
作者&投稿:文届 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

From that, wasn't angry with me, always know what I need, I know best, may also be the person that I love most

The village was called dream village, there are nearly 100 households, about 500 persons 。

The village, known as the Dream Village, has a population of 500, nearly 100 households.

The village is known as the Dream Village, nearly 100 people, about 500 people

The village was called the Dream Town with 100 families and 500 populations

the village was isolateed by the snow for more than one month

这个村子里的老人据说都活了超过90岁,所以这个村子被称为长寿村(around)我一个亲戚开的餐厅给客人提供了各种各样的食物(serve)提到活着的动物,鲸鱼是世界上最聪明的动物之一(speak of)携巨款逃跑的抢匪最终未能逃脱警察的追捕(enormous)这栋别墅有两个独立的卫生间,每一个宽大20米(separate,as……...

obsolescent荒废的、即将过时的、逐渐被废弃的;obsoleteness废弃。obsolete的例句:1、This village has been eliminated, and there is no one in the village.这个村子已经被淘汰了,村子里什么人都没有。2、This desolate village has been eliminated by the times, with weeds and soil everywhere....

他以前是卡姆(Kalm)村的村民,有一个女儿,费力西亚(Felicia),还有一个妻子。由于他的错误指挥,村子被夷为平地,他以为她们在那时就已经死了。In actuality, his daughter survived, and is eventually revealed to be the leader of the radical eco-terrorist group AVALANCHE, Elfe.实际上,...

但是到现在这个村子已经没有村民住了,全部迁移了出去. 英语翻译
But until now the village has no the villagers lived, all people moved out.

1. This river is \/ lies five miles ( to the ) east of the village.2. Five miles ( to the ) east of the village lies \/ is this river.3. This river is located five miles ( to the ) east of the village.

Made much progress in English The village was flooded almost His uncle has been to my mother when she was young 满意请采纳哦,谢谢,祝学习进步!

这个村子曾经是一个风景秀美的地方英语翻译是The village used to be a beautiful place。翻译是在准确(信)、通顺(达)、优美(雅)的基础上,把一种语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的行为。翻译是将一种相对陌生的表达方式,转换成相对熟悉的表达方式的过程。其内容有语言、文字、图形、符号和视频翻译...

who did you sold the house to?不知道这样翻译对不对,可以直接用百度翻译把中文输进去,自动翻译成英文


万载县18742381233: 翻译为英语:这村子被称为梦幻村,有近100户人家,约500口人. -
一王三黄: The village was called the Dream Town with 100 families and 500 populations

万载县18742381233: 我的梦想是在村子和学校之间有一座桥,如何翻译成英语 -
一王三黄: My dream is to have a bridge between the village and the school.我的梦想是在村子和学校之间有一座桥

万载县18742381233: 山脚下有一个风景秀丽的村庄用英文翻译怎么说 -
一王三黄: 山脚下有一个风景秀丽的村庄用英文翻译怎么说:On the bottom of the hill, there is a beautiful village with such a wonderful scenery. 或 On the bottom of the hill, there is a beautiful village with such a picturesque scenery.很希望会对你有帮助.

万载县18742381233: 我们的村庄里有许多房子.英文翻译? -
一王三黄: 你好,高兴帮助你.请采纳,谢谢!!我们的村庄里有许多房子.这句话用英文表达:There are a lot of houses in our village.a lot of 或lots of 或many 意思是:许多,很多,后面跟可数名词.house 房子.复数是houses village 村庄,村子

万载县18742381233: 这是我过去常住的村庄英文翻译定语从句 -
一王三黄: 这是我过去常住的村庄 This is the village where I used to live in.

万载县18742381233: 这个村子大约有5千人翻译 -
一王三黄: 你好,为你解答,正确答案为:There are about five thousand people in the village.不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

万载县18742381233: 你的村子里有些什么?翻译成英语 -
一王三黄: What's in your village?第一时间为你解答,敬请采纳,如果本题还有疑问请追问,Good luck!

万载县18742381233: 英语翻译简是一个聪明的学生,她来自一个偏远的山村,那里被人们称为当地最美的山村 -
一王三黄:[答案] Theoretically, an excellent teacher is not only one who teaches knowledge, but also a reliable friend to students.

万载县18742381233: 英语翻译这个村子里的老人据说都活了超过90岁,所以这个村子被称为长寿村(around)我一个亲戚开的餐厅给客人提供了各种各样的食物(serve)提到... -
一王三黄:[答案] 这个村子里的老人据说都活了超过90岁,所以这个村子被称为长寿村(around) 我一个亲戚开的餐厅给客人提供了各种各样的食物(serve) 提到活着的动物,鲸鱼是世界上最聪明的动物之一(speak of) 携巨款逃跑的抢匪最终未能...

万载县18742381233: 一个村里的用英语怎么说 -
一王三黄: 翻译成;in the same village.

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