put my bag and plush toys,blue bookcase is full of books and numerous.The desk with a 7 this "the children's literature" and the "g...

金平苗族瑶族傣族自治县19751594746: 求各位英文高手帮我翻译下面小短文..简单就好,急用呀!!感激不尽啊! -
戈奇依美: I have a best friend,her name is...

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