
作者&投稿:惠梦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A: Is your English teacher a lady or a man?

B: A pretty lady.

C: Mine is a middle aged man.

A: What's your impression of your English teacher?

B: She is always very nice and patient to us.

C: You are so lucky. My teacher is quite strict with us.

A: Strict? In what way?

C: Well,he insists on us being punctual for class.

A:I see.

B: That is the basic rule for class. You ought to obey it.

C: He also insists we should speak no Chinese in the classroom.

A:I think that will do you a lot of good.

B: I think so too.

C: Yes, So my spoken English has been improved a lot this year.

B: Great! I wish he were my teacher.

A:how's it going?
B:I'm fine. C:me too.
A:how was you weekend,B?
B:it was great
C:so,what did you do ?
B:Well.on saturday moning i played tennis ,on saturday afternoon i went to the beach,and on saturday ninght i went to the movies.

B:then,on sunday moring,i cleaned my room. on sunday arternoon ,i played soccer ,and on sunday night, i did my homework.
C:souds you have a relaxing weekend.

A:你好,B C
B C:嗨,

1.医生A ,2.护士B . 3.病人甲C 4.病人乙D 5.病人甲的母亲E 6.病人乙的男朋友F 7,保安G 8.警察H
A:coming ,please!
C: doctor,i have a stomachache
A:tell me what did you eat last night.
C:i ate a pizza ,an orange ,and an icecream..
E:and a big cup of coke
C:eh ...yes..
A:wow...you made a mistake.you shouldn't eat pizza with ...
F:doctor !please !my girlfriend is dying!!!!she got a fever!
D:i am sorry doctor,i can't stop him。。i am not dying.... please F,calm down,i‘m ok!
A:keep quiet ,please. what's wrong with you two? i have other patients here now,plase wait outside.
E: didn't you see us here talking to the doctor ?! how can you just rushed into and interrupt us!
F: my girlfriend is deadly painful now. she needs immediately help!
D:please,dear! i am really ok,let's get out of here!
A:yes,please leave now! you have already disturbed my work.
F:no,you should help the one in emergency!
C:i am in emergency too! you are so rude!
B:do you need my help ,doctor?
A:i think so。here are two intruders,can you help to call the guards,please?
B:with pleasure!
C:doctor ,my stomach is still aching...
E:oh, my poor baby!
A:i am sorry ,let's go on。where were we?
F:are we invisible here?!how dare you just ignore us?!
D:F!i said many times that i am ok,nothing serious!let's go!
B:here are the two strangers.
G:well,let me take them out。
F:i am not leaving if the doctor not give us cure!
G:hey,dont be like this ,handsome boy~!please leave here!
F:my girlfriend needs help now!
D:no,i’m sorry ,i‘m not patient。i am trying to make him leave。
G:look ,your girlfriend said she is well,please leave now!
F:she got a fever! she doesn't know what she is saying now!
G:everybody should obey the rules in the hospital!please wait outside!
D:we will ,sir!
F:no,we won't!
B:i will call the police!
B:hello,this is XX hospital,here has a fight,please sent a police here as soon as possible ,we need help!
H:what happened?
G:the boy refused to obey the rules and disturbed the doctor!
H:show me your ID card,i will take you to the police station。
F:i can't go ,my gf is dying ,she needs immediately help!
H:she looks normal.
D:yes ,i am healthy,i will take him out of here,sir。
F:anyway,i won't leave!
H:i’ll make you leave。
D:i am sorry doctor!see you later!
A:i ‘m not expecting meeting you again。(医生小声嘀咕)
E:can we go on now,doctor?
A:ah,yes,of course!...

doctor:what's wrong with you?
patient 1:i hurt my arm this morning?
d:let me see,en,the cut should be cleaned and covered
patient 2:help,help,
d:what's up?wait a minite,take him to clean the wound
nurse:this way ,please

护士用医院电话打给警局 B:hello,this is XX hospital,here has a fight,please sent a police here as soon as possible ,we need help!警察迅速赶到 H:what happened?G:the boy refused to obey the rules and disturbed the doctor!H:show me your ID card,i will take you to...





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