
作者&投稿:泰哲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My living room is big and beautiful. There is a desk in my living room. It is near the window. On the desk, there are three cups and a book. There is a computer on it, too. In front of the desk, there is a chair. There is a big TV in my living room. On the TV, you can see a photo.


My living room is big and beautiful. There is a desk in my living room. It is near the window. On the desk, there are three cups and a book. There is a computer on it, too. In front of the desk, there is a chair. There is a big TV in my living room. On the TV, you can see a photo.

Entering the door, raised his head to discover you have a chandelier hanging in the central hall. There are 15 like ostrich eggs, like light bulbs, there are dozens like bamboo tube, how interesting! The Office of正中央in the wall, four竹雕paintings were Mei Lan, chrysanthemum, and bamboo, carved a lifelike, it is a masterpiece of master paintings. Office西南角a rockery pond, stream throughout the year to the sound of crashing water. . . . . . A Xiangyanghua next to the clock, at home very quiet, and it is always a "嘀嗒,嘀嗒" the voice caught my attention. In Xiangyanghua next to a clock strings of fake野藤, there are a fake grass, maintaining green throughout the year, let us see it often green leaves. Do not think that all my family's green is a fake, and my family also planted a lot of indoor plants? There are orchids, money tree,仙人球, Hawaii, and so on. The Office of正中央, goods Text them three Pei Sha hair, middle衬着a marble table.

The living room can be big my house, when I have to play partners, I will partner together and playing badminton here, dancing, kick the shuttlecock games.

I love my home, but also love my home, the living room

My Livingroom
Shoves open the main house gate, first saw is a lobby, this livingroom is very big, but decorates very simply, three walls gather roundseveral pessimistic sofas。 In front of thesofa is the glass tea several, this is the ornaments which any livingroom all may see. Depends on the gate in front of the wall is a squaretable, above is a color television.

推开我家的门,是长长的走廊,走廊的尽头是我家的客厅,客厅里有三张咖啡色的皮沙发,一张玻璃茶几,皮沙发前面是一个漂亮的影视背,影视背前面是一台彩电。 客厅前面是餐厅,餐厅有两棵罗马柱,罗马柱上刻着精美的图案,罗马柱前面是一张长方形的大理石桌,桌子四周围着六张刻满花纹的椅子。餐厅顶上面的天花板上吊着一盏...

客厅的西面是一张桌子。我们吃中餐、晚餐的时候,就在这吃饭,桌子的左面的墙上挂着一幅画,上面画了很多竹子,数也数不清。客厅的北面是电视桌。以前电视桌上放着厚厚的大电视机,可是现在是挂在墙上的液晶电视机,很省位子。这就是我家的客厅。我家的沙发作文 我们家新买了一个沙发,是我和妈妈在...

我家的大门可是别具一格,门的两边有一副醒目的对联,上联写着“和顺一门有百福”,下联是“平安二字值千金”,横批是“万象更新”。这看上极普通的对联,是我和爸爸一起写的,每次回家看到,都觉得格外舒畅。 一进到我家的大门,就是我家的客厅了。在客厅里最显眼的就是一块长1.2米宽0.4米的匾牌,是用桃木雕琢而成...

我家的客厅里有一个沙发,沙发的颜色是土黄色的。沙发的前面是茶几,茶几的下面放着我的玩具。我家有一个大大的电视,我最喜欢看电视上的动画片了。我家还有一张大桌子,上面放了好多好吃的东西。还有电话,电话的旁边放着爸爸、妈妈和我的照片。My house has a living room sofa, the sofa is the...

我的家作文400字 我们一家人
我家住在水岸星城小区,现在我带你参观我幸福的家吧! 我家在小区的3号楼第三个单元。走到我家的门前,你会发现我家的门与众不同,门上安了门铃,只要按一下按钮,就会听到一首美妙的音乐,这时,我就知道有客人来了。 一进门向右拐,就来到了我家的客厅。我和爸爸妈妈经常在客厅里一起聊天,聚会的时候,客人看到最...


