
作者&投稿:关曹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Jeff Green:我的妈妈告诉我一个好朋友就像是一个镜子。我比其他的孩子都要安静和严肃。这既是为什么我在班里喜欢看书和用工上课。我最好的朋友Yuan li也很安静,所以我们喜欢一起学习。我很害羞,所以我不是很会交朋友。但是我认为朋友就像书-你不需要很多只要他们是好的。Huang Lei:不一定是一样的。我最好的朋友larry跟我就有不同之处。他比我搞高也很外向。我们都喜欢体育,但是他比较会打网球,所以他总是赢。但是我一直有在进步。就像larry说的“我最好的朋友总是能把我最好的一面表现出来。然而,Larry比较不用工。所以我总是拿比较好的成绩。也许我应该多帮助他。Mary Smith:我不怎么在乎我的朋友是不是跟我一样。我最喜欢的一句话是:”一个真正的朋友会伸手帮你会触碰你的心。“我最好的朋友Carol很友善也很有趣。其实,她比我见过的人都有趣。去年我弄断了我的手,但是她让我笑,我便感觉好了许多。我们互相倾诉任何事情。我知道她关心我,因为她总是会在那里听我说。建议学习在线外教一对一课程,每一节课不超过20元。免费试听课:【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】点击即可领取外教一对一免费试听课大礼包!阿卡索是真人固定欧美外教一对一授课的,外教100%持有TESOL等国际英语教师资格证书,拥有较高的性价比,每节课不超过20元。希望可以帮到你啦!想要找到合适英语培训机构,百度搜下“阿卡索vivi老师”即可。百度搜下“阿卡索官网论坛”免费获取全网最齐全英语资源。

She said helping others changed her life.

填空答案:a. world b. brothers c. changed
d. agreed e. mountains f. different

Teaching high school students in a poor mountain village in Gansu Province may not sound like fun to you.However ,it -------- the life of YangLei from Beijing .The Peking University graduate first went there as a volunteer on a one-year program. The program was started by the Ministry of Education and the Chinese Young Pioneers. Every year they send 100 volunteers to teach in China’s rural areas.

Life in the ------ was a new experience for YangLei .Her village was 2,000 meters above sea level, and at first the thin air made her feel sick .The food was very simple-- teachers ate porridge three times a day .Fortunately, Yang lei’s mother ------ with her daughter’s decision. She said that both she and her husband thought this was a good idea .Young people today need to experience ------ things,’’ she said .

Most of the pupils live in school dormitories. They work very hard .They get up at 5 am and read books until 11 pm. They love having the volunteer teachers there.“There is no difference between you and them ,”says YangLei .“They say that we are like big ------ or sisters to them, and they feel lucky .”

Some of the students may not be able to go to senior high school or college . Families are poor and there often isn’t money for education .“I can’t do anything about that,” says Yang Lei,“but I can open up my students’ eyes to the outside ------ and give them a good star in life”. She said she likes being a good influence in the children’s lives .
Yang Lei enjoyed her time as a volunteer very much. When her year was over ,she said that she would return to the area after finishing her studies .She now works as a math teacher at a high school in the city of PingLiang ,Gansu Province.









当你有困难的时候,应该向父母或者朋友寻求帮助。(ask···for help)
You should ask your parents and friends for help when you meet difficulties.

I bought a birthday gift with my pocket money for mom.

父母支付我们用的每一样东西(pay for)
My parents pays for every thing I use.

南希需要找个家教教她学习英语。(get a tutor)
Nancy needs to get a tutor for her English.

I don't like to eat mutton. My sister doesn't like it, either.

我需要钱交学费,所以我朋友借了一些给我。(school fees)
I need money for my school fees, so my friend lent me some.

我认为你应该找份兼职。(part-time job)
I think you should find a part-time job.

Lynn 不喜欢向别人求助因为他不善于沟通。(ask··for help)
Lynn doesn't like to ask others for help because he is not good at communication.

妈妈说我不用买礼物给她(need to)
Mom said that I don't need to buy presents for her.

Dad and mom don't want to go abroad for vacation, me either.

when you are in trouble, ask your parents or friends for help.
I bought a birthday preasent with the money earned from part-time for mom.
Our parents pay everything we use.
Nanncy wants to get a tutor with her English learning.
I don't like mutton, my sister doesn't like it eather.
I need money for school fees, and one of my friends lend me some.
I think you need to find a part-time job.
Lynn hates to ask others for help, because she is not so skillful in communication.
Mom said that there is no need to buy her any preasent.
Dad and mom both don't want to live abroad, and I hate it eather.

科学的突飞猛进发展让人无法相信!我知道那里有一种特殊的计算,这个计算机象棋下的比人还要好,我很好奇未来计算机究竟还能会做多少事情。I recently went to a very special museum in India, the international toilet Museum. When I see so many different kinds of toilets, I can't believe it....

crossbar 英[ˈkrɒsbɑː(r)] 美[ˈkrɔːsbɑːr]n. (足球球门的) 横梁; (自行车的) 横梁;[例句]In Chapter two, we discuss crossbar based high-speed switching systems.第二章讨论了基于交叉开关的高速交换系统。2、下横杆“_“underscor...

具体如下:Sister: Tony, could you do something for me?姐姐:托尼,请你帮忙做些事情好吗?Brother: can I at least watch this program?弟弟:我可以至少看完这个节目吗?Sister: No. I think two hours of TV is enough for you!姐姐:不。我认为(看)两小时的电视对你来说足够了!Brothe...

英语翻译帮忙翻译下:I have been learning English for five years.No...
现在我想说说近几年来我学英语的经验之谈。首先,我们应该认真地上英语课,这样便能尽可能多地学到英语。再而,我认为学生应该拥有英语作业。因为学英语需要勤练习。所以第二点就是每天都要听英语。补充下,这篇英语写的不好……有很多语法和表达错误。...,0,英语翻译 帮忙翻译下:I have been ...

,I will always remember this trip as well as your kindness. I will be in regular contact with you and write mail to you.hope you verythings goes well !your sincerely XXXX(LZ name)2013.11.15 这是我自己写的,没有借助任何翻译。这样不会让人看起来很生硬的。希望对你有帮助。

Mom and Dad, I want to say to you, thank you, you brought me into this world. You give me encouragement when I fail, when I encounter difficulties, you will give me the patience to explain. You teach me how to be a good person. You do your best to give me the best ...

初一下英语作文带翻译,题目为《My family rules》

you top up your elder brother's mobile?8 你打算给手机充多少话费? \/ 你要我给你手机充多少话费?How much would you like to top up for your mobile? \/ How much would you like me to top up for your mobile?以上的翻译是最正确的,希望会对你有帮助,并望会满意采纳,谢谢。

你好你的台灯来了可以来取一下 英语翻译:Hello,here your desk lamp is coming, you can come and take it .


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