
作者&投稿:毋诞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. The judge confers to the bicycle athlete selected for a sports meet who bundles up, and congratulates a bonus to him. (Judge , congratulation , cyclist)

2. That book title is: "Be buried in the seabed boat ". (Title ,
bury , the bottom) 3. The miners who are besieged on coal mine
lining two day have got a succour finally. (Mine , miner ,
rescue) 4. The reporter realizes that the girl is very dreadful ,
avoids and a problem as far as possible. (Reporter , frightened)

5. The conflagration has destroyed two shop being four
blocks away from here. (Destroy , block) 6. The
balloon explodes suddenly , we are heavily frightened.
(Burst , shock) 7. I have no way to express my
feeling now. (Express) 8. Starting from when he
refuses to talk, that disaster brings to his agony.
(Suffering , disaster) 9. The morning in every day
gets out of bed , he may browse the upper once
newspaper headline rapidly. (Wake up , headline)

1.I have never heard the thing such as this.
2.Scientists from allover the world are trying their best to improve people"s live.
3.Overseas Chinese are amazed at the great change in China.
4.I think it is not necessary to argue.


1. Mr. Smith to lives in the big city felt was sick of. (be/get boredwith)
2. That Russia children have not realized the danger. (beaware of)
3. I live very much his gas, because it let me wait for a longtime. (beangry with)
4. Sees off he to the train station to the friend. (see...Off)
5. Yesterday has had a fire. (break out)
6. He vainly hoped for some day becomes renowned 小提琴家(dream of)
7. Clothes put on the multi- spots to prevent you are frozen.(protect from)
8. He has carelessly caused this traffic accident. (lead to)
9. You will be able to come the station tomorrow to meet me?(pick up)
10. When will this building to complete? (complete)
11. One to the there, certainly must write a letter for me.(be sure)
12. You should better use the spare time review schoolwork.(make use of)
13. Here does not permit smoking. (permit)
14. My elder brother likes the soccer, but I like thebasketball. (while)
15. A his week has not gone to school. He can not butdiligently catch up with other schoolmates. (catch up with)
16. Today early morning I meet an old alumnus on the street.(come across)
17. So long as you diligently study, you can succeed. (as longas)
18. The thought may express through the language. (by meansof)
19. You must get up early, otherwise you cannot catch up withthe first bus. (or)
20. Tom other students is all higher than the class in.(taller than)

1. 希望我们学校的所有学生都能考上大学(be expected to).All students from our school are expected to be accepted by universities.2.如果你能充分利用时间,你的学习很快会好起来(make use to).If you can make use to your time effectively, your study will soon be good.3.正当我十分焦急...

英文翻译成中文的部分:关于那封你希望能与我们建立商业联系的信,我们已收到了,谢谢。中翻英:1.accoridng to your request, we are sending out a suit of fabric(也可直接用Colth)sample , hope these samples be delivered in time, and meet your requirement.2.according to your request...

同时还提供海量词库免费下载,专业词典、百科全书、例句搜索和网络释义一应俱全,是新一代的词典与文本翻译专家。Lingoes 支持互查互译的语种包括: 英、法、德、意、俄、汉、日、韩、西、葡、荷兰、瑞典、乌克兰、波兰、土耳其、泰、印尼、越南、波斯、希伯来、阿拉伯语 及更多。4、有道翻译 有道翻译...


1他不知所措,因为对他来说开山修路是件新鲜事。(He didn’t know what to do because building roads throughmountains is a new thing to him.)2.两性在语言上的差异,实际上在所有语言中都有。(There is a language difference be present ingenders, actually, there are differences in all ...

翻译 男子汉大丈夫,一言既出,驷马难追(中翻英) 急急急急急急急急急急...
A real man, a word spoken is past recalling

aesthetic value and technology to achieve the design and new technology means to promote the customer's brand influence and product value maximization, and with our customers to find potential business opportunities.日文:面倒をかける中国语英语以下まで訳します!これは1つの高度を视覚化...

window to her smile. He suddenly broke into her life, her initiation of the Harry Potter creative idea.24岁那年,罗琳在曼彻斯特前往伦敦的火车旅途中,一个瘦弱、戴着眼镜的黑发小巫师,一直在车窗外对着她微笑。他一下子闯进了她的生命,使她萌生了创作哈利·波特的念头。希望对你有帮助!

中翻英 几句话请求帮忙翻译
appreciated.Yours Sincerely XXX 不过是按照原文稍微翻译了一下,个人觉得原文还要做一下修改,态度要更加诚恳一点,多介绍一下自己,自己的想法和目的,最好是就自己写的作文来讲,会比较好一点。比方说作文是邮件的附件,所以在正文中还要加上(如附件)之类,反正原文一定得改。希望能帮到你!

1. Spring Festival is China's most important holiday. Almost before the festival each household to do a thorough clean-up. New Year's Eve people Weizhuo and enjoy sumptuous dinner, after gathering together to watch the programme. A splendid, many families will be fireworks, the ...

颍东区17061432526: 英语翻译有没有中翻英的? -
危雷迪利:[答案] 有啊.把汉字输入到左框,然后点击“汉英”就可以翻译了.

颍东区17061432526: 英语翻译中翻英:1.这里是我梦想的起点! -
危雷迪利:[答案] 1 This is where my dream starts. This is the beginning of my dream.

颍东区17061432526: 英语翻译中翻英:因我过年回家,不能上网,所以现在才看到你的邮件.英翻中:Please let us know when we can expect the payment. -
危雷迪利:[答案] i went home for the Spring Festival,during this period i can not surf on the net ,so i read your email just now. 请告知我们,什么时候可以安排付款.

颍东区17061432526: 英语翻译中翻英apply ...to ... -
危雷迪利:[答案] We should apply what we have learnt to good use. 注解 have learnt 该翻译需要用现在完成时

颍东区17061432526: 英语翻译(中翻英) -
危雷迪利: 1. I find draw watercolor or line drawing is easy. 2 .peaple suffer losses in the earthquake. 3. Take a deep breath is helpful to produce the pressure. 4 . Mr.Smith is a expect on losing weight.5 .many people prefer to live in town rather than live in the city.

颍东区17061432526: 中翻英 翻译 -
危雷迪利: 1. Last year, I light weight, only 32 kilograms, very low, only 130 centimeters, very thin, very slow jogging. 2. This year, I re-than Tom, Ann, stronger than Bob, Judy fat, 100 meters Pao Debi Nacy fast. 3. Which is China's longest river? Block, which ...

颍东区17061432526: 英语翻译中翻英:中国是世界上经济增长最快的国家之一. -
危雷迪利:[答案] China is one of the fastest developing countries in the world. 楼上的翻译纯粹是中式英文.

颍东区17061432526: 五个英语翻译 中翻英 -
危雷迪利: 1.We should boldly absorb and draw on human society, including the creation of capitalist society, all achievements of civilization, with new practices, new and creative for my own use.2.Some people have been beyond the capacity of the event, to ...

颍东区17061432526: 英语翻译中翻英:我喜欢跑步有两个原因.中翻英:跑步让我不容易生病. -
危雷迪利:[答案] There are 2 reasons why i love running Running makes me not easy to get sick

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