方位作文 小练笔 描写我家的书房或者客厅
我的卧室 我的卧室布置的非常简朴、干净、整洁、漂亮。我非常喜欢我的卧室。你要想知道我的卧室是什么样的话?那你就快来买DH1401号列车的车票吧!刚进卧室,首先看到的是一排衣柜,它紧靠西墙。它给我们带来了许多的方便,全家人的衣物都按春夏秋冬从左往右的次序,井井有条地放着。接着是一张...

Entering the door, raised his head to discover you have a chandelier hanging in the central hall. There are 15 like ostrich eggs, like light bulbs, there are dozens like bamboo tube, how interesting! The Office of正中央in the wall, four竹雕paintings were Mei Lan, chrysanthemum, ...

发生在你我家里的变化 很多东西,在改变的时候,我们并没有太多感觉,或者说,惊叹一阵、新鲜一阵,就变成了习惯。当改变已经形成,它便贯穿在我们生活的点点滴滴中了。改革开放三十年,“变化”贯穿始终,仅以每个家庭为例,就是一个持续不断的“变化史”。现在,家里的客厅越来越大了。邀请朋友到家...

找一编 500字左右 我的家. 说明文. 说明手法要三种以上.

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阮柏小儿:[答案] My living room is big and beautiful.There is a desk in my living room.It is near the window.On the desk,there are three cups and a book.There is a computer on it,too.In front of the desk,there is a chair.There is a big TV in my living room.On the TV,you can ...

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阮柏小儿:[答案] My living room is one of my favorite places in the house.It is bright and spacious,with sofas and tables.We have had many guests,who enjoyed sitting in our living room.I also like being there to read a book or watch TV or talk to my family.I love my living ...

杭锦旗19244606477: 给我一篇英语作文名字叫“我家的客厅” -
阮柏小儿:[答案] The small living room in my home is clean and beautiful. there is a positive landscapes of Guilin on the wall, so that I can enjoy the beautiful rivers and mountains of the motherland. Below the lands...

杭锦旗19244606477: 以我家的客厅为题(英语)写一个小作文5句话 -
阮柏小儿:[答案] The Living Room of My HouseThere is a comfortable living room in my home.It is about twenty square meters,not very large.It is very clean and beautiful,my mother cleaned it every day.There is a landsc...

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阮柏小儿:[答案] Our Living RoomMy family lives in a big house.It is beautifu.The living room in our house is beautiful,too.There is a twenty-five inch TV set on the wall.Opposite the TV,there is a section of sofa .Th...

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阮柏小儿: When you come into our living room, you will see a shoe shelf. There is a sofa opposit it. Beside the sofa, there is a tea table.There are some cups, a teaport, and a vase with lots of beautiful flowers on the table. On the right corner, there is a green ...

杭锦旗19244606477: 英语文章;我家的客厅 -
阮柏小儿: Entering the door, raised his head to discover you have a chandelier hanging in the central hall. There are 15 like ostrich eggs, like light bulbs, there are dozens like bamboo tube, how interesting! The Office of正中央in the wall, four竹雕paintings ...

杭锦旗19244606477: 用英文翻译我家的客厅写一篇作文(八句话整) -
阮柏小儿: Ensure that your house is free of insects.Like many animals,lizards go where there is food and they love to eat insects.Use an adhesive flypaper to catch flies and other insects in the home.Also,make use of bug spray and citronella candles to limit ...

杭锦旗19244606477: 有没有好的英语作文我的客厅要50词 -
阮柏小儿: My living room is one of my favorite places in the house. It is bright and spacious, with sofas and tables. We have had many guests, who enjoyed sitting in our living room. I also like being there to read a book or watch TV or talk to my family. I love my living room!

杭锦旗19244606477: 我家的客厅作文英语50个单词一般进行时 -
阮柏小儿: My Living Room The small living room in my home is clean and beautiful. there is a positive landscapes of Guilin on the wall, so that I can enjoy the beautiful rivers and mountains of the motherland. Below the landscape painting are pale of yellow ...

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