
作者&投稿:公征 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Music is everywhere nowadays.It plays an important role in our life. There are all kinds of music in the world.Such as Blues, Black music,Rock&Roll,Dance music of Punks,Disco,Jazz,Classical music,Rap ,Pop-music and so on. Music is of great use in many fields.It is used in advertising,broadcast,TV,films or the supermarkets.People are supposed to be atrracted by the sweet-souding music.So ,you can see that it bring profits to the companies. More and more people have their own tools to approach music, like Mp3,Mp4 .But before this,we often use radio,TV or walkman to listen to the music. Why so many people like enjoying music ?In my opinion ,it can ease our presure of social relationship ,study ,work and relax ourselves,also make us feel better.

  Music dialogue
  Jane met Linda on the bus. Jane is listening to her I-pod.

  L: (waves her hand) HI, Jane, how is everything?
  J: (takes off her headphone) Hi, Linda. How are you?
  L: I am fine. How about you?
  J: I am fine, too. Where are you going?
  Linda: I am going to the bookstore to see if I could pick up some good books there. You were listening to your I-Pod just now.
  J: Yeah, I love music. Music is my life. And I love this I-pod to death. It is like I am carrying a music library where I go.
  L: Oh yeah? Tell me your favorite singers.
  J: quite a lot. I like Backstreet boys, Britney Spear, Justin Timberlake, and Beyonce and so on. How about you?
  L: I like old songs. I like love songs. Those songs cloud last forever.
  J: Name some good songs, please.
  L: Simon & Garfunkel, you know these two songs” The Sound of Silence”, “ El Condor Pasa”?
  J: yeah, very good.
  L: I like Bee gees, too. Too bad one of the brothers died two years ago. I don’t think we could find another band like this one.
  J: How about U2? It is very popular.
  L: Right. Some of their songs are easy listening. But some are heavy metal which I don’t like. I prefer soft rocks.
  J: It’s great that we both love music. . I don’t know if anyone could live without music.
  L: I agree with you... When I am down, music cheers me up. When I am lost, music guides me through. When I am tired, music soothes me gently. When I am weak, music lifts me up.
  J: Music is our world.
  Linda, I have to get off now. It seems we could keep this topic on and on.
  L:Maybe we should meet on a nice weekend and we will just talk about music all day. Does that sound good?
  J: Absolutely. I will call you. Bye!
  L: Bye! Have a good day!
  J: You, too.

Music perfects our life音乐完美你的人生
Life without music is like a frozen sea without living creatures.Music plays a very important role in our life.生活中没有音乐就好比冻结的海水没有生物.音乐在我们的生活中起着非常重要的作用
Music is a tool of communication.Different kinds of music stand for different meanings.Some use music to thank somebody for something;some use music to commemorate people or events;others use music to express their love to their seniors,children and their beloved.Why don't we use words but music instead?Because music can help us express our feeling witn strong emotion.I believe that not only people but also animals can share their feeling by music,like birds.音乐是交流的工具.不同的音乐表达不同的意思.有人用音乐表达谢意,有人用音乐纪念人或事,还有人用音乐向长辈,孩童或挚爱表达爱意.为什么我们不用语言而用音乐代替?因为音乐可以使我们的交流带有浓厚的感情.我相信不仅是人,动物也可以用音乐交流感情,就像鸟儿的鸣叫.
Music may affect us a lot in many ways.Music can be regarded as a good lifetime friend.When we feel sad,it fills our heart with warmth and pleasure.When we grow nervous,it keeps our mind relaxed and calm.When we go home after a long day of tedious work,music kicks tiredness out.音乐在很多方面影响着我们.音乐可以称得上是人一生的朋友.当我们悲伤的时候,它用温柔和幸福填补我们的心;当我们紧张无措时,它使我们的头脑放松和冷静;当我们完成一天无聊的工作回到家,音乐为我们驱走疲劳.
There are many forms of music such as classical music,pop music,rock and roll,country music,jazz,and so on.Different people are fond of different kinds of music.Generally it's up to one's character.For example,i like classical and pop music best,because classical music is graceful,gentle and soft while pop music is quite casual and relaxing.But some people,especially teenagers,like rock and roll for its bright beat,strong shake and hot atmosphere.Still others can find pleasure in country music.音乐的类型是多种多样的,像古典音乐,流行音乐,摇滚乐,乡村音乐,爵士乐等等.不同的人喜欢不同类型的音乐,这取决与他们的性格.比如我就最喜欢古典音乐和流行音乐.因为古典音乐优美温柔,而流行音乐则随意放松.但是有些人,尤其是年轻人,喜欢摇滚乐.因为它强烈鲜明,有震撼力,又有热烈的气氛.还有一些人喜欢乡村音乐,
No matter what kind of musicit is,a piece of good music has a wonderful influence on people's feelings,and little by little,people's characters will be affected and thus improved.Then our life will be like a winding path surrounded by flowers,butterflies,and delicious fruits.不管是什么类型的音乐,好的音乐对人一点一点的影响,就会使人的性格更加完善.之后我们的生活会像花朵蝴蝶萦绕的蜿蜒的小路,路旁有鲜美的水果.
I do love music.It brings me into another fantastic world that i can't describe in any word.Music has become an important part in my daily life.I can hardly imagine what life would be like if there is no music.我喜欢音乐.它把我带到了一个难以用语言形容的世界.音乐在我生活中已经扮演了一个不可替代的角色.我简直不能想象没有音乐的生活.

