
作者&投稿:察伦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

首先,我们来看看什么是反意疑问句。反意问句,是说话人对自己讲述的事实不是十分有把握,提出了肯定与否定或者否定与肯定的两种看法,让对方加以判断。 反意问句的构成可分为两部分,前一部分是个肯定句,后面反意问句就是否定的;如果前一部分是否定句,后面反意问句就是肯定句。所以从表面上看,反意问句应该比较简单。例如: He likes playing football, doesn’t he?Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.Yes, she did. / No, she didn’t.不, 她参加了。/ 是的, 她没参加。 按语法规则来说,后半部分的反意问句非常短,就两个词:助动词 代词,如:...., may I? / did she? / don't they?/ should he? 等等。但是,在什么情况下使用什么样的助动词,在什么情况下使用什么样的代词,就比较复杂了。这篇文章里的21个注意事项,就是谈这个问题的。下面来看看这21条到底是什么。 一、判断前面句子是肯定句还是否定句 1. 前面肯定句中用了 no, nothing, nobody, never, few, seldom, hardly, rarely,[指物的不定代词,通常都可以用it 来代替。但指人的somebody, anybody 一般用复数的they. 请看下面第14的例句。] 14. 前面肯定句中主语是指人的不定代词everybody, anyone, somebody, nobody, no one等, 反意问句部分常用复数they, 有时也用单数he. Everyone knows the answer, don't they? (does he?)[因为祈使句的默认主语是you, 而且祈使句是种婉转的说法,will you 也是婉转说法。] 注意: Let's 开头的祈使句, 有两种情况: (1) 包括自己在内的,反意问句用shall we或用shan't we. Let's go and listen to the music, shall we /shan't we? (2) 如果只是征求别人的意见,仍然用will you / won't you. Let us wait for you in the reading-room, will you / won't you? 再例如: Let's go to see the film,shall we ?Yes, let's. [包括自己在内] 注意:此句是错误的: Please let us remove the bookshelf for you.让我俩给你移动一下书架。[错误。Let us 已包括我和所有人在内] 17. 前面肯定句中用了there be 结构的, 反意问句部分仍然要用there。

1. All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的未必是金子.
2. Everyone cannot make music. 不是每个人都(不)会写音乐.
3. It hardly matters. 几乎没有关系.
4. It did not rain all the month. 不是整个月都下雨的.
5. It's not unlikely that he'll mess things up. 他把事情搅乱不是没有可能.
6. Neither of the twins likes traveling. 这对双胞胎都不喜欢游泳.
7. Never have I seen such a mess. 我从未见过这么乱(的情况).
8. None have arrived. 一个人都没有到.
9. It's not impossible for her to get the work done in a week's time. 她一周之后完成工作不是不可能.
10. It's not unnecessary fro them to examine the evidence once more.他们把证据再查一遍不是没有必要.

1. All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的不一定都是金子。
2. Everyone cannot make music. 不是每个人都会成为音乐家。
3. It hardly matters. 没什么事。
4. It did not rain all the month. 一个月没下雨了。
5. It's not unlikely that he'll mess things up. 很可能是他把事情搅乱的。
6. Neither of the twins likes traveling.这两个双胞胎都不喜欢旅游。
7. Never have I seen such a mess.我从没遇过这么棘手的问题。
8. None have arrived.一个人都没到。
9. It's not impossible for her to get the work done in a week's time. 她不可能在一周内完成这个工作。
10. It's not unnecessary fro them to examine the evidence once more.有必要让他们再核实一下证据。



deny的基本意思是“否认知情”“否定”,即认为某事不真实、站不住脚、不值得考虑或与事实不符。引申可作“拒绝,谢绝”解。deny接反身代词作宾语时,意为“舍弃”。He denied that it was his fault.他拒不承认这是他的过错。五、refuse——refusal refuse 1、含义:v. 拒绝。n. 垃圾;废物 2...

objective、neutral、critical、negative、positive、against 、favor、opinion。一、objective 1、读音:英 [əb'dʒektɪv] 美 [əb'dʒektɪv]2、翻译:adj. 客观的;真实的;宾语的 n. 目标;目的;[物]物镜;[语]宾语 3、例句:From any objective perspectiv...


11.rarely 意为很少地;罕有地

(2) 具有否定意义的代词或副词,如:no, none, nobody, nothing, neither, never, nowhere 等,加上肯定式的谓语,能使句子表示全部否定。Neither of them is my friend. \/ Nobody is fond of the book.表示肯定 (1) no sooner… than, hardly\/ scarcely\/barely …. When 表示“一……...

