
作者&投稿:枞养 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

talk with
a crime picture
on TV
The same way

你想要哪种面条?- 牛肉面谢谢
哪种规格呢?- 大碗的谢谢
你想要大碗的?- 是的谢谢
西红柿鸡蛋汤里有肉吗?- 没有,一点都没有/没有,里面没有肉

1 停车场的车辆越来越多了 / 越来越少了
There are more and more cars in the car park / less and less

2 我发现广场上的车 变多了 / 变少了
I find that there are more cars in the (town / city) square.

3 我的胳膊没有他的胳膊粗 / 他的胳膊比我的胳膊粗
My arms are not as big as his / His arms are bigger than mine

4 我的手腕比他的手腕细
My wrists are smaller than his.

5 他的小腿比我细一些 / 比我粗一些
His legs are slightly smaller than mine / slightly bigger than mine.

6 你的小腿是 怎么受伤的? / 怎么骨折的?
How did you hurt your leg(s)? / How did you break your leg(s)?

问题补充: 7 我给妈妈的手机里充了50元话费 / 你给哥哥的手机里面充了多少钱?
I gave my mother's mobile a 50 yuan top up. / How much did you top up your elder brother's mobile?

8 你打算给手机充多少话费? / 你要我给你手机充多少话费?
How much would you like to top up for your mobile? / How much would you like me to top up for your mobile?


1 parking the vehicle more and more / less
I found the car on the square becomes more / less
my arm on his arm crude / his arms thicker than my arm
(Oh Both wrote)
4 My wrist
his legs than his wrist fine 5 fine than I / coarse than me some of
your injured calf? / How Fractures?
English translation. Thank question added: 7 I charge a phone to the mother of the 50 calls / charge and how much money you give her brother's cell phone inside?
8 are you going to charge for the number of calls to the mobile phone? / Do you want me to give you the phone to charge and how many calls?

1.Parking vehicles more and more / less and less
2.I found the square car became more / less
3.My arm is not his arm coarse / his arm than my arm coarse
4.My wrist than his wrist.
5.His leg than I fine / coarse than me
6.How did you hurt your leg? / how fracture?
7.How much money for my mother in the mobile phone charge 50 yuan calls / you give a brother of mobile phone which charge?
8.Are you going to give mobile phone charging and how much money? You want me to give you a mobile phone charging and how much money?

1 停车场的车辆越来越多了 / 越来越少了
There are more and more cars in the parking lot./ There are less and less cars in the parking lot.
2 我发现广场上的车 变多了 / 变少了
I found the number of cars had increased in the square./ I found the cars in the square had decreased.

3 我的胳膊没有他的胳膊粗 / 他的胳膊比我的胳膊粗
( 呵呵,两者都写下)
My arm is not as big as his./ His arm is bigger than mine.

4 我的手腕比他的手腕细
My wrist is smaller than his.

5 他的小腿比我细一些 / 比我粗一些
His calf is smaller than mine. His calf is bigger than mine.

6 你的小腿是 怎么受伤的? / 怎么骨折的?
How did your leg get injured? how did your leg get fractured?

英语翻译。谢谢问题补充: 7 我给妈妈的手机里充了50元话费 / 你给哥哥的手机里面充了多少钱?
I refilled 50RMB for my mother's mobile phone. How much did you refill for your brother's mobile phone?

8 你打算给手机充多少话费? / 你要我给你手机充多少话费?
How much do you plan to refill for your mobile phone? How much would you like me to refill for your mobile phone?


你认为你的英语能力跟你的学习计划搭配吗?21. What difficulties do you think you'll encounter in your studies?你认为你会在你的学习中遇到什么困难?22. Why did you choose our university?你为什么选择我们学校?23. If there were an opportunity of studying abroad, what would you do?如果你...

问题:As a young artist, Walt Disney often worked late in his workroom. One night he heard some mice in his wastebasket. He caught them and kept them in small cages on his desk. One of these little creatures became his particular friend and gave him the idea for the famous ...