the music
flood with


to bandy words with English


using English to discuss music

ussing english to discuss music.

任务型阅读are you interested in country music?
1、B此题为细节题。Country music usually talks of everyday life and feelings乡村音乐通常谈论日常生活及感情。Many of songs tell about the lives of famers 很多歌曲都是关于农民的生活。2、B 此题为细节题。Country music developed in the Southern United States.乡村音乐发展于南美洲。3、A ...

用英语交谈 是:talk in english or talk with english?
in 只用某种方式,方法。with 只与某事,某人,也会用在用某种方式,方法之上 但是,在语言方面,地道用法都是用in,这已经成为了固定用法。例如:please speak in Chinese. 请说中文 You can write them in english. 你可以用英文写 此例:talk in english. "用英语交谈"---与君共勉 ...

这样你在谈论古典音乐时就能够使用正确的术语,给人一种你对古典音乐有一定了解的印象。 了解一些常见的乐器名称,如小提琴、钢琴、大提琴等。掌握一些作曲家的名称,如贝多芬(Beethoven)、巴赫(Bach)和莫扎特(Mozart)。明白一些古典乐曲的名字,例如《命运交响曲》(Symphony No.5)和《春之协奏曲》(Spring Concerto)。

自然语境:在自然环境方面,harmony可以用来描述大自然的和谐,如生态平衡等。哲学语境:在哲学或宗教领域,harmony可能代表一种心灵的平和、人与宇宙的和谐共处。3. 实际应用场景:在日常生活中,我们经常会用到“harmony”这个词。例如,当我们谈论家庭关系时,会说家庭和谐;在谈论音乐时,会说...

三、实际应用 在日常生活中,我们经常可以遇到使用popular的情况。例如,在谈论时尚潮流时,会说某款服装是popular的;在谈论音乐时,会说某首歌曲或某个歌手是popular的。此外,在社交场合中,人们也会用popular来描述一个受欢迎的人。因此,理解popular的中文意思对于理解和运用英语表达非常重要。

1.Last year in Beijing in August we spent those days very happy and can not forget.2.I have to buy her clothes to wear the same thing.3.I have bought a dress like her clothes.4.We are talking about last night, we take part in music at the piano and pianist....

不会是more than, 因为第二行的T 是大写,也就是第二句的开始,而且more than 也符合意思。没有更多的提示了吗?比如还有上文或后续之类的?楼上是对的 第二句的确是 through, 第一句嘛。。我猜是manner.这样就是可解释为:如今,我们用较普遍的音乐风格来谈论音乐。通过音乐孩子们进入到美丽...

仁爱版英语八年级上册 Unit3 Topic2 SectionC 教学设计

在第三单元,'Unit 3 Party' 介绍社交场合的礼仪与对话,无论是小型聚会还是大型活动,都能让你得体应对。然后,音乐爱好者会喜欢Unit 4 'Music',它探讨音乐在不同文化中的重要性,以及如何用英语谈论音乐欣赏和创作。随着学习的深入,'Unit 5 Revision 1' 是一个复习阶段,巩固前几单元的知识,...

