
作者&投稿:苍咳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


I don't know who are you...and who do you work for

Oh God...it's...this is so impossible...unbelievable!



She is my beloved...in my whole life.
She is the one I love...forever.

go go go...

1.Can we have a little time ?
2.I'm her boyfriend .
3.Glad to meet you. Welcome you to Dalian.
4.Sorry for my poor English.
5 I'm now gonna ['gɔnə] take you to some awesome ['ɔ:səm] places in Dalian.
6.Here's the Exposition [ekspə'zi∫ən] Centre ['sentə].
7.Here's Xinghai Park.
8.Let's be there and have a look.

9.affectionate [ə'fek∫ənit]
10.What about your feelings ?

可以给我们点时间吗? can i take you few seconds?
我是她的男朋友。 i'm her boyfriend.
很高兴见到你 欢迎你来大连。 nice to meet you, welcome to Dalian
我的英语不好请见谅。 sorry for my poor English
我现在要带你去大连很有名的地方。i'm bringing you to a well-known place in Dalian
这里是会展中心。 this is the exposition center.
这里是我们去那看看。Let's go over there and have a look.
星海公园 this is the XingHai park

Could you give us some time (to finsih a project 比如:以完成一个项目)?

如果你是要占用人家的时间的话,当然你也可以说: May we take you a few minutes?

我是她的男朋友。 I am her boyfriend.
很高兴见到你 欢迎你来大连。( I am pleased to meet you / Nice to meet you,and welcome to Dalian.
我的英语不好请见谅。Please excuse my poor English
我现在要带你去大连很有名的地方。Now I'll take you to a very famous (/well-known) place in Dalian.
这里是会展中心。This is the Exposition Center. (centre 是英国拼法)
这里是星海公园。This is Xinghai Park.
我们去那看看。 Let's go over there and have a look.

可以给我们点时间吗?Can we have a few seconds?
我是她的男朋友。 I'm her man.
很高兴见到你 欢迎你来大连。 Happy to see you. welcome to Dalian.
我的英语不好请见谅。 Sorry for my poor English.
我现在要带你去大连很有名的地方。 Now I'm gonna take you to somewhere awesome in Dalian.
这里是会展中心。 This is the Exposition Center
这里是星海公园。 Here's Xinghai park.
我们去那看看。Let's be there and take a look.

Can we have sometime (together)?
I am her boyfriend.
很高兴见到你 欢迎你来大连。
Glad to see you and welcome to Dalian.
Sorry for my unsatisfactory English.(这里用unstatisfactory更加好,老外不喜欢听到poor这个词语,不然觉得你对自己没有自信的)
I would like to take you to the most famous place in Dalian.
This is the exposition center.
Here is Xinghai Park
Let's go there and have/take a look.

·All things are difficult before they are easy.·凡事必先难后易。·Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.·心之所愿,无事不成。·Where there is life, there is hope.·有生命必有希望。·I feel strongly that I can make it.·我坚信我一定能成功。·Better to light one candl...

beautiful美丽的 basic基础的 classroom教室 teacher老师 duck鸭子 primary小学 students学生 tree数木,花草 sing唱歌 dance跳舞 together一起 what’s your name?你叫什么名字?hello,everyone,nice to meet you!大家好,很高兴见到你们!what are you going?最近怎么样?i will try my best to be...

1、In view of such serious situation, environmental tools of transportation like ___ are more important than any time before.考虑到这些严重的状况,我们比以往任何时候更需要像___这样的环保型交通工具。2、From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that advanta...

请教几个英文句子 需要用到的
8. The price of this one is 130 yuan. 这件130元。9。 My english is poor. could you ues some simple sentence to comunicate with me? would you speak slowly? 我的英语不好,你能用些简单句子和我交流么?你能说慢点么?10. oh, you are pretty hansome when you wear it.you...

喔 顺便一提,目前我在学的ABC天卞口语的导师和我们说过,就是要学好英语应该是不费力地~必然要有一个适合的研习情境以及熟练口语对象 这取决于外教资质 最好欧美母语,口语纯正才可以 保持天天练习口语,1对1针对性教学才能够有更.好.的学习成果;课程结束后记得回放复习课堂录音档 好巩固知识点。然后要是真的无...

越短越好的英语句子: 1. This is a ship.(这是一艘船。)2. He is an old worker.(他是一个老工人。)3. I have a brother and a sister.(我有一个兄弟和一个姐妹。)4. There is a map on the wall.(墙上有一幅地图。)5. This is a yellow pencil.(这是一支黄铅笔。)6. Tom is an Ameri...

