
作者&投稿:巨庆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

hello, everyone! i'm on duty today. i would like to share some english sentences,you can use these sentences to act shamelessly.
when you lose a game,you can say "...";when you make a mistake,you can say "...";when you break the traffic rules,you can say "..."... ...

Hello everybody, my name is xiaoming. I'm from Guangdong China. There are beautiful mountains and waters. But what I really care about are the beautiful(hot) boys(men) and girls(woman) there. I like adventure and challenge, my biggest dream is to collect everyone's dreams, and spend one night to full fill them all (all of them). ....only in my dream thou. 第二天在跟他们分享过程!(不用翻着个吧?) (I ) wish to become good friends with all of you (everyone). Thank you

早上好,同学们,good morning,everyone
今天是星期五,today is friday
轮到我做报告。it's my duty today
我要说的是我的兴趣爱好,my topic is my hobbies
我喜欢画画,i like drawing
在小时候我就经常去上美术班,i often go to art classes
对我来说,画画已经成为我生活中的一部分了。drawing has been a part of my life
我不喜欢读书,i don't like go to school
我只是为了能拿到准考证,考上我喜欢的美术学校。for going to my favoriate art school,for pass the exam
我只想为了自己的目标努力…………i will study hard for my dream!

Good morning,everyone!
Today is Friday.What I want to say is my hobbies,such as drawing.
when I was young ,I often went to an art class.For me,drawing has been a part of me.
However,I don't like study.I only want to get a ticket for my love ,an art school.
I whould do my best to get it!

good morning, everyone,today is Friday,it`s my turn to do the report. i want to say something about my hobby,i like drawing,i often go to the art class when i was child, as for me, drawing picture has being a part of my life now. i dont like studing at school, i just want to take an admission card for entrance examination ,to be admitted to an art university i like. i just want to be hard work in order to my gole....

Good morning, boys and girls, today is Friday, it's my turn to do report. I want to say is that my hobbies, I like drawing, in small time I often go to the art class, for me, painting has become a part of my life. I don't like reading, I just in order to get the accurate textual criticism, admitted to my love of the school of fine arts. I just want to ... ... ... ...

Good morning,The students,today or nowadays Friday,Turn to myDoReport


哥拼音: gē,声母是g,韵母是ē,声调是一声。释义:1、哥哥。2、亲戚中同辈而年纪比自己大的男子。3、称呼年纪跟自己差不多的男子(含亲热意)。4、姓。

哥的笔顺:横,竖,横折,横,竖,横,竖,横折,横,竖钩;拼音:[ gē ] ;部首:口 ;笔画:10 ;五行:木 ;五笔:SKSK;基本解释:1. 哥哥 大~。二~。2. 亲戚中同辈而年纪比自己大的男子 表~。3. 称呼年纪跟自己差不多的男子(含亲热意) 李二~。4. (Gē)姓。组词:公子...


用“哥”字可以组的词有:哥哥、 大哥、 鹦哥、 哥儿、 八哥、 奴哥、 曹哥、 哥窑 、人哥 、莺哥 、辨哥、 料哥、 滩哥、 灵哥。哥哥 [ gē ge ]释义 :1. 称同父母或父母一方所生比自己年长的男子。对同辈男子的尊称 2. 像大哥或比作大哥者。3. 亦作哥哥儿。对年轻人的称呼...

哥的读音——gē 释义:哥指同父母(或只同父,只同母)或同族同辈而年龄比自己大的男子。也指亲戚中同辈而年纪比自己大的男子和称呼年纪跟自己差不多的男子。后来演变成熟人间的称呼,并不反映年龄大小,称呼年纪跟自己差不多的男子(含亲热意)。此外,哥还是姓氏。读音 一、“哥”为谜底的谜语 1...

哥哥 大哥 鹦哥 哥儿 八哥 奴哥 曹哥 哥窑 人哥 莺哥 辨哥 料哥 滩哥 灵哥 详细释义 (会意。从二可。“可”,有“快乐”、“欢乐”的意思。《诗·小雅·正月》:“哿矣富人。” 毛传:“哿,可。” 王引之《经义述闻》卷六:“哿与哀对文,哀者忧悲,哿者欢乐也。……《毛传》训哿为...