Unit 5: "西方人的节日庆祝" (Part Ⅰ: 听力理解, A. 史密斯教授, B. 英国生活谈论)涵盖了形容词和副词的最高级。Unit 6: "行为举止要小心!" (Part Ⅰ: 听力理解, A. 中式餐桌礼仪, B. 谈论音乐)探讨了分词的运用。继续以此类推,直至第13单元,涵盖了财务管理、投资、广告、健康、电视...

谯城区18423435059: 谈论音乐的英语短文100字 -
牛妮天新: Music is everywhere nowadays.It plays an important role in our life. There are all kinds of music in the world.Such as Blues, Black music,Rock&Roll,Dance music of Punks,Disco,Jazz,Classical music,Rap ,Pop-music and so on. Music is of great use ...

谯城区18423435059: 音乐是世界上的声音,他在人们生活中的地位越来越重要,请以music in our life为题,一篇英语作文,谈谈你对音乐的认识,80词左右. -
牛妮天新:[答案] music in our life Music is an art has no boundary in the world.It is the voice of the world, it is becoming more and more ... you can listen to some music, will be very helpful. 中文对照: 音乐是一种艺术在世界上没有任何边界.它是世界上的声音,它在人...

谯城区18423435059: 用英语来谈论音乐的重要句型 -
牛妮天新: i totally like listen pop muisc .well the reason i like it of which is ....... 喜欢它的原因the music flood with my whole time . when i feel the tempo of music i get a fantasy as if i was the wave of the music ,up and down. 我整个时间被音乐包围.. 当我感受到音乐的节奏时 仿佛我是一个音乐的波浪 上上下下 用了一个虚拟语气,,

谯城区18423435059: 英语作文音乐可以让我们的生活丰富多彩,你一定很喜欢音乐吧!请按照下列提示写一篇短文,谈谈你对音乐的(要求:60词左右)what kind of music and ... -
牛妮天新:[答案] hip-pop In the mid-night or any time i feel nervous or tired they are energetic,excited

谯城区18423435059: 音乐是全人类共同的语言,请你用英语谈一谈你对音乐的理解, -
牛妮天新: Music in my life Music is an important part in my life,I even can't live without music. Acturally,I like many kinds of music,I'd like to talk about my favorite music here.Well,I like Irish folk music best,New age is Irish style,and it's mixes some morden melody...

谯城区18423435059: 用英语谈一谈你对音乐的理解 -
牛妮天新: music has an very important place in my life.As for the importance of music to my life,I think you can guess,it just like meals and sleeping,I can't live without it.

谯城区18423435059: 帮写两个英语作文第一个:My favorite music要求:1、叙述你喜欢的音乐.2 你喜欢音乐的原因.3 谈出你对所喜欢音乐的理解.4、音乐在中国受欢迎的情况.第二... -
牛妮天新:[答案] my favorite music There are many songs stored on my computer and they are all my favorites.Music can help us in many ways.I'd like to listen to different music as my situations are changing. When i am in blue,quiet music is my favorite,such as " a ...

谯城区18423435059: 用英语谈谈你对音乐的理解 急用!20分钟内,谢谢 -
牛妮天新: 助人为快乐之本,第一时间来帮TASince ancient times human cannot leave the music, music can bring a person quiet, excited mood, etc. Good music can help people body and mind development, wonderful melody makes people not forget for a ...

谯城区18423435059: 你喜欢音乐吗?请用英语写篇短文,谈谈你喜欢的音乐及音乐人,并说明理由. -
牛妮天新:[答案] My favorite music is pop music.And my favorite singer are WestLife.I like them.Because their music can make me relxed.So I like them.This is my reason.

谯城区18423435059: 求作文:Music要求谈论你对各类音乐的看法和你的喜好 是英语作文啊... -
牛妮天新:[答案] Nowadays,mang people enjoy themselves with the music. The middle-aged like classical music ,such as symphony ,opera and so on . They go to cinema and theatres in order to appreciate the beauty of musi...

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