
作者&投稿:东方差 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

English is one of the most widely used languages in the world. In China special emphasis is attached to English learning. The ultimate objective of middle school English teaching is to enable the students to comprehensively use the English language. For many students problems encountered in listening and comprehension have natural become a major obstacle. This paper analysis the reason caused listening difficulties and straitegies to overcome such difficulties. It is aimed to help improve the students' listening level, so that they shall master the English language, and proactive study with full self-confidence.

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A: 女士,欢迎。你怎么了?A:Hi, Madam, what’s up?B: 噢,亲爱的医生。我感觉糟糕透了。B:Oh, my dear doctor, I feel terrible.A: 冷静点儿,女士,慢慢说。A: Calm down, Madam, no hurry.B: 我不敢动脖子了!我怕是颈骨出现问题了!B: I dare not move my neck, I afraid ...

A day night, very has already been late, pair of old husbands and wives enter a hotel, they want a room. The onstage waiter replied: "Sorry, our hotel already sold out, a vacant room has not been left over." Looks this to the old person exhausted facial expression, the...

约克 欢迎前来参观约克的古老城市。这儿拥有许多历史性的建筑物,如:圣彼得大教堂, 或是被约克人称为约克大教堂。圣彼得大教堂的彩色玻璃是十分美丽的。在约克,还有很多博物馆可以参观。建议在你离开之前,前去参观城堡博物馆与乔维克海盗中心。这, 是约克维京时代的一间迷人的博物馆。翻译二 New ...

1. This article makes me feel so much, informing me a lot.2. I personally think what he did is right and should be promoted.3. He has noble character and spirit.4. Should Human kinds have such character and spirit can them improve personal value so that understand life.5. ...

问题补充:不好意思,第四条我补充 从北京到桂林的旅游线路,你可以先去著名的漓江,坐在小舟上欣赏美丽的景色,然后可以去银子岩,那是中 国第4大岩洞。在桂林的羊朔线的洋人街将是你购物和吃饭的好去处。在那你将会体会到不一样的中国特色。On the route from Beijing to Guilin,you can go to...


Hello everyone!I am glad to stand here because this is the first time for me to talk with you. Though my English is very poor, I will try my best to speak some English .陈夏琪,Your English is very good!余燕丽,You are a good weiter,郭嘉欣,You are a beautiful and ...

I come from Datong,Datong is north a Shanxi's city. But because1 Datong has the massive coal resources world famous, it becomes " city of " coal sea. Not only Datong's coal sells to each place, moreover it sells to many countries.Datong has the glorious historical culture,O...

帮我翻译成英文,谢谢,我上高中的,,尽量帮我多用些高级词汇,语法要正 ...
AIDS is the English "AIDS" name of the Chinese, AIDS is acquired immunodeficiency syndrome initials. It is due to infection of human immunodeficiency virus (referred to as HIV) after a fatal infectious disease. HIV major damage to the body's immune system so that the body ...

帮我翻译成英语。不要翻译器的那种。高手们 谢谢了、
Today, we discuss about love, Everyone has something likes to do, and something do not like to do.In the relaxing time,what do you love to do, why? In the holidays, I like to stay at home, watch TV,surf, Internet,, read books,, listen to music. Because I do ...

临湘市18223166423: 请帮我翻译成英语:感谢几位大力帮助,让我能及时将澄清文件提交给客户,谢谢! -
相寿双虎: Thank you for your helping me submit the corrected documents to the clients in time!

临湘市18223166423: 请帮我用英文翻译!!!谢谢 -
相寿双虎: Hi,nice to meet you! I'm LXM,my hometown is Luoding,my favrite food is chicken wings.My dream is certainly not a small matter, but great and so far away.thank you!

临湘市18223166423: 请帮我翻译成英文,谢谢!! -
相寿双虎: 1.Sorry to reply so late, for I'm quite busy recently.My English is quite poor, so we'd better communicate in this way. 2.It's OK. We'll be friends by the luck.

临湘市18223166423: 请帮我翻译成英语 -
相寿双虎: I really want to know you, because we meet each other's requirements. I've always thought you would write or call me. Well, anyway, I thank you very much. Wish you have a pleasant stay here.

临湘市18223166423: 请帮我翻译成英语 谢谢 -
相寿双虎: 1st, do you want yours company standardization?2nd, you planned how many wages gives me?3rd, you will help on me a five dangerous gold?4th, China's company is needs to give on the staff a five dangerous gold.5th, if you cannot help on ...

临湘市18223166423: 帮我翻译成英语!谢谢各位英语高手!!! -
相寿双虎: Some people are not always forgetten willingly,some people are not always remenbered willingly.

临湘市18223166423: 请帮我翻译成英文,谢谢
相寿双虎: whatever happens is the best arrangement, and it will help me become mature.自己翻的,希望可以帮到你.

临湘市18223166423: 请帮我用英文翻译几句话,谢谢~ -
相寿双虎: 1. This is not a good habit. 2. But people live in real lives, not in the virtual world. 3. I think it is better for you to make friends in the reality, which can exercise your communication skills. 4. I think that you should make more chats with the friends in the ...

临湘市18223166423: 请帮帮我翻译成英文,谢谢!!
相寿双虎: round cheek,with smile on the face,it seems that she is happy everyday,short,dressed like a cute girl,so lovely

临湘市18223166423: 英语翻译我得到你们全力支持和帮助.非常感谢你们耐心,及时的帮我解决问题 -
相寿双虎:[答案] I was given your full support and assistance.Thank you very much for your patience and help me solve the problem opportune. :)

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