一、显形否定 常用否定词 no,not,never,none,nobody,nothing,nowhere,neither,nor,neither...nor,but,without,unless,but for,but that,in the absence of,regardless of, instead of,exclusive of,short of,rather than,anything but,any more than,out of the question,would ...

具有否定意义的英语单词很多,如:never,seldom,hardly(ever),no,nothing,none.never 英 ['nevə]美 ['nɛvɚ]adv. 从未;决不 seldom 英 ['seldəm]美 ['sɛldəm]adv. 很少,不常 hardly 英 ['hɑːdlɪ]美 ['hɑrdli]adv. 几乎...

seldom few little never not no hardly ...

1. All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的未必是金子.2. Everyone cannot make music. 不是每个人都(不)会写音乐.3. It hardly matters. 几乎没有关系.4. It did not rain all the month. 不是整个月都下雨的.5. It's not unlikely that he'll mess things up. 他把事情搅乱不是没...

一、 all 的否定式:not all…(或:all…not)表示"并非都……"、"不是所有的都……"例如:Not all men can be masters. (= All men cannot be masters.) 并非人人都能当头头。Not all bamboo grows tall. 并非所有的竹子都会长得很高。二、 both 的否定式:not…both (或:both… not)...

南郊区18616372711: 几个关于否定词的英语句子给出下面几个句子的中文翻译,1.All that glitters is not gold.2.Everyone cannot make music.3.It hardly matters.4.It did not rain all the ... -
植沈金纳:[答案] 1.All that glitters is not gold.闪光的不一定都是金子.2.Everyone cannot make music.不是每个人都会成为音乐家.3.It hardly matters.没什么事.4.It did not rain all the month.一个月没下雨了.5.It's not unlike...

南郊区18616372711: 英语否定句,求十个句子 -
植沈金纳:[答案] 否定句分很多种,我就举些例子吧.1.cannot/couldn't或can /could +否定词(not,never,hardly,scarcely)too以及比较级等等.I can't wait to see him.我盼望着能早点见到他.I could not feel better.我感觉再...

南郊区18616372711: 否定词放句首的英语造句 -
植沈金纳: 否定词放句首的英语造内句Aren't you a student? 你不是个学生吗?容Haven't you got any gift? 你还没得到任何礼物吗?否定词放句首的英语造句Aren't you a student? 你不是个学生吗?Haven't you got any gift? 你还没得到任何礼物吗?

南郊区18616372711: 否定句要十个 -
植沈金纳:[答案] I don't like playing football.我不喜欢踢足球.She isn't from China.她不是来自中国.I don't think he is right.我不认为他是对的.I am not good at English.我不擅长英语.They didn't have money.他们没有钱.I di...

南郊区18616372711: 关于英语否定句
植沈金纳: 应该是否定句吧,它虽然要表达“我一直都是赢的”,但是“我从来没输过”在前面,句型随前面

南郊区18616372711: 中文是肯定的意思 翻译成英文是否定意思的句子 -
植沈金纳: 你的问题属于双重否定句!1.否定词 no/not等+表示否定意义的形容词.例如:He has no small reputation as a scientist.他是名气很大的科学家.No way is impossible to courage.勇士面前无险路.Is is not uncommon for students to have friendly ...

南郊区18616372711: 问一个简单的部分否定的英语句子 -
植沈金纳: 部分否定,不是所有的其他同学都喜欢他 含有全体意义的代词和副词如 all , every (及派生词).both ,always 等统称总括词,它们用于否定结构时不是表示全部被否定,而只表示其中的一部分被否定.汉译不能作 “一切….都不”而应译作 “一切...

南郊区18616372711: 英语不完全否定句 -
植沈金纳: 部分否定(不完全否定)的几种方法 一、all的否定形式: not all……(all ……not)并非都……(不是所有的都) not all men can be masters. = all men cannot be masters.并非人人都能当头头. not all bamboo grows tall.并非所有竹子都会长得很高 二...

南郊区18616372711: 说几个简单的一般现在时英语否定句 谢谢啦!
植沈金纳: I am not watching TV.He is not doing his homework.

南郊区18616372711: 求3个英语句子的否定句和疑问句!大虾帮帮忙啊,我作业的.. -
植沈金纳: 1.they watched tv ....2,i went shopping 3,he was ill ....was he inn last night? yes he was ,no he wasn't

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