用“哥”字可以组的词有:哥哥、 大哥、 鹦哥、 哥儿、 八哥、 奴哥、 曹哥、 哥窑 、人哥 、莺哥 、辨哥、 料哥、 滩哥、 灵哥。哥哥 [ gē ge ]释义 :称同父母或父母一方所生比自己年长的男子。对同辈男子的尊称 2. 像大哥或比作大哥者。3. 亦作哥哥儿。对年轻人的称呼那捉...

词语解释:1、玄幻哥 [ xuán huàn gē ] 形容沉迷于玄幻小说的人,特别是正在上学的青少年。原意是指对玄幻小说非常入迷的人。2、穷哥们 [ qióng gē men ] 穷弟兄。多用为对贫穷朋友的亲热称呼。3、宁哥 [ níng gē ] 唐玄宗对其兄宁王的昵称。4、老大哥 [ lǎo dà gē ] 对同辈年...

哥可以组的词语有很多,以下是一些常见的组词:1. 哥哥 解释:指家庭中的兄长,通常用于称呼自己的兄弟或者亲戚中的年纪较长的男性。2. 表哥 解释:指母亲的兄弟姐妹或父亲的姐妹的儿子,即与自己有亲戚关系但不同父母的年纪较长的男性。3. 小哥 解释:对年轻男性的称呼,有时带有亲切或调侃的意味...

望江县17315756675: 哥哥姐姐们 请帮我翻译一个英文自我介绍.谢谢了.急用. -
甫哲山庄: Hello, I'm glad to be here to introduce myself, my name is xx, this year be 18 years old, graduated from XXX, music direction. Is a piano especially immortal. I was a lively and cheerful girl, I like smile to the life. Because I believe that as long as set your ...

望江县17315756675: 哥哥、姐姐帮我用英语翻译个句子
甫哲山庄: Now the stranger, the pain forever

望江县17315756675: 哥哥姐姐,请帮我翻译一段话,用英语.非诚勿扰.
甫哲山庄: The development of e-commerce in the global economy integration and under the influence of the trend has become irresistible. In China, a new industry. With the economic development of our country and the necessity of the rise of central China, ...

望江县17315756675: 哥哥姐姐帮我翻译一下(中 - 英) 内容:你在哪里工作?你刚才去哪里了?哪里有餐馆 -
甫哲山庄:[答案] 你在哪里工作?①Where do you work? ②Where are you working? ③What's your work place? ④What's the place your are working in? 你刚才去哪里了?①Where did you go just now? ②Where were you just now? 哪里有餐馆?①Where is a restaurant?

望江县17315756675: 哥哥姐姐帮我翻译一下,中文→英文 -
甫哲山庄: Your English is not very good, so I cannot understand you. Please repeat it again.I cannot do things like that, forgive me please!“饶了我吧”好像有很多种说法,因为不了...

望江县17315756675: 哥哥姐姐们请帮我写一篇英语作文,初二的. -
甫哲山庄: Dear Mr.Lee, After listening to your speech,I decided to join the Bird Appreciation Club to become one of the members.I'm a grade eight student and I'm interested in science.Besides,I like playing baseketball and football.I love the nature especially ...

望江县17315756675: 哥哥姐姐们请你们帮我翻译一下着段英语....谢谢了?
甫哲山庄: 今夜,我失望的坐在角落平静的想你,想着你在做的一切,想要知道你是否在想着我,想知道当你凝视遥远的地方的时候,是否在想我目前生活. 应该还凑合吧,呵呵!

望江县17315756675: 哥哥姐姐帮我翻译一下,,谢谢啦,,要准确的,通顺的,,谢谢
甫哲山庄: 对不起,我对它一点时间,请,请,我很担心,不,我〜不能改变以前返回想也许可以不回去〜没有,但我不想让你很喜欢一个人,然后从朋友们足够的距离,所以如果你想保留的生活.他们已失去进入你的命运的愿望,不要指望哈哈..但事实并非如此,但它已被应用到

望江县17315756675: 那位哥哥或姐姐有时间的帮我翻译一下这篇英文文章啊 -
甫哲山庄: 歌词 every time i think of you 每一次我想起你 i feel shot right through with a bolt of blue 我总感觉到一阵突如其来的真实的忧伤 it\'s no problem of mine but it\'s a problem i find 这不是我的问题 但这个问题却仍存在 living a life that i can\'t leave behind...

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