Time and time again it seems like everything is wrong in here 一次又一次,这里的一切似乎都是错误的。To never fall in love again !永远不再坠入爱河!你加的那句:还有明天,忘却忧愁,再没有时间去关心。怎么没人译出give to take,这个词汇的意思就是“想获得就要先付出”。

1 We are trying our best to help those poor mothers.2 The community will pay the charge of Bill's going to the university.3 That middle school has already built a laboratory for students.4 Our university offers unemployed workers free training course.5 We can't afford a car ...

Sunday.星期天我要去拜访我英语老师的新家。I often spend my holidays traveling.我常在假期去旅行 I spent thirteen yuan in buying a notebook.我花了13块钱买了本笔记薄。The library needs cleaning,but it'll have to wait until Sunday..图书馆需要清理,不过我们要等到星期天才能打扫。

7点起床 吃早餐 get up at seven, have\/eat breakfast 8点去公园晨练 go to the park for morning exercises at eight 9点回家写作业 go back home to do homework at nine 11点半吃中午饭 have\/eat lunch at eleven thirty 1点睡午觉 have\/take a nap at one 3点练习吹萨克斯 practice the...

在流行中的 2、用法 9世纪前进入英语,直接源自古英语的onbutan,译为在……之外。在指“不久就要……”时,后通常接不定式,如about to start。也有接动名词,如about starting。但是不可再加表示时间的词,如不可说about starting at once。It is about six o'clock now.现在是六点钟左右。

英语翻译帮忙翻译下:I have been learning English for five years.No...

1假设人类所有的知识,就是一个圆。1 hypothesis of all human knowledge, is a circle.圆的内部代表已知,圆的外部代表未知 Round internal representative known, round external representative unknown 2读完小学,你有了一些最基本的知识 2 finished primary school, you have some of the most basic...

大同区18588799863: 翻译下英语,谢谢! -
步树金花: what do you do after you leave school?I'm a graduate student.

大同区18588799863: 翻译一下英语句子
步树金花: I am 160cm. I am taller than you. The tail is longer My hand is bigger than yours. I think this monkey is only 40 centimeters tall. How long have your bed? JOHN 8 centimeters tall than even.

大同区18588799863: 帮我翻译下,,英语 -
步树金花: I give you a suggestion, you don't be so serious, after class may be appropriately relax. Class also talked less swearing language, ok?如满意~请采纳~谢谢

大同区18588799863: 翻译一下英语
步树金花: 我有一个很大的家.一个卫生间;一间厨房;有3个起居室;一个我和爸爸住,一个婆婆住,还有一个爷爷住;我家还有一个大客厅,但是很空,需要一些装饰. I have a great home. A room; a kitchen; have three living room; a father to me and to live, a mother-in-law to live, have lived a Grandfather; my family have a large living room, but it is empty, needs some decoration.

大同区18588799863: 翻译一下英语啊!
步树金花: 1.你怎么了?how are you? 2.你应该多喝水,并且躺下休息.you should drink more water and take rest. 3.如果你累了,你最好早点上床休息.if you are tire, you should go to bed early. 4.如果他感到紧张,他应该听听音乐,今晚不要学习太晚.if ...

大同区18588799863: 翻译一下英语
步树金花: At 意思为在;frit应该是frist吧意思是第一次;why意思是为什么;people意思是人们;in在什么里面 The特指某一件物品或人;room意思是房间dont;应该是don't吧意思是不要;ask意思是问,叫; Mr Smith意思是史密斯先生;to意思是去;sit down意思是坐下 首先,为什么房间里的人不叫史密斯先生坐下.

大同区18588799863: 翻译一下英语,八年级的~
步树金花: 1, Tom each Saturday to go skatingTom每个星期六都去滑冰 2, you often go to play 你多常常去打球

大同区18588799863: 帮我 翻译 下英语 20分哦 -
步树金花: 1.have a bake sale 有一个烧烤叫卖(卖烧烤的)2.call teen talk 打电话给青少年3.get a tutor (原tytor 应是拼错了)找一位家庭教师 4.the some as正如同....;和....一样

大同区18588799863: 帮我翻译下英语?
步树金花: 1.Gone with sadness,left with grief. 2.We are still young with our own youth. 3.Our memory shall be cherished forever.

大同区18588799863: 翻译下英语...
步树金花: 我因你的存在而存在,我因你的快乐而存在

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