2023-04-14 · TA获得超过299个赞 关注 以下是一些高情商、委婉且有个性的英语句子,用于拒绝别人的表白: "I'm truly flattered by your feelings, but I think it's best for us to remain friends."(我真的很受宠若惊,但我认为我们最好还是保持朋友关系。) "I appreciate your courage to express you...

鼎鼎教育培训 2023-12-05 · TA获得超过150个赞 关注 展开全部 1、You cannot change what you refuse toconfront。你不去面对又怎么能去改变呢。2、Life isn't about waiting for the storm topass, it's about learning to dance in the rain。生活不是等待暴风雨过去,而是要学会在雨中跳舞。3、No ...

1.He earned lots of money as a successful businessm.他是个成功的商人,赚了很多钱。2.Please phone me on Monday.请周一给我打电话。3.I find that she didn't tell the truth.我发现她没有说实话。4.I am looking for my dog.我正在找我的狗。5.Please contact me at No.10,the ...

1. All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的未必是金子.2. Everyone cannot make music. 不是每个人都(不)会写音乐.3. It hardly matters. 几乎没有关系.4. It did not rain all the month. 不是整个月都下雨的.5. It's not unlikely that he'll mess things up. 他把事情搅乱不是没...

化德县19899059229: 请教几个英文句子1.什么也别说了,我不值得你相信 2.还有什么可说的,我对别人的好意,被别人当成一片灰 3.怪我,我以后也不会再这么傻了 帮我写下,谢... -
楚疯参蛇:[答案] 1.Stow the talk!I'm not worth your trust. 2.What is there more to say my kindness to others is regarded as a malice. 3.My bad ,I will not be a fool anymore. My bad 用于表示承担犯错误的责任,用于非正式场合

化德县19899059229: 请教几个英文句子 -
楚疯参蛇: 1.Stow the talk!I'm not worth your trust.2.What is there more to say ? my kindness to others is regarded as a malice.3.My bad ,I will not be a fool anymore.My bad 用于表示承担犯错误的责任,用于非正式场合

化德县19899059229: 请教我几句英语日常短句
楚疯参蛇: 1 Wait for me . 等等我. 2 What did you say? 你说什么? 3 What do you think? 你认为怎样? 4 What is he(she) talking about? 他(她)在说些什么? 5 What terrible ...

化德县19899059229: 请教几个英语句子 -
楚疯参蛇: 1.He has been famous.2.He is famous.3.He has been famous for two years.4.He was famous last year.5.He was famous two years ago.

化德县19899059229: 请教几句英语句子~ -
楚疯参蛇: 1. My ideal is to grow up to be a doctor, treatment of many people.2. Because I hope to get better development, to receive better education.我自己翻译的哦,呵呵 还不错吧? 采纳我吧 呵呵 耶!

化德县19899059229: 请教几个英语句子请在句子后面打对、错:1、Do you reading English now?你在读英语吗?( )2、Do you not rest at noon?中午不休息吗?( )3、Are ... -
楚疯参蛇:[答案] 1.错,应该是ARE YOU READING ENGLISH NOW是时态形式错误. 2.错,应该是DON'T YOU REST AT NOON,是否定词的位置错误. 3.对的.

化德县19899059229: 请教几个英语句子的问题,英语好的同学帮忙啊 -
楚疯参蛇: 1. Once to be a typist in spare time, and a cicerone in Summer vacation time;2. Please consult my school about me, and I will be grateful for your interview and test.

化德县19899059229: 请教一个英语句子 -
楚疯参蛇: got这里是get的过去式,别忘了get是半系动词哦,后面当然可以加形容词作表语的.lost在本句中是以动词过去分词角色出现的,在非谓语动词中我们学过,动词的过去分词可以作形容词或者副词使用哦!所以这里面用got 或者was表达都可以.不知您明白了吗?

化德县19899059229: 请教几个英语句子的问题,英语专业的同学帮忙啊 1. Most students has been interesting in English since Tom comes , especially in speaking abilities.有没有... -
楚疯参蛇:[答案] 1. 改正:(Most大多数/Many许多/More更多) students (have) been (interested) in English since Tom (came), especially in speaking abilities.第一空:因为楼主句意不明确,不太好确定用哪一个;第二空:主语stude...

化德县19899059229: 请教几个英语短语和句子的解释1、a stary cat2、to my distress3、as a scratching post4、I'll have him trained in no time.5、Tom is short ( ) Thomas.A、in ... -
楚疯参蛇:[答案] 1.一只花猫 2.让我难过的是 3.作为一个草稿邮件 4.我将立刻训练他 5.B 几秒钟(is short of是”达不到”的意思) 6.几秒钟 7.棘手的问题 8.他们都是大人物 9.我们都是小人物 10.老师认为这是小事是因为他觉得它是一个小人物 您说教几个英语是